Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Morning ladies.. so happy its friday.. I have been feeling so anxious lately.. Im just praying this little beanie sticks.. hope your all doing well..
Chilli - Sorry you weren't able to get a better scan, but I'm sure everything is fine. You'll see the bouncy side of her next week. :hugs:

Sam - YAY for the awesome scan! :) Do you have any pictures for us? :winkwink:

Kizzy - Don't feel bad at all....in my personal opinion, you should have been given a seat well before you got stuck in the tunnel. At least someone thought about giving you a seat....booo to the other non-thinkers. :haha:

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Guess what....I got my pregnancy confirmation visit moved up!!! So instead of the week after next, it's now on Tuesday, May 24, i.e. in 4 days!!! Too early for a scan, but that's quite alright. I'm just excited at the possibility of getting my Ob folder, and moving on to the next step. :winkwink: Ironically, I'll be 5w1d on Tuesday....that's how far along I was the last time when everything came crashing down. But I didn't want any of that to over shadow things this time around. This is a new and different beginning, and I'm optimistic that it will be a different end as well. :thumbup:

Have a great weekend everyone!
Chilli--sorry you could not see more on your scan, but glad to hear the babe is doing well! Hopefully you will get to see more with your next scan! I understand your concern about the room, when I had my spotting with Baby L, they sent me to the room where I got the bad news about Peanut just months before. It was hard and scary. I hope they are able to put you in a different room!

SamB--glad to hear your little one is growing big and strong! excellent news!

kizzy--so glad that they gave you a seat, they should have offered you one right away! And do not worry, it is definately the time for emotions to hit us in the face, especially when we are exhausted, scared and frazzled! :hugs:

lil--:hugs: it is natural to feel anxious at this stage. Just know we are all here for you and understand exactly how you are feeling, you have our total support! Sending you lots of PMA and sticky dust hun! :dust:

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
neffie--you snuck in there on me! Great news on getting the appointment bumped up! That is wonderful!
Neffie that is how Im trying to feel as well.. everything is different.. and the outcome will be too.. then my mind starts going and I get all anxious again.. ugh.. grr.. damn miscarriages they ruin all the fun..
Can I ask a possible TMI question pretty please? As some of you know, I've been having issues with my errrr hmmm..."derrière" for a while now due to a fissure. Well, it was one of those days today! :blush: Have any of you been having any c**stipation issues, and what have you guys taken to help it?

As sad as it sounds, I've learnt to deal with the pain of the fissure, but with the c***pation, it's taking it to another level altogether. :growlmad: I've been taking MetaMucil, and that has definitely helped. But now with the pregnancy, I'm pretty sure things are going to get worse. I have Colace as well, and have heard that it's completely ok to take...but just to err on the side of caution, I won't start taking that until my doctor advises that it's ok.

Any words of wisdom???
Neffie - Since 2nd tri I've been having major issues down there!!! (5 days I waited once...thought I was going to die waiting that line to have a poo :blush:)

My tactic is I soak a teaspoon of flaxseeds for about 20 minutes in some water and then I pour that on my yogurt and meusli and blend it all. I've been a once/a day girl since I started that routine 2 weeks ago and feel so much better. It can be very uncomfortable otherwise. It's natural and totally fine for pregnancy. You can get it at the supermarket or health food store (it should be super cheap - I got a big bag that might last me my pregnancy for 2 euros!)

Good luck
Thanks for the tip Grand. This may sound crazy and not make sense...but I've been going every day :blush:....and every other day once in a while (like today). I think the fissure is just making it all the more worse. Boy, am I in for a ride! My butt might just explode if I go longer than 2 days. :shrug: :haha: :shrug:

Ok, rant over....
Evening ladies :hi:
As promised, a proper catch-up from me....

Kizzy - thanks for asking about my pram choices. we have a shortlist now. The Mamas and Papas Zoom, the Babystyle Oyster, and the Mothercare Vesta. But we are off to the Baby Show at the NEC tomorrow. so we may find one we like there. Have you been looking at prams then? ps - happy 23 weeks today!!!

Amber - I know what you mean by 2nd tri limbo. I am just counting down the days to my next scan... Hope you're doing ok while OH is away.

