Finally success after 5 years unexplained infertility

Well .... I don't have the greatest news about my gestational diabetes.

For about a week my fasting blood glucose (FBG) number was under the normal range but in the last 4 days it has been creeping up and now it's very borderline but they want it to be under so ... I'm thinking insulin is in my future. I had a low carb english muffin with egg, cheese, and pork sausage this morning for breakfast (as recommended by my dietician) and my blood glucose an hour after was 148. That is way too high. And I still need to eat carbohydrates for the babies growth so ... I'm really thinking I'm going to be put on insulin next Tuesday. I'm sad and irritated ... so is my DH. The whole thing just sucks.

Just needed to vent.

Hope you're all well.
I'm sorry, Ash!
That's the thing that my clinic told me, when they were happy with my diet - that as you move through the third trimester, you have hormone surges, where the diet just isn't enough any more and so the insulin helps keep you regulated. Which is why, after just one week of testing myself, we moved forward with the insulin.

Hugs! I know it's hard!
Hi ash sorry I haven't posted in ages, I've been MIA for a bit x

Sorry to know about your glucose :( that's gonna be hard :(
Sorry about the GD, but I'm very sure you will get through it and do what it takes to keep your twins safe :)

I'm another cloth nappy fan here. No movement impeded at all, Brodie is now in Emma's old nappies. I will be a bit dad to see them go once Brodie toilet trains ;)
Thank you all for your support. :hugs:

This GD thing really is a roller coaster. I had a great day with blood sugar today so now I don't know what to think. My fasting was 85, and it never got over 117 all day so far (still have to eat dinner). I'm thinking maybe my body just needed time to adjust to the diet or something? I guess we'll find out on Tuesday what the doctor wants me to do but for now I'm just going to try and go along with it and not get too wrapped up in the numbers since they seem to be all over the place anyways.

If I have to go on insulin it really is not the end of the world (especially since I'm so used to doing the shots anyways!)

On a happy note:

My hubby hung the alphabet letters in the nursery .. here's a picture.

The nursery is ALMOST done. We do still need to get hanging bookshelves and I'm still waiting for the glider delivery. I also need to get extra sheets and things like that but I'm sort of waiting to see what people buy off the registry and then come August 28th when my discount starts applying I will just buy whatever is left and be done with it. I didn't expect my family to buy much stuff for us and I was right. :D We do live across the country so it's sort of hard to get stuff from other people. I feel like if you have a baby shower they want to attend it's like ... ok I have to buy something but since that' s not the case it's sort of like ... yeah I don't need to buy anything. It is what it is. I don't mind supplying my babies with everything they need, that is the job isn't it?
The nursery looks really cute! :thumbup: I am glad that your blood sugars are better now with the diet. Hopefully your numbers with your blood sugars are going to continue to be good and you can avoid having to take insulin. :hugs: Good luck hun! I will be thinking of you and the twins! :hugs::hugs:
Your nursery is cute! Our furniture isn't here yet since it was custom but we did get a glider that reclines. Actually it ended up being pretty cheap! It was a custom order but the fabric for whoever ordered it ended up being wrong so I bought it at a really good price. It's just plain but I'm thinking about getting an ottoman from restoration hardware to go with it. I'm just not sure since the chair reclines. But the ottomans are so cute! We have so much more to do. Finish the wall and get a new rug. I bought one but I'm not feeling it anymore so I'll return it. And get curtains. I want to add bright turquoise in to brighten the room up. The room is too dark so I'm looking at a new light fixture from restoration hardware too. I also need art work for above the crib and the walls. I need to decide if we need the hutch to the dresser so we can order it. It will take another 10-12 weeks to arrive but that will be okay. We have under 3 weeks now to go and house is still a disaster!! But oh well. We will get things done. Slowly but surely. I put a pic of the glider but the room is dark and it's night so it's hard to really appreciate it.
Hopefully the dietician and your Ob have advice for you about the blood sugars. But your numbers sound good overall and only slightly elevated when they were high. Remember 1 hour after eating target is 140 or less so you are not overalls elevated. If your numbers overall are staying low I don't see insulin being added. But I also know after 28 weeks gestational diabetes can worsen due to the placenta or something like that so I think the next few weeks will really be a tell tell sign of you'll need insulin or just diet control. I think you're doing great!!


