Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Ok so another note on the peanut butter. I have a lady in the office who's daughter is allergic. I asked her today if she ate a lot of peanuts or peanut butter when she was pregnant and she said yes... Hmmmm. I'm going to ask my dr about it too. But thought that was interesting.
Hi everyone, hope you are all ok and feeling well.

Have just received my 16wk app with the midwife, booked for 13th April where hopefully will get to hear heartbeat again. And also received my 20 week scan app for the 17th May. Another couple of milestones, dates to look forward to!
ahh Pixie P your m/w is the week after mine. I havent got my 20 week scan date yet :(
Ah its so nice to have appointments and scans to count down to, keeps me going! EDD's seem sooo far away at the moment but im sure they will be here before we know it!

I must admit i was very surprised to already be sent the date for my 20wk scan, somebody is on the ball for a change!!!
We are staying team yellow but for those finding out the gender, i really cant wait to hear what you are all having!

Hope everybody is ok x
Evening ladies :hi:
How are we all today?

Grand - hope you're not wearing yourself out by working too much. Make sure you get plenty of rest when you're at home. Thinking of you.

Milo - lovely to hear about your babysitting at the weekend. Glad it went well for you. And plenty of practise for when your LO arrives....

Chilli - congrats on graduating to 2nd tri! so happy for you. and your weekend at the beach sounds lovely.

Amber - sorry to hear about your severe nausea. Hope it starts to ease up soon. It should, as you are nearly in 2nd tri!

Imp - sorry to hear about the zits. They will clear up soon, im sure. Good luck with your Drs appointment, and I hope you manage to book an early scan.

Angela - I also work in a school (a special needs school) and Im finding it so exhausting. So I know where you're coming from. Hope you manage to find some time to relax.

Bellas - happy 10 weeks! and congrats on the doppler. I bet it sounds amazing!

Pixie and Kizzy - wow, you're both really steaming ahead now! good luck for both of your midwife appoitments and 20 week scans

AFM: I dont want to jinx myself, but I think my nausea might finally be easing up abit. I still feel it everyday (which is reassuring, as Id worry if it disappeared altogether) but it seems to be milder, and on less occassions during the day.
Also, I started using my doppler on saturday (9w1d). I didnt find the heartbeat, but I heard the blood pumping through the umbilical cord, and I also heard Bo moving around in there. Me and OH listen together every night, and its a really nice bonding experience. We are hoping to find the heartbeat very soon.

Hope you're all well. Take care xx
Thanks Shell, hope you are feeling ok, my nausea has also eased off, I think this is around the normal time that it does!

The Dopplers are great aren't they, amazing what you can hear! I have been trying since about 8 weeks 4 days and only yesterday found it, it is so obvious when you hear it, like a galloping horse! Good luck, I hope you hear little Bo soon xx
Aww, im only 4 days behind you. So I should hopefully find it by the weekend. Thanks for that info :)
Oh doppler sounds like fun guys - Bella I am amazed you can hear it so clearly already! Sure you will be able to soon too Shellney xx

Glad the nausea is weaning off for some of us - looks like we are all progressing through 1st trimester now, hopefully lots of lovely 12 week scans to come soon x

AFM - we are trying to arrange family meals for a couple of weeks time so we can tell our families after we have had the 12 week scan but no one is co-operating! My sister has booked a riding lesson the night we want to see her and won't be free til 9.30pm - useless, since I have taken the day off especially to drive the 3 hours home in time for an early tea! My DH family are all off on weekends away and holidays and I can't seem to pin them down to a day anywhere near the scan date to tell them altogether. I don't want to pressurise them too much incase they guess why we want them all together! Lordy tricky things families xxx
It is tricky, isnt it Milos.
I ended up just telling eveyone seperately, as I couldnt get anyone together.
I told my mum after the scan, my Gran a week after that, then OHs brother, and then OHs parents last weekend. But I still havent told my Dad or my sister!
Hope you manage to sort something out soon
Hi all

I have been feeling so nevous have been scared to post. Have been reading your posts though and decided to go for it.

Thanks again Grand - BFP 20th March. XX
Hey ladies! I will respond properly to your posts tomorrow, I'm feeling rather sickly today! bleh! Have my next gyn appt tomorrow, I'm hoping to get all this blood sugar fiasco fixed so I can move on to looking foward to my scan on 4/11!!

Bean--I am so happy you are here! Welcome hun! :hugs:
Amberyll, feel better and best of luck tomorrow!
Bean-I also read for a while before I joined but a great place to put your mind at ease-happy and healthy hump day to all tomorrow! Today it is officially less then a week till my scan-hope I see something and get a date!! 6 more days!
Thank you for the welcome.

Amberyll - hope you can get things sorted.

Angelashope - Thanks hun.
Hi all

Had a really restless night worrying so phoned the early pregnancy assessment unit and they have booked me in for a scan on monday. They were really nice.

Hope everybody is ok. XX
:) Hi ladies sorry about being too tired to post. Been working 10 hour days and then commuting so I'm a bit shattered at the end of the day. Can't wait for part-time again!

Milos - Awesome babysitting! When I was super young I babysat two 6 month old twins, a two year old, and a four year old (First how in the hell did the parents trust me with their kids - I was just a kid myself only 11 years old!!!)-I don't know how I managed. I hope you can get your family all together in the end but people can be so difficult especially when they don't think it's important because they don't know your big secret yet.

Chilli - You are too brave to go in the ocean!!! Super impressed...I'm in the South of France and haven't even dipped my toe in yet.

Amber - sorry you are feeling so yucky...Mine definitely started subsiding around this week - week 11 - so I hope it does for you as well. BTW How was your OBGYN appt on March 30th???

