FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) - who has done it, who is doing it.....

Hi, I am new to these online chats, My husband and I have been TTC for 3yrs after being diag w PCOS, Endometriosis. Then 1st pg was with inj meds but was etopic. In Dec we had our first IVF cycle but I had OHSS, Cycle was a freeze all! Now this month we are schd for a FET 01-16 and my husband says 1embryo but I am thinking 2. Need more input from someone who has had to choose and what was the outcome? Please!

I would do two. Although my son was from a FET and he was the only blast to survive the thaw and I got pregnant. I am planning on two end of this month but we'll see how many make the thaw and what they look like.
Thanks for I the input and good luck to you. I am just nervous if I only put back one and it doesnt catch but then if I put two what if they split? I was also wondering about what it means when the embryos are graded, my doc never said anything?
I also started a new thred and now its not there did this website delete it? What happend to it?
Hi, I am new to these online chats, My husband and I have been TTC for 3yrs after being diag w PCOS, Endometriosis. Then 1st pg was with inj meds but was etopic. In Dec we had our first IVF cycle but I had OHSS, Cycle was a freeze all! Now this month we are schd for a FET 01-16 and my husband says 1embryo but I am thinking 2. Need more input from someone who has had to choose and what was the outcome? Please!

Im also debating how many to transfer out of my 8. At my age of 39 the FS automatically says 2. I think out of my 8 blasts perhaps only 1 or 2 of them are actually good ones so I suppose the risk of twins in small. However I do not want twins, so Im thinking of just transferring the 1 for my first FET (my fresh cycle failed but I cant help but think what if it was just the stress of the cycle and the FET will work and both will take if I transfer 2). if that doesnt work then I will go up to 2. but it will be a longer process and my chance of pregnancy goes way down when I transfer only 1, so its a hard decision! I meet with my FS tomorrow to discuss, Im sure she will persuade me to do 2. I will ask for the stats on how many 39 yr olds got pregnant with 2.

Im not sure how old you are and how many you have frozen. but seeing as you havent tried IVF before and dont know how you will respond perhaps try 1 for the first time if you really dont want twins.

please keep in touch with us, theres a few of us doing FET this month! what meds are you on this month?
I will be 25 this month, and I had 20 eggs removed, out of the 20-17 were mature, out of the17- 16 were fertilized, then 8 made it to day five blast and were frozen. But I don't know the quality or grade which I will call Embryologist tomorrow. The more I research online, I come up with new q's to ask them. I am on Estrace right now and will start progesterone, medrol and my zpac later this week. I asked about baby asp but they told me I didnt need to take it and I dont know why, seems a lot of women take it during the cycle. My doc recommends 1 embryo and so does the nurse, but I dont know if they r saying that so I have to go for another cycle. They never seemed personable compared to my old doc, which I stopped going to him bc he didnt do IVF in Dec and thats when we wanted. This new clinic seemed different from the moment we had our 1 apt and I am still mad that I developed OHSS, I felt they should have moniterd me more or changed my dosage of meds, knowing I have PCOS. I am still going there bc my storage is already been processed. I am praying that all goes well and to have faith that they will not point me in the wrong direction!

What meds r u on? Good luck to U! Do u feel the acupunture working? I was going to try it with the last cycle(fresh) but its already overwhelming with the apts and the meds. How soon did u know that the fresh 1 embryo transf didnt work, if u dont mind me asking?
I will be 25 this month, and I had 20 eggs removed, out of the 20-17 were mature, out of the17- 16 were fertilized, then 8 made it to day five blast and were frozen. But I don't know the quality or grade which I will call Embryologist tomorrow. The more I research online, I come up with new q's to ask them. I am on Estrace right now and will start progesterone, medrol and my zpac later this week. I asked about baby asp but they told me I didnt need to take it and I dont know why, seems a lot of women take it during the cycle. My doc recommends 1 embryo and so does the nurse, but I dont know if they r saying that so I have to go for another cycle. They never seemed personable compared to my old doc, which I stopped going to him bc he didnt do IVF in Dec and thats when we wanted. This new clinic seemed different from the moment we had our 1 apt and I am still mad that I developed OHSS, I felt they should have moniterd me more or changed my dosage of meds, knowing I have PCOS. I am still going there bc my storage is already been processed. I am praying that all goes well and to have faith that they will not point me in the wrong direction!

