Thanks ladies!
Nichole--I almost always spot after PAP tests, usually within a day or 2. And those are regular PAPs. About 8 years ago I had an abnormal pap and had to go in for an in-office procedure where they scraped my cervix of cells for testing (and boy did that hurt!). I definitely spotted after that and had some cramping. Is it heavy spotting/bleeding or just dabs/streaks?
Lil--so glad your bloods came back good, excited for your appt on the 25th and the scan!!!
milo--you are not alone, Grace throws some dandy tantrums right now when she doesnt get her way. All I have to do is tell her "No" and she throws herself on the floor! She even does this thing on the back where she pushes herself around on the floor with her feet while she screams, lol. I am really hoping that once she starts talking more, these meltdowns will diminish!!
New--thinking of you and hope you are feeling better!!