Finally success after 5 years unexplained infertility

What exactly is the premie package? I definitely was just going to rent it at first (covered by insurance thank god!) and then if I really liked it I was going to consider buying it.
I'm doing really well! We are heading to a baby and maternity expo this weekend and I'm so excited, it's also my birthday on friday. Our car seat and extra base should be here on Thursday so we will get to start playing with that! I have just been trying to collect all of our and the babies needs and getting the room decorated!
froggy - the expo sounds fun! I wish I had went to one but not while I'm this pregnant so I guess it's out now. Maybe if I get pregnant next time I will make it to one. I'm sure it's gotta be fun (but overwhelming!). There are so many options for baby things now it can get very hectic trying to decide what is best. When our car seats came we were thrilled! We played with them and let the dog sniff around them. It was really cute. Now they're strapped into the car ready to go. :D

AFM - this morning has been a roller coaster of emotions. I ate breakfast and my blood sugar was 157! I was like wtf that must be a fluke (since it has always been around 130 or below and I have been eating the same thing). So I tested again and it was 144. I was like ok maybe it's not a fluke. So, I waited another hour, just tested and it's 91 which is good but that also means that my blood glucose levels went down VERY FAST which they don't normally do so now I'm thinking those high numbers were just crazy wrong but who knows. All I can do it present it to my dietician and see what she has to say. So I was really sad about that number and felt guilty for my babies, then I found out that the glider that was supposed to get here in September ... late in September at that, is going to be here 2 weeks from today! I'm so excited. I have been waiting to put that in their room and sit in there and just soak it all in. I am over the moon excited. It's also the last big piece of furniture and then there room is pretty much done! Woohoo!
It took me forever to finally decide on a carseat. There are so many!! We ended up with the Chicco Key fit 30. Luckily we have most of everything that we need already thanks to hand me downs! So hopefully the expo won't be too overwhelming. We will do a 3d/4d ultrasound there even though I'm pretty early because my mom is flying in to going with us so she will get to see him on ultrasound.

Sorry your numbers were crazy, hopefully it was just a fluke! Sounds like the glider made your day!!
That'll be so nice for your mom! How sweet. One of our best pictures of our son in the womb came from 16 weeks so I think you have a good chance of getting a good shot for yourself and your mom. It's such a special time! Oh gosh I would have loved to get some hand me downs. Our families did buy us some stuff which was super helpful but we bought all of the big stuff ourselves (since we're having 2 babies, it's sort of rude IMHO to expect people to buy the stroller and cribs and things, since we need 2) but they bought clothes, and towels, and all the little things babies need. I can't complain. Plus, I sort of like being able to pick out the things but it has cost us a lot of money and having some hand me downs would have been nice. Good news is that a lot of my friends just had babies and it's a mixture of girl and boy so I'm hoping maybe I'll get some hand me downs from them? We'll see.
Well I hope you get some of your friends stuff!!! It really helps out so much. Your right on it being nice to pick out the exact things you want though! It kind of sucked watching all of my family and friends have all of their babies while we struggled, but now getting all of the hand me downs is definitely a perk to being last to have babies!!
The premie package just tells the pump to suck a different pattern. The lactation person said to use it until I was pumping 30 mL but I'm pumping more than that but still use it. Just until he's discharged then I'll be on the standard which I use at home already. Look up symphony preemie plus package. Wherever you rent it from May have it installed already and if not ask about it. But the pump works great without it.
Sorry that your blood sugars have been crazy! I hope that it was just a freak occurrence and that your blood sugars improve! :hugs::hugs: Please don't beat your self up or feel guilty for the spike in your blood sugars! You followed your diet and you are doing the best that you can! :hugs: Unfortunately with pregnancy there are a lot of things that happen that are beyond our control. I know because of what happened with my twins when I was pregnant! It wasn't easy to not have control over what was happening at the end of my pregnancy because I am someone that likes to be in control, but you just have to have faith that everything will work out okay! :hugs:

That is awesome news about your nursery furniture coming in soon and the nursery almost being complete! I know you are very excited! You will have to post a picture when it is all done! :thumbup: I am sure it looks great!
And my numbers are back to normal. I'm hoping at some point I will get used to a high number here and there and not let it bother me so much. I meet with the dietician tomorrow to see what she has to say about it all. I'm pretty sure she will not put me on insulin considering most of my numbers are low but we'll see. I seem to be able to still keep it under control with diet most of the time.
Ash your maternity photo is just gorgeous!! Love it! So amazing to know you're finally realizing your dreams of becoming a mommy!

As for the pump. I LOVED the symphony hospital grade pump it was just amazing. And the premie setting is nice to have and you could potentially need it with the twins. I used it with Tre while I was in the hospital but then I used the regular pump at home. If you can get hospital grade it's so much nicer. With that said, I pumped a ton with my second little guy anticipating if my milk supply didn't last and I ended up with around 1000 oz in the freezer on a regular pump. So you just never know how it will go. And like you said, either way babies will be just fine whether it's formula or breast. :)
L4 hope how did you transistion from pumping to nursing? You can pm me so I don't steal ashs thread :) I'm using the symphony which I love better and when I go to work I'll use it there too even though it's big. I'm jealous of your 1000oz freezer stash! That's incredible.
Yay!!! Wahoo! Congrats! What is the delivery plan? Will you go by 38 weeks?
Ash I was thinking the other day will your prolactinoma help with your breastmilk production like will you produce more since your levels will be higher than a person without prolactinoma? If so that would be great since you have the twins.
Mo - I did think about that as a possibility. My prolactin has been under control even since coming off the meds but it may go haywire again after the babies are delivered. I just don't know how I'm going to respond but if my levels of prolactin are high I MAY produce a lot of milk which would be amazing!

Here's 2 pictures of the babies room. We are almost done. I ordered their lamp this morning and their glider will be here in a little over a week. :D
Babies room looks great!! Our furniture just arrived Thursday- the day we came home! I still have to get bedding and curtains and a rug but I'm not in a rush. Oh and a lamp. And to move this couch out of there but trying to figure out where to put it.
I can't believe the babies are almost here! Producing a lot of milk would be perfect!
Happy 30 weeks! :flower: The twin's room looks adorable! :thumbup:
30 week babies update:

Baby girl measuring 3lbs 11oz
Heart rate is great
Head down right next to cervix

Baby boy measuring 3lbs 9oz
Heart rate is great
Breech with his head up around my ribs (no wonder I've been having all that rib pain!)

We are all set to go for a vaginal birth as long as my baby girl decides not to turn last minute but they said it's very unlikely since they're running out of room very fast now. Still hoping baby boy decides to go head down but even if he doesn't he's actually measuring a little smaller than his sister so we will be able to fairly easily deliver him breech or the doctor will try and turn him. We have options. I'm getting really excited and things are getting real ..... and uncomfortable.

I have one more appointment with the MFM, I have 2 more appointments with my OB, and we won't even have to do NSTs until 36 weeks as long as my gestational diabetes is under control with diet. The week that I get put on insulin (if I do) is the week they will start NSTs. I'm hoping to be able to control is with diet alone so that I don't have to go in for NSTs weekly (I've heard they can require you to go up to two times per week) but I'm just going to take it one week at a time.
Happy 30 weeks!!!! How exciting that you are still planning on a vaginal delivery! !! Your nursery looks really cute.
Oh yeah vaginal delivery if at all possible. I do NOT like the idea of being cut open on the operating table. That said, if that's what it comes too of course I'm going to do what's right for myself and the babies. But vaginal it is. I'm terrified of my milk not coming in and at least with vaginal delivery my milk should come in sooner .... that's another reason I was really pushing for vaginal delivery.
a bit late to the stalking party but just saw you have a journal I love the babies room!

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