First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Now Terri you can't be outing me on this thread - of course I'm lurking - I have to keep tabs on you ladies!!!
I hope the BnB team doesn't come steal my mouse for posting on a thread that I'm not qualified to post in!!!! :rofl:
:dust: to each one of you ladies!!! I'll be cheering you from lurk mode!!!
Wish!! Hi!! I didn't know you'd been checking in on us here. Say hi anytime! You know we adore you. :flower:

We sure do have a lot of people in our corner rooting for us, huh? Love you girls. :) :) :)
Hey ladies! I hope everyone had a good weekend. Not much here to report, just wanted to check in with everyone. I am hating the idea of going back to work tomorrow. I did not do too much from home (surprise), so I probably won't get to play on bnb much tomorrow. :friends: and :wave: to all.
Hi Terri...glad you are doing well. AF started for me... right on time which I am happy about. I finished all my grant paperwork. Just need my Dr note. The good news is I found out my office donates to this foundation. So they are very familiar with them which makes me feel more confident. I am ready for vacation. Just two more weeks. The bad news is the grant decision may not be as quick as I thought. I have sent an email inquiry. But I am happy to take a break. I was also hoping to do fmla for 2 weeks during ivf but I am also not sure it is allowed. A lot of things to figure out. But happy to be taking some time off from intense TTC.

Hope to hear good news from everybody soon!
Nice job finishing your paperwork. And even better that your office donates to the foundation. That might get you an in as well. How cool. I am pretty sure that you can take FMLA for IVF. I considered it, but I can take sick days and vacation days and still get paid 100%. With FMLA, I think you only get 60%. I may need to use that later, so didn't consider it much after that. My schedule worked out that retrieval was on Sat., and transfer was Thursday. If the days were different I might have taken FMLA. It's good to think about all your options though.
Happy Monday ladies -

Terri - as Erin said the HPT was to make sure the trigger worked - I used one of my digitals since I was at the inlaws and didn't want to pee in a cup (or waste an FRER) and got a pretty quick Pregnant. The fact that they had me take 2 ovidrel shots prob means it will stay in my longer...but I will prob wait to test until a couple of days before the official test.

So the retrieval went well - they got 10 eggs - waiting for the call to see how many fertilized (not sure how much work I will get done today!) I was crampy and had some bleeding yesterday but slept most of the day. They only gave me Tylenol, which is surprisingly helpful - I woke up from my nap pretty crampy and took another dose and it calmed down. Took my first progesterone shot this morning - not as bad as I thought, but we'll see how the day progresses.

I decided to come into work today - I had cancelled any meetings just in case I wanted to take off and so I am basically just sitting behind my desk all day. I have pretty much used up all my days and plan on calling out Friday for the transfer, so didn't want to also call out today.

Question - did either of you have to go in for labs either before or right after the transfer? I have no appointments this week, but it looks like they do a progesterone check 2 days after the transfer...I am hoping to push it to 3 days.

That's great news Moni!! I'm surprised you're feeling well enough to go to work today! They gave me a prescription for Vicodin, but I never filled it. I didn't feel that badly. Just achy like you said. Not completely 100%. I can't wait to hear how many fertilized. I hope all 10. That would be awesome!!

Is your progesterone shot intramuscular? I'm glad it wasn't that bad. I was nervous to do my IM trigger myself, but it wasn't that bad in the end, either. How long do you have to take the shots?

No, I don't have any appointments until my blood draw on the 27th. I have been taking progesterone 3x a day since transfer though, so I guess they know it's ok.

I can't wait for the phone call!! Keep us updated!!
One more update-

I just checked my work voicemail (I hate checking it because it's usually an assignment for work. :haha:), and the nurse called me on Friday and said 'We checked on your remaining three embryos, and they stopped growing. So hopefully with the two that looked really good and the third one, you'll be successful. Keep taking your meds. Call if you need anything.' So, it's official that there are no frosties. I'm PRAYING the embryos inside me are still growing. How scary. I can't think bad thoughts.
Terri - sorry about that message - but I am very hopeful for you!!

I don't expect to actually get much work done today - just didn't want to waste a day - besides I slept 5 hours after the procedure yesterday and then went to bed at about 9:30 last night...not sure I could handle another day in bed today.

Yes, the progesterone shot is IM - so I have 2 circles on my rearside right now! Hubby gave it to me and apologized before sticking me!

Oh - and I am more restricted now then before until the pregnancy test - no alcohol, caffeine, aerobic activity, intercourse, etc...I thought I would have a couple of unrestricted days this week...oh well - hoping for another 10 months of restrictions!!
Good luck to both of you...very exciting times!
Hi ladies - I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Moni - Wahoo for 10 eggs! :happydance: Keep us posted on the fertilization report. That's very exciting. I'm glad you aren't feeling too beat up after the retrieval. Good to hear that. But I'm sorry you had to go to work even though you don't feel too bad. Fingers crossed that you get a 100% score for fertilization....

Terri - Your chart is looking pretty nice! :flower: Sorry to hear that you won't have any frosties. Hopefully, at least one of your little embryos has snuggled in nicely and is making itself nice and comfortable for the next 9 months. :thumbup: I know you said you'd probably test before your beta but I can't remember exactly when that is.

Beagle - I really hope that your RE office giving to the the organization that does the grant works out in your favor. :winkwink: Vacation sounds amazing. Where are you guys going? I think the break from intense TTC sounds good.

