just got a positive a week ago. and this week I got a even darker one. so crossing my fingers..sorry I haven't been in here for awhile. but been so so swamped with moving to oregon.
Congratulations. Xx
I'm 10 dpo and have gotten bfns for 3 days now. I just feel pregnant though, it's so annoying. I'm not going to allow myself to test again until Wednesday, but it's driving me crazy. I don't want to get my hopes up, but something is definitely going on with my body, cramps, twinge like pains in my boobs, fatigue, some heartburn now, runny nose, etc. The cramps especially have me wondering, bc I never ever ever have pms cramps. So I'm either pregnant or the mc has thrown my body completely off. All I can do it wait I guess. I didn't get my last bfp until 16dpo, so there's still hope. I'm just so ready for a bfp or af though bc the confusion is driving me crazy.
Hey, I forgot to update! Got my bfp on Monday! Very excited/scared/nervous!!
AhRhi. I know how that feels, I didn't Get a +opk until cd20! It was torture!!
I'm still here! Still waiting for AF. My cycles are super screwy and it's making me feel mad.
I think I'm going to give up TTC for a while, it's all been a bit too much this month. Charting, OPKs that became positive on CD27 and have stayed that way and the overwhelming feeling of being pregnant but BFN. Perhaps I need a little more time after the miscarriage to heal properly.
Good luck this month Rhi Rhi. Xx
Who is still about ?! hopefully you have all got bfps and lefthaha !
I'm Cd13 which is crap really, as for me that is still about a week away from Ovulation. I would love to have a shorter cycle. Just feels like i have to do so much more waiting around, ughh.