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Mo - I read somewhere else on the site that you had your little boy! Congratulations!! I hope he gets better real fast and you guys all get to go home and start your life as a family of 4 (plus any animals you may have!). How exciting :happydance: Oh and I hope that you and DH were able to finish the room before he arrived but if not it'll get done at some point. Enjoy your LO! Did you pick a name yet?

wanna - best of luck with your transfer tomorrow! FX'd this is it.

AFM - Sorry I've been so quiet on my journal. There has really not been much to report, fortunately. The worse that has happened is that my husband had to go on a last minute trip to deal with some personal stuff but he took the red eye out, took care of business, and flew home the very next day in the AM. It wasn't THAT big of a deal in hindsight I guess but I do have anxiety about flying (and pregnancy just worsens that) and I was in my 3rd trimester so was sort of freaked out about my DH being 3,000 miles away. Fortunately nothing happened and he is home safe and sound so I can relax.

The nursery:
We are almost done. We are still waiting on the glider, I ordered book shelves which arrived but one of them has damage so I'm sending that back and getting a new one (such a pain!). I'm going to have my DH hang the other 3 shelves for now though so I can at least put some of their books on the wall. I'm also deciding if I want to put them high up on the wall (not above the crib of course) or if I want to put them below one of the windows in their room so that as they get older they can reach them on their own. I'm leaning towards high up on the wall since we will most likely move before they're able to grab at things themselves but I really don't know yet. Once the bookshelves are up I need to find a floor lamp to put near the glider but I'm actually thinking of getting like ... a hanging lamp but one that has a long enough cord that way I don't have to mount it in the ceiling (since I can't because we live in an apartment). It makes me nervous to have a standing lamp but the reality is that the babies are not going to be crawling around on their own while we live here and there not going to be alone when they're having tummy time so maybe that's ok?

We do need to baby proof the rest of the apartment and we recently put the car seats in the car which was/is super exciting! Every time I get in the car and see the seats I smile. Makes me so happy.

Gestational diabetes aka the devil:
Despite thinking it's the devil because I can't eat what I want it has not been all bad. I have sweets but within reason (like a few bites of a cake here and there, definitely not as much as I'd like but I can live with that). My numbers have been great. Every once in a while I will get a random high reading (135 for example when they want it under 130 1hr after eating) but when I go back to my records that hasn't happened in almost 2 weeks. I'll take it. The diet seems to be working (knock on wood) I hope it stays that way. When I met with the dietician last week she didn't want to put me on insulin. Wouldn't even consider it actually so I think that's a great sign and if things keep going this way I'll be very happy.

They are doing amazing. We had a doctors appointment today and got pre-admission paperwork for the hospital. I have to fill that out and mail it in. We didn't get an ultrasound but we did get to hear their heartbeats (I always listen to them anyways at home) but they sounded strong and were moving around a lot. We have an appointment with the MFM in less than 2 weeks where we will get an ultrasound and they will check my cervix, etc.

I can't believe I'm in my third trimester and there are only 9.5 weeks left at most. It feels ... so surreal! I got my tdap shot today too which is so painful after the fact. The shot didn't hurt but the muscle in my arm is now sore. Ouch! Anything to keep babies safe though.

I think that's everything. Sorry I haven't been such a great journal keeper but I just sort of got busy and honestly the time has been flying!
Hey ash. I'll pm you his name :)
We didn't get nursery finished because the furniture isn't here. So I will have to do that at some point. Im still in hospital and he is in nicu which isn't helping my milk. I'm pumping as much as I can but no milk yet. Oh well. Lactation nurse and all the nurses say it will come and takes up to 4 days. I need to remember that.

