First fertility appointment

Glad it's going well for u and uv mastered the injections. Not long now and ul be in the tww
Hmmmm hopefully... looking forward to getting to the next stage now!

But there is nothing to be worried about - the injections are very easy to do, hardly feel them. although having said that the one a night ago was bad and I've got a big bruise on my stomach - but not bad for over two weeks of injections!!!

I'm actually feeling very positive about it all at the moment!!!

I went to see my friend who had a seven week old baby and it made me realise how much I want children and how easy I found it. I know it was just one day but I didn't hesitate changing him, or feeding him or handling him (I know it'll be different 3am after they have been crying for the last 24hrs) but still I could envisage myself and the hubby doing it all!!!
Just counting down the days til it all starts. Or we get a step closer.
I'm not feeling positive today tho just feel like il never get a bump :( damn hormones.
Keep me updated xx
been for the scan today and i'm totally shut down, so tomorrow i'll start the stimming drugs.
Back for another scan on Tuesday 14th, to get checked out whether i'm coming along like i should do.
So now i'll be injecting to stop my natural body taking over and another to stimulate me.
The nurse was a bit shocked at how hard i jabbed the practice pen into the pretend skin and winced a bit - i did promise her that i do jab myself a lot gentler than that in reality - but think she was a bit worried!!!
Hubby came and was a bit put off when he saw the vibrator that is inserted into you for the scan - but think he enjoyed seeing the TV screen showing the insides and what things look like - so at least he has an idea of what things look like - he is off next week when i have to go back - so i'll drag him along with me again - if i'm getting up early then so is he.
We walked in to the ward and was seen sraight away - whcih was a bonus - apparently the day before was manic, but it's a first come first served basis, so prefer to get in first so that we were done rather than waiting around for a while getting nervous!

Any idea when your appts will be Sammy??
Onot the next stage.
Thanks for the updates. Glad ur coming on nicely :)
And glad ur forcing hubby along lol.
We have a hosp appointment on the 20th it's been a very long wait.
The senior nurse stated that we would go on the waiting list but be pulled off straight away so I'm hoping that it won't be long :( how long was it before u heard from nurture?
Oh wants to go away end of June but I'm hoping out first appt or some kind of something will be starting what do I think?
R u bruised from injections? Xxxx
When you start all depends on where you are in your cycle, so it'll all depend on that. You'll have all your internal scans first and bloods etc, then you have to wait until the first day of af, then you call them, go in to sign all the consents then come day 21 or whatever is relevant for your cycle then you start on that day!!!
I'm sure you'll be ok - as if you start the meds you can take them with you! Go on holiday as afterwards you are tied I to injecting at the same time everyday! And some of the stim drugs have to be kept in the fridge too!!!

No not bruised really at all,I did have two small ones but I think that's cause I jabbed a bit hard. But the needles are that fine you hardly feel them at all!!!!
Hope all is ok.
Just thought I'd share a success story with u that we have just heard from a friend.
33 yrs old low hormone wasnt popping eggs on own. Oh low sperm.
Retrieved only 5 eggs. Only two fertilised and only one made it to day 3. They transferred day 3 cos of fear of waiting and now there 20 weeks.
Also not sure if u watched this morning earlier but it's had me in years about Tina Malone the actresses Ivf journey which at 50 was also a success :)
Keep strong xx
well went for a scan Tuesday - i have 19 growing folicles, one of which is 1.9mm big and the dominant. They are waitingf or the lining to get thicker now, and for the little folicles to get bigger without the bigger ones getting too big.

Got another scan tomorrow again, so hopefully they have all grown again and the lining is a lot thicker (albeit 3 days later) They told me to stay on the same level of meds.
So come tomorrow will ask them re eta of when i'll be expected to go into hospital as need to let work know.

I hear loads of sucess stories - and it sounds wierd but i know it'll work for us, whether on this cycle or with frozen embies i KNOW it'll work - just got a good feeling - but still remaining positive and realistic about it all!

When are you likely to go for your appts??

