Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Hi everyone, :hi:

I'm still here, nothing to report really.
Still in shock really and dreading the heartache that losing two will bring.
I desperately want to have hope but can't see how there can possibly be a positive outcome after all this.
I have googled everything and it seems a twin can hide, but there was no mention of a hb on Friday so I can't see how one can be so behind the other and still make it, it just doesnt seem possible - oh how I wish it was though.

Thanks everyone for thinking of me - I am just trying to pass the days however I can - the weekend was awful, just didn't know what to do with myself - I just can't see the point in anything at the moment....and that's just not me.
Aw New

You must be feeling so stressed and anxious right now. I really hope that the time will pass quickly for you. XXX
Kizzy - bet you are getting fed up.

Shell - that is brilliant that you got the nursery chair for free. I love it when things like that happen.

Morning ladies!

New--:hugs: I wish I had words of wisdom for you hun, I can't imagine what you are going through. Just know that I am thinking of you so much and praying for your little one. :hugs:

Bean--I am glad your doctor signed you off and that you will be able to go on leave in 2 weeks. I was getting worried about you overdoing things. :flower:

Grand--good luck with the hospital bag packing! I haven't even started yet, but it is on my list for the coming weekend. I have also read that insomnia is common in the late 3rd trimester. A combination of anticipation, worry, discomfort and having to pee!!

Kizzy--saw you were headed out around town today, I hope that walking around gets little Tinks moving! C'mon little Tinks, we all can't wait to meet you!!

milos--awesome job on ironing all the clothes! I bet they look stunning!! glad to hear all is well with you!

vix--hope your little one engages soon! And I hear you on the visitors--is a huge worry for me as everyone keeps saying they want to stop by--I have made it clear that only certain people are welcome in the first weeks and, as for everyone else, if we are up for it, we will invite as we go or go visiting ourselves! I know we are going to be overwhelmed with Grace being our first and I don't want to have more stress added on top of that!

sparkle--will be thinking of you with your scan this week! And :thumbup: for C being such a big boy, he is going to be a great big brother to his little sister! Your OH sounds like mine when it comes to worrying about how we stress out over things, it is good that he watches over you and makes sure that you don't overdo! I know that whatever you decide on the housing end will be what is best for you and the family!

Shell--wow, fabulous news on the furniture end!! That is so wonderful because nursery furniture can be so expensive! And to have it be exactly what you were looking for is doubly grand!

Neffie--when is your tour set for the hospital? I hope it goes well!

AFM: Shower went very very well, got lots of beautiful things for little Grace! Toys and clothes and practical things like diapers and burp cloths, etc. I felt a bit overwhelmed with everyone's generosity! Have to say I got home though and was totally wiped out! Took me a day to recover!

Also, had Grace's ultrasound this morning, she is measuring well (although she has a tubby little belly measuring a week and a half ahead!!), 5 lbs, 14 oz., heartbeat 129. Her head is literally RIGHT on top of my cervix (yikes!), but she is still facing my back! I hope she rolls over in the next few weeks, haha. She also had her hand up on her forehead in a dramatic fashion the entire time, my little drama queen!

One more week of running the office here, and my stress level will go down. After that it is just a couple regular weeks up until Miss Grace arrives.
Amber I thought her facing your back was the best position for labour, tinks has her back to my front (so she us facing my back) and they said it's the perfect way round? Xx
Oh really? Well if that is the case then GRACE DONT MOVE! haha :haha:
Thanks Amber

Feel relieved but also a bit guilty that I am letting people down. Anyway that is me all over. My mom has said don't go stressing about that now aswell. I am a terrible worrier and hate to think I have annoyed people. My dh says that I would stress over having nothing to stress about. Does that make sense?

Glad that you are finishing soon aswell as Amber and that you had s lovely day at your baby shower. XXXX

Hi again everyone..... XXXXXX
New - my heart goes out to you, My Love :hugs:

I have no wonderful words of consolation for you, because there is nothing anyone can do or say right now. Just know that I am send you all the prayers in the world...

Amber - glad you enjoyed your baby shower. Wish someone would throw me one, lol. But to be fair, I have been given a lot of gifts by family members throughout my pregnancy, so I am lucky too.
Glad your scan went well today. Bless Grace and her chubby little tummy! Did they mention it at all? Could it be due to your GD perhaps? Im sure she is just perfect! And its great that she is already perfecting her drama queen pose!
If Grace's back is lying up against your back, thats not so good, as it can make labour and birth much more difficult. But if her tummy is against your back, then thats a great position!! :thumbup:

Hey ladies.. hope your all doing well

Yes you want their tummy against your back.. not their back.. we dont want those babies facing up.. makes labor harder and more back labor.. so any babies facing the wrong way turn around for these mommas.. :)

Amber so happy to hear your shower went well.. and yay for all the new gifts for grace.. :)

Shell thats great about the rocking chair.. :)

Kizzy hope the walking helps hun.. come on out tinks we all want to meet you..

New I too am sending you lots and lots of prayers for you and your lo.. miracles do happen..

AFM-not much new to report.. anyone having any problems with their sciatic nerve.. mine seems to be acting up earlier this time around.. feeling baby move everday now that lessens the worry.. 22 more days till my scan.. they will gone before i know it.. :)

Hope you all have a wonderful day.
lilrojo - my sciatic nerve was playing up from around 16wks to 22wks really bad its not too bad now only when im washing up and ironing they seem to irritate it! the time will fly to your scan.

