Finally success after 5 years unexplained infertility

Forgot to post the picture:
Oh and question for your ladies.

Do you think that with how big I look now, 26 weeks is a good time to take my maternity pictures? I didn't want to take them too soon but also not too late. I don't wanna look HUGE just pleasantly plump. Any opinions or advice?
Thanks for the pics!! I'm probably at least as big as you. Actually bigger lol. I was measuring right on at Ob last week (30 weeks). I started experiencing cramping Friday through this weekend. I asked on the board and everyone said it was normal. Good thing about your cervix!!

I don't know when to tell you to do maternity pics. Maybe at start of third tri? I'm not sure for twins but I guess anytime.

7 weeks for me from today. I'll deliver 37+5 and today I'm 30+5. I'm ready but also not seeing as my house is a mess still.
Omg!!!! I've been away for far too long!!!!! You look fab!! Xxxxxx
You look beautiful hun and wow your bump has really popped since the last time you posted a bump pic! I think you should go ahead with your maternity photo shoot now! I did mine early thankfully since I had the twins early at 28 weeks! I do wish that I had my baby shower early also! We waited to long anf I missed out on it because I was in the hospital, so if someone wants to throw you a baby shower ask them if they can do it early since you can go early with the twins!!! :thumbup:
thanks everyone! I still feel cute. I'm wondering when I'm going to start feeling huge and uncomfortable. My bump changes sizes I've decided. Some days it's huge and other days I feel like it's smaller. I'm wondering if it's just the way they're laying in my uterus.

I ordered the glider for the nursery this morning. We got custom fabric though so it won't be here until mid-September. Takes a long time but so worth it. Things are coming together and we are so exited! I can't believe I'm 4 days away from 24 viability.
Looking good! Take your maternity pics early, and then later on if you still like what you are seeing, get some more done :)
Hope you don't mind a new stalker I have just read your whole journal - huge congratulations on your twins and :boy: :girl:
twag - thank you and welcome!

24 week update:
The babies are doing great. I seriously can't get over how smooth this pregnancy has been so far. I'm very fortunate and appreciate the ease of the pregnancy considering what I went through to get to this point.

Baby A (Lucy) is vertex. I was assuming she was because yesterday into today I've had some really uncomfortable/pains in my left hip/groin area. And yes, I was right. She is vertex and pushing down on my pelvis region. Baby B (Oliver) is breech. Doesn't make me thrilled but they still have time to move so I'm not super upset about it. Not to mention we already decided that if Lucy is vertex (and bigger than Oliver) we're shooting for vaginal birth even if he's breech (she'll just turn him manually either from the outside or the inside). But .. this is a good start in terms of positions. My doctor did say that she's really hoping Oliver will flip to vertex also but she's still on board with my birthing plan if he doesn't. She said in the next 4 weeks though they will run out of room and then turning will be nearly impossible. So it's the next 4 weeks or nothing Oliver!

Tomorrow my hubby and I travel to NJ to see some family and deal with personal business. I'm not thrilled about it (I didn't want to travel at all during pregnancy due to my flight anxiety) but it's not really an option to NOT go at this point so .. it is what it is. My doctor isn't concerned at all. Just wanted me to wear compression socks, drink lots of water, and walk up and down the plane aisle as much as the turbulence will allow. And when she measured my cervix last (which was 2 saturdays ago when I had that cramping scare) it was 3.8. She said today if something were to happen (i.e. preterm labor) it's going to happen regardless of getting on the plane or not. The plane doesn't send women into labor so I'm going. And we're having a baby shower while I'm there with my moms friends and our extended family and then still having that baby shower when my mom comes out on the 15th with my friends here in CA. It's really all working out.

Hope all is well with everyone else.

