FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) - who has done it, who is doing it.....


Sorry to see that your December transfer was cancelled. How thick did your lining end up getting. I am surprised that your clinic insists on 8mm as a minimum. At my clinic the min is 6mm.

Good luck for January.


Thanks, Missy. I am sooo bummed out. My scan today was 6.3mm ... it didn't budge at all since my scan last Friday (despite continued delestrogen injections and acupuncture).

I've been reading a lot about thin lining and I've seen a range of differing minimums. It's frustrating that there's no one answer. I know that if I would have pushed to proceed with the transfer and it didn't work I would have blamed the lining and would have kicked myself for wasting perfectly good embryos. I got pregnant last time (via IUI) with a 7.6mm lining so if it were close to that I would push to go ahead.

I'm really hoping for better luck next month. The plan is to start the delestrogen on CD2 (this month I was on Estrace orally until CD 14 before switching to the injections). My doctor thinks starting it earlier will make a difference. And then she'll add Estrace vaginally if needed, in addition. I've read this can be a really stubborn problem so I'm hoping this month was just a fluke.

thats too bad, do they say theres a medical reason for someone not having a good lining? or its just more hormones needed? you mentioned you got pregnant with a 7.6 lining, was that the pregnancy you MC? even though it sucks to wait I do think its the best and I agree you dont want to waste good embryos. Im praying next cycle you produce a lovely thick lining :hugs:

Thanks, Sarah. Appreciate the good thoughts. I think a thin lining is due to not producing enough estrogen, hence the estrogen injections and pills. I've never needed the injections or pills in the past, this is a new issue for me.

Unfortunately, all my pregnancies have ended in miscarriage. But not until nearly 9 weeks so I don't think it's related to a lining issue. I think a thin lining either results in a BFN or a chemical pregnancy or a very very early loss.
Thanks, Sarah. Appreciate the good thoughts. I think a thin lining is due to not producing enough estrogen, hence the estrogen injections and pills. I've never needed the injections or pills in the past, this is a new issue for me.

Unfortunately, all my pregnancies have ended in miscarriage. But not until nearly 9 weeks so I don't think it's related to a lining issue. I think a thin lining either results in a BFN or a chemical pregnancy or a very very early loss.

there is still so much unknown in TTCing, its so hard. my first fresh cycle failed, and I do wonder was it the blastocysts or was there something wrong with my lining, or was it just my body couldnt cope with all the stress of the cycle. I have never had a bfp in my life, so who knows. but I hope this will be a successful thread and we all get our bfps.
Hi Ladies,

Just wanted to update you all. I have decided to do another fresh cycle in January instead of a FET as I want to keep my frozen embroyos for further down the line.

I will be doing an antagonist (short cycle) and will start stimming around January, 5.

I will still occupy this thread though if you all don't mind.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!

Missy xo
My ovaries were 7 and 10 last week and now 1 is 4 and the other is 3 something. So obviously one week on the pill has made a huge difference! I feel normal again other than the nausea that I can't seem to shake.

I am on 2 more weeks of the pill and start Lupron Dec. 31st. A week or so later I begin the patch and estrace. They will have me do 2 cc of PIO. I did 1 cc with Preston's FET but more is better to cover the bases! They do a 21 day P4 check which I am so thrilled about! That way we can see where things stand and make sure everything is okay. Transfer is Jan 27th with 2 days of bedrest. Pregnancy test will be 10 days later.

I am very happy with how they are doing things compared to the last clinic! They are working with me on cost as well so we will be paying cash to reduce the bill significantly. They will thaw all 9 and take them to blast. Hoping and praying for at least 2 good ones!! :)
just bumping this thread, how is everyone getting on?
im on CD1 so starting estrogen and baby aspirin tomorrow
then ultrasound on CD11 :happydance:
I am done with BCP's so hopefully af will arrive before the weekend!!! I had a really vivid dream last night of being pregnant with boy/girl twins. I am ready to get this transfer done!! :)
Hi all - mind if I join?

I had my first IVF in December, but due to OHSS I wasn't able to transfer.

I'll be starting my FET process as soon as AF shows, SHOULD be any day now I hope! I'm so anxious to get started.

I had 11 day 5 blasts frozen from my fresh cycle, and my clinic says they will only transfer 1 (I wish it was 2)! Any advice on what to do to help our embabies implant??
welcome Dis3tnd!!

ILuvBabies200 very exciting!!!

