Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Lil - I posted on the other thread, but wanted to say it again. I can't begin to say how sorry I am for your loss. :nope: To go through one loss is more than enough for anyone. I don't have any words of wisdom for you, but I want you to know that we're here for you. :hugs:
Lilrojo - So sorry :hugs: Take your time to heal - here whenever you need us.

Amber - Glad your man is back safe and sound.

Shell - Wow you made out like a baby bandit! You're so prepared :)

Vix - that's so cool about the movement...I'm starting to feel it too...it's kind of funny and weird...can your OH feel it yet? Mine can't just now.

SamB - Things seem to be going really well...excellent news!
Such sad news Lil - sorry you're having this terrible experience again.

Shell - I'm impressed and sounds like a lovely show. I'm using all the same stuff at last time so don't get all that excitement - but there's still lots to look forward to.

Amber - my man has been away loads over the last month and completely understand how you miss him - I've had enough now too - want him back please! Glad yours is home safe and sound!

Constipation? Well a really good cure that I use is dried apricots as they have the extra bonus of being high in iron too and they taste nice and are an easy snack.

AFM - phoned the MW this morning as am having terrible aches in all my bones and joints from the waist down. I had the same problem in the last month or so with my daughter but it's so early to start. Honestly I can't sleep more than 20 min intervals before i have to try to turn over and find a less painful position. I've started doing more walking this week which just seems to have aggravated it. Had an early morning swim this morning so will see if that helps today - felt a bit scared as last time I swam I bleed that evening but I'm being brave as I think this baby's much stronger now. She was a bit rubbish and told me to call GP or do more exercise - duh!!!??? ANyway if swimming helps am going to have to find a way to go often as actually cried in pain 2 nights ago - but would do anything for this baby!
Lil--words cannot express how sorry I am to hear of your loss. Please take all of the time you need to heal and know that you will be in our thoughts, and we are here if you need us. :hugs:

neffie--I hope your confirmation appointment goes well today, thinking of you! :hugs:

vix--that is so wonderful that you can feel your little girl moving around so much! I am still waiting to feel anything from Baby L--I know that as it is my first, it can take a bit longer, but I am getting impatient!

mum--glad that you have your consultant appt set so you can start making the plans you need for your birth!

chilli--:hugs: I hope those pains ease up on you hun, they sound so uncomfortable!

AFM: Monthly appt. with the gyn on Thursday. Just a checkup but hopefully I will get to hear Baby L's heartbeat again on their doppler! I'm a bit concerned as I have still not gained any weight (according to my scale, I have actually lost 2 lbs since last month, 4 lbs total this pregnancy). Granted, I started out this pregnancy with a few extra pounds to spare, but aren't ladies supposed to have gained some by now? (18 wks?). Will probably be my main question for the doc Thurs. Oh, and thank you all for the PMA regarding my home alone status last week--DH travelling has never bothered me much in the past, but I think I am starting to nest more, and I want all my ducks (and yes, he counts as one, haha!) around me all of the time!
Hey ladies just wanted to show you my scan pic :)

Aww, SamB your little one is so precious! It even looks like he/she is waving! Thank you for sharing!
thats what they were doing at the time a waving motion then they went on to wiping their face & kicking their legs sooo magical!!
lil - so sorry to hear your terrible news, sending you and your family lots of love and hugs xxx

Been away all weekend just back to catch up on gossip but will need to post properly tomorrow, love to all xxx
Urrggghhh, I just lost my entire post. :hissy: Will try again....

Sam - Lovely scan! That's awesome that your LO was waving at you. :winkwink:

Chilli - Hope the pains ease, and you feel better soon. Did you check with the doctor to see why you bled the last time you swam? From what I've heard, it's nothing but good for you.

Amber - Good luck with the app on Thursday. :thumbup:

:hi: to everyone else.

Our appt today went very well! (knock on wood...). OH surprised me by showing up, so that was an
added bonus. :) They did a pap, pelvic exam, and took 4 vials of blood (I knew that it was going to be quite a bit of blood, but it was something else actual seeing it :wacko:). We have our 1st ultrasound scheduled on June 23 at 9w+3. :thumbup: It can't come soon enough. Hopefully we'll get to see our little Coco happy, healthy, and bouncy. :kiss:

Oh, I have decided to ditch my cardio, strength, core, and kick boxing training for now, and replace them with walking and swimming. I thought at first about continuing my workouts with some modifications.....but the thought of breaking the news to my trainer even before we told our respective families was a bit strange. I might get back to it later, as I'm a bit of a workout nut...but I figured it's best to play it safe at least until I get through the 1st trimester. Any tips to share on what has been working for each of you?

