Finally success after 5 years unexplained infertility

Mo - I wanted to follow your journal but it's set to private now ... if you don't want anyone to access it that's totally fine but I was following along!

first - that's really interesting! I'd be curious to know how many babies born from IVF are males. It still freaks me out that my daughter is growing so much faster than him being that she was behind in growth when they were put back but I'm not complaining. I'm just really happy they both seem to be doing so well in there.

I listened to them today. They sound amazing and strong and I can even hear when they make movements. Don't know if that makes sense to anyone? It's definitely they moving around though. Their movements sound much stronger than they used to so I'm hoping to be able to feel them move soon. I'm still not feeling them though which is freaking me out a little bit but this is my first pregnancy and my doctor said don't freak out ... I should feel them by 20 weeks. I'm still 2 and a half weeks away from that so I'm trying to keep a level head about it.

The babies furniture gets here tomorrow which I am thrilled about! To be honest, it's going to be about 20 minutes of a lot of excitement and then everything will be back to normal around here (calm and quiet) but it will be nice to have their things in the house. It will just make it seem that more real. I'm also going to start some prenatal yoga tomorrow morning.

Saturday hubby and I are sailing on a catamaran with some friends from our local sailing club we're a part of. I'm nervous because I don't know how I'm going to do being on a boat and being pregnant (motion sickness) but it is a 50 foot boat so I'm hoping things will be pretty smooth. And most people will be drinking and I can't so that's sort of a bummer but wouldn't change it for the world.

Sunday will be a calm day with hubby, Monday we have an appointment with a new OBGYN. Long story short I really liked my original OB but I found out that my insurance company and the hospital that she is affiliated with were not able to come to a contract agreement so basically I would be paying out of network costs. I'm not ok with that considering my babies could potentially need NICU time and that is so expensive! So we're in the process of switching and I have to go meet with this other OB Monday morning to really get the ball rolling. I have a list of questions I'm looking forward to asking him/her (not sure who they paired me up with yet but all of the doctors in this practice are trained well). Tuesday I have lunch and a knitting date planned with a friend (we actually became friends because she overheard me talking to my other friend at the knitting store about how I'd been trying to get pregnant for 5 years!, she piped in and turns out she's been trying for 5 years also!) so that'll keep me busy and then Wednesday at 9am west coast time we have our detailed scan with the MFM. I can't wait for that appointment!

We also went to a "meet the doula" class at our local birthing center. We found out a lot about doulas and decided that we need one for our birth. Being that my mom lives across country and the only person who will be with my during the birthing process is my husband ... he really wants someone who can guide him on how to help me when I'm in pain. Did any of you hire a doula? How did you like the experience? Any advice?
Ummm... Let me go see why you can't see it? Totally fine to follow along :) i need to update it more often!
Exciting about furniture! We haven't even looked yet. Not sure about that either what to do.
Sucks you need a new ob but that wouldn't fly with me eithe considering our out of network max is like $20,000 for out of network vs $4000 in network so I would do the same thing. Luckily my ob is employed by the hospital system in delivering at.
No experience with doulas but hopefully others can give some input. Good luck at your appts! My next one is June 2nd and mfm June 14th. I did see baby yesterday real quick because an ultrasound tech was interviewing for a job at work and they needed a baby to scan :)
Yes, more updates! I love to follow along and see how everyone is doing. And yes, out of pocket costs are insane and even though the process of switching is annoying I don't need to be getting insane bills after the babies are born. I need things to go as smooth as possible. I wish I worked in an OB office! I would be in so much trouble though because I would probably scan them every single day!

When is your due date?
I don't work in ob office. I work in interventional radiology at a hospital. Trust me any time I worry I have a sneaky look at baby lol. Perks of ultrasound machines and working with the ultrasound dept. Due date August 31 but csection probably either aug 12 or 15th. I'll schedule at my June 2nd appt. I prefer the 15th since it's a Monday and I'll have weekend to prepare and can do something special for DS. If Friday c section I'll work up to Wednesday probably and have Thursday for finishing things and such.
See if site works now. Idk what happened there.
Oh sorry! I would love to work anywhere I had access to a ultrasound machine. My step mom said she's surprised I didn't just buy one for the house (being sarcastic of course). If I had the money and you could get them for personal use I would probably have one! A monday c-section would be nice to have the weekend, I agree. August is not the far away! So exciting to soon be meeting your second LO. I can see your journal again. :happydance:
I love how excited you sound! You will feel those babies in no time and soon they will keep you up at night moving around in there.

