First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Booger so sorry about your friend. We had a customer recently pass away & it is hitting me hard too. I didn't know him well. But his wife was always so nice. He had some medical issues going on.

The books I got were Having a baby when the old-fashioned way isn't working by Cindy Margolis; Baby Steps Having the child I always wanted (Just not as I expected) by Elisabeth Rohm; & Conceptions & Misconceptions (this one is more technical). I got them at the library. I have another one on hold called the Couple's Guide to In Vitro Fertilization.

Also when researching books to get I came across a story of a women who got the wrong egg!!! Apparently she brought him to term & delivered & gave him to the biological parents. Crazy story. Then a couple years later they were finally pregnant again via surrogate.
I still got a BFN on the CB digi this morning, and although my spotting never came back from Mon morning, I feel full and slightly crampy like AF could be coming. Strange that I only had the brown spotting Mon morning, and nothing since. I bet it will come back today, and I'll start AF tomorrow. I think I need to call my RE's office. They scheduled my appt for tomorrow, assuming I would've started AF, so I'm wondering if they'd even want me to come in if AF hasn't begun. Better give them a call.

I did buy some FRERs on my way into work. I know the digis aren't as sensitive as the FRERs, and I wasn't feeling crampy when I bought them, so I figured I'd test again later today after a hold. But now that I'm having these dull cramps, I probably wont waste one. Or maybe I'll just see if the spotting comes back and then decide.

So my friend at work who's my age (she already has 2 boys)... we do things outside of work sometimes, and our DHs get along great. She's one of the ones that