What meds r u on? Good luck to U! Do u feel the acupunture working? I was going to try it with the last cycle(fresh) but its already overwhelming with the apts and the meds. How soon did u know that the fresh 1 embryo transf didnt work, if u dont mind me asking?
I will be 25 this month, and I had 20 eggs removed, out of the 20-17 were mature, out of the17- 16 were fertilized, then 8 made it to day five blast and were frozen. But I don't know the quality or grade which I will call Embryologist tomorrow. The more I research online, I come up with new q's to ask them. I am on Estrace right now and will start progesterone, medrol and my zpac later this week. I asked about baby asp but they told me I didnt need to take it and I dont know why, seems a lot of women take it during the cycle. My doc recommends 1 embryo and so does the nurse, but I dont know if they r saying that so I have to go for another cycle. They never seemed personable compared to my old doc, which I stopped going to him bc he didnt do IVF in Dec and thats when we wanted. This new clinic seemed different from the moment we had our 1 apt and I am still mad that I developed OHSS, I felt they should have moniterd me more or changed my dosage of meds, knowing I have PCOS. I am still going there bc my storage is already been processed. I am praying that all goes well and to have faith that they will not point me in the wrong direction!

What meds r u on? Good luck to U! Do u feel the acupunture working? I was going to try it with the last cycle(fresh) but its already overwhelming with the apts and the meds. How soon did u know that the fresh 1 embryo transf didnt work, if u dont mind me asking?

no please ask away!
on my fresh cycle we transferred 2 blasts, I had taken the trigger shot before EC and the day after transfer I started testing, the trigger was still in my system and it gradually got lighter until I could barely see anything. Then about 8 days past the transfer I started to get another line and it got a little darker but not that dark. I had my beta 10 days after the transfer and it was a '6'...anything under a '5' is negative. So I had to do another and that was a '2'. So something tried and gave up.

Im on baby aspirin and estrogen, and will add progesterone just before the transfer. I didnt do baby aspirin for the fresh cycle so not sure why on the FET. its hard when you read other people doing other medications but you have to try and trust the clinic and go with what they say.

I started acupuncture for this cycle, like you I didnt feel like it during my fresh cycle as too many other things to do and too many needles! I do feel its made me a little calmer, but other than that its hard to tell. she says that if your nervous system is out of balance its hard to get pregnant and this will bring it in balance. also chinese acupuncture talks of a warm womb :shrug: :haha: I think acupuncture helps brings blood supply to the womb.

sorry you are not liking the clinic that much, I find all clinics have their pros and cons. Seeing as you got 8 blasts and you are 25 you have a good chance so if you transfer 2 be prepared for both to take! I was thinking my clinic wants me to do 2 as they want to keep up their good stats, so I dont think your clinic is doing it for bad reasons, I know more clinics are being more careful and a lot only transfer 1 when you are under 35. theres a lot more complications with carrying more than 1 and governments and urging clinics to be conservative.
I am also trying my first FET this month and have 2 blast to transfer :cold::cold: . My IVF cycle last month ended in a chemical. This will be our last attempt for IVF, as the cost has made it prohibitive to continue. DH has promised though if this does not work and we still are aching for a baby in a year, we will head to Barbados for a 2 week fertility vacation (for half the cost of what we paid for treatment here)!

This is my first FET and am not as hopeful as past cycles, but hey, you never know. I have committed to a low refined sugar/trans fat and high vegetable/fruit/organic/grain/lean meat diet as an additional attempt to increase success. Ultrasound will be on Friday the 13th :-k to check my lining. I have really mixed feelings this time... I want to be positive but also don't want to get my hopes up since this will be last attempt and no success yet.

Good luck to everyone here :dust: It will be interesting to see how many get a :bfp:
I am also trying my first FET this month and have 2 blast to transfer :cold::cold: . My IVF cycle last month ended in a chemical. This will be our last attempt for IVF, as the cost has made it prohibitive to continue. DH has promised though if this does not work and we still are aching for a baby in a year, we will head to Barbados for a 2 week fertility vacation (for half the cost of what we paid for treatment here)!

This is my first FET and am not as hopeful as past cycles, but hey, you never know. I have committed to a low refined sugar/trans fat and high vegetable/fruit/organic/grain/lean meat diet as an additional attempt to increase success. Ultrasound will be on Friday the 13th :-k to check my lining. I have really mixed feelings this time... I want to be positive but also don't want to get my hopes up since this will be last attempt and no success yet.