Alright, let me send this post before it gets lost in translation again. :dohh:
Hey girls, Sorry I've not been active on here.

lil so sorry you have to go through this again. I am so sad for you. I really hope you get your forever baby soon.

Neffie Congrats so happy for you.

I am so happy to hear how well everyone is doing with scans and baby shopping. It's all so exciting.

I wanted to let everyone know that I had my 19 week scan today and I am officially on team pink. So excited. All testing has been good so far. I finally seem to be feeling better. First it was the nausea then the headaches, then a cold... Now I feel great!

Happy baby bump growing to all.
Lil - So sorry to hear your very sad news, thinking of you x

Shell - baby show sounds great! We get very little of those events down here in cornwall! I'm actually really missing all that baby shopping this time around as we have everything from our first. So exciting choosing and buying everything!

Chilli - I really hope the swimming helped and if not then the doc or mw can suggest something to ease it! Not nice, like pregnancy isn't hard enough... but all worth it know!

Neffie - i did the same yest, lost a whole long entire post on here but was too mad to write it again until today!

Sam - ah what a lovely pic of your baby! Glad all is going well for you!

Lisa - Congratulations on team pink! So many pretty things to buy! Glad you are feeling better now too!

AFM - Feeling pretty good at the moment! Lots of strong movements now! The time since hitting 2nd tri has flown by for me so far! Have booked a 2 week all inclusive sunny break for me, the hubby and our little boy for nxt month! It will be his first time on a plane so slightly nervous but will take lots to entertain him! (our son that is... not the hubby:haha:) So looking forward to getting away for some family time, our last break away just the ot the hubby3 of us!
congrats Samb on your scan, looking good!!

hi all lovely ladies, hope everyone is well, I am doing great, tinks is moving around loads (although she kept stopping last night every time OH put his hand on my belly to feel her so she's a minx!), I am loving being pregnant :) I will be 24 weeks on Friday, is that what they call "Viable" day? I hate the term viable but if it means another milestone I'll take it!

shell, thanks for pram info, we're going to start looking next month once back from our holiday and I dont know where to begin! EEK!

Neffie, I am similar to you, was quite a hardcore gym goer (you wouldnt know it to look at me!!!) but I have been taking it a lot easier since being pregnant and I now walk (outdoors) and swim only. I want to stay active and need to for my weight really but I wouldnt chance anything strenous other than a few light hand weights (nothing above your head though), its not worth it, you can keep fit and healthy with walking and swimming, definitely no kick boxing :) good for you hun!! xx
Morning ladies!

Neffie--so glad your appointment went well and they have things moving right along for you, that is great and so exciting! I hear you on the blood, I have had more blood drawn in the last 3 months than I have total in my life, it is crazy! And yay for a booked scan! June 23 will be here in no time!!

As for exercising, I am still on pelvic rest until my scan next week (where hopefully I will be taken OFF of it), so I have not been able to do as much exercise as I would like. Right now I am limited to walking and swimming. I am hoping to be able to work in some yoga and other things after next week!

Lisa--Grats on team pink! So wonderful! We have a lot of little princesses so far! :happydance: Also glad to hear you are feeling better!

pixie--glad to hear you are doing well hun! Your vacation sounds grand! DH and I are hoping to do a vaca in July as a last hurrah before our little one comes! I hope your little boy enjoys his first plane ride, that is a big deal to a little guy, I am sure he will be so excited!

kizzy--sounds like your little Tink is already at work wrapping her daddy around her little fingers! :winkwink: Early grats on your Vday this week hun, that is indeed a milestone and so happy that you and little Tink are doing so well! :hugs:

AFM: Some excitement in what is normally a very routine life for us! We got home last night to our power going out right as we got in the door (thank god we had stopped for tacos on the way home! Thanks Baby L for making mommy hungry for tacos! haha). We figured it would come back on in an hour or so, but nope! Our poor neighbors had locked themselves out, and their dog was inside needing very much to go out! Another neighbor brought over a ladder, but in that our neighbors are going to Florida this weekend for a week, they had all their windows locked! So my DH and neighbor actually had to take a hammer and break into their house via the back door!
.I then had to figure out how to give myself insulin in the dark, that was fun!
.This morning, after getting ready for work (showers and all in the dark!), we are on our way out the door and Boom! the power comes on, lol! Apparently 2 transformers had blown last night, and the electric co. has no idea why this happened, but over 46,000 folks were without electricity for over 12 hours!
OMG Amber that's unreal! Were you worried at all? whereabouts in the States are you? x
We live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We are no where near where all those horrific storms and tornadoes are right now. We did have a bad wind storm Monday night, but no power loss then. The news reports are that 2 highpower transformer lines went down near one of the substations just north of us, and they have no explanation as to why this happened. We had a couple of restaurants catch fire after the outage up the road from us, which was kind of scary, but we were fine, just glad we had lots of candles!! I felt so bad for our neighbors though having to breack out a section of their glass door so they could get inside to their poor dog!
Lisa - Congrats on team PINK!! :) Did you have any guesses/feelings prior to the scan on what team you were going to be on? Glad to hear that the nausea, cold, etc. are out the door, and that you're feeling better.

