Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Shells - great to have you back and on the mend - so pleased you had good news and all is safe! Funnily enough a friend of mine has just been diagnosed with shingles - I was supposed to meet her on Monday but it fell through luckily!

Amber - what are those levels for? Love your OHs dream. Of course he's thinking about the baby! I knew my daughter was a girl even though everyone told me otherwise! I've also been right about the sex of my other babies too as they told us. This one I think is a boy too.

Peanuts - can't get enough of them! But watch out for all the calories girls!!!!!!!

Thanks for all your lovely wishes - scan today was BRILLIANT!!!!! everything good and measuring 12 weeks 2-3 days so has caught up on self from earlier measurements. He had his little legs crossed - how sweet! I turned down the nuchal scan - no way I'd take any further tests or do anything about it anyway. I love my baby!!!!!!!!!!

Also went to see my occupational health advisor who was lovely. I was refered before pg as was struggling with depression at work. Have been off since BFP on docs advice. Today she told me she knew how I felt as had MC too and that this was a very precious baby so not to go back to work at all - not sure still debating it, but feels good to know I have the option - need to see GP tomorrow.
Chilli--:happydance: so glad your scan went well! That is wonderful! And I love that he had his legs crossed! He doesn't want you to see yet! :winkwink:

On my glucose test--it's a pre-screen for gestational diabetes. When you fail the 1 hour test, you have to go back for a 3 hour. It involves fasting and chugging a sugar drink, then they have to draw your blood once per hour for 3 hours to measure the levels. On the first test, it is just 1 draw. A lot of women apparently fail the first, but then pass the 3 hour, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Of course, I forgot to ask what my level was, so I'm not sure how high I was exactly. Also, reading up on it now, I see that diuretics (which I am on for my High Blood Pressure) can cause elevated levels, and I had taken a diuretic that morning! Arg!

Fortunately I see my MD next week so I can talk to her about it before I take the 3 hour. I'm actually more annoyed with having to be stuck with needles because I have VERY small veins, they always roll and collapse when people try to take blood. And then they NEVER believe me when I tell them this, so they end up sticking me over and over trying to get the blood! :growlmad:
Chilli - congratulations on your scan honey - wonderful news xxx

Amber - urgh sounds like you've been having lots of needles - I really hope you can avoid that 3 hour test and more needles!

10 weeks tomorrow - still only DH and my boss know I am pregnant and we are waiting til after my 12 week scan (2.5 weeks away) to tell anyone else so its just a waiting game for us at the moment xxx
Happy 10 weeks Milos - it's great that most of us seem to be doing so well - I might even spoil myslef and get a ticker!!!

Amber - urgh - I hear you on the difficulty getting blood thing - I always end up like a pin cushion and the last time I had to have a general the anesthatist (how do you spell that) just gave up and shoved it in my muscle which meant I still get a sore wrist sometimes! Hope you find you don't need other test!
Congrats on the scan Chilli, wonderful news!!
Amber, hope the next test goes well for you :)
Hi everyone else!!
I had my letter from the GP last night confirming bubba has no risk of DS, yay! Nice to see it in black and white.
I had some friends over last night as OH was away with work and got to bed at 12 so I am zzzzzzzzzzzzzz today! It's going to be a long one!!!
Kizzy - that's lovely news for you!

I'm also a bit zzzzzz and my daughter is sick again!!! and has had me up since 4 am!!!!
Morning everyone! :hi:
Told you I'd be back! :winkwink:

Hey Amber, sorry to hear about you needing the 3 hour GTT. Hope they manage to get to your veins OK. And I loved hearing about your DH's dream. How lovely. Glad things are going well for you.

Sorry Imp, I dont know about peanut butter, as I have a severe peanut allergy! Hope you can make an informed decision soon. ps: great to see you on this thread.

Hey there Chilli. Glad to hear your scan went well. Are you gonna change your ticker to say 12w3d? Im not having a nuchal scan either, but I dont condemn anyone who wants it. Also, great news that your occupational health advisor is being so supportive. I suggest you take as much time off work as you need (and can afford).

