Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Nicole hoping little one comes soon for you!

Afm had a midwife apt yesterday at 36 weeks only to find out that there is a chance this little guy is breech. Have an emergency ultrasound on Tuesday to double check. In the mean time thinking head down thoughts. I really don't want a c-section. Also yesterday had a chiropractor apt. Chiro thinks I'm ok and just engaged a little so it's hard to tell if he's breech or not. Hoping for the latter that he's just engaged and head down. Will find out for sure on Tues.
Nicole hoping little one comes soon for you!

Afm had a midwife apt yesterday at 36 weeks only to find out that there is a chance this little guy is breech. Have an emergency ultrasound on Tuesday to double check. In the mean time thinking head down thoughts. I really don't want a c-section. Also yesterday had a chiropractor apt. Chiro thinks I'm ok and just engaged a little so it's hard to tell if he's breech or not. Hoping for the latter that he's just engaged and head down. Will find out for sure on Tues.

Fingers crossed the head comes down for you! Do they always do c-sections if breech now? I was breech and backed out after my twin sister...but that was in the 80s...
Grey I think they would try to get bebe to turn first. Then most of the time they do suggest a c-section for breech.
Hi Ladies,

I had my term+10 appointment at the assessment unit at the hospital today.
Everything is fine, I was scanned and monitored. He's happy, I'm healthy.
Induction booked for Monday 10am if I don't go over the weekend.

Had a successful sweep, he's moved down lots and I'm 1-2cm dilated.
Sorry quick reply as we are off on hols - must catch up properly soon but I am getting very excited about our imminent arrivals!

IMP - google 'spinning babies' it's lots of tricks and ideas to help encourage baby to turn to head down - it might help! Xxx
Well this is it girls. My last evening at home before I become a mummy :cry:

Updating now in case I don't get chance tomorrow - although I hope I'll be able to pop in at some stage.

Thank you all for your support over the past years and months. I can't believe my ttc journey is finally coming to an end. I never thought I'd see the day. :cry:

I'll be back with pictures of our long awaited rainbow - but until then thank you all :flower:
Well this is it girls. My last evening at home before I become a mummy :cry:

Updating now in case I don't get chance tomorrow - although I hope I'll be able to pop in at some stage.

Thank you all for your support over the past years and months. I can't believe my ttc journey is finally coming to an end. I never thought I'd see the day. :cry:

I'll be back with pictures of our long awaited rainbow - but until then thank you all :flower:

I hope your night went well - today is the day! So so excited for you, feels like I've known you forever. I hope everything goes well today and you're soon back with your very own birth story and baby to share :D
Hey ladies, sorry I have been so MIA, this 2 under 2 stuff is HARD!!! Especially with working from home, DH traveling for work pretty much every week this month, and having to travel/having family in visiting on the weekends, there is just no time! I'm lucky I can squeeze in a shower some days, lol!! :haha:

But it is all worth it, I would not change things for the world, I am so loving my girls!!

New--I am so excited for you, on the edge of my seat for you today!!! Your rainbow baby is finally going to be here!!! :hugs::happydance:

Nichole--thinking of you, hope things are progressing well, so glad to hear bubs is growing well and all is good!! Love the bump pic by the way, you look great!!

Imp--Hayleigh was breech right up to the day of my Section, I went in thinking she was breech, and they did a last minute US and she had turned. It didn't change the fact I needed a section, but even with those, they need to know the positioning. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that your little man turns! You still have time! I think there is a procedure out there they can try too to turn him? Has your MW/Doctor talked to you about that being a possiblity? I hope you are able to avoid a Section too! :hugs:

Lil--I need to check in on you in your journal, I hope all is going well for you, Love the pictures of your kiddos on FB!!

Beth--I completely, 100% understand how you are feeling hun, and I am so very sorry to hear of your most recent loss. :hugs: I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that the progesterone works and hope that you have happy news very soon!!

Love--oh hun, I am so sorry to hear about your surgery. :hugs: I had not been keeping up properly with journals and had no idea you were going through all of this!!! I know there is still a slight chance of conceiving naturally, and did he say the other options are there also if you want to take them (IVF, etc.?), I know those are financially difficult as my best friend (who suffered an ectopic) used those options after her loss. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs:

Grey-- Hey hun! Hope all is well with you, you are NTNP right now, correct?

Milos-hey there! Hope all is well with you too!!!

AFM: Girls are doing great and growing so fast. Hayleigh is already scooting around on her back, lifting her head, pushing herself off the tummytime pillow and smiles constantly!!! She is a little ball of energy---I think I am in trouble! Grace is energetic, but Hayleigh seems to be twice as active as she was! Grace is doing so wonderful, she knows her ABCs, can count to 13 and knows all her colors. Her vocabulary is also amazing to me, but now we have to be careful what we say around her, as she is now into repeating things, lol!

