Finally success after 5 years unexplained infertility

I have not been able to come on for a while, super exciting to see this news!
Yay for twins!! They are the best!!!
Any info/tips I can give you just ask!!! I have been through it all with these twinkies!!
Happy 15 weeks to my little loves! We have an ultrasound with the OB next Tuesday and I am so excited. I'll be 16 weeks 2 days and I guess we're just going to be checking in on them and making sure they're growing on track? I have most of my really important scans done at the MFM so I'm not really sure what the point of the scans with the OB is but I am excited to see the babies either way. We go back to the MFM on May 25th to get a 2 hour (approx. 1 hr per baby) detailed scan to look at each baby and make sure all of their organs/bones are growing as they should. I'm so excited about that scan. I'm pretty sure I was woken out of my sleep by Lucy moving around a lot of the other night (woke up to butterflies) but I'm not sure because I don't feel them on a consistent basis at all. I'm really not even sure I'm feeling them at all yet. This weekend we're going up to Napa to pick up some wine from our wine club and we'll probably have a nice lunch and maybe do a little shopping. It will be nice to take my mind off of the upcoming scan. I hope they're doing good in there! I've been having this pain really low in my pelvic region, almost like a stretching/cramping. I'm guessing this is probably the tendons/ligaments in my pelvis spreading to accommodate the pregnancy. At least that's what I hope it is. No more spotting or anything else scary so things seem to be progressing well.

Stinas - thank you! It is a very exciting time. Sometimes I still can't believe it has finally happened for us. It took so long but was worth every penny spent, medication injected, and time spent going to doctors appointments. I do have some questions. I hope I don't overwhelm you! What stroller did you end up getting? I'm pretty happy with my purchase (tandem uppa baby vista) but there still seems to be a bunch of opinions on tandem vs. side by side. Just wondering what your personal experience was. Breastfeeding? Were you able to nurse and if so did you tandem feed or did you end up feeding one at a time? How did that work in terms of time? I'm hoping to tandem feed because I think it would be easier regarding timing of everything but I really don't know what to expect. Sleeping arrangements ... did you allow your twins to sleep in the same crib together when they first got home? My gut feeling says I don't want to split them up they've been together their whole lives and that just seems mean. I've also heard that they sleep better together however, I've heard that there is some safety concern if they're sleeping together. Any thoughts on this? When did you have their nursery ready? I ordered their furniture and am hoping to finish the room by 28 weeks but do you think I'm setting it up too early and I should space it out a little more as to keep me busy? And most of all I guess how did you survive the pregnancy when you started to get really big? I would be lying if I said the getting big part of a twin pregnancy didn't scare me. I'm scared of how I'm going to breathe with 2 babies taking up most of my abdominal space, I'm scared of how I'm going to get comfortable to sleep, I'm scared of having a c-section and I'm terrified of a vaginal birth. (I am aiming for a vaginal birth though because I'd rather not have to be cut on the surgical table ... just makes me really nervous. And how did you get through the first weeks? Did you have help?

Thanks in advance! So sorry for all of the questions.

I hope everyone else is doing good!

Mo - how is your LOs? I hope things at home have calmed down ....

wanna - How are you doing?
Hey ash so glad things are going well!! Hopefully stinas can give you twin info. I'm no help there. We are almost 23 weeks and I haven't done a thing for the nursery. Mainly we are moving my son to a new room and keeping nursery as is and will transition nursery for this baby. I don't want to buy a second crib so we need to go shopping for bedroom furniture. I'll probably start in 2-3 weeks. I've wanted to repaint one part of the nursery white instead of this grey color and we have the paint. As soon as my son is out of the room we can paint and organize for new baby. It's been hard to focus on getting baby ready as my family went through some terrible things recently so we are all starting to try and move forward. So hopefully we can start soon on things and I can go through the clothing I have and see if we really need anything. We will need some things for the first 6 months I think but should line up after that. So I can use most of the stuff I have which is great. I need to go stroller shopping or make up my mind about getting a double stroller. I will probably do one with a similar set up because I'm not a big person and getting a huge double stroller out worries me. Idk. I really need to look. We have ob appt Wednesday and mfm ultrasound/growth check/cervical length check next week. Hopefully mfm I only have 3-4 more visits left and can be done. I know I will have one next week, 2-3 weeks after that and one in to third at the minimum. But so far everything is clear and he is measuring 3 days big since 12 weeks.
I did have a csection and with twins I would probably chose to because there is always the chance one could come out vaginally and then need a csection but it is major surgery and caring for twins after is going to be much harder so I can see wanting a vaginal birth.
Ash: I would've chosen the vista if I had twins. With the age gap, I was worried my older son would outgrow a tandem too soon. But I think you picked the perfect stroller!