Good luck to everyone here :dust: It will be interesting to see how many get a :bfp:

we have so much in common...with my IVF in Nov my beta was a 6, then a 2 and my ultrasound is on friday to check my lining too. Hope we have success, some people do better on FETs as its more calm for your body. I luckily have 8 frozen but being 39 Im not sure how many will be good. What medications are you on? Im on estrogen and baby aspirin and will add progesterone. I also started acupuncture for the FET. good luck keep in touch!!
we have so much in common...with my IVF in Nov my beta was a 6, then a 2 and my ultrasound is on friday to check my lining too. Hope we have success, some people do better on FETs as its more calm for your body. I luckily have 8 frozen but being 39 Im not sure how many will be good. What medications are you on? Im on estrogen and baby aspirin and will add progesterone. I also started acupuncture for the FET. good luck keep in touch!!

Hi Sarah,
I am also taking baby aspirin daily and an estrogen injection every 3 days but I am also on dexamethasone daily. I will be adding progesterone (PIO & crinone) after the ultrasound. I'm not really fond of acupuncture but I am massaging my lower abdomen to help with blood flow to the uterus!

That's great that you have 8 frozen. It's kind of nice knowing there are 8 chances of a BFP. Lots of luck to us both!

Im also debating how many to transfer out of my 8. At my age of 39 the FS automatically says 2. I think out of my 8 blasts perhaps only 1 or 2 of them are actually good ones so I suppose the risk of twins in small. However I do not want twins, so Im thinking of just transferring the 1 for my first FET (my fresh cycle failed but I cant help but think what if it was just the stress of the cycle and the FET will work and both will take if I transfer 2). if that doesnt work then I will go up to 2. but it will be a longer process and my chance of pregnancy goes way down when I transfer only 1, so its a hard decision! I meet with my FS tomorrow to discuss, Im sure she will persuade me to do 2. I will ask for the stats on how many 39 yr olds got pregnant with 2.

Im not sure how old you are and how many you have frozen. but seeing as you havent tried IVF before and dont know how you will respond perhaps try 1 for the first time if you really dont want twins.

please keep in touch with us, theres a few of us doing FET this month! what meds are you on this month?

I hope so, even though I have so many blasts its hard to think positive.
in fact you are the first person Ive found on here that had that many blasts...I had 10, you had 11. did your clinic say that was above average? I should feel really happy and positive but after the fresh cycle failed I cant help but wonder what if none of them work. the nurse said she cant guarantee but is so sure 1 or 2 of the blasts will be good.

you also mentioned your clinic will only implant 1 and wish it was 2, Im the opposite! I had 2 on my fresh and being 39 they always recommend 2. but I really dont want twins and would like to do one FET at a time, every month. I know that makes my chances lower each month but I have a fear of carrying 2 babies. Plus spending time with my best friend and her 16 month old I dont think I would be able to leave the house with 2!! With 1 we were running around after her all the time and trying to entertain her while we eat! I know its a small risk but its still a risk.

did AF show for you?
only one more week till my ultrasound :coffee:

Af showed - I'm starting my frozen cycle and I should be transferring in 2-3 weeks they said.... I'm a little concerned though as my baseline scan (CD4 today) showed that my lining is already at 8mm.... sounds a little thick to me no?

I understand your fear of twins. For me, I'd love twins and I'm not horrified of taking care of them... my only fear with twins is the additional risks for the babies and if I would successfully carry them. That's a big fear for me.

Sarah, you said that of your 8 only 2 will probably be good, why do you think that? Didn't they all make it to blast? Usually if they make it to blast, they're good embies. Did you get a quality rating on them? My clinic didn't say whether 11 was unusual or anything like that, but they simply said they were all really good quality.
em. That's a big fear for me.

Sarah, you said that of your 8 only 2 will probably be good, why do you think that? Didn't they all make it to blast? Usually if they make it to blast, they're good embies. Did you get a quality rating on them? My clinic didn't say whether 11 was unusual or anything like that, but they simply said they were all really good quality.

hi!!! unfortunately no, just because they are blasts does not mean they are good embryos. statistically my FS said about 50% are genetically good embryos, but at 39 it can be less. At my age theres less often more bad eggs than good eggs, and so thats the same for embryos. I was told mine are good quality, so we will have to see. She feels I will get pregnant from the FETs, its just I have to find the good ones!!

good luck, Im not sure about the lining thing as they dont tell me the thickness on early scans. hope everything goes well for you.
Im also debating how many to transfer out of my 8. At my age of 39 the FS automatically says 2. I think out of my 8 blasts perhaps only 1 or 2 of them are actually good ones so I suppose the risk of twins in small. However I do not want twins, so Im thinking of just transferring the 1 for my first FET (my fresh cycle failed but I cant help but think what if it was just the stress of the cycle and the FET will work and both will take if I transfer 2). if that doesnt work then I will go up to 2. but it will be a longer process and my chance of pregnancy goes way down when I transfer only 1, so its a hard decision! I meet with my FS tomorrow to discuss, Im sure she will persuade me to do 2. I will ask for the stats on how many 39 yr olds got pregnant with 2.

