Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Nichole - my iron knowledge things to eat Dark leafy greens (spinach kale...) beans and lentials also when eating iron have it with vit C (a glass of oj even) to improve absorbsorption. My dietition says have an orange or something after every meal. I don't eat much meat at all. So I get my iron from other foods. Also caffeine and dairy (calcium) inhibit absorbsorption so avoid with meals.
Hey ladies! So sorry I have been MIA for a few weeks, there has been so much going on, it has been hard to keep up with life in general! I'm still working on poor Hayleigh's birth story and hope to have it done in a couple of days!

Nichole--oh hun, I am so sorry to hear about the GD diagnosis :hugs:. As you may recall, I was diagnosed with GD pretty early on back when I was pregnant with Grace. I ended up having to be on insulin due to my fasting levels (the level you cannot control with diet), and I know the last thing you want to be dealing with right now is more medication/shots! I wish I could be of more help on the diet side with regard to the anemia, unfortunately I have very little knowledge there. On the GD side, I was given a diet and list of foods from my dietician--the key for me was staying away from carbs, especially breads. Pastas for some reason never seemed to affect me, but breads were my downfall, especially bagels! I remember eating a lot of salads and veggies with her, which was actually easy for me to do because I craved cucumbers, lol!

Love--I hope your new ob gets you some answers and so happy to hear that the procedure will be covered!! you are always in my thoughts and prayers, I hope this is a new step in the right direction to get you the answers you need and your rainbow baby! :hugs:

milos--so good to hear from you and I hope your little man is starting to give you some rest! Grace did not sleep on her own through the night in her crib until 1 month before Hayleigh arrived, we were very nervous about how we were going to manage sleeping arrangements had she not adjusted, it was a close call! haha

New--35 weeks!! Not much longer now hun, I am soooooo very excited for you!!! Good to hear you are finally done with work, so you can enjoy these last few weeks--make sure you get a lot of sleep and rest, as much as you can (try to avoid the heat if you can to help with those swollen ankles)--I am sure a lot of people have told you that, but it's true! You will not get a lot of it once your little man is here!!! :flower:

Lil--hope all is well with you too hun, you should be about 20 weeks now, if I recall correctly!

Imp--hope all is going well with you, you should almost be 3rd tri now, right?

AFM: So much to update! I feel like I am in a dreamworld (a very happy one!) with my two little girls--they are so precious and perfect (at least to me!), I feel so blessed every day to have them in my life!! Grace is adjusting very well to being a big sister, only a couple of incidents of jealousy, and that is mostly when she sees me pick up Hayleigh and she decides that she wants to be held as well. She will sometimes have a meltdown if I tell her no because Hayleigh is feeding, etc. I have found that redirecting her works most times, but other times, I try to snuggle up next to her while holding Hayleigh to let her know she is still my girl too! She started back at school 3 days a week last week and adjusted well to getting back into her routine. I have to admit that I love having her 2 days out of the week, even if it makes my day hectic and crazy trying to juggle 2 under 2 and working from home!

Hayleigh is indeed another little princess just like her big sister. She looks so much like Grace, but their personalities are definitely different! Grace was a pretty laid back baby, not so much Miss Hayleigh!! Hayleigh is pretty vocal and makes herself known when she wants fed/picked up/changed, etc. She's also very active, squirming all over the place and constantly trying to hold her head up and look around. She's also fixing to be Daddy's girl--she will be throwing a right fit for me, then he will say something and she will suddenly go dead quiet and look around for him to come pick her up. I can't be jealous, he looks so thrilled when she does that, haha - Grace has been a Momma's girl from the start, so it warms my heart to see how excited he is, because I know the feeling!! :flower:

Feeding has been going ok. I don't have a lot of time to do BFing directly with the boob like I did with Grace, so a lot of Hayleigh's feedings have been with expressed milk by bottle. She fortunately, like Grace, has taken to both bottle and boob without any confusion. My milk supply has been so much better this time around, I am able to store a TON of milk in the freezer right now, which I am so happy about because I started to slow down production-wise around 10 months with Grace and had to use some stored breastmilk. This time around, if that happens, I will be more prepared! Im just so happy I have not had to supplement any formula since we got home! (I gave her a couple formula bottles in the hospital, not happily, but will elaborate on that in her birth story).