Grand - hope you enjoy your maternity clothes shopping. Your little apartment by the sea sounds lovely. Im jealous. And I havent bought anything for baby yet either!

Pixie - your scan pics are so cute. And I love your bump!

Milos - glad all your test results came back as low risk. That must be a weight off your mind. Hope you feel baby start to move soon.

Vixmar - sooo glad that the methotrexate hasnt had any harmful effects on your baby girl. I bet thats a huge weight off your mind. And she sounds like a right little character! Thanks for asking how my scan went, but it wasnt 17th May, its on 17th June. I will let you know then....

Imp - its great that you're hearing baby's heartbeat regularly. I wouldnt worry about the numbers on the screen. Ours always says 150-160 too. Gosh, your gender scan is even further away than mine. Good luck with the long wait.

Bean - sorry to hear you're still feeling sick. Hope it clears up soon.

Angela - your next scan is 3 days after mine. We can wait together!

Chilli - sorry your scan was a disappointment. I hope your scan next week is much better for you. And I hear you on the "room situation". I moved to a completely different hospital for this pregnancy, because I didnt want to be reminded of what happened last time. But Im sure your scan will be brilliant, whichever room you're in.

Sam - glad your scan went well today. Thats great news!

MumAMH - good to see you. Hope you are well.

Lilrojo - sorry to hear you're feeling anxious. Im sure your bean is a very sticky one. PAL is such a worrying time, isnt it?

neffie - Loved hearing the story of how you tols OH! he sounds so excited, bless him. and great news on your appointment being moved forwards. I hope it all goes well for you. I loved getting my first lots of pregnancy paperwork. It made it all seem so real. Also, sorry to hear about your "issues". Hope you feel better soon.

AFM: I *think* I may have started feeling Bo move. It feels like butterflies. Or the churning nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach that you get the night before a big event. I hope it is Bo, and not just my digestive system!
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Shell--that is so exciting that you may be feeling little Bo already! I too hope that is what it is!!

AFM: DH is stranded at the Denver Airport at the moment, his flight got delayed 6 hours (after making them sit on the plane for 2 hours already, for a total of 8 hours!) due to "technical difficulties" with the plane. He should have been home by now but instead I have to truck my but to the airport to get him around midnight--and our major highways out that way are doing night construction this weekend--should make for an interesting night! Ok, hormonal rant over...for now!
Thank you ladies!! I should have a pic next week as i booked a private scan for 9 weeks as my first angel passed at 9 and i have never made it past that date and i wanna make sure! so a scan 3 weeks in a row :haha: the last 2 scans the department i was in dont give pix out!! so definatley next week!

Saw my Midwife yesterday i have told alot of my family only my parents and when the midwife is the i swear like all the family turned up so now they all know i wanted to tell them after next week.

Any other ladies in the UK had that massive book on pregnancy off the midwife? Its amazing has every issue in there & then tells you about after the bub is here & benifits AMAZING!
I havn't got to say congrats to you yet Lil... So Congratulations!! So exciting! Hope you have a great 9 months!
Morning ladies! DH is home safe and sound and I am ecstatic to have him home! I missed him so much this week! He also got home a bit sooner than expected, so I didn't have to drive out to the airport as late as I thought I would! Phew!

SamB--can't wait to see your pics from your scan next week!

Neffie--as for C issues, I had major C issues in my first trimester. Doctor told me to eat more greens and fiber rich foods, and that seemed to help some. I still get a couple issues now, but not as badly as I did in the first tri.
Hey ladies.. just wondering did any on you have any spotting right away.. after you found out... I seem to be spotting trying not to worry but its really feeling like deja vu... ya know..
Hi Ladies! :hi:

Amber - glad to hear that DH arrived home safe and sound. I bet he really missed you and Baby L.