Pixie - Enjoy your vacation. 2 weeks sounds great! I'm sure your LO is excited about taking his first flight.

Kizzy - Congrats on reaching another milestone. :thumbup: Has it been 24 weeks already? Gosh, it sure has flown by. So nice to hear that tinker is all jumpy and bouncy. :)

Amber - Yikesssss...calling your night eventful would be an understatement! Glad you guys are ok. That sucks that your neighbors lost their window, but at least their dog is ok. Good job Baby L on making mommy eat her taco at the right time. :thumbup:

Milo - :hi:. Hope you're doing well.

AFM, OH is headed out of town tomorrow for 10 whole days!! Sigh! :shrug: But on the bright side, I've got little Coco keeping me company, so I'm not going to consider myself lonely. :haha:

Have a great day everyone!
Grand- I can feel her on the outside but each time either kids or oh come near she stops!!

Amber- Are you sure your not feeling her and not relising what it is your feeling?? my first movements felt like i needed the toilet lol

Sam- Your picture is brill, really suited for you after ur heartache :)

And lil, Im really sorry that your having to go through this again, hugs to u!

Not much to say today really,
In process of trying to cut my hours down, full time is just too much already!! Im waddling like a bloody duck and my feet are killing!! (im a auxillary nurse of a surgical ward)
No luck with the pram, i cant find any i want!! Only one i do like has a price tag of almost £500!!! and as i drive EVERYWHERE i refuse to pay that amount of money!!

I now have..... 2 moses baskets, baby bath, 2 babys seats..... play gym, 10packets of nappys, and a full wardrobe of PINK clothes oh plus seriliser and bottles... dummies and a few lush jackets for her!!! As i have 2 kids and my husband has 3 teenagers from a previous relationship i wanted to get stuff bought before all the other kids bdays etc....
If your wondering why i have 2 of most things lol its coz ive learnt from my other babys that it just isnt practicle to carry baby up and down stairs in a moses basket or a chair, so one for the lounge and one for the bedroom (chair for bathroom as ive alwasy had to take my babys with me when ive bathed as they disklike being alone!)

Off to watch Eclipes for the 100th time
Night Ladies x
HI everyone! I dont' know how you all do it... I read all your posts and think of soo many things to say then when it comes time to actually write I go blank. lol

Anyway Congrats on team Pink Lisa!! Sooo exciting! I don't really care what we have, but shopping for little girls stuff is sooo much more fun!

As for the excercising I stopped my work outs also when we found out we were finally prego again. I contiuned the first time and always feel as if I pushed my self too hard. I would love to get out and go swimming, but I live in the country and its a half hour to any pool ... maybe soon? Hopfully it warms up soon so the beach is another option.

Pixie a vacation sounds Great! Have a good time!! I am organising a 4 day get away with my girls, and lots of babys, at my sisters cottage in a few weeks! I hope the lake is warm enought to swim! But at least it will be a chance to get away and relax for a few days!

afm I've been feeling good, apart from an almost always small headache. But the weather has been extremely rainy the past few weeks so I think the low pressure system has a lot to do with it. I have my midwife appt tomorrow and if all goes well I may not even go to the dr appt I booked. I am really leaning towards the personal service of the midwife as opposed to the dr delivering my baby.
Hi everyone,

Neffie, I did have a dream it was a girl. I saw her very clearly at about 1 years old walking to me and she gave me a big kiss. It was such a great dream. I guess the dream was right.

I haven't exercised since my BFP. I was too scared in the beginning, then too tired, now too busy.

I am busy trying to decide what kind of crib, stroller, change table..... to buy. How to decorate the nursery, how not to spend too much money.... waiting to see what some friends and family have to give to me. They've been saving some of their baby stuff for me since they are done with that now. I feel like time is going to go by so fast and I better get organized now. On the other hand October still seems so far away.... I just can't wait to meet my little girl.

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