My blood pressure issues have appeared to be almost resolved. It is suspected that I had a lot of fluid retention starting about 1 month before I had Hayleigh that was causing my blood pressure to spike. After I had her, my body did not reset itself as quickly as it should have to shed the excess water weight, so it made it even worse, causing the huge spikes. During one of my admissions, they gave me a water pill and I dropped like 13 pounds almost overnight! So now my MD has added a water pill to my regular meds, at least for now, and it seems to be working!!

I started back to work 2 weeks ago, working from home. As usual, some adjusting is going on, Hayleigh is too little to have a solid routine yet, but we are managing pretty well. My bosses are being great about it, and I wont have to return to office until October.

Well, I've rambled on enough! I've included a couple pictures of the girls!


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Fabulous update and lovely pictures of your beautiful girls :)
Been way to long. Amber beautiful little girl.
Hi all moms and bumps. X
Beautiful bebe amber!! So cute grace watching over her in the swing.

AFM. Yep almost 31 weeks. Going so fast!!
So, due to the GD, the OB has me getting screened every week now to keep an eye on her growth, making sure she's developing appropriately and also not getting too big. I'm already there once a week anyway for the P17 shot, so the only thing that changes is how long I'm there, instead of a 10 minute visit, it's about an hour now. The silver lining in all of this is that I get an u/s and pics every week :) But, I was 30 + 4 when I went in, the measurement of my uterus puts me in 31 weeks, Adalynn's measurements put her between 32-33 weeks. She was estimated weighing 4lbs 5oz. That's big. The average size for 33 weeks (which, technically, I'm not even at yet) is 4.23lbs. Goodness gracious, I can't have regular sized children, lol.

Lucky New! You're sooooo close!
Hi to everyone else! Hope all is going well. **hugs**
She's officially dropped...and I've had 3 contractions in roughly 24 hours. Not full strength ones, but they're starting none-the-less. I know they're just the pre-labor, or false labor, contractions. They're not regular or anything, but OMG IT's STARTING!
Ok all so question for you. My due date is Oct 5. Thanksgiving weekend is the 14th. My DH's family want to all come up and do thanksgiving at our place. I'm assured that I will have to do nothing. No cooking, cleaning etc. which they are good with and I'm not concerned about. However I am worries simply having everyone up could be a little overwhelming (figuring I'd have new bebe already) DH has 3 sisters and their hubbies and parents. As well as max 6 kiddies 3-10 yrs. it's a big crew on a normal day. What do you all think?
She's officially dropped...and I've had 3 contractions in roughly 24 hours. Not full strength ones, but they're starting none-the-less. I know they're just the pre-labor, or false labor, contractions. They're not regular or anything, but OMG IT's STARTING!

Hope things go smoothly for you - so close now!

So, due to the GD, the OB has me getting screened every week now to keep an eye on her growth, making sure she's developing appropriately and also not getting too big. I'm already there once a week anyway for the P17 shot, so the only thing that changes is how long I'm there, instead of a 10 minute visit, it's about an hour now. The silver lining in all of this is that I get an u/s and pics every week :) But, I was 30 + 4 when I went in, the measurement of my uterus puts me in 31 weeks, Adalynn's measurements put her between 32-33 weeks. She was estimated weighing 4lbs 5oz. That's big. The average size for 33 weeks (which, technically, I'm not even at yet) is 4.23lbs. Goodness gracious, I can't have regular sized children, lol.

Lucky New! You're sooooo close!
Hi to everyone else! Hope all is going well. **hugs**

Could the ultrasound be wrong? Fingers crossed it is for you :)

Ok all so question for you. My due date is Oct 5. Thanksgiving weekend is the 14th. My DH's family want to all come up and do thanksgiving at our place. I'm assured that I will have to do nothing. No cooking, cleaning etc. which they are good with and I'm not concerned about. However I am worries simply having everyone up could be a little overwhelming (figuring I'd have new bebe already) DH has 3 sisters and their hubbies and parents. As well as max 6 kiddies 3-10 yrs. it's a big crew on a normal day. What do you all think?

If it helps, I had Isabelle on December 11th and 2 weeks to the day later was Christmas and my family descended. I have a large family. It was great - I got to catch up on some sleep while everyone fed and held her and cooked dinner, then I came down refreshed and we had a lovely time together :)

AFM: Isabelle is 8 months old! Time has literally flown by. She's growing great, in the last month she's been crawling, walking around while holding hands, pulling to stand and got a pincer grip, feeding herself well.
Here's my gorgeous angel:


I can't believe next month we have the chat to see if we're going to ntnp yet or wait...so crazy!
it might be good to have some company like Grey said

Grey..she is a cutie. love all that hair.
Hey ladies! :hi: Slowly starting to get into a normal routine around here (of course, with an infant, once you get adjusted to a routine, they up and change it on you, lol!)

