Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

New Hunny - what a shock for you. Everything I go to type just sounds so uggghhhhh given what you are going through. I am hoping like the others so much that you get good news next week. I am so sorry though that you have alraedy had to endure such bad news. Here for you with everyone else. XXXX
There are some pretty impressive bumps on here you guys. Lil, Kizzy, Shell....... Hope I didn't miss amy bumps.

Can't believe how far people are getting along in this thread.

AFM: Bet ya fed up with me moaning. Had a funny turn at work - dizzy, chest pains, shortness of breath, numbness in hands and arms.......... Anyhow ended up at hospital. Probable still iron and thyroid. Waiting more blood test results. The bloody receptionists at maternity ward were really cross with me because I didn't have me notes. The school that I work at is a walk from the hospital so I wasn't going home for them. They were really nagging at me. You should have your notes on you at all times, you are making out job harder, blah, blah......Ok I get the message.
Amber - Can't wait to hear how your shower went today! Bet you got tons of lovely things for wee Grace! :flower:

Kizzy - How're you and Tinks feeling?

New - thinking only positive thoughts for you during this time...I know this must seem like the longest week ever for you and your OH.

Neffie - Have a great tour of your maternity ward!...pics of Coco's nursery coming soon?

Bean - Hope you're OK hon...does sound like anemia from the symptoms. Who carries all their medical notes with them everywhere??? I certainly don't...they shouldn't have made you feel bad about that. Let us know what the results are. Take care and get some rest.

Pixie - Thanks for the sweep description! I hope you're right about the size...I've heard that judging weight through a scan is not super accurate. Thanks for the encouragement...bit scary to think about pushing out a big baby.

Happy weekend to you all!

AFM: Pre-registered at the hospital finally...got some fun samples (I love samples!). Trying to get my hospital bag ready and failing miserably - I feel like I'm packing for a 3 week vacation all the stuff they suggest...sheesh. Been suffering insomnia from 1am to 4am recently...anyone else have that happen in late 3rd tri?...don't know if it's pregnancy related, stress, worry, :shrug:
Grand I think that insomnia is quite normal at this stage. You are so much more uncomfortable, lots going on in your mind and I think at this stage you are ready for it to happen at any time (or atleast start to happen) Best thing is to rest when you can and make up for the sleep that you are losing in the night.

As far as the bag goes I have seen people in the mat ward with suitcases. Take what you think you are going to need, whats the worst, you will bring it home unused but atleast you won't be stressing. Can I suggest an item. When I had my second (I had him about 6.30 pm and so stayed in for the night) I was so hungry. My dh had gone and I rumaged through my handbag and found 2 chocolate bars (they were my eldest dhs) . I will never forget how much I enjoyed both of them at about 1.00 am with a hot chocolate whilst looking at my little baby. I will definetly be putting those in my bag. XXXX
Good shout bean, any excuse for choc! I have some cereal bars to take in and will prob take a couple of bananas too but hadn't thought about afterwards when everyone is gone and the canteen closed!

My bag is packed and ready, I am ready, Neil is ready, the only one who isn't ready is our lazy lady ;) hehe

Everyone ok today? Xx
New - your scan must have been a shock. I really hope this week flies by for you and you get some good news at your next scan xxx

Grand -I know what you mean about the hospital bag! I need a pack horse to get me to hospital with all the stuff I seem to have to take! I suspect the midwives will be worried that I am moving in permanently!
One friend suggested a labour bag (nighties, food, ipod, camera, magazines etc) that can go home once it is all used and then a post-birth bag with clean stuff for you and baby afterwards. Then atleast DH can remove some of it from the hospital for you. I was also going to put a box in the car with spare nappies, cotton wool, pads etc for me into the car so DH can bring in spares if/when they are needed and it might stop me packing quite as much into the actual hospital bag.

AFM - all good here, last weekend day on call for 9 months and so far so good! Yesterday was quiet so I got all my baby clothes ironed (my mum would have been so proud!) I must post a photo cause it was so cute to see them all pristine white, washed and ironed. I also suspect this is the only time this child will have its clothes all ironed!

HAve a good weekend everyone xxx
New- Im so sorry to hear you news, ill be think of you this week and praying for some light at the end of the tunnel for u! x

Ya know by the time i read back on all post i forget what i need to write by the time i come to it!!