Mo - not long now!
Safe travels!:hugs: Enjoy your baby shower! Happy 24 weeks!:flower:
You look great!!! This is so exciting to finally be able to read your pregnancy journey!!!
Be happy it's a smooth journey so far!!! Mine was pretty smooth sailing too! Not all twin pregnancies are scary!
I was super high risk due to multiple issues but that didn't put a damper on anything.
Oh the back aches, get used to it, I still have mine!!! Actually need to get a chest x Ray soon due to it.
It's great you have a birth plan from now!!! Just be prepared for anything because with multiples you just never know, before birth and even at 2 years old lol
Well I don't have the greatest news but I suppose it's not the end of the world either. I failed my 2 hour glucose test. I have gestational diabetes. :cry: I'm sad because I'm worried about it not going away after they're born, I'm worried now that they're more at risk for type 2 diabetes and childhood obesity, I'm worried because I know that they will grow fast but that doesn't mean that their lungs will mature any faster (which means a higher chance of NICU time), I'm sad that I can't just enjoy the rest of the pregnancy and eat what I want, I'm sad that after all of this infertility I might STILL have to give myself shots. It just sucks. I know it's not the end of the world but I'm really sad about it. My hubby has been great and said he's going to eat what I eat and stick by me but it just sucks!

I'm out of town right now, I go back home next Wednesday and I guess that's when I'll meet with the nutritionist/dietician to talk about managing my diet. From what I've read though I just need to stay away from carbohydrates, limits my fruit intake, and not have a ton of fat. Protein, protein, protein which is so hard for me because I LOVE bread and pasta. Oh well .. guess those days are over.

I just really hope my babies are going to be ok.

Oh and just to add I'm also really sad because we already knew we wanted to try naturally as soon as we're able when O and L arrive and now IF I'm able to get pregnant naturally I will most likely have GD again. It all just really irritates me.
I hear you loud and clear on that one!

I had GD with Fabi ... and since they were satisfied with my diet, I did have to inject insulin. To begin with, just the long term insulin in the morning and at night ... but after a few weeks, I had to also inject the fast working insulin. Plus test my blood sugar 7 times a day (injecting insulin 5 times a day) ... and you know how many IVFs I did ;) So here is a needle-a-phobe, who got through IVF + GD.

It also meant that they would have induced me, had I got to my due date without him coming (and it meant, that I couldn't birth at the midwife-led centre, but had to go to hospital).

I still was able to have the intervention-free, med-free birth that I had wanted. It was perfect. And the moment the placenta was born, the GD was gone. Fabi didn't have any issues with his insulin...

So if they keep an eye on it, and honestly - as much as I hate needles - the insulin pens are a breeze compared to what we're used to!! Really, I promise. I think it was much better, that I was monitored so closely and medicated, rather than just trying with the diet. The reason that you might get the heavier babies or the ones who have trouble after the birth, is if the blood sugar is not kept low (by injecting insulin for example), then it passes the placenta. So the babies start producing more insulin to regulate the sugar level (more than they really should) and they continue to produce more after birth to begin with, which is when their sugar levels can crash (which is why they are higher risk, than for someone without GD, for example).

Fabi did not grow any faster, than had I not had GD. When he was born (39+4), he weighed 3.100g.
Really, if you are monitored, it shouldn't affect your little ones, nor you. You may be at more risk to develop diabetes later in life and yes, it is highly likely, that you will develop GD in a subsequent pregnancy.

There is always the risk - and I know it is so horrible to hear this diagnoses, especially after what we go through to get pregnant in the first place. I just wanted you to hear my story - that it isn't all bad, doesn't have to be all bad. Though that of course won't take away, how upset you feel, which I totally understand! :hugs:
Sorry to hear you have gestational diabetes!! I know is a tough pill to swallow. With the right nutritionist you will be able to enjoy food. Your babies will be fine. I understand all the worry though. Twins increases your risk. The poking sucks for sure! I'm sorry and hopefully your dietician can help you maintain good control and help the twins not grow too fast. A lady my sil knows had Gd and delivered a small under 6lb baby at 41 weeks.
So sorry to hear you have gd. You would think after going through so much to get pregnant that everything else could just go smoothly. Unfortunately that doesn't work out for all of us. I had the worst delivery experience I could have ever imagined. But all said and done, holding your precious baby or in your case babies in your arms, you'd go through it all again and more to have them. :hugs:
bubu - thank you so much for sharing your experience! Everything you said makes sense and I know in the end everything will be ok but it was just such a blow. It didn't help that when I found out about it I was in NJ and not on my normal diet (organic, whole foods diet). My parents live in the middle of nowhere and it is nearly impossible to get healthy foods near where they live. It's sad really. We got home on Wednesday and I already noticed a difference in my sugar levels. Yesterday I ate my normal diet (even had a cookie and some berries and whipped cream) and my blood sugar never went above 107 (at 1 hr passed). They want it 120 or below 2 hours after you eat. I'm feeling more relieved now that I'm back at home eating my normal diet but still a little bummed because it's hard to eat out (they put butter/bad stuff in everything!) and eating out is something my hubby and I really enjoyed doing. Anyways, thanks again for sharing your story, I'm really happy to hear that despite the GD you were able to have the birth you wanted and Fabi is healthy and happy!