I have my NHS scan & 4d private scan next tuesday i cant wait to see what my lil princess looks like :D
I wrote my birth plans today! woohoo! :dance:

No, thats not a typo, I do mean "plans" - plural.
I have written two. One for if I get my home birth, and one for if I have to go into hospital.
They are quite blunt/rigid - ie, "I would rather not have an episiotomy", "I would like my baby's heartbeat monitored intermittently, not continuously", etc.
However, after most of these statements I have written "if possible", "if it is safe", "unless extremely necessary" - so I am being slightly flexible :haha:
We will see what happens on the day, I suppose!

Anyways, Im just feeling proud of myself that I got that job done - finally - and wanted to share with you guys!
Hope you're all well.
ps: Kizzy, any news??
Shell - That's awesome! Congrats...I'll have to do mine today as well...time to get inspired...I feel like I'm going to be a bit rigid as well but I really want them to know how passionately I feel about my birth...and that I won't just be a silent participant. I hope it doesn't come off badly - Of course I will have a disclosure about emergencies/health of me and baby as well. Do you want to share yours here?

Sam - Good luck with scan - I'm sure she'll be gorgeous!
OK, here are my two (!) birth plans....let me know what you think, if ive missed anything important, or if i should word things differently, etc.

I would like to have a homebirth. I would like to labour and give birth in the birthing pool.
I would like my fiance Greg as my birth partner. I do not wish to have any other family members/friends present.
I would like the baby's heartbeat to be monitored intermittently with a doppler.
I would like to walk around/stand up/lean over the sofa/squat, etc. I would rather not lie on the sofa/bed.
I would like to use Entonox as a form of pain relief (as well as the water, and massage by Greg).
I would rather not have an episiotomy, however, I will give my permission if necessary.
I would like for Greg or myself to deliver the baby (bring her up out of the water) if possible/safe to do so.
I would like to try delayed cord clamping (just until the cord has stopped pulsing) if possible/safe to do so.
I would like for Greg to cut the cord, however, he is still unsure, and will decide at the time.
I would like a physiological third stage. If the placenta has not been delivered within the hour, I will consent to have the Syntometrine injection.
I would like to breastfeed my baby within the first 30 minutes after the birth if possible.
I would like my baby to have the Vitamin K injection.

I am happy to have a student midwife present and taking part in the labour and birth.
If it is necessary to transfer to hospital at any time, I will trust the Midwife's decision. I would like Greg to come with me in the ambulance.


I would prefer to have a home birth, but if necessary I will have a hospital birth.
I would like my fiance Greg to be my birth partner. I do not wish to have any other family members/friends present.
I would like to have Greg present if I need an instrumental delivery, or Caesarean section.
I would like to use the birthing pool for both labour and delivery if it is available.
I would like to use water, massage and Entonox as pain relief. I would rather not have Pethidine or an epidural, but I will see how I feel at the time.
I would like to have baby's heartbeat monitored intermittently using a doppler. I would rather not be on continuous monitoring, unless it is necessary.
I would like to stay active for as long as possible during labour. I would like to walk around, lean over the bed, squat, use a birthing ball, etc. I would rather not lie in bed.
I would like to be able to eat and drink throughout my labour, unless it is considered unsafe.
I would rather not have my labour augmented using Syntocinon, unless extremely necessary.
I would rather not have an episiotomy, but I will give my consent if neccessary.
I would rather not have an instrumental delivery, but I will give my consent if necessary.
I would rather not have a Caesarean section, but will give my consent if necessary.
I am not sure what position I would like to give birth in. I will see what feels comfortable at the time.
I would like to try delayed cord clamping (just until the cord stops pulsing) if it is possible/safe to do so.
I would like Greg to cut the cord, however he is still unsure, and will decide at the time.
I would like my baby to be delivered onto my chest immediately for skin-to-skin contact.
I would like to breastfeed my baby within the first 30 minutes after the birth. I do not want my baby to be given any formula feeds.
I would like to have a physiological third stage. If the placenta has not been delivered within the hour, I will consent to the Syntometrine injection.
I would like my baby to have the Vitamin K injection.
I would like Greg to go with my baby if she has to be taken away for any reason.
I am happy to have a student midwife present and taking part during the labour and birth.
Thanks for sharing Shell! I think they are both very good and not too harsh at all...you leave room for flexibility and emergencies.

I'm working on mine right now...I think the only extra thing I have right now is about the birthing environment (in a hospital birth obviously since it will be harder to control than a home birth) - the lights dimmed, my music if wanted, as little interruption by staff as possible to maintain intimacy and a sense of calm. The other thing I added was about AROM (artificial rupture of membranes - breaking the waters) that I didn't want them to do this. Basically mine is quite similar to your hospital one (since I have to have it there).

Back to the computer :comp: to keep writing :wacko:
Thanks Grand :)
Im not sure how I feel about ARM. I just know that I would rather not have Syntocinon (Pitocin).
And I will add my lighting/music ideas now, thanks for reminding me.

Good luck writing yours, let me know how you get on :thumbup:
Sorry Kizzy - Just think that Tinks lungs will be so mature and healthy by the time she comes out...I know the waiting is tough...I'm just past 36 weeks and already impatient doing silly things like symptom spotting and checking for a show or broken waters when I go to the loo.

:hugs: She'll come soon...she has to!
yeah she will :) I should get a sweep the day after tomorrow if she hasnt shown up by then so fingers crossed x

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