Kizzy- What the tea like???
Jesus i though i was big but bloody hell women!! I bet youll be glad to see you feet soon!! ive tried searching u on fb, but i cant find you!!!
im vicky thompson my pics is a old one of my dad with my 3 sisters..... try find me lol!!

Pixie- sorry i must have missed ur post! i didnt relise we were a day apart!! 13days!! Seems so unreal and almost sad!!
When i give birth to this baby, ill have been pregnant for alomst a yr (including my ectopic) and from trying for our ectopic baby to losing to finding out about this baby has been such a journey, my whole yr has revolved around it!! And now itll soon be over!

Ive missed so much i wanted to say!! grhhhhh hate the set up of baby and bump lol

As for me...... not much!!
Babys relation to brim is still 'FREE' not 1/5 or 2/5 or 3/5 or even engaged.... nooooo shes still FREE!!!! grhhhhhhh lol which is suprising coz i feel very low now!! so no chance of babs coming anytime soon!! And we go away on friday so thats okish with me lol
Other than that im all packed and ready for her....

Anyone else worried about all the visitors they will get???
i remember with both my other babys my dh family just turned and stayedfor what seemed like forever!! I wont let it happen this time lol

Kizzy i will be watching closly! Best of luck xx
Oh sorry hun, I changed my profile pic, haha! It's of 4 of us at a wedding, me oh and two girl friends. Is the one of you your dad on the left and three of you in wedding outfits?

My bump is big in that pic but its front on so right in focus, that said it feels humongous!! There's still a big chance you or pixie go before me! I also feel like I've been prego a year, my first bfp was 24th sept last year so almost a full year with only 8 weeks off for my d&c and recovery! Mad huh?

So, today I've been having some cramps in my tummy and back and my hips and thighs ache plus lots of bh's but they all seem to be wearing off so i am not getting excited! Promise to let you all know if anything happens over night tho :) xx
Sorry ive changed mine aswel!! lol Its now a black and white pic of my son (3yrs) in a suit.... what are bh's that your having???
i have always been late.... and with baby still being free i very much doubt i will be making any announcment anytime soon!!
U need to add me on fb as i rarley check here as its a pain having to search for my post andreading on from it on my phone whilst i practicly live on fb on my phone lol

Anyway school run in the morning! night x
Oh Vix. Getting worried about visitors. Yeah am already worying about it. Issue does seem to be more with my MIL than my family tbh. I was there yesterday and she said that she has cancelled everything for endf of November so that she is there. No I don't want her to do that. My own mom popped in for an hour wheras dhs mom was there for ages and kept coming really early every day. I am also worried about where boys will go. My MIL is 73 so don't want them both with her. Also don't want her to tell them what the sex is. As you can see the anwer to your question is that you are not only one worrying. AAAGGGHHHHHHH.......................XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

AFM: I am off to docs this morn. My right boob is killing - feels like when you need feed your baby and are engorged. Also going about sick note as ended up n hosp again other day when at work. People keep telling me to get signed off - think I am beginning to listen. XXXXXXXX
oh Bean you poor love, you're really going through it! I would definitely look into getting signed off, its just not worth the risks and your stress levels will go through the roof if you keep having to go to hospital, good luck hun, let us know what they say x

Vix, I think I found you (otherwise I have added another Vicky Thompson with a cute blonde boy in a suit for a profile pic! haha), by BH I meant braxton hicks. And as for raspberry leaf tea, its ok, just like any fruit tea, might have a cup in a minute actually, apparently its good for after for getting your uterus back in place too but I dont know?

AFM, still here as you can see ladies! Slept well which is good, but nothing happened overnight, baby is break dancing today so dont think she's in any rush to get her butt out of there, my hips are aching (and my bum, like I've done a lot of exercise which I can 100% reassure you I havent!!) so I am assuming its all good signs and getting ready so back to the waiting game :)
Bean- hope youre feeling better and the dr can help

Vix- hope she gets into place soon!

Kizzy- I was hoping for a labour announcement! It sounds like all is going in the right direction.