Ive started my pills, ultrasound is not till CD11 seems so far away! transfer will be around Jan 19/20 :happydance:
Hi all - mind if I join?

I had my first IVF in December, but due to OHSS I wasn't able to transfer.

I'll be starting my FET process as soon as AF shows, SHOULD be any day now I hope! I'm so anxious to get started.

I had 11 day 5 blasts frozen from my fresh cycle, and my clinic says they will only transfer 1 (I wish it was 2)! Any advice on what to do to help our embabies implant??

Same thing happened with me. I was so bummed but in sooo much pain that I am sure the right decision was made to wait. Welcome!!!
welcome Dis3tnd!!

ILuvBabies200 very exciting!!!

Ive started my pills, ultrasound is not till CD11 seems so far away! transfer will be around Jan 19/20 :happydance:

I'll be 8 days behind you!!! Let's get this party started! WOOT!!! :winkwink:
So excited for you guys, transfer is coming up so quick! I wonder what's harder, waiting to transfer or the tww??

Its funny, while I was always stressed leading up to the beta test after past cycles and iuis (I never POAS), I was so much more nervous with each step during stims!

DH and I, both were up all night with anxiety the night before retrieval, the night before fertilization report, the night before day 3 progress call, and the night before day 5 call to tell us how many made it to freeze. Have no idea how we'll be when we're finally well on our way and close to the FET!!
I wonder what's harder, waiting to transfer or the tww??

i have a long wait till transfer this time with not much going on (only 1 ultrasound on CD11 and then I think one more before transfer thats it), so I find I can quite easily forget about it all and just get on with other things. but I just cant do that in the 2ww part, its like I cant think of anything else.
so for me I find the tww much much harder....although it only ends up being just over a 1ww with the day 5 transfer.... but its still bad. for me the stimulation part, even though nerve-wracking, was fine as you are entertained with all these different things going on every couple of days so the time goes quick. but once you have the transfer I find it so difficult, as you know you are technically pregnant but have no idea whats going on inside and can only wait. thats the worst and can drive a normally sane person completely insane!! its way worse than a normal 2ww or when I did IUIs, as with those you have no idea if you've even conceived.

for my FET transfer I think I might get hubby to go to a hotel in a different city with me and take my mind of things rather than be home the whole week.
I wonder what's harder, waiting to transfer or the tww??

for my FET transfer I think I might get hubby to go to a hotel in a different city with me and take my mind of things rather than be home the whole week.

That's a great idea! People so often conceive on vacation because the complete lack of stress is such a helper! Good luck, I'm sure this FET will be a sticky!!
I wonder what's harder, waiting to transfer or the tww??

for my FET transfer I think I might get hubby to go to a hotel in a different city with me and take my mind of things rather than be home the whole week.

That's a great idea! People so often conceive on vacation because the complete lack of stress is such a helper! Good luck, I'm sure this FET will be a sticky!!

I hope so, even though I have so many blasts its hard to think positive.
in fact you are the first person Ive found on here that had that many blasts...I had 10, you had 11. did your clinic say that was above average? I should feel really happy and positive but after the fresh cycle failed I cant help but wonder what if none of them work. the nurse said she cant guarantee but is so sure 1 or 2 of the blasts will be good.

you also mentioned your clinic will only implant 1 and wish it was 2, Im the opposite! I had 2 on my fresh and being 39 they always recommend 2. but I really dont want twins and would like to do one FET at a time, every month. I know that makes my chances lower each month but I have a fear of carrying 2 babies. Plus spending time with my best friend and her 16 month old I dont think I would be able to leave the house with 2!! With 1 we were running around after her all the time and trying to entertain her while we eat! I know its a small risk but its still a risk.

did AF show for you?
only one more week till my ultrasound :coffee:
Hello guys... good luck with your transfers! I'm about 1 month behind you (1 cycle behind me) and agree the waiting is the worst!!! Really interested to read your comments so I know what to expect.... good luck again!
CD 2 today so officially 30 days to go until my beta.... Boy I am nervous....
Hi, I am new to these online chats, My husband and I have been TTC for 3yrs after being diag w PCOS, Endometriosis. Then 1st pg was with inj meds but was etopic. In Dec we had our first IVF cycle but I had OHSS, Cycle was a freeze all! Now this month we are schd for a FET 01-16 and my husband says 1embryo but I am thinking 2. Need more input from someone who has had to choose and what was the outcome? Please!

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