Lilrojo - im no professional, but i believe that spotting straight after a BFP is normal, as it is around the time that your period wouldve been due. sometimes your body is so caught up in its little routine, that even when you are pregnant, it carries on with its normal menstrual cycle, until your hormones have built up enough for it to realise that you are pregnant. If that makes any sense? or perhaps your bean is snuggling deep into your uterine lining, and dislodging abit of blood from there? Either way, im sure everything will be fine. stay positive, and we are here if you need to talk :hugs:

AFM: i have had a great day! me and OH had a day out at the Baby Show in Birmingham's NEC. For those of you from the UK, you will know what Im talking about, but for my other friends, I will explain. The Baby Show travels around the UK over the Spring/Summer every year, and stays at a different city every weekend. They set up in an exhibition hall, with lots of stalls hosted by popular pregnancy and baby brands. The stalls sell everything from travel systems, to cots, to breastpumps, to baby clothes, and more... There are also stalls hosted by midwives and experts, who are there to give you support and advice for pregnancy and motherhood. Its amazing! I had never seen so many babies and bumps under one roof!!
Anyways, I bought a few pieces :blush: I finally chose my travel system - the Mamas and Papas Zoom, with the MaxiCosi car seat. And it was £100 cheaper than anywhere else! I also bought a Moses basket with stand, a changing bag, and a breast pump. Well, actually, the breast pump was a free gift when I subscribed to a popular pregnancy magazine (which I buy monthly anyway).
So, there were lots of bargains to be had, lots of advice to digest, and a great atmosphere. It was a brilliant day! I loved walking around, rubbing my bump, and being a proper "pregnant lady". It has made it all seem so real!

Sorry for my long post! Hope you are all having a great weekend!

Shell--so glad you had a fabulous day! It sounds like you found lots of awesome goodies for little Bo! I wish they had baby shows around here, but it seems that the focus is more on Bridal shows than baby shows!

Lil--there are so many things that can cause early spotting. You could be experiencing a light period like Shell says as your body adjusts to the pregnancy, or it could be implantation bleeding. Also, the uterus could be clearing out unnecessary stuff to make room for baby! I totally understand what you are going through and the concerns you are having. I would say if it is persistent, try and get in to see a doctor for reassurance! And shell is absolutely right that we are here for you!:hugs:

Hope you ladies are enjoying your weekend! We had a day of sunshine after 2 weeks of solid rain, it was nice! (even though the rain is coming back now for another week or so!)
Happy Monday Girls, :wave:

Lil - As the other girls said, spotting is common in early pregnancy. The egg is probably just nestling deep down into your uterus. If it continues, and you're getting worried, there's no harm in getting it checked out. Try to relax...things will be fine. We're here if you need to chat. :hugs:

Shell - WOW, the baby expo sounds like so much fun! That's a few things you can cross off your list.

Amber - I'm sure you and Baby L are both glad to have your OH back. :)

:hi: to everyone else.

I'm getting excited for my confirmation appt tomorrow. Hope all goes well. I'm trying to shove the nerves part in the far back end of my head. :winkwink:

Oh, wanted to share something else with you guys.

Coco is the nickname for our little bean. :kiss: I'm so in love already...and so is OH..his face says it all! :cloud9:

Have a great day everyone!
hello all

lil- like the others said its really common to have some spotting at this stage, also at 8 and 12 wks as your body adjusts. hope all is well

Shell- sounds like you had a fab day, i should look and see when its on near me, got lots crossed off the list too, yay.

Amber- glad your oh is back home, i dont think i could cope with my hubby being away i'm so loved up with him at the mo, lol.

neffie- love the name for baby, you must be on cloud nine. keep up the pma

AFM: finally have seen MW and very happy as she has arranged an appointment to see consultant and discuss if i can have this baby at the birthing centre lke my last one or possibly a home birth
Hey ladies.. just wondering did any on you have any spotting right away.. after you found out... I seem to be spotting trying not to worry but its really feeling like deja vu... ya know..

Hi!!! Just wanted to stick my 50p in and say..... this pregnancy is the only one i HAVE NOT spotted with!!! i have 2 healthy kids and 1 ectopic and i have one in my grow bag at min.... and with the 3 previous pregnancys i spotted on and off for a few weeks! even up to 9 weeks when me n the hubby 'did it' lol
I know its unerving but try to relax YOU ARE NORMAL LOL


Sorry about the mix up of dates lol

Glad youve felt her move!! its amazing isnt it!! im 21weeks now and can feel her move when i lay my hand on my stomach! i can feel her almost all the time and she moves when i poke her lol its sooooo reasuring!!

So, this spotting was not normal.. in the process of miscarrying.. levels were only at 30.5.. so come july we can try again..

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