Happy 10 weeks Milosmum! nearly out of 1st tri.... good to hear from you.

Great news about the low risk of DS Kizzy. Bet thats a weight off your shoulders? Cant believe how far gone you are already. Wonderful!

AFM: feeling better everyday. should be returning to work on monday after 2 weeks off. I have missed the kids sooo much. Also (and so sorry for the TMI) this morning, when I went to the toilet, I wiped and found something on the tissue paper. It was yellow, thick, jelly-like mucus, in a long thick string (so sorry for detail). Does anybody have any idea of what this could be? Did anybody else experience this at 9 weeks? Im trying not to worry, but its very unusual for me, and im concerned it could be bad news for Little Bo. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks

shell - i asked my midwife about this on my first. She said its perfectly normal, the mucus plug is forming and discharge like that is normal and will be much heavier than usual. just as long as its not smelly or green which could be an infection. Try not to worry
Morning ladies!

Milos--Happy 10 wks hun!! :happydance:

Kizzy--excellent news on the DS results hun! Hope you are able to get through the day being so tired! :hugs:

Chilli--sorry to hear your little lady is sick today. poor dear. I hope she starts feeling better soon and you are able to get some rest!

Shell--so glad to hear you are feeling better and will be able to go back to work next week! Also, like Pixie says, what you are experiencing is totally normal. I started to have that type of discharge a few days ago, and was told by my gyn the exact same thing as pixie was told by her MW. As long as there is no odor associated with it, it is to be expected!

AFM: I decided to hold off on my 3 hour test until after I see the gyn next week. I have done some research on my blood pressure medication in my law office's medical journals, and I am on a Thiazide diuretic which is well-known through many studies to elevate blood sugar, and I have been on this medication for over 8 years now. So I am going to talk to her about it. If I can get on a different diuretic with my GP that does not have such a drastic impact on blood sugar, I may be able to reduce it and have better results.
Hey ladies - sorry for being MIA...been busy with work - and although it's only 5 hours a day...I am zonked and even take afternoon naps (I HATE afternoon naps so that's definitely weird for me ;) ). I'm working full time for the next two weeks as well so I'll have to bring some power snacks to get me through the day. I also had "red spotting" scare but nothing else happened and I think I will just trust that all is well and wait for my scan in a couple of weeks.

Vixmar - Changing your EDD now to Oct 1st!

Amber - Wow 9 weeks! :happydance: I didn't know they did the GD test so early I thought that was 3rd tri stuff. Hope you don't have it in the end.

Shell - So happy you are feeling better and there's no danger to your wee one at all.

Imp - I heard the peanut butter thing but only on this forum...I think it's fine if you don't have allergies to it - your babe won't either I assume.

Chilli - Lovely scan news!

Milos - Happy 10 weeks! :happydance:

Kizzy - excellent news that tinker has no sign of DS. You're totally in 2nd tri! Our 1st graduate.
Shell - glad to see you back and feeling better honey. 9 weeks is great news - it all seems to be flying by at the moment!

Grand - don't worry about your naps just enjoy them - I spent most of today in bed cause I had a day off! So much for washing, cleaning and gardening!

Kizzy great news from the docs and 2nd tri already - are you feeling better and less sick yet? Have you gained the pregnancy 'glow' yet?

Hope everyone else is feeling ok, not too tired or sickly!
We are babysitting my 3 year old godson and his 9 month old sister tomorrow afternoon, night and through til their parents get home on Sunday! Its our first overnight sitting them so I am a bit nervous especially cause they are both sleeping really badly at the moment but I guess we could do with the practice! Wish me luck and I hope you all enjoy your weekends xxx
Grand--good to hear from you! glad things are going well with your work, and I hear you on the napping. I never take naps, and find myself napping constantly when I get the chance!! Sorry to hear about the spotting, but glad it has cleared up!