Im not sure how old you are and how many you have frozen. but seeing as you havent tried IVF before and dont know how you will respond perhaps try 1 for the first time if you really dont want twins.

please keep in touch with us, theres a few of us doing FET this month! what meds are you on this month?

I hope so, even though I have so many blasts its hard to think positive.
in fact you are the first person Ive found on here that had that many blasts...I had 10, you had 11. did your clinic say that was above average? I should feel really happy and positive but after the fresh cycle failed I cant help but wonder what if none of them work. the nurse said she cant guarantee but is so sure 1 or 2 of the blasts will be good.

you also mentioned your clinic will only implant 1 and wish it was 2, Im the opposite! I had 2 on my fresh and being 39 they always recommend 2. but I really dont want twins and would like to do one FET at a time, every month. I know that makes my chances lower each month but I have a fear of carrying 2 babies. Plus spending time with my best friend and her 16 month old I dont think I would be able to leave the house with 2!! With 1 we were running around after her all the time and trying to entertain her while we eat! I know its a small risk but its still a risk.

did AF show for you?
only one more week till my ultrasound :coffee:

Af showed - I'm starting my frozen cycle and I should be transferring in 2-3 weeks they said.... I'm a little concerned though as my baseline scan (CD4 today) showed that my lining is already at 8mm.... sounds a little thick to me no?

I understand your fear of twins. For me, I'd love twins and I'm not horrified of taking care of them... my only fear with twins is the additional risks for the babies and if I would successfully carry them. That's a big fear for me.

Sarah, you said that of your 8 only 2 will probably be good, why do you think that? Didn't they all make it to blast? Usually if they make it to blast, they're good embies. Did you get a quality rating on them? My clinic didn't say whether 11 was unusual or anything like that, but they simply said they were all really good quality.

That is thick for af just showing. Was this a natural period or was it brought on with something??
That is thick for af just showing. Was this a natural period or was it brought on with something??

I thought so too.... it was a natural period following my fresh IVF (we didn't do a transfer cause of OHSS). I felt it was a fairly heavy one too...
Hello all

I am having an ERPC on friday.... :(

My first IVF worked... which is positive

But I am starting FET once my AF comes back and HCG goes back to normal...

NO idea on the process at all....
Had my baseline today. Everything looks good. I started Estrace today 3 times a day and the Vivelle dot which I found out is NOT a dot. LOL I have another scan and labs next Wednesday and then transfer is the 27th. We are thawing all 9 and taking them to blast. I am super nervous!!

Corinne-I'm so sorry hon! :*(
Hi Ladies,

I am good to go. My lining looks good and I am on track for a Friday 1/20 transfer! :happydance: I am on both POI (in pm) and Crinone suppositories (in am). I was on Crinone for my 1st IVF cycle, but could not have sex since I was in my tww (it was so messy, I didn't care much anyway). I have read that BD the day before transfer improves chances of success but with the Crinone, I am not so excited about it. Does anyone know if it is ok to BD on Crinone? Has anyone done this?

i dont know what crinone is but im on estrogen and progesterone. we BD'd on the weekend and hubby liked that it was so slippery but said he felt he was going numb! :blush::shrug: ive never heard BDing before transfer improves chances, is that with fet? I wonder why? with my fresh cycle we had to use condoms if BDing but we just didnt BD.

i dont know what crinone is but im on estrogen and progesterone. we BD'd on the weekend and hubby liked that it was so slippery but said he felt he was going numb! :blush::shrug: ive never heard BDing before transfer improves chances, is that with fet? I wonder why? with my fresh cycle we had to use condoms if BDing but we just didnt BD.

I've never heard that either...

Sarah your transfer is coming up sooo soooon!!! I am SO excited for you!!
I know, my last ultrasound was today and everything looks perfect so its a go for thursday :happydance:
how are you doing?

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