Finally success after 5 years unexplained infertility

Oh yeah vaginal delivery if at all possible. I do NOT like the idea of being cut open on the operating table. That said, if that's what it comes too of course I'm going to do what's right for myself and the babies. But vaginal it is. I'm terrified of my milk not coming in and at least with vaginal delivery my milk should come in sooner .... that's another reason I was really pushing for vaginal delivery.

your milk will come in either way. For my first it was 24 hours later.. I woke up so full but I had pretty immediate skin to skin and nursed within a hour of him being delivered. with this one, a little different as DS had to go to NICU so my chance to breast feed immediately was taken away from me as was the chance to really establish a good bfing realtionship from the start but I've been pumping since c-section day (1st pump was 5 hours after delivery as they refused me a pump in recovery) and had colostrum for 2-3 days then milk. So csection doesnt really cause milk to not come in as its delivering the placenta that causes the hormone cascade necessary for bm. I've read it can delay milk coming in though. I did not want a c section at all but I had no other option :( Oh and dont forget about the lovely scar. I actually hate mine even though it represents something beautiful so if you can avoid it I think its great. Is your ob thinking baby boy will turn once she is out?
I don't post much but I do follow :thumbup:

I just wanted to add my experience of my milk coming in - I gave birth vaginally for both of my babies and both times my milk did not come in until day 5 and both were induced due to being 2 weeks overdue :shrug: I had colustrum but no actual milk until day 5 :wacko:

(also had immediate skin to skin and they fed within minutes of being born)

Your milk will come in try not to worry too much I am sure as you will be pumping and have 2 to feed yours will come in quickly :hugs:
I also had only colostrum for a while I want to say it came in after I was home from the hospital so maybe 5 days after a vaginsl birth as well. I have a feeling it could happen sooner for me this time as I've had breast growth and colostrum leaking already and did not have any changes with breasts with ds
Mo - I knew my milk would come in either way but am worried about the delay. They do have a program at the hospital I'm giving birth at to give donated breastmilk if you don't want to give formula if your milk is taking too long to come in. The other thing is, if you're only producing a small amount of colostrum which I know is normal in the beginning, how often are the babies nursing? As far as baby B turning once baby A is out, yeah my doctor is hoping for that but if baby B doesn't flip to head down she will reach into my uterus and try to flip him, if there is refusal or she can't figure it out he will come out breech. She has done a ton of breech births so feels comfortable doing this. We're also going to be taking into consideration how big baby B is in comparison to baby A. As of right now baby A is bigger so even if baby B has to be born breech it should be a pretty easy trip for him. If for some reason baby B ends up being bigger then that makes it a little more complicated. I will make the final decision about vaginal or not when I go into labor because I want to know their final positions and also try and get an idea/estimate of who is bigger.

Twag - thank you for sharing your experience! I'm really hoping it comes in right away but it's good to know that some women even without a c-section don't get their milk in within the 2-3 day window most LCs claim.

almost - thanks for sharing! It's good to know there are women whose milk comes in later than the "average" even with vaginal birth.

I know I'm probably over worrying but it's so hard not to. I want to breastfeed so bad and just have a lot of concerns about not having milk, or my milk not coming in, etc. I just want to give birth already so I know what's going to happen with my breast milk! Also the other thing freaking me out is that I grew a cup size and a half since I got pregnant but since the end of first trimester/beginning of second I haven't had a lot more breast changes. Did you girls also experience this? When your milk came in did your breasts get bigger again? It's not that they've shrunk back down to their original size, it's just they haven't changed much in weeks!
Same with me ash. I felt boobs got a little smaller in third but now they are pretty large again! I'm not even remotely sure how to breast feed twins. Sounds like you will have a good team of lactation specialists there who can help. I've always heard keep them on the same schedule. Some nurse both at same time. I'm not sure how that even works but there is a twin boppy pillow you can get. I think figuring out breastfeeding/breastmilk is one of the hardest parts. That's what I struggled with the most with ds1 and now with DS 2 since he was in nicu. He's trying to learn and in still pumping.
I had the same with my son they went down then wham once my milk came in they were huge however with my daughter they didn't grow at all not even once my milk came in tbh i am still breastfeeding her and my boobs are urm not huge and I am honestly not sure how there is any milk in there but there is :shrug:

I am in awe of you breastfeeding twins it will be hard but amazing - do you have a breastfeeding pillow I believe they do ones for twins :thumbup:
Re milk coming in - I birthed vaginally, naturally, no interventions and had only colostrum to begin with as well. Then the next stage of milk the day before we left (I think) - we came home 3 days after Fabi was born and it was only once I was home (I think the second day), that my milk came in.
During pregnancy, my breasts didn't get much bigger, maybe only slightly. When my milk came in, they weren't exactly huge, but they would get very hard when my milk was still regulating and they were full. I am still nursing at nearly 22 months and can't say that my breasts look any different to pre-pregnancy or most of pregnancy.