As for the bloodtest, it is early, yes, and you are correct, they usually don't test for that until later, but when I went in for my bleed, this doctor (who is not my usual doctor) threw a whole myriad of bloodwork tests at me and told me to take them due to one risk or another that she felt I had. I see my regular gyn on Wednesday, so I want to talk to her about these things before I just jump in to more bloodwork that may not even be giving the right results due to medication I am currently taking!

Milos--good luck with your babysitting hun! I hope they don't wear you out too much! :hugs:
Babysitting was exhausting! You can never let them out of your sight! Thankfully we struck lucky and they both slept straight through 7-7am (although our clocks went forwards last night so its 11 hours straight!) Their parents would not believe us that they slept so well and were well behaved but generally they were very good. Managed to keep them busy all day - swings, park, baking cakes etc so hopefully they will sleep well for their mum and dad again tonight!

Hope everyone else has had a lovely weekend xxx
I hear you about exhausting, I am a primary teacher and I crash every night-they dont let you rest-sounds like you are a great babysitter and god mother-they are lucky to have you!
angela - I'm a primary teacher too - in a really challenging school - hence doc has signed me off for this pg - it's a big relief not to have to face it as have worked through all my previous pgs and it's a struggle - like you say they don't give you down time!

How is everyone?

I've had the most fabulous weekend seeing friends and playing with my daughter at the beach - even gave my toes a (nippy) dip! I'm sure the whole weekend was made a million times better with the knowledge I made it through the first tri!
milos--sounds like you had a wonderful weekend hun, even though a bit exhausting!

chilli-congrats on making it through the first trimester hun! :happydance: we have another graduate! and the trip to the beach with your daughter sounds so lovely!

AFM: felt crappy most of the weekend (m/s crappy), i have resigned myself to the fact that I will never visit the porcelain god, but I am destined to have nausea forever! haha dh and I had a lovely lunch date on Saturday, but then afternoon nausea kicked in so we had to end our day trip a bit earlier than I wanted to! spent most of yesterday being a slugabed, but I did get the bathrooms cleaned (all 3 of them!)! I see the gyn on wed for my monthly check and to talk about my blood pressure meds/issues with my blood sugar. Really want to get that all cleared up sooner rather than later!

Hope everyone has a fantastic monday!
Hi everyone! sounds like everyone is doing well, aside from that nasty nausea. Hope your feeling better soon Amberyll!

Afm I have the worst zit of my life. lol Guess it could be worse. But its right at the top of my forhead, and its soooo sore! I never get zits so this is kiling me. It started 2 days ago and I cant seem to get it to come out totaly so I can get it to go away. Aside from that all is well, and I am trying to keep taking things as they come. I have my Dr appt on Wed so that will be nice to get in a over with. I'm hopeing they give me an early scan appt to ease my worries.
Amberyll: hope you feel better soon!
Imppearl: Good luck at your appointment, I have my early scan next monday-still doesnt seem early to me-been waiting forever!!!
Chilli-I am also at a very rough and tough school, lucky you getting time off this time! I am a prep teacher so I move from class to class-but I am glad the year is close to done that is for sure! Congrats also on making it to 2nd trimester, I have yet to be there, here is hoping that I join you!
Wishing everyone a great week!
Hey ladies!

So sorry I haven't been on recently! But I am back now!
Hope you are all doing ok and not feeling too sick!

Well I am 10 weeks today! My nausea has been ok today but have been very tired!

And I found my baby's heartbeat tonight with my doppler! I couldn't believe it! I found it straight away and it was around 180 bpm.
Bellas--Happy 10 weeks! :happydance: and more :happydance: about the dopplar! that is wonderful!!

angel/Imp--thank you for the kind wishes on my m/s. I mean, I know it is a good thing, but dang! this nausea really knows how to knock me out! sheesh!

Imp--yes, you are in zit central right now! I had them all over my chin around 5-6 wks, it was horrible! I hadn't had acne since I was a teenager! It is all those chemicals and hormones raging through us right now, and it is a good sign hun!! :hugs: The acne will clear up though, I promise!

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