I got first AF after and now on cd 2. We bd'd the 17,18,19,20,21st with a positive smiley on the 19th. I tested twice a day from cd 10 with only one positive day. We used preseed. We did our part, now it's in the guy upstairs hands. You?So quiet!
How is everyone?
Ooooh two days late! Awesome, you never know!
I didn't O this month, so I am a little annoyed. However, started doing opks again, and it looks like its getting a wee bit darker everyday, so hoping its going to gear up and get it right this time
Merry Christmas ladies! And Happy New Year!
Oh my god.
I just thought "heck, what if I did O ten days ago? I have shit tonnes of test, I might as well test!" Also thinking along the lines of if that was an implantation dip, maybe it would show.
Very faint bfp on 3 internet cheapies, pregnant 1-2 weeks on digi!
The digi expired last month though, so I am not holding these tests to mean anything yet. Its after midnight here, I will test with fmu tomorrow and see what that brings.
I'm shaking, but I am not going to read into it yet. Could just be a cruel trick of nature!