No experience with doulas. Emma's labour I had my mum and OH there, Brodie's was just OH but I couldn't stand him touching me for that one so he basically just stood to the side :haha:
As soon as I found out that the midwife-led birthing centre was out of the question (because of gestational diabetes) and that I had to birth in a hospital, I organised a doula. I didn't want any interventions and didn't want DH pressured by them rushing things, so really wanted a doula there to advocate for me (I just wanted to be left to labour on my own, no IV, no checks, no interventions unless absolutely necessary because of emergency). She didn't really have much to do, because I just laid back in the tub and relaxed, dozing in between contractions. At one point, she did put a cool towel on my forehead and covered my belly with a towel as well (and took photos) - and I was just left to do my thing (or rather for LO and my body to do their thing, which was exactly what I wanted).
When we had our meeting to discuss the birth, she said that she felt the the really didn't have to do much - but I said, that it probably really helped me relax, knowing that I had her there to advocate so that I could just concentrate on my labour and birth. For me, it was the best decision ever!
rmsh - I am so excited you have no idea! :haha: I feel like I'm constantly smiling. Come on October!

bubu - Wow, you're super strong for doing it all natural! I will most likely be getting an epidural because if I were to need an emergency c-section for any reason they want you to already be set up to go. The doula though can help me through the process of labour before we get to the hospital mainly. My DH has a son from a previous marriage and so he do NOT want me to go to the hospital too early and my gut feeling is that I want to go right away. However, if I have a doula at the house with me trying to get through the first couple of hours of labour then I could probably hold off on going to the hospital. I can also get the epidural but not get the meds put in. I'm pretty sure that will not allow me to get into the birthing showers they have though so ... that would just suck. I have a lot of things to consider. We're going to be meeting with more doulas next week to try and find someone that we get along well with. Thanks for sharing your experience :hugs:

AFM ... anyone sleep like shit really early in the pregnancy? Last night I was up every.single.hour. No lie. I am miserable when sleeping. Before I got pregnant I used to sleep like a baby but now I'm lucky if I can get 4 hours of sleep/night. Everyone keeps telling me my body is just getting me ready for when the babies get here but I really need to be able to get some sleep now while they're not here yet!
Welcome fizzy!

Happy 18 weeks babies!
I'm feeling really big this week. I think the babies are positioned horizontally because my belly looks really wide today instead of looking narrow but pushed out. I don't know but I'll be happy to see them on Wednesday. I can't believe this week the babies will be half baked. It's so crazy because when I look back it seems like yesterday I had a positive beta.

Here's a picture for fun!
Happy 18 weeks! :flower: Super cute bump! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
You are such a cute pregnant person!!! Not huge at all! Your bump is very neat and perfect!
Thanks girls! I LOOOOVE having a baby bump and I'm now starting to get "when are you due" from strangers which is awesome. I've been looking forward to that for a long time. I can't believe tomorrow at 9am is my level 2 ultrasound. I'm sort of nervous because I want everything to be fine but I am excited too. Wish me luck!
Good luck!! Can't wait to hear all about your scan /)
The babies are great! I don't know why I worry about them so much, they're strong! Both measurements are great and they're both measuring 18w5d which is 2 days ahead. Go babies! Confirmed genders, heart rates of 157 and 153. We even got to see them in 3D which was so cool! They are a little weird looking still as they have no fat yet but their facial features are adorable. They're measuring in the 60th percentile and are super active. I'm really surprised I haven't felt them move a ton. The sonographer said that I may just be used to it since I have two babies moving around so much. Idk but hopefully I'll start feeling them soon. Next appointment is with the OB on June 9th. We'll look quickly by ultrasound and talk about a tentative birth plan. Woohoo babies!
Another stalker here Ash!!
I remember u from reading a few threads and am so so so happy that u r pregnant and with twins!!!
Nico - welcome and thanks! Dh and I are still over the moon.

The babies are letting themselves be known today. I've felt them kick a ton. :)
It's the best once you start feeling the baby or in your case babies move!!! Love the baby bump. Can't believe you are just about half baked. It's going so quick!

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