First cycle on Clomid... anxious :(

Blythe - ill be on day 32 to,or row. My cycles are usually 29-31 but I've heard clomid makes them longer? And yes! I want to take it anyway but I only have enough for three cycles so the doctor will be on to me when I ask for more! I think it's odd when they warn you of multiples, I just want to scream "it's been three years, gimme a litter and ill be happy!!"

Agree. That made me chuckle ;)
when i read all your posts it makes me sad for all of us its just no fair sorry if im sounding childish but it really isisint im fed up for me and im fed up for all of us . i wish there was no such thing as infertility . everyone should be able to have a baby :( all the things we go trough and we just keep thinking okay its worth it but what if it never happens when youve been trough all that it just makes it worse doesent it ?

but we remind ourselves to keep hope .. my hope has been stretched so much its about to break . i was told my my mother inlaw that im not getting pregnant cause im thinking to negatively ... sorry but i wanted to punch her in the face lol
Morning! Well, you would think that an FS would know that, but apparently Clomid is meant to make you regular at 28 days, not so far, but i've only had 2 months worth, and my consultant's secretary said it wouldn't regulate it straight away. My boss doesn't know, she is way too nosey to tell, i just tell her i have a hospital appointment, at the moment she's not asking any questions which is good!! I have an estate manager where i work and every time she comes in she asks if i'm pregnant, and when i say no, she's like, 'why not' . Feel like shouting out 'it;s not that bloody easy for everyone!!!'

Has anyone else noticed an increase in pregnancy/birth related tv programmes and adverts?? Or is it just me?x
Ouch on the mil's comment. What a harsh thing to say.

I believe we'll get there eventually. Some of us just may take alot longer than others, or have to go diff routes to get there. I just hope the wait for us all is not that long!

First cycle on clomid was wonky and long (42 days). Second cycle on clomid I was surprisingly 28 days, but I O'd on cd12 according to ff. So not typical. I hope this cycle is nice and regular.

Is it bad when you plan on having a negative result? I keep thinking, ok if nothing this cycle, then we'll try this but maybe not because we'll be on vacation, and if that doesn't work, then we'll do this.. etc...Of course when it is negative, I am sad and frustrated and think I know we have a plan, but this sucks...
Mine isn't regular at all, I'll be three days late tomorrow but know I'm not pregnant. How horrible is it that clomid is given to people suffering from infertility issues yet it messes with your cycles and gives you false hope?

And yeah I've seen babies and pregnancy stuff everywhere, I can only guess its because lfo the royal baby, which If I'm honest, I don't care one bit about
river .. i think like that too like im already planning what to do next cycle and actually said to my husband i hope my cramps wont be bad this month so yea i guess you get so use to getting negetives that you just expect thats its not gonna happen again so you prapare yourself for a let down but when af shows up your not really prepared at all and its just alot of sadness and frustration for a few
Well I'm officially out, af has come today with avengance and I can't stop crying, I'm so sick of being given a bit of hope and then having it stolen away. I even turned down a job interview this month in the hope I would get pregnant, how ridiculous is that? I now hate myself and my horiffic body.
Well I'm officially out, af has come today with avengance and I can't stop crying, I'm so sick of being given a bit of hope and then having it stolen away. I even turned down a job interview this month in the hope I would get pregnant, how ridiculous is that? I now hate myself and my horiffic body.

I'm so so sorry AF has come. How cruel that clomid delayed it. As if this isn't hard enough. I have effectively turned down 2 job opportunities since TTC for the same reason as I didn't want to start somewhere then have to leave them in the lurch....what an idiot!!

take a couple of days to grieve and then start focusing on that next egg. I sometimes feel like I'm in battle and keep getting knocked back but just keep getting up and brushing myself off and moving forward.

This is so hard and I'm sorry that this was not to be your month. :hugs:
Thanks guys,

I can't stop crying, mainly because I know next month will be a waste of time : (
First chlomid cycle and confused!

Hi Ladies, My name is Cassie.

I am new to this so please forgiveme if I don't make much sense.

My husband and I have been ttc for 1 and half years with no success.

I started my first cycleof Chlomid this month and am now on CD 15.

Had my first scan on CD 9 which unfortunately showed nothing. Second scan on CD 13 which showed one follical of 12mm and lining thickening up well. Nurse said I was responding well and that she expected me to ovulate this weekend or early next weekend.

I have a couple of questions really as this whole scenario has been very confusing for me.

Ovulation test stilldoesn't show ovulation, fertilitymonitorshowing low fertility. I read that chlomid messes up tests so wont show, so how will I Know if I have ovulated.

Checked my CM and it was wattery and creamy but not stretchy which I have never had before. So am wondering what it means?

I have arranged to haveprogesterone blood test on Wednesday CD 21 but I am wondering if this may be to soon.

Thanks in advance to you all.

Sounds like from your cm, that you are getting closer to O. If the nurse said this weekend or early next week, I'd start bd'ing.
As for the progesterone test, probably too early at that point, esp if you haven't O'd yet.
Hopefully the O tests will start to show something for you soon. I tried opks for 1 cycle on clomid, and they seemed consistent with everything ff said.

Do you chart? If so link?
hey girls! sorry I've been quiet for a while...been a but up and down with it all.
anyway...some good news finally, clomid 100mg has done the trick and I've ovulated, confirmed at my day 21 bloods today. I'm over the moon! not expecting that bfp for first round doubt I'm that lucky (altho we did bd at the time of ov so the ov test worked) but it's a start, I'll take any good news right now!
Hi ladies! I am truly sorry that you haven't got your bfps yet! Sending tons of :dust:

Afm... I will be taking clomid for the first time next cycle. I am a little scared but if it gets me closer to a bfp I will do it! I will be taking 50 mg on days 5-9. I do ovulate on my own so we will see. Right now I am 3 dpo so it will be awhile before I start the clomid.
Hi ladies! I am truly sorry that you haven't got your bfps yet! Sending tons of :dust:

Afm... I will be taking clomid for the first time next cycle. I am a little scared but if it gets me closer to a bfp I will do it! I will be taking 50 mg on days 5-9. I do ovulate on my own so we will see. Right now I am 3 dpo so it will be awhile before I start the clomid.

Hi I ovulate on my own too. I was told to take my 50 mg days 2-6. I wonder If I should try it later. Anyone know if it makes a difference?
thanks river! I'm trying hard not to get my hopes up this month, but can't help but symptom spot...this will be a long tww!
ss83 - glad the 100mg did the trick. I hope this cycle works well for you :) What symptoms have you spotted so far? :)

schultzie & Blythe - I also O on my own, and was given 50mg for cd3-7. I had thought cd3-7 was the standard, but I have also heard alot of women taking it on cd2-6 as well. I haven't heard much about cd5-9. It could depend on your cycle.
They say you should O 5-10 days after the last pill is taken, and for me, that would put me in what my cycles are normally at. - But really - as long as it works! ;)

Hoping this 3rd clomid cycle is it :)
ss83 - glad the 100mg did the trick. I hope this cycle works well for you :) What symptoms have you spotted so far? :)

schultzie & Blythe - I also O on my own, and was given 50mg for cd3-7. I had thought cd3-7 was the standard, but I have also heard alot of women taking it on cd2-6 as well. I haven't heard much about cd5-9. It could depend on your cycle.
They say you should O 5-10 days after the last pill is taken, and for me, that would put me in what my cycles are normally at. - But really - as long as it works! ;)

Hoping this 3rd clomid cycle is it :)

Hi river. I was looking at your charts. What happened in may? Do you think you ovulated twice?

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