MrsJ- Sorry DH's sperm is less than optimal. Did they discuss IUI with you? I'm not very well informed on it, but I think they select the best sperm & create the good conditions for it to do its job. Maybe that's a good combination to be done with the clomid. Keep up your great attitude - 2% keeps you in the game.
Sarlar - AF is actually welcome this time around. Gearing up for Tues! You sound well prepared.
Kel, we're in the same boat. Your twinges started a few days ago, right? Do you still have them? I had another High today, CD14. We've been stacking the soldiers in since CD 12. I'm completely paranoid that I may have Ov'd early, like CD11 or 12, even though I usually don't see a peak until CD15-17. I had lots of discharge after HSG, some of which looked like EWCM. I read others had that & chalked it up to the procedure. My doc told me to wait a couple of days before BD, so I did. I'm so paranoid that I missed O on the HSG cycle. Cannot wait to see the peak reading!