Finally success after 5 years unexplained infertility

Mo - OOOOO you can feel the baby kicking? I can't WAIT to feel my babies kick! It will be a nice reminder that they're in there.

Bubu - I thought a lot and read a lot about a tandem vs. side by side stroller. Our apartment is not really conducive to a side by side stroller and I'm not that worried about not being able to see one when we go on walks (I plan on alternating who is in the top seat). Plus, the carseats are only being used when we go in the car, not when we go on long walks. We have bassinets that attach to the stroller and also toddler seats. It's a modular stroller so that's pretty cool! When they're born if I find that I don't like not seeing one of them I'll just get a different stroller but I can't see a side by side fitting into our living space or being able to get it through the doors around our apartment complex. Thanks for the food for thought though! I did go around and around about this for weeks!

Thank you both for the birthday wishes :hugs:
Super cute baby bump hun! You look great! :flower: Happy 12 weeks! That stroller looks really nice. I have the snap and go double stroller that we used for the twins when they were in there baby car seats and I loved them. They are great for all of the pediatrician appointments you will have to take the twins to and everything else in between!
Yes I can feel baby! I actually felt movement at 13 weeks. Just flutters a few times a day. Now it's obvious kicks but not very often. When I relax mostly. At 13 weeks my placenta was in a different position and it's slowly moved anterior. So I think that why I can feel kicks but not all day yet and why I felt like I felt more earlier. But dr days by 24 weeks she expects to feel movement. It's going to be so cool to have 2 kicking in there!
That looks like a baby bump to me :) Happy 12 weeks and happy birthday.

We didn't go with a double stroller - I decided I could baby wear Brodie if Emma really insisted on going in the buggy but she never goes in it anymore so it hasn't been a problem.

How exciting buying stuff for the babies!!
Totally the start of your baby bump! So exciting!! It took me forever to feel My lo kicking, around 20weeks. Hopefully with two moving and shaking in there you will feel them sooner!
I can't believe my NT scan is tomorrow. It felt like ages away and now it's tomorrow. Seeing my little darlings is going to be so exciting and I'm pretty sure we'll get a 4D picture too. I was looking at high risk twin NT scan videos on youtube and every single person got a 4D scan picture. That will be so cool!

I had my first really bad pregnancy symptom thus far ... a migraine. I had a dull headache for about 20 hours and then all of a sudden it turned into a migraine lasted for about 3-4 hours and then went away. It was awful! I was really against it but I actually took a tylenol because I couldn't even function .. just wanted to cry.

Other symptoms/things I'm noticing about my body:
I have fine blonde hairs on my belly ... they're getting sort of long now ... haha maybe 3/4" ... so weird!
I have a ton of veins all over my body, especially on my sides going towards my belly and my boobs .. under my arms too ...
Still a little nausea here and there but I haven't actually gotten sick

I'm ok with all symptoms but the migraines ... please do not come back! They really are so horrible.

Wish me luck at my NT scan! It's not until 1pm west coast time so I won't be able to update until later in the day for most of you but I will update when I know :D
Good luck with your scan! Although I am sure that everything is going to be just fine! :hugs::thumbup: The 4 d scan is pretty neat! You and DH are going to really enjoy it!

Some of your symptoms sound familiar! I was nauseous with the twins and I am sometimes nauseous now also but I never actually throw up thankfully! I notice that I get that way if I go too long without eating! Once I eat I feel better! Sucking on those hard mint candies helps also! I never had extra hair, LOL, but I did get tons of skin tags all over my body and I got the super blue veins in my boobs! I feel like my boobs have already gotten bigger this time but they were huge with the twins! LOL!!! :haha:
So I've been having this pinch/irritating feelibg towards the left of my body but still in the front. It's on and off. I'm wondering if I could be feeling my babies. I know most people talk about flutters but my babies are on the left side (that's always where I find their heartbeats) and if I poke my stomach on that side I start to feel that pinching/irritation again. Think maybe I could be feeling the babies?
It's a beautiful day!

Both babies are perfect (I am be biased). Confirmed girl and boy. They are measuring 2 days ahead and 1 day ahead, respectively. Heart rates 167 and 163. Nuchal measurements 1.2 max for baby girl and 1.5 max for baby boy. I feel like I could jump for joy! :happydance: They have separate placentas and neither of them are anterior (which I'm really happy about so hopefully I will feel them move around sooner!) Oh and baby girl is nearest to my cervix and baby boy is on top of her. Poor little thing got kicked in the back so many times!

