Well today was my appointment. Still trying to digest everything that went on. Looks like I may be right about my progesterone being off. AF is due tomorrow or the next day, so she checked my lining and she said it actually looks like it should when I am about to ovulate, not thick and ready for implantation. So that could be a big issue. She is also sending me for a ton more blood tests. Did one today that checks over 300 different recessive chromosome issues that could cause RPL.
She was so very nice and didn't question anything I said. I was so afraid of her not believing that I get positive HPT so often since they have never been confirmed by a doctor.
She also wants me to get a saline ultrasound this cycle to give her a better idea of my uterus shape and see if there are any polyps or anything. She said my ovaries look good and there are plenty of eggs so next step is all the blood work, scheduling the ultrasound, and getting another pap (my OB evidentally lost the one she did earlier this year )
So pretty much my head is spinning but she was super nice and I really like her and her nurse. And for once my insurance doesn't suck! I actually get 3 IUIs or 2 IVFs covered in full after my deductible is met so that's amazing. She is willing to go as fast or slow as I want. She said we could start with just a progesterone cycle if I want or go straight to IUI even tho she doesn't think IUI is necessary given my history of getting pregnant so easily. So once all these test results are in we will sit down again go over the "treatment" plan.