Third trimester? What?!? I am so excited for you! And so glad you don't need insulin!! All promising signs. Doesn't it seem so surreal? You'll be a mamma real soon! And have your hands full but it's going to be so much fun!
Can't believe you're in third tri ash! Babies will be here before you know it. Then you'll really be busy!! Glad to hear the diet is working to keep you sugars down, hopefully it stays that way for you. I don't blame you about the travel, I didn't want dh three hours away without me when I hit third tri. Good he washable to take care of things quickly and get back home. Now he can stay put!
Mo, not sure if you saw my post on other page as it hit at the bottom. But congrats on your little boy! Two boys is tons of fun!! Fingers crossed your NICU stay is brief. Having been there with my first little guy, your milk will definitely come in. Mine came in at 33weeks. Just keep pumping and set that alarm for over night pumping too! You'll feel like a slave to the pump but it works!
Thanks l4! I didn't see your post there yet but just letting me know it will happen helps calm fears and makes this easier. I have been waking up every 2 hours. I remember from dd #1 milk was highest in early mornings too so I want to take advantage of that.
Mo - I saw on another thread that your milk finally came in. Yay! :happydance: I'm sure you are just over the moon now that everything is starting to settle down. Hopefully you're home with baby or about to be home very soon.

Thanks everyone else :hugs:

29 weeks 1 day. Can't even believe I made it here. Babies are moving tons, momma is sore but happy, and I'm just counting down the days until I meet them. DH and I figured we have about 60 ish days until we get to meet them ... give or take some days depending on how everything progresses. And my GD is still under control with diet so I'll take it. I did have a bad with blood sugar numbers on Saturday but my doctor said there will be good days and bad but as long as I'm following the diet she wouldn't worry too much. :D
Oh and here is a sneak peak at the maternity photoshoot we had about 2 weeks ago. I should be getting more images by Wednesday. I'm in love with them and have waited for this moment for so long!
So glad everything is going so well. Not long now until you meet your babies!!! That photo is absolutely gorgeous! Where is that taken?
Gosh I love that picture!! Can't believe you're so close! So glad gd is under control too. Just think in a couple months you'll be looking back at infertility and be amazed and not for one second regret any of the things you went through!

Yes milk is in. Pumping every 2 hours and up to 500 mL per day. I'll need 900-1000 mL In the next couple weeks so hopefully i can get it up. I'm taking a pumping class tomorrow to see if any useful tips. So yep pump on me every 2 hours (trying not to deviate if possible) around the clock for 30 mins at a time. I could go down to 20 mins but I need my body to think there is a baby needing to eat so going 30 should slowly increase my numbers. We were moved to a lower care unit so should be home in a few days!!
froggy - thanks! 15 weeks for you, yay! How are you feeling? The picture was taken in Santa Cruz, CA.

Mo - Oh about the infertility in the rearview. I am definitely already feeling like every single thing I went through was worth it. I'm sure when I see them and hold them it's going to be an even more intense emotion and honestly, I just can't wait! I'm expecting to be a total emotional wreck for a few months after they're born just because I've waited for this for so long and it's going to be such an amazing experience.

Do you mind me asking what breast pump you're using? Kudos to you about every 2 hours pumping, that is dedication! I would be doing the same thing though, I think it's great that you're trying this hard to give your son the best. Breast is best :D (Just want to mention that there is nothing wrong with formula ... I do not look down on that, I just think breast is best)
Medela symphony. It's a hospital grade. I'm fortunate to have one at home and it's the same one used here so I don't have to worry about a crappy pump. I will say twins will be hard work. Going to the breast is much better than pumping since the sucking stimulates hormones for breast milk. I hope you're able to breast feed them/supplement as little as possible.
thanks Mo! I'm getting the symphony also, I heard it's the best at mimicking an actual baby nursing (although I know it's never exactly the same). But yeah I'm going to do whatever I can to get my milk flowing as much as possible for Oliver and Lucy.

And I know some women are on board with this and some not but I have a friend who has a 3 month old and she has about 1000 ounces of breastmilk saved up (that's how much she produces!) and she said she would be more than happy to give me some breastmilk if I wasn't able to produce enough in the beginning. So even then I'm really hoping to not give my babies formula and to be able to at least supplement with some other breastmilk. And since she's my friend I know she's not a drug addict and that she takes care of herself so ... we'll see.
Wow 1000 oz stored! Amazing!! Get the symphony with the preemie plus package. I don't have it but it's here at the hospital and it is amazing at healing breast milk. You can rent the pump at first since it's almost $2k and if like it purchase it or get one pre owned. I'm thinking about getting the premie card for my symphony but it's $499 since i don't have it. It didn't come with mine just the plus program which works great!

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