Our baby girl is so active in there! And our little boy was way calmer. The u/s tech had a hard time getting the measurements of our little girl because she was being such a wiggly worm. It was the coolest thing to see them moving and shaking in there though. I'm so happy to see that they're doing well.

I have pictures, I will post them at the end. The picture of baby boy is AWESOME because he was sitting still but our little girl was much harder to get a picture of so it's not as good.

Couple of things:
We have names picked out .... our daughter's name is Lucy Johanna and our son's name is Oliver Allen
I have IVF meds left in my fridge and I am going to finally get rid of them! That will feel so weird but also ... rewarding. All of this hard work and persistence has finally paid off.
And the last thing ... I am so in love with my little darlings. I am so emotional the last couple of days and just can't even explain or put into words how much I want to do and be for these little humans I'm growing!

Picture time:

Lucy Johanna:

Oliver Allen:
Beautiful scan pictures! Those are really great names! I am so glad that the babies are growing good and are healthy! :thumbup:
I'm sorry I haven't commented earlier.. Some bad things happening in my family right now.. Your babies look great! So excited for you! Love the names. We haven't even talked about names yet.
wanna - thank you! :hugs: And I'm so sorry for what you're going through but when you're ready you have one little love waiting for you! And you have lots of friends and support.

Sharnw - thanks! How are your LOs doing?

Mo - no worries. I hope everything is ok .... :hugs:

AFM - I found their heartbeats this morning again! I just love listening to them, and I can feel my uterus about ... 2 fingers wide underneath my belly button. Which means I'm measuring way ahead of 13 weeks but I'm not surprised since I'm carrying twins. I don't have my next appointment until May 10th with my OB and I am dying already. I already want to see them. DH and I thought about doing a 3D/4D scan at 16 weeks and then another one when we're further into the second trimester like around 26 weeks but we haven't decided yet. I just want to see them as much as I can. If I had it my way (and they could be healthy of course) they would out right now and in my arms!
Coming over to stalk! Amazing scan pictures and beautiful names!! So glad everything is going well!!
I hope all is well with everyone!

DH and I ordered the furniture for the babies room today. We weren't going to order until I hit 20 weeks but I'm not working or going to school right now so we thought why not. It will keep me busy and it does take time to have these items shipped. The cribs are out of stock until May 17th anyways and then they don't ship 2-3 weeks after that date so ... we'll have them in June which is perfect. Only 4 more months then until the babies get here. :happydance:

I'll attach some pictures to you can see. Most of the furniture in our apartment is mid century modern style (from a company called room and board) which we love for a few reasons. We love the style, all items are made in the US, and we have never gotten anything that wasn't GREAT quality. So of course when I had to buy baby furniture they were my first go to place. I was going to get the stokke oval cribs but I really don't like how they look as converted beds and since they're expensive I wanted something I wouldn't have to replace in 2-3 years when they needed a big boy/girl bed. The ones we are getting will work great.

My plan is to decorate their room in neutral colors except for books, stuffed animals, rocking horses. I really want to bring color in through their items, not the walls being painted, or anything like that.

Here are the pictures:
Oh I forgot to mention that I also had blood work done at my OB just to make sure everything looked good and everything came back within normal range. I am pleased.
Bummer update:

I was walking the dog with my DH yesterday, stepped off the curb and rolled my ankle really bad. I almost fell but my hubby grabbed my arm and kept me from falling. He was really worried but we did what we could to protect the LOs. We listened to their heartbeats ... they are fine. We came back home immediately, put my foot up and iced it. About 2 hours later I was in some pretty agonizing pain. Took a tylenol and headed to the urgent care. Doctor was implying that he think I broke it because I could barely put any pressure on it and when he touched my bone hurt really bad. He wanted to do x-ray to confirm but I told him no because of risk to babies. He was fine with this. Told me that we would treat it like a break anyways. I have crutches and a splint that will be on for a while. 4-6 weeks to heal .... hopefully I will feel a little better within a week and I can get rid of the crutches or the splint. We shall see. Stupid relaxin. I have had issues with this ankle for years so I wasn't surprised it was this ankle but now it has me concerned for when I put on more weight.

On a happier note. I think I popped. :happydance: Here are a 12 week pictures and a 14 week picture to show the difference.
Oh god glad you had a safe fall into your hubby and not the ground :( hope your ankle heals nicely :hugs: you look lovely and your bump is definitely out here :happydance:

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