I love your positivity. And I have all my fingers and toes crossed. I however can't imagine going through this process let alone being preg.
Our appt at the royal is Monday. Hopefully il know more then.
Just sucks my cycle is longer so can't guess where il be.
but once you have that appt you'll know what they can offer you and the time zooms by very quickly, and once i was in the system i stopped being a bit emotional about it all. I'm in the hands of the doctors and there is absoletly nothig what so ever i can do to help at this time.
Come when the egg put back in then that is down to me and my body and total relaxment from me at that time. If it doesn;t work then it wasn't meant to be with that egg - there is an egg which is our potential child somewhere, it just isn't the right time for it yet!

You'll be fine once in the system - plus they have ways of making you more regular i'm sure, so once on all the drugs the pressure is off re looking at body symptoms, EWCM, OPK's - so it is actually a relief not waiting for those signs. Now i'm just willing my overies to get bigger and grow those eggs!
Hey, another scan today and 21 follicles and 4 good big ones!
So they have asked me to go back on Monday for egg retrieval.

I have to keep with the down reg meds reduce the stim ones tonight. Then tomorrow they'll call me when to take the trigger shot then that'll determine what time I go into hospital!
Last scan today - though it was broken, so hubby sAved the day and pushed it in!!!

Drinking a bottle (between us both though mind you!!!) Of wine to celebrate the last jab - no more from Monday!
Egg retrieval and got 20 eggs - now they are doing icsi tonight and they'll call me between. 8-10 to let us know how many fertilized
They'll let us know whether it'll be day 3 or 5 transfer I'm hoping for day 5!!!
Hi, hope you don't mind but I've been reading your posts over the last couple of days. DH and I found out 4 weeks ago that our only hope of getting pregnant is with icsi. Our GP has referred us and we are just waiting to here from the QMC. It's really helpful to read what you are going through knowing that it is likely to be exactly we will have to do at some point!

Wishing you all the luck in the world over the next couple of weeks x
Oops just read that back - meant hear not here! Must be more tired than I thought :)
Hey Katy my pleasure!!!

So update as of this morning:-
20 eggs retrieved
14 were mature so those injected with the sperm
9 fertilized as of this morning

So they want to go onto the day 5 blastocyst stage which will mean transfer will be Saturday!!!

Relieved today the least - I just want enough to have a few frozen for us!
Katy once you get started you zoom through the process, all that holds you back is waiting to get to the right point in the cycle!!!
qmc are brilliant and really look after you too!

I feel tender around the stomach area (internally) but after the ovaries have been prodded 20 times not surprised!!! But nothing that paracetamol doesn't cure!!!!

The whole process is so interesting esp when you have the internal scans - seeing parts of you that you'd never normally see.
Then the I injections are a breeze. It looks complicated to begin with, but the needles are so fine you hardly feel them. I found the stomach area better than the thigh, easier to grab hold of!

Keep us updated with your progress too. Always good to sound off to people who live in the same area and going to the same clinics etc!!!
Glad to hear you're not feeling too bad. Those numbers are great! Will keep my fingers crossed for Saturday for you :)

It really is good to be able to talk to others who have been there. Not many people know our situation and the few that do have been supportive but don't really understand.

As hard as it was to find out we had to go down this route, I'm looking forward to getting on with it. Can you remember how long it took from being referred to hearing from the hospital? And how long you had to wait for an appointment? That's the only frustrating thing at the moment, not having a clue how long its going to be till we can start things moving! I feel a bit like I'm in limbo until we hear something.

I've also got about half a stone to lose to get under the bmi limit for NHS funding, so desperately trying to shift that!
Well we had our first appt at qmc on the 7th Jan. It was about month from the gp federal to that appt. Then we started the injections come middle of April. The things that hold things up are having to wait for the right time in your cycle to do some specific things things such as internal scans, bloods, and actually starting the injections s etc.
Plus my hubby was a nightmare getting his bloods done (as you have to have hiv, hep b & c tests before they start anything) so in the end of hassling him each day I made the appt for him to move things on!
So it was a very swift process once in the system!
Wow that is much quicker than I was expecting! The GP sent our referral letter off about 2 or 3 weeks ago so hopefully we should hear soon!

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