New- still praying for you xx

I'm really sorry I've forgotten everyone else... but hi xxx

Afm- Apple Alice is so wiggly now, oh is feeling her quite often too. I had a couple of braxton hicks yesterday which was a bit scarey, I dion't have any with C and was panicing I was in premature labour again... All is fine. Busy week this week. C starts Nursery on Wednesday, I can't believe my baby is so grown up. Then Thursday is our 20 week scan and Friday I have the consultant. I've been really teary for the last week or so and oh is worried I'm putting too much stress on myself to find a house before the baby comes. We've decided to stay in our 2 bed and then move when the baby is older. He wasnts me to talk about it on Friday, I had pn depression after C and they are keeping an extra eye.
Anyway, half way there now!!!
Bean - hope docs goes ok, i would def take them up on the offer of a sick note. Put you and baby first and rest up. I struggled on with my first pregnancy but got signed off in June with this one! Im so glad as i would never have coped and would have been gutted to start taking my maternity leave early. x

Kizzy - Sounds like Tinks is def getting ready! I know its so hard waiting but it is so exciting too! will keep checking in x

Vix - I know you mean, its a real mixed bag of emotions! apparently after your first, babies often don't engage so still could be any time! Im not expecting anything until next week at the earliest though, just a feeling! I have a sweep booked for nxt thurs and i have a feeling i will be needing it!

Milos - I keep looking at all my washed ironed baby bits laid out ready! They look so cute!

New - you are very much in my thoughts this week. hope you are as well as can be expected and taking it easy x

AFM - nothing to report, just achy and sore and waiting...........

Hope everyone is keeping well xxx
Kizzy - Are you over your due date now? XXXX Sorry not sure hun.

Pixie - Thanks for that. I have been giving msyelf a hard time. Feel like a wuss. I just can't do it though I am knackered.

Sparkle - BH have scared me a few times aswell - really strong. Lovely that oh can feel baby so much. XXX

AFM: Doc signed me off - no problem. Will start mat leave officially in 2 weeks. Now all I have to do is let my head know. Mentioned the boob issue and they said if it goes red then to go back and they will treat it.
Good for you bean, now is rest time :) and yep, I am 3 days over now! X
Hey there ladies :hi:

Pixie - wow, what a great bump you have there!! and congrats on being 4/5 engaged, not long now, hey?! :)

Grand - good luck writing your birth plan in French. im struggling to write mine in English :haha: although I think once id managed to write it in English, translating it into French would be the easier part. lol. I know what I want to say, its just hard putting it into words. I dont wanna seem too rigid in my ideas, but still wanna get my point across strongly. argh!

neffie - great news on the new car, and on the nursery coming along nicely :) when do you have your tour of the hospital?

Amber - hope you are not working yourself too hard! you need your rest, ready for when little Grace arrives. How did your shower go on saturday? Hope your scan goes well today :flower:

Bean - sorry to hear about your funny turns at work, and your trips to the hospital. But Im so glad that you managed to get a sick note for the next 2 weeks. It is definitely the best decision, Im sure of that :thumbup: Make sure you get plenty of rest, and get ready for your little arrival.

Milos - well done for getting all of the baby clothes ready! isnt it lovely to see tiny clothes all washed, dried and ironed. makes it all seem so real and exciting! although i must admit that Bo's clothes will never be ironed again after the first time! :blush:

Vix - I have read many times that 2nd and 3rd babies often dont engage in the pelvis until you are in labour. so I really wouldnt worry about it. Libby will be here soon, Im sure. But I hope you enjoy your family holiday before she arrives. And yes, I am worried about how I will deal with visitors. I want to spend the first few days bonding, just the 3 of us, but I know that the entire family will be banging the door down every day! and im too nice to turn them away :nope:

Kizzy - come on Tinks, you lazy lady! Its a lovely sunny day, come out and play!!! :happydance:

Sparkle - Happy 20 weeks!! :yipee: Cant believe how fast time has gone!! I am glad that your DH managed to persuade you to relax abit about the house move. I completely understand your need to find a new house before Apple Alice arrives, but I think it wouldnt be better for your health if you waited until after. She wont need her own bedroom immediately, so you do have time to find somewhere afterwards. Hope C enjoys his first day at nursery on Weds!

AFM: went to visit the in-laws yesterday, and the MIL said she would buy us the cotbed mattress (my dad and stepmum already bought us a beautiful cotbed, but it didnt come with a mattress) so we chose the one we wanted, and MIL paid. It arrives on Friday! also, we told the in-laws that we wanted to buy a gliding nursing chair and footstool for the nursery. They mentioned that my OHs aunt (who is only 34, and had her daughter last August) had just stopped BFing, and was giving away her nursing chair and footstool! so we went round to have a look at them, and they're exactly what we want!! so we took them home - for free!! what a brilliant day we had yesterday!! :happydance:

Hope you are all well on this lovely sunny monday morning! :friends:

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