ERose - Your chart is looking pretty nice too! I see that you had a negative test again this morning but it's still not too late.

JCM - How are you doing?

I'm exhausted from the weekend. What else is new? The running relay was a ton of fun even though I didn't actually run all that well. I've decided that I need a break from running as I think I'm pretty overtrained right now - so it actually lines up pretty well with my upcoming IVF cycle. I haven't received my official IVF calendar yet but my RE office sent me a drug information packet and had checked off the drugs I'll be using. It looks like I'll be doing the antagonist protocol using Follistim and Ganirelix. And then they also had the dreaded PIO checked.........but that won't be until after the FET, I am guessing. So I have awhile longer to fret over that one. :shrug:
We go to the mountains in NC every year for Labor Day. There are cabins we stay in that are dog friendly. So each place has a dog door & fence...& also the whole place is fenced in so they can run free around a lake. We will be there for a week & I am just so ready & excited.
I wasn't restricted until after the transfer, so I drank wine the night before the transfer! hee hee. It was my last chance. Now I'm on a five day BD hold (which is fine by me after my husband's stunt), no alcohol, no caffeine, and I can do moderate exercise, but I've been lazy thus far, why start now? hee hee. They haven't called you yet??!! hee hee. I'm on pins and needles.
Great news, Moni! Glad to hear you're feeling ok.
Booger, funny you mentioned a break from running...I trained with DH Saturday and I already want a break! Haha! I'm so sore! Sitting down on the toilet hurts my legs and butt. I don't like squats for the record. Not one bit. I bet I'll start to like them when I start to look more toned though! DH and I figured out why I've been so cranky, besides the bcp reason of course. My testosterone level is on the low end. I read that if they get too low you can get the symptoms I've been dealing with. So apparently in order to bump them up, I need to start exercising every other day and have sex more...DH is thrilled.
I have my appt to check cyst sizes one week from today! Hopefully they are behaving and I can stop my bcps...I usually get a light period 2 days after stopping so hopefully I can start my meds the the end of next week! I'm getting excited!
Moni, yay for ten eggs! :thumbup: FXd for a great fertilization rate. Can't wait for the update. :) Glad you felt pretty good too. Update as soon as you can. :) I don't recall having any bloodwork after retrieval. They somehow knew my E was high though, so they must've been going by my numbers from the labs the day before retrieval, I guess. Nothing after transfer either.

I'm glad the P shot wasn't bad for you. It's not really painful, necessarily.... Like I said, I think it was mostly mental for me, as it was just the thought of a super sharp needle moving around inside my muscle (while he was pressing the plunger) that got me. I could feel it in there, and it made me queasy every time. I did mine at night, so the closer it got to time, the more anxiety I would get. They did make me pretty achey in the rear, but the mental part was the worst. So it was just very bothersome for me. I had a feeling you'd deal with it better than I did, hahaha!

Terri, sorry about the frosties. But no need to worry, since this one is gonna work! Your chart looks awesome, and I just know they are nice and comfy in there.:thumbup:

Jen, I'm excited your appt is coming up! FXd for NO more cysts!!

booger, glad you're getting nice and ready for everything! Super exciting! Don't fret over the P injection, seriously. Like I said, I would guess most girls are stronger than I was, hahah!

beagle, vacation coming up! I'm sure you're excited!
Oh, and yes, I was restricted on everything after the ET as well... They only told me to take it easy for 2-3 days, as far as light activity. But there were quite a few restrictions up until test day... they even restricted us from BDing until test day!
So we have 3 left...really freaking out. What are the odds that all 3 make it to Friday? out of the ten that they retrieved only 3 fertilized? Did they say how many were mature?

Don't worry just yet...they can do a three day transfer (if need be), and I know plenty of people on the success stories that had success with three day. I also "know" of people (on here) where they only had 2 eggs retrieved, and they got pregnant with the one or two transferred. You can't stress out just relax, and let those embies grow...It'll be ok. :hugs:

ERose-No BD until test day? I wish that's what my doctor said. HA!!HA!! I'm scared! I know tomorrow hubs will be all up in it. *sigh* hee hee.

booger-Glad you had fun on your relay, and yeah, just take it easy for a can always walk/power walk/reduce your mileage. I don't think that would be too upsetting to you.

Jen-C'mon next week!! I know so many people looking forward to next week it's not even funny. I hope your cysts are GONE and you can stop the BCP. yes, things are getting very exciting.

beaglemom-Your cabin sounds awesome. I bet the dogs love it too. Now that fall is almost here, I can get back on my fostering train. Hubs doesn't really like fostering dogs, but I love it and I love the responsibility. Since I'll be at home base for the rest of the year, hopefully he'll let me get a dog for a week or two just to fill the void for a while.
A girlfriend of mine ended up with two. Transferred one at 5 days, ended up pregnant and has one more for another baby. Try not to stress. Eat something yummy and stay off of the internet! : ) did your doc mention a 3 day transfer? Maybe you will get to go sooner than you think!!
No transfer is still set for Friday at 1pm.

7 were mature and 3 made it through to today. This is what the doc said in response to my concerns:

"The odds of not making it to transfer with 3 embryos in our lab is low. Typically it shakes out one doesn’t survive one does but quality mediocre and one good quality and we transfer 2. Of course that is average or typical hopefully this time you are above the curve and end up with more than one high quality embryos (who knows can be all 3) but of course anything can happen."

Trying not to think about is out of my hands now and like you said all I need is one to make it!

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