I'm pretty much fully recovered from my Section, and my BP is doing great. I have one more checkup next month for that and I should be good to go. I am having some bowel (TMI) issues--about once a week I get these horrible cramps and spend 1/2 the day in the bathroom. I think I have some form of IBS--hopefully not permanent!

Ive attached a couple recent pictures of my girls!


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Good luck New! We're all thinking of you.

Dull, lower back pain - check
Dropped - check
End of injections - check
mucus plug - AND CHECK
I'm ready. Like, yesterday. Now, baby's just got to get on board. :D

Hope all you ladies are doing well.
Thanks amber I have my scan Tomo. But was at the chiro today and explaining the big movement I felt on sat pm and she is 99% sure he has gotten into position. :) lets hope he stays that way. :) also have another midwife apt on wed.

Nicole. Sounds promising. Hope little o e gets here soon!!
Sorry girls. Had a nightmare few days, a truly awful experience but the good news is he's here

Hugo James was born at 17:05 today weighing 8lb 1.5oz and is totally beautiful. We are besotted with him.

He's currently in neonatal as we've both contracted infections (high temps)

I'll give you the whole gruesome birth story in time but for now I'm waiting for cuddles.

Yeah New he's here!! Congrats!! Sorry it was a bad experience :( hope your both feeling better soon!
Posted in your journal but also wanted to say congrats here as well, he is so beautiful and I am so happy for you! I know you had such a long labor and induction Hun, it brought back all my memories of my 3 day failed induction with Grace and I was praying so hard for you. :hugs: I hope you get to hold him soon...then never let him go! :flower: Another Femme has her rainbow! :happydance:
Amber, how are things with you and your little divas? Busy I am sure.
New. I posted in your journal. I pray your little Hugo gets well soon, and I am sorry your dh can't stay with you. I know that things will look up soon. You've come so far.
Imp..how are you doing,
Nichole. I hope you are doing well also.
:hi: to everyone else

afm: still befuddled. I am to continue to ttc with less than half of an ovary left and only part of a tube, I did find out that my dr removed some polyps from inside my uterus. Now it's a waiting game to see if my little piece of an ovary will continue to produce eggs. I am surely praying for a miracle now. In two years time I have lost almost both of my ovaries and still continued to ttc.. little depressed..my dr could sense. I don't know how to feel about it all. do I hold on to hope only to have my heart crushed or keep going. It's been A LONG FOUR + YEARS OF HEARTACHE.
Well had my ultrasound today. And good news bebe is head down and ready. Estimated weight right now 6lb 6oz. With 3 weeks to go. So everything's looking good. :)
New - congrats dear, he is beautiful. Sorry you had a nightmare few days, but tell me he's not worth every second of it? ;)

Imp - fx'd that baby stays that way! That's a good size! Healthy!

love - my heart breaks that you've had such a hard time. No one should ever have to go through what you've been through. I hope with all my heart that you get what you want in the end. I will always keep you in my thoughts.

AFM - Ladies, the time has come... or at least is coming. At my appt today, both the nurse and the PA said that they don't expect me to make it through the weekend. I'm having (was having) regular BH contractions, that have since turned into period-like cramping contractions. Not strong enough to go yet, but obviously progressing. (TMI Warning!!!) I *just* lost my mucus plug, so imagine I'm dilated past the 1cm that I was last week (they didn't check today). But, they've changed my next appt from Thursday to this Monday because they don't think I'll make it to Thursday, lol. Adalynn's measuring between 39-40 weeks, even though by my dates (which I know for a fact are accurate) I'm 2 days shy of 37 weeks. So... We watched her breathing on the u/s today and she knows how to use those lungs! So, I'll try to keep you all updated if anything happens this weekend. Good luck to you all <3
New - congrats dear, he is beautiful. Sorry you had a nightmare few days, but tell me he's not worth every second of it? ;)

Yup. You're right. I'd do it again tomorrow if I had to. He's one gorgeous boy and I feel truly blessed. Wishing you the best of luck hun. Hope Adalynn comes soon :hugs:

I've been updating my journal but not really had the time to update here too (can't think why!) so if anyone wants to, feel free to pop over.

I'll leave you with a photo of my rainbow.

exciting news Nichole. I will hope to hear of safe delivery and look forward to seeing pics of your new LO

New: that is a lovely pic of Hugo.
Congratulations new - Hugo is gorgeous! Hope you are recovering from your delivery x

Nichols - good luck can't wait to hear about our next little arrival!

Hope everyone else is well - we are on holidays at the moment so its just a quick check in but hopefully catch up properly soon. Love to all bump s babies and mummies x
Hi all.
Some more babies on the way IMp and Nichole. Will be popping back in to see what's happening.
Hi amber, mill, love......
New another beautiful photo xx

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