Imp - How do zits know the center of anything??? But they somehow manage to land smack dab in the middle of the chin or forehead. Did you pop???

Bellas - lovely heartbeat rate!

Shell - me too my M/S is slowly getting better...it's such a nice feeling. I love that you and your OH listen for the Bo's heartbeat. How sweet! :kiss:

Beanwood - Welcome :hi: I added you on the frontpage and put your 1st scan date for April 4th. Also can you just let me know your EDD when you can. Merci!

PixieP - Thanks for letting me know your dates...things seem to be speeding along :)

Mellybelle - Sorry if you posted and I didn't see but how did your scan go on March 28th??? MERCI!

AFM: Just busy working like I said. I have "thickness" (maybe a mini bump - it's kind of freaking me out only because I'm realizing my body is no longer just mine anymore...sort of a weird feeling at first). I wear lots of black at work to hide it :) M/S is going away slowly YIPEE! And in big news I have switched where I will be giving birth I think...before we were going to my favorite doctor that saw me after my M/C and is so nice but he live 3 hours away from us now that we've moved and I can't do a 6 hour round trip for every appt. So I found a clinic 20 minutes away that sounds/looks amazing and it believes in natural child birth and walking labor and pregnancy balls etc. if you want (it's so not in fashion in France...it's mostly on your back and epidural guaranteed) I want to try to have a no-pain relief birth :)dohh:) so it's nice that they at least support that option. I go for my scan on April 7th there and I hope I like it. I'm sad I won't have a the doctor I trusted but we just couldn't keep up with a long commute like that.
Hi ladies! Phew, what a day!! Gyn Appt went long and I was JUST able to get back to make all my meetings this afternoon! So exhausting!

Imp--on PB, I just wanted to give you a personal experience. I spoke to my mother about this last week and she told me that with both my brother and I, she ate PB like crazy (PB&J, she said, was about the only thing she could keep down when she had m/s). In spite of this, both my brother and I are perfectly fine with no peanut allergies. In fact, I LOVE PB and have eaten tons of it since I was a kid. So I'm guessing this allergy risk debate is probably not as scientific yet as we future mommies would hope.

Pixie--so glad you were able to get your scan dates scheduled!

shell--good to hear from you hun! glad to hear your nausea is improving and hope you get to hear Bo's hb in the next few days with your doppler!!

bellas--still stoked you can hear your lo's hb already, that is wonderful!

milos--i hear you on trying to get family organized. With my last pregnancy, we were able to get my side all together one weekend, and then my parents got in a huge fight, so my announcement was not as well received as I would have hoped since they were all too busy being angry at one another. This time I phoned it in, haha! They are excited! DH's family lives in Michigan, so unfortunately we have had to call them both times.

angel--scan in less than a week! I'm excited for you to see your lo!!

bean--so glad you were able to get an early scan, it definately helps for peace of mind, I am glad that I was able to get one!

grand--so good to hear from you hun, I was beginning to get worried! Glad to hear that work is going so well for you! I am so glad you were able to find a new md that you are comfortable with closer to where you are now, it will definitely make things easier as your pregnancy progresses, I agree that 6 hours is a lot of travelling, especially when you start having to pee every hour! :haha:

AFM: my appt with the gyn today went great! She did examine me since I have had the SCH and said everything looks great. As I suspected, she took me off the Thiazide completely and upped my other bp med. She is also getting me an appt with the hospital's fetal monitoring team and their md will evaluate what bp meds I need and any adjustments for the duration. I still have to get the 3 hour glucose this saturday :growlmad:, which means I will be getting sticked 3 times--so frustrating! But it is all for Baby L's health, so I will do it with a big smile on my face!! I also had this huge meeting with the nurse about all these things I didnt think I needed to start worrying about yet--like banking the blood from the placenta or donating it, will I want my tubes tied after the birth (no, we want another!), post partum depression, breast feeding options, sheesh! Too much info for me right now! Arg! Made me dizzy. So I have all this reading material that is going to take me weeks to get through!
Amber - Sheesh what a long appt. That would have been overwhelming for me...especially since we are just making it through 1st tri now. I would have preferred that stuff later on maybe end of 2nd tri...right now it's all about just making sure our babes have healthy hearts and are progressing normally. That sucks about the 3 hour gluclose test...I serious hate the jabs - I hope you get a talented one - it makes a serious difference when the nurses have the magic touch. What's SCH???
SCH--its that subchorionic hematoma that I had a couple weeks back--it was the source of my spotting and has since healed completely! But the gyn has me on 2 more weeks of pelvic rest just in case!

And I hear you on needles, I hate them! And since I have small, rolling veins, the phlebotomists never believe me until they have tried sticking me twice--then it is like "oh, I guess you are right" :dohh: No *(H& I'm right! haha
Evening everyone! :hi:

Welcome Bean :friends: So good to see you in here. Glad to managed to get an early scan. Many of us did, and it reassured us greatly. Good luck, and we are with you the whole way!

Good to hear from you Grand. Great news on changing hospitals. I like the sound of your natural birthing centre. Good for you! :thumbup:

Hey Amber. Glad to hear your gyn appoitment went well (even if it was long and overwhelming). Sorry to hear you still need the 3 jabs though. :nope:

Hi to everyone else.

AFM: told my dad, stepmum and brothers (aged 10 and 13) today. My brothers asked lots of silly questions (for example: is Greg the baby's dad, coz you're not married? :rofl:) My stepmum got all excited and huggy....but my dad didnt say a word. he didnt congratulate me. he didnt even look at me :cry:
anyways, I have my first midwife appointment tomorrow. Im so excited, as that will make me an actual pregnant woman! haha.

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