Also, if you don't have a mom or MIL who is a good helper (I dont), consider finding a night nurse for the first couple weeks. I had one every other night with my first son. I would wake up to pump and let her feed him so I could sleep a little.
How are you almost 16 weeks already?!?!?! Glad you are doing so well!!
Happy avocado week babies! I can't believe I'm already 16 weeks. Day by day it seems so slow but looking back on everything it seems so fast. I'm feeling great (besides being totally freaked out by Zika) and I'm ready to feel the babies move. I'm really not sure I felt them and I want to!

Mo - Hopefully things have calmed down and you're were able to start setting up the nursery! I'm really looking forward to that because I'll feel like they're really coming. (I know they are from how big I feel already but hopefully you know what I mean). I should know this but I'm assuming since you're reusing clothes (which is such a great idea btw!) that your second child is also a boy? Are you excited to be raising two sons? They will be the best of friends and that is awesome! :D Good luck with picking out a stroller. It is overwhelming and I totally get not wanting a side by side setup just because it's huge. When I went to the store I did push both and they both have their negatives. The tandem is nice because it's narrow but it is very long and the side by side is very wide so it does feel a little difficult to steer. Basically you have to "pick your poison." Either way I know you'll be happy with your decision. How was your OB appointment last week? And when is your MFM appointment and what are they looking at this time? I have my next appointment with OB tomorrow and MFM on the 25th (detailed scan). Ugh I'm so afraid of a c-section because of being like ... cut open. I know millions of women go through it but I'm going to strive for vaginal birth because that's how terrified I am. It will all depend on if the babies cooperate or not. And I spoke to the hospital and with twins they have you birth in the OR in case of complications .... so if something were to happen (FX'd for a smooth delivery though!) I'm already in the OR and they can get it done fast.

first - thanks! We have talked about a night nurse. My mom and step mom are flip flopping on coming out. I plan on telling them you either commit to coming or I'm making other plans and you won't be able to come out and stay at our home because we won't have the space. I can't deal with people being wishy washy right now. We need to have a plan in place. Especially because night nurses aren't cheap so I'd have to budget.

froggy - I know right?!
We haven't made any progress on nursery or anything baby related lol. We are having our floors redone in a couple of weeks (new hardwoods and no more carpet!! Yay) and will be away so when we come home we will really be hitting baby things hard. I've only got 13 weeks left!! No decisions on strollers either. I need to go look at them in person instead of Internet. My issue with tandem is the weight limits. My son is just 2 and already at 35 lbs and the tandems have a lower weight limit than side by side. He's just a big boy and this guy is measuring 3-4 days ahead already so I'm sure he will be a big guy too! My mfm is watching me because of my history of uterine abnormalities and abnormal screening. Ultrasound went okay a couple weeks ago. Found a choroid plexus cyst which can be so common and was small and nothing else found so tomorrow I have a follow up scan. Then mfm wants me to continue care with them as well so I'll be going every 2-3 weeks. My next ob appt in a month I do a 2 hour glucose test and see on. Then she said weekly after that since I'm high risk but I don't think I can do every week with her and every 2weeks at high risk- just too much! So I'll try to space them out like beginning of week one week and end of week next like maybe every 10 days until closer to delivery or if there is an issue. So tomorrow is a cervix length check, growth scan and checking the cyst with mfm. It's an 8am appt so hoping I'm in and out.
To be honest I'm getting super terrified of another c section. In my case either way there are risks, probably more with a vaginal birth, but I'm starting to think of things that could go wrong and it's freaking me out. I need to stop and relax.
I'm super excited to have two boys. I do get to reuse a bunch of stuff which is good. I not disappointed at all in having 2 boys. I could raise 10 boys if possible but I'm also sad that I'll never get to experience raising a daughter. It's okay; just a sad thought. I think about all the daddy-daughter things and that won't ever happen. So yeah, I'm going to be covered in boy and man stuff for the rest of my life!! :) can't wait to hear about your appt tomorrow. I can't believe you're 16 weeks!
Mo - I can't believe you only have 13 weeks left! It goes by so fast huh? I seriously don't know where the time goes anymore. I just hope it slows down once they get here! Is your first son excited about the new baby? I hope your appointment went well this morning, let me know. I wouldn't be disappointed to have 2 boys at all! I think boys are really special and they're momma's boys. :haha: I told DH that I was really happy to be having a boy because I know if we just had a girl she would be such a daddy's girl and once he got home from work I would have no time with her!