Nichole--Hun, I hope all is well for you! Thinking of you, and if it turns out you are in labor, I am keeping my fx'd for you and can't wait to see pics of your gorgeous girl!!

IMP--I will be honest with you, now having 2 under 2 myself, the more hands you have around to help out, especially in the first few weeks, is a major plus!! That being said, are they all staying with you also or are some/all of them getting a hotel? The reason I ask is that you can have "too" many people around, especially if they are all there 24-7, that could be a bit overwhelming for you. If they are just there for the day/holiday, with only a couple staying with you, I think that would be great.

Grey--oh my, your little Isabelle is so gorgeous!! I can't believe she is 8 months already!!!

Love--hey hun, how are you doing? I need to visit your journal when I get a chance. hugs to you and I hope all is well! :hugs:

New--thinking of you, this is it, this is your month hun!! Soon you will be holding your little guy!! I can't wait and I am so very excited for you!!

AFM: All is going well, crazy busy, but the best kind of crazy! :winkwink: Will update more when I can, Hayleighbug is pitching a little fit atm, so must tend to her!

Love to you all!
Amber that's what I'm worried about. We live in the country nothing close by. So everyone would be staying with us aside from his parents who will go stay at my parents home 10min away. Everyone staying here can be overwhelming on a good day. And it is Oct so most likely everyone will have to sleep inside or we would put the kiddies in a tent or something...
Hi everyone,

I'm still here and waiting (not so) patiently! Can't actually believe its only 13 days to my due date. I never realised how hard the last few weeks are though, struggling to do the most basic things! Have been cooking batches of food to freeze for the early days when cooking won't be high on our list of priorities.

Hope everyone is well, babies & bumps :hugs:
Oh! Congrats on being soooooo close New! I'm not far behind, but I'm SO jealous!!!

So I have a totally TMI question...

For those of you in the third trimester, or remember symptoms from late third tri, did anyone have diarrhea leading up to labor? From what I've read, it's fairly normal. Like, your body's way of preparing for the pushing and the baby moving through the birth canal, but I'm just curious if anyone else remembers having it shortly before delivery. I've been getting the P17 injections since 16 weeks, supposed to go to 36 weeks, but my Dr.'s office had trouble with heir delivery last week and I never got the shot. I'm due to get one tomorrow, but I've already gone 2 weeks without one now, so I'm a little concerned about her coming soon.
IMP--that is going to be too much for you, if you want my opinion! If they were all staying elsewhere, and just showing up for the dinner and a few hours of visiting, that would be fine. But so soon after bubs is here, especially during that special first few weeks of bonding time for you, hubby, big sister and baby, I think it would simply be too much. Is there any way you can just have his parents stay with you and the others stay with your parents? I think that would be a lot easier on you as grandparents are more likely to help out than cause stress!

New--I am so on babywatch with you! :hugs: I get all teary eyed when I think of your journey and how soon you are finally going to be holding your precious little rainbow baby in your arms. :hugs:

Nichole--Yes, with Hayleigh I had the "clear out" lol. I did not with Grace. However, I think Grace had plans to stick around for 3 more weeks or so when they took her (I had to be induced for GD and high blood pressure and that ended up with a Section because she was NOT ready to be born yet!). Even though Hayleigh was a scheduled Section, I think my dates were a bit off with her (on top of being a 2nd child, supposedly they come sooner) and she was further along, because that last week of carrying her was really rough, and in the days leading up to the Section I had a lot of cramping and very loose bowels...I was actually scared about going into labor before the Section!
Nicole I also had the "clear out" as Amber put it :) with Alia. I had it for about a week before I had her.

Amber thanks. That's kinda how I was feeling too but wanted to make sure I wasn't just being overly dramatic. :)
New--I am so on babywatch with you! :hugs: I get all teary eyed when I think of your journey and how soon you are finally going to be holding your precious little rainbow baby in your arms. :hugs:

:cry: aww, that's so lovely Amber - thank you! :hugs:

You are right, it's been a long road and you've been a part of that journey for a long while and I value your friendship and support.

Thank you again :cry: gosh, super emotional.
I know we all cant wait to see your precious little rainbow baby New!!

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