Please try not to stress about it, stress will most likely have a negative effect, so try to take it as it comes. Don't forget that colostrum is so nutritious, that the babies won't need much of it per feeding. Plus, their stomachs are teeny tiny (think almond size), so they really only need a small amount at each feeding to begin with to actually be full.
twag - I just ordered the pillow specifically designed for breastfeeding twins :D

bubu - thanks for that :hugs: I know stress can cause lots of problems so I'm really trying not to stress but it's very hard. :haha:

AFM - I cannot believe I'm 32 weeks on Sunday. I'm getting very uncomfortable but not in the way you'd think. I had some pretty annoying itching going on throughout the week so the doctor drew some blood to test me for the liver problem ... scary! I got 2 of the 3 results back from that and they are normal but really only the bile acids test can tell you for sure and that hasn't come back yet. My doctor says it takes a week and I got the blood drawn last Saturday. I really don't think I have the liver problem because I'm not having any itching on my palms of bottoms of my feet (and that's a huge sign of that liver condition) but it's better to check than not I suppose.

Between the itching though and just overall getting bigger and feeling the fact that I'm carrying more weight I'm definitely ready for this pregnancy to end. Only 4-6 more weeks I keep telling myself. My DH and I have this feeling though that I'm going to go at 36 weeks so we'll see.
I know when I was pregnant, 32 weeks felt like I was so ready to be done. I can't even imagine having two at once. I really give you (and all others who've had twins) credit. I ended up going at 37w3d with this last baby, and she was 8lb 13oz. I'm not sure if it would mean anything different for you, but I bet if you went at 36 weeks, they'd be okay! I comment sparingly, but I'm really excited for you! It's been a long time coming.
mmw - thanks so much! It has been a long time coming and carrying two babies really is no joke. It takes a real toll on your body. I wouldn't change it for the world though. They're measuring ahead of the curve, they're both in the 67th percentile. Last scan at 30 weeks they were measuring 3lbs 9oz and 3lbs 11oz so I think if we make it to 36 weeks they will be ok. They might need some nicu time but to be honest I was expecting that this whole time so it's nothing I would be shocked by. They have a GREAT prognosis at the gestation. I just think with their size, my body might be like ... ok I'm done.

Oh and I see in you signature that your 2nd LO arrived. Congratulations!
Hopefully they stay in long enough to not need nicu time. Nicu is no joke and establishing breastfeeding once in the nicu is very difficult. We are still not halfway there 3.5 weeks later. Not too much longer!! It's so awesome!
Wow you are so close to meeting your babies now! Yay!!

I had cholestasis this last pregnancy :( I had no clue, no symptoms but they tested me for it at 36 weeks when I was admitted to hospital with gall bladder attacks. I was told then that I would be induced as they don't like cholestasis sufferers to go past 38 weeks. Just one of those things! Hope you don't have it

Can't wait to follow your journey once the babies are born, though I'm sure you will be far too busy to update much!

My milk came in 3 or 4 days after delivery for both my babies, both uncomplicated vaginal births. Colostrum is more than enough for them til then :)
Happy 32 weeks! :flower: I hope that your blood work and liver results are normal! :hugs: Not much longer to go before you get to meet your precious babies! Hang in there hun! :hugs:
I am happy to report that my bile acid liver test came back normal. I'm really grateful that I don't have a liver problem going on and that it's not going to cause harm to the babies but .... WHY AM I SO ITCHY AT NIGHT?! I think I might go to the dermatologist because I do have these little bumps all over my back and my chest and right under my boobs. I thought it might be pupps but after doing my own research I am almost 100% positive it's not pupps but it could be this thing called AEP. Women who have eczema when they're not pregnant tend to get this and I actually have mild eczema on my shins ... so yeah. There's really not much they can do for me besides give me steroids but I'd just sort of like to know what's going on. Or I can suck it up for the next 6 weeks. We'll see.

But no ICP! Yay :happydance:
Ash that's great news I have eczema and my dermatologist told me it can get worse when pregnant so it's happened to me also if your sweating a lot maybe heat rash? I sweat between my upper upper legs haha and under my breasts and between at night and in hot weather but no rash from it yet just makes me want to shower a million times a day
That is great news that your blood work came back normal! :thumbup: I know that is a huge relief! :happydance: Have you tried benadryl for the itching? It should be safe to take during pregnancy. If you take some before you go to bed it will help you sleep and it should relieve the itching. A dermatologist might be able to prescribe some skin cream also so for sure go see one! Good luck! I hope you can get some relief! :hugs: My DH has eczema and he uses antihistamines and he has RX skin cream to help with the rash and itching.
Just wanted to say happy 32 weeks to my little loves. We had an ultrasound today at the OB's office. Oliver is still breech on my left side and Lucy is still vertex on my right. I am REALLY hoping Oliver flips but I'm not going to stress about it. There are some yoga poses I can do that are supposed to help but ... we'll see. They're looking good though. Nice and big. We start seeing the OB every 2 weeks until delivery. So I see my OB again on the 12th and then on the 13th I have my final appointment with the MFM.

Oh and my GD has been controlled completely with diet up to this point *knock on wood*. No insulin in sight yet. Yay!
that's great news ash! hopefully little Oliver will turn my obgyn checked me yesterday owch it hurt she pressed around on my stomach and said little girl turned so I'm hopeful your Oliver will when we is ready to prepare for birth! :)

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