Sharnw - thank you! It goes by so fast.

Appointment went well. I'm not surprised but a little freaked out that .... I am measuring 25 weeks pregnant! Like I said, I'm not surprised but it is a little overwhelming since I'm only 16 weeks and I'm only going to get bigger from here. Babies are doing great. Oliver's heart rate was 164 and Lucy's was 150. She didn't do a ton of looking on the u/s but she said everything was look good. I have the appointment with the MFM on the 25th and they'll do a more detailed look then. I can't wait! I got a notice that the babies furniture is going to be here sooner than we thought so next Friday it will be here. Oh and I definitely felt the babies this morning. I was relaxing in bed reading and there was little air bubble feeling moving around my lower abdomen. I'm 99% sure it was babies and it made me so happy!
Oh wow! Need a bump pic then :) lol. So glad appt went well!!
Congrats on reaching 16 weeks! I can't believe you are measuring 25 weeks though, you will get big so fast at least it makes it all that much more real :)
rmsh - oh yeah it's definitely more real! I'm feeling more pregnant every single day.
Happy 16 weeks! I am so glad that everything continues to go great with your 2 precious babies! :thumbup: With twins your baby bump grows so fast and is so much bigger than with only one baby! It really is amazing what a women's body can do by growing another life, or twins in your case! Your knitting projects are really cute that you have been posting on FB. You are so talented! I wish I could knit, but I just don't have the patience for it!

I am doing good! Thank you for asking! :hugs: I am planning the twins 3rd birthday party and we are doing a Sesame Street theme. I got some really cute decorations, balloons, and I found a really cute cake with the theme that I am going to get also. We are just doing a small party at home with just the 4 of us this time, but we are going to take the twins some place special for their birthday as well. Maybe a water park or one of those places that has all of the bounce houses. My DH is taking some time off for their birthday and before he starts a new job that he got promoted to so i think it will be like a mini vacation for the 4 of us in addition to the birthday celebration. :thumbup:
Mo: you may need to go with a side by side. I have the City Mini GT, which is narrower than you think. It fits through a standard door and folds down small to fit in a car trunk. I have a bunch of neighbors who swear by the Double Bob, but those tires would take up my entire trunk.

If your older son never needs to nap in the stroller, you could go with a sit-n-stand.
Happy 17 weeks babies! Nothing really crazy happening here. I bought a pregnancy bathing suit today which I LOVE, it hugs my bump so cute. I can't wait to use it! Also, here is a picture from 16 weeks and 17 weeks. Such a different already. I can't even imagine what it's going to be like to be 20 weeks. 3 weeks is going to make a huge difference.
Thanks girls! I LOVE my baby bump. I honestly don't know why some women want to hide it. When I was at the maternity store yesterday I overheard this lady saying she wanted all baggy clothes because she hated her baby bump. :( I love love love it! I'm going to miss it for sure! But I won't miss not being able to have a glass on wine. :haha:

Oh and a totally random piece of information. My family and I had a bet that the girl was the 6AA embryo and the boy was the 3AB but we were wrong! The boy was the 6AA and the girl was the 3AB. We're surprised because the girl is always measuring ahead of the boy but either it worked out so I'm not complaining.
My bump is not cute at all!! It goes from hip to hip but I don't want to hide it :) yours is cute!!
Thanks girls! I LOVE my baby bump. I honestly don't know why some women want to hide it. When I was at the maternity store yesterday I overheard this lady saying she wanted all baggy clothes because she hated her baby bump. :( I love love love it! I'm going to miss it for sure! But I won't miss not being able to have a glass on wine. :haha:

Oh and a totally random piece of information. My family and I had a bet that the girl was the 6AA embryo and the boy was the 3AB but we were wrong! The boy was the 6AA and the girl was the 3AB. We're surprised because the girl is always measuring ahead of the boy but either it worked out so I'm not complaining.

I read that 56% of babies that resulted from blastocyct stage transfers are male. The theory is that males do better in the growth medium. So, that would be consistent with your boy looking better at that point. I guess all bets are off once embies get inside mommy.

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