Mo - thanks for the support :hugs: It was so hard to find out this news but I'm handling it better now. One day at a time. How are you feeling?! A month and then your LO will be here. I'm so excited for you!

l4hope - I know you're right and that as long as my babies are healthy and in my arms at the end nothing else will matter. That's what I'm holding onto and since I got home my blood sugar levels seem to be ok so .... I'm happy about that! Thank you for your support :hugs:

In other news. My mom flies in today and then tomorrow is my baby shower with my friends in my area. (I had a baby shower in NJ too with family) I'm feeing my little loves move around all the time. I feel like they either don't sleep at all, or they take turns sleeping because I feel like I feel them move constantly! I'll be 26 weeks on Sunday .... I can't even believe that! I'm realizing that there is so much stuff I still have to do and am getting a tad bit stressed about the fact that I don't seem very motivated to do any of it. I need to find a doula, a night nurse for the first 3 weeks, find a pediatrician. It's all very overwhelming. I guess I should get on that. :haha: And we need to finish their room which I'm not THAT stressed out about because we do still have time but things need to at least start getting done. I purchased these wooden alphabet letters from etsy that are pained a variety of colors, they need to be hung. Hubby will do that this week I guess. It's going to be a lot of work for him but so worth it. And we ordered the glider but that's going to take a while to get here (we got a special order fabric) .... and I guess I just need to organize the room from that point on. I also need to make a decision about compost diapers vs. cloth diapers vs. organic/natural disposable diapers. I really wanted to do cloth but after doing research I'm really not sure that's what I want to do anymore because of how bulky they are. I feel like once my babies become mobile it's going to impede on their ability to move ... I don't want that. The compost ones seem like I decent option but I would like to make sure they are at least absorbent enough and have good reviews and worst case (not that disposables are bad for babies but they are for the environment) I will do the organic disposable diapers. We'll see. Lots to consider!
I hope you don't mind another follower. I am encouraged by other soon-to-be twin mama's stories. There aren't as many of us!

Sorry to hear about the gestational diabetes diagnosis. I had it with dd and cried for a several days about it. And then cried some more when I wanted something I couldn't eat. This time around I'm trying to remind myself that at least with gd it's totally manageable and less risky to the babies than preterm labor, pre-eclampsia, or any of the other common twin complications.

Sending hugs your way!
I am so sorry that you failed your glucose test and that you have GD. Big huge hugs to you hun! :hugs::hugs: I hope that you can keep it under control with the help of your DR's and that your twins will continue to grow at a regular pace and be healthy! :hugs::hugs: I will keep you and your twins in my thoughts and prayers! :hugs:

I hope you have fun at your baby showers and get lots of nice things for the twins!
Cloth is a great option. They have a ton of varieties and many aren't all that bulky. They definitely don't interfere with mobility. I can give you more info if you decide you're interested in them :) we've been using cloth since my daughter was born.
Quick update on the babies!

26 weeks and they are doing amazing.
There is a 0% discordance between them, yay!
They are each 2lbs 2oz. yay for them, I'm feeling the weight!
They are so amazing and are moving around all of the time. Sometimes hurting me but I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm so in love with them.

We are getting so close!

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