FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) - who has done it, who is doing it.....

Hi ladies. I had my ER today. They got 13 eggies. I can't wait for my FET.

Does anyone know how long it will be till I get my period?

congrats! I forget are they going to take to blast now, or after the freeze and defrost. each clinic does it differently i forget what they are doing for you.

I cant wait till jan and bfps for all of us :happydance:
Hi ladies. I had my ER today. They got 13 eggies. I can't wait for my FET.

Does anyone know how long it will be till I get my period?

congrats! I forget are they going to take to blast now, or after the freeze and defrost. each clinic does it differently i forget what they are doing for you.

I cant wait till jan and bfps for all of us :happydance:

They performed ICSI today. We'll hear how that went tomorrow and learn how many fertilized. After that they will take them to blast, remove a single cell for PGD, and then freeze them until we get the PGD results.

2012 is going to be a great year for all of us. :xmas3:
Wanted to come in and update that I am still in quite a bit of pain with nausea. 6 days after retrieval... So I put a call into the doctor last night and had a 9 am scan this morning. Good news is no fluid in abdomen!! But my ovaries are four times their size so that accounts for all this pain. I had to take the kids to the mall last night to return a shirt and it was brutal just walking one wing. I almost just went to the ER. They gave me another scipt for Vicodin so if I'm going to be home, I'm trying to take it so I can have the edge off. Been busy today making 12 dozen cookies for a cookie exchange tomorrow afternoon. Then we are having a company party at the zoo tomorrow and I am dreading the walking. May not see much. I'm just going to eat and let the kids see Santa!
My blurb...

1 IUI in July with injectables BFN
1st IVF in November no transfer 9 embryos frozen
1st FET tentatively for January
Hi girls.

I am hoping to have a FET with my cycle thats due towards the end of Jan. I will be DR so I dont think I will have the transfer until Feb but would love to follow all your stories.

We did a fresh cycle in October, had 7 eggs collected that resulted in 3 embies, all top quality. I had one transfered and 2 frozen at day 3, we opted out of going to blast due to only having 3. The cycle ended in a BFN.

I am now a quite woried at only having 2 to thaw and just praying they survive. As our embies were frozen at day 3 will they thaw them and then take them to blast or just transfer asap after the thaw?

We have not yet even had our follow up so still in the dark quite a bit with some details.

My blurb

1st IVF/ICSI October 2011 - 1 embryo transfered (BFN) & only 2 frozen.
Planning FET for Jan/Feb 2012
Well I've been crying all day like a broken hearted school girl. I got a call this morning from my clinic. They told me only 5 were mature and all 5 fertilized. I have to do PGD and 50% of whatever makes it to blast will end up being no good. We were hoping to have enough to freeze for a couple tries and now we may not even end up with enough for one. The embryologist suggested we might want to do another round of IVF before moving any viable blasts to the PGD phase. He said that since the all fertilized, our issue is maturation and that's easy to fix. I feel so guilty for not speaking up, i felt like they triggered too soon from what i had been reading. My embryologist has been so wonderful. He and my dr have taken a 24k procedure and gotten it down to 14k...but I just don't think we can swing anymore at this time. He suggested they may be able to help us financially again. I swing between wanting them to give it to us for free and not feeling worthy of their charity. I am used to helping others, not the ther way around. Sorry for venting. I'm just overly emotional. I knew this whole process was going too well....
Hi girls.

I am hoping to have a FET with my cycle thats due towards the end of Jan. I will be DR so I dont think I will have the transfer until Feb but would love to follow all your stories.

We did a fresh cycle in October, had 7 eggs collected that resulted in 3 embies, all top quality. I had one transfered and 2 frozen at day 3, we opted out of going to blast due to only having 3. The cycle ended in a BFN.

I am now a quite woried at only having 2 to thaw and just praying they survive. As our embies were frozen at day 3 will they thaw them and then take them to blast or just transfer asap after the thaw?

We have not yet even had our follow up so still in the dark quite a bit with some details.

My blurb

1st IVF/ICSI October 2011 - 1 embryo transfered (BFN) & only 2 frozen.
Planning FET for Jan/Feb 2012

welcome! its hard not to worry, I have 8 blasts frozen but still worry what if none of them are good. Ive seen many many people with BFPs after thawing just 1 embryo. It depends on the clinic, some take to blast after thawing and some transfer right away. glad to have you with us :hugs:
Well I've been crying all day like a broken hearted school girl. I got a call this morning from my clinic. They told me only 5 were mature and all 5 fertilized. I have to do PGD and 50% of whatever makes it to blast will end up being no good. We were hoping to have enough to freeze for a couple tries and now we may not even end up with enough for one. The embryologist suggested we might want to do another round of IVF before moving any viable blasts to the PGD phase. He said that since the all fertilized, our issue is maturation and that's easy to fix. I feel so guilty for not speaking up, i felt like they triggered too soon from what i had been reading. My embryologist has been so wonderful. He and my dr have taken a 24k procedure and gotten it down to 14k...but I just don't think we can swing anymore at this time. He suggested they may be able to help us financially again. I swing between wanting them to give it to us for free and not feeling worthy of their charity. I am used to helping others, not the ther way around. Sorry for venting. I'm just overly emotional. I knew this whole process was going too well....

so I want to understand this properly....they dont want to take just 5 to pgd as worried there wont be many left? but at least if theres only 2 left after pgd you would know they are good ones right? what is the reason for doing pgd? I would love to do that, as I feel then you dont waste time transferring bad embryos and having to wait. I hope it all works out for you, and if they are offering help take it, you are still paying a lot (14k) :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Well I've been crying all day like a broken hearted school girl. I got a call this morning from my clinic. They told me only 5 were mature and all 5 fertilized. I have to do PGD and 50% of whatever makes it to blast will end up being no good. We were hoping to have enough to freeze for a couple tries and now we may not even end up with enough for one. The embryologist suggested we might want to do another round of IVF before moving any viable blasts to the PGD phase. He said that since the all fertilized, our issue is maturation and that's easy to fix. I feel so guilty for not speaking up, i felt like they triggered too soon from what i had been reading. My embryologist has been so wonderful. He and my dr have taken a 24k procedure and gotten it down to 14k...but I just don't think we can swing anymore at this time. He suggested they may be able to help us financially again. I swing between wanting them to give it to us for free and not feeling worthy of their charity. I am used to helping others, not the ther way around. Sorry for venting. I'm just overly emotional. I knew this whole process was going too well....

Hi Faithmommy,

I know it is hard but try and think of the positives. Having 5 of 5 mature eggs fertilise is really good.

Why would only 50% survive?

I want to do PGD if I do a fresh cycle in January. What made you decide to opt for PGD? Do you know the specific PGD testing that is to be done as there are a few types.

I will be thinking of you. Best of luck.
Well I've been crying all day like a broken hearted school girl. I got a call this morning from my clinic. They told me only 5 were mature and all 5 fertilized. I have to do PGD and 50% of whatever makes it to blast will end up being no good. We were hoping to have enough to freeze for a couple tries and now we may not even end up with enough for one. The embryologist suggested we might want to do another round of IVF before moving any viable blasts to the PGD phase. He said that since the all fertilized, our issue is maturation and that's easy to fix. I feel so guilty for not speaking up, i felt like they triggered too soon from what i had been reading. My embryologist has been so wonderful. He and my dr have taken a 24k procedure and gotten it down to 14k...but I just don't think we can swing anymore at this time. He suggested they may be able to help us financially again. I swing between wanting them to give it to us for free and not feeling worthy of their charity. I am used to helping others, not the ther way around. Sorry for venting. I'm just overly emotional. I knew this whole process was going too well....

I'm so sorry hon....The costs and the emotions are sky high in this process. :nope: So why would only 50% make it??
hi everyone! just had acupuncture for the first time with a woman who has lots of experience with fertility so Im so excited. she is going to calm my body down for the FET, will be going 2x a week and the day before and after the blast transfer. she said that if your nervous system is weakened (from a variety of factors) then it will not be successful at getting pregnant. she said she has seen lots of people who fail on the fresh cycle due to the stress on the body from the medications and have success on the frozen. I hope it helps, anyone else considering it?.
how is everyone doing?
Hi ladies - can I join?

I was supposed to have a FET on December 14 but it's been pushed back due to a thin lining. After multiple clomid/femara timed intercourse cycles and IUIs I've NEVER had issues with my lining so of course it has to be an issue now! Arggg!

On Dec. 5 it was 5.8mm and on Dec. 9 it was 6.3mm. I go back on Wednesday for another scan to see if it's improved. I've been on Delestrogen injections since my first scan it hasn't helped much. I've also been doing acupuncture 2x week since I started the IVF process back in October but it hasn't seemed to have made a difference in my lining. If it's not around 8mm on Wednesday they'll cancel this month and we'll try again in January :( This whole process is taking forever and I'm getting so frustrated!

I read back and saw the discussion around PGD. Just wanted to say that I did it due to having recurrent miscarriages. We wanted to rule out chromosomal problems. As you can see in my signature, I had 57 eggs collected, 33 fertilized and 12 made it to day 5 blasts. They were biopsied and frozen (because I had OHSS we couldn't do a fresh transfer). Of the 12, 10 came back chromosomally normal.
Just wanted to share my success story re: FET...

After 5 failed IUIs, 2 failed IVF cycles (both of which got converted to IUIs because I couldn't produce eggs), and a lifetime of no pregnancies (despite not being on birth control), my husband I decided to move to frozen donor eggs, just before I celebrated my 42nd birthday. We had 6 eggs. My husband's sperm was frozen here in Canada and shipped to Atlanta, thawed, and ICSI performed on the 6 eggs. 5 fertilized and were of high quality. The embies were frozen, sent back here, thawed, and 2 put inside me. I am 26 weeks pregnant with twins.

Frozen worked wonderfully for us. I hope it does for you too!
oh what a lovely story CONGRATS TO YOU ... i am also looking at finding the right clinic as a egg donor recipient [unfort iv ran out of time after finding mr right at last.....] could you tell me why you chose the clinic in Atlanta please? and i also would love twins ,- did you ask for twins and they fixed it or was you just sooooo lucky???? Also can you give me the name of the clinic in Atlanta.cheers sasha.
I'm going to have FET this month:xmas2:.I have a doctor appointment on D13, 22 Dec. I have 4 Day-3 frozen embies, hopefully they can survive the thawing.
It will be a natural cycle without medicine. We have financial problem so this is our last chance.

Anyone undergo FET with natural cycle? Normally the FET will be scheduled on which day? I'm very nervous...
AF came today in full force. So I had a pathetic 8 day lp. Without progesterone, that's what happens. I have a scan tomorrow and will hopefully have a protocol for the FET.
AF came today in full force. So I had a pathetic 8 day lp. Without progesterone, that's what happens. I have a scan tomorrow and will hopefully have a protocol for the FET.

means you will get that bfp sooner, and dont have your yucky period over the holidays/new year! :hugs::hugs::hugs: post your protocol when you have it
Okay so my ovaries are still huge but that's to be expected. He decided to put me on BCP's with Lupron starting the 3rd week. So this puts transfer end of January/beginning of February. My 9 embies were frozen as zygotes. I am praying to God 1 or 2 make it to the blast stage for the transfer. He is encouraging me to only transfer 1 but unless I have a few really nice ones, I'm pretty set on 2. We won't be doing this again so this has to be the best shot. They can re-freeze any extras but of course it's an additional charge. He is giving me a really good deal with the FET so I need to come out with that money here soon. Probably a 401K loan. I hate how expensive this all is!!!! Anyhow...guess I will be having yet another period before all is set and done.

Sorry to see that your December transfer was cancelled. How thick did your lining end up getting. I am surprised that your clinic insists on 8mm as a minimum. At my clinic the min is 6mm.

Good luck for January.


Sorry to see that your December transfer was cancelled. How thick did your lining end up getting. I am surprised that your clinic insists on 8mm as a minimum. At my clinic the min is 6mm.

Good luck for January.


Thanks, Missy. I am sooo bummed out. My scan today was 6.3mm ... it didn't budge at all since my scan last Friday (despite continued delestrogen injections and acupuncture).

I've been reading a lot about thin lining and I've seen a range of differing minimums. It's frustrating that there's no one answer. I know that if I would have pushed to proceed with the transfer and it didn't work I would have blamed the lining and would have kicked myself for wasting perfectly good embryos. I got pregnant last time (via IUI) with a 7.6mm lining so if it were close to that I would push to go ahead.

I'm really hoping for better luck next month. The plan is to start the delestrogen on CD2 (this month I was on Estrace orally until CD 14 before switching to the injections). My doctor thinks starting it earlier will make a difference. And then she'll add Estrace vaginally if needed, in addition. I've read this can be a really stubborn problem so I'm hoping this month was just a fluke.

Sorry to see that your December transfer was cancelled. How thick did your lining end up getting. I am surprised that your clinic insists on 8mm as a minimum. At my clinic the min is 6mm.

Good luck for January.


Thanks, Missy. I am sooo bummed out. My scan today was 6.3mm ... it didn't budge at all since my scan last Friday (despite continued delestrogen injections and acupuncture).

I've been reading a lot about thin lining and I've seen a range of differing minimums. It's frustrating that there's no one answer. I know that if I would have pushed to proceed with the transfer and it didn't work I would have blamed the lining and would have kicked myself for wasting perfectly good embryos. I got pregnant last time (via IUI) with a 7.6mm lining so if it were close to that I would push to go ahead.

I'm really hoping for better luck next month. The plan is to start the delestrogen on CD2 (this month I was on Estrace orally until CD 14 before switching to the injections). My doctor thinks starting it earlier will make a difference. And then she'll add Estrace vaginally if needed, in addition. I've read this can be a really stubborn problem so I'm hoping this month was just a fluke.

thats too bad, do they say theres a medical reason for someone not having a good lining? or its just more hormones needed? you mentioned you got pregnant with a 7.6 lining, was that the pregnancy you MC? even though it sucks to wait I do think its the best and I agree you dont want to waste good embryos. Im praying next cycle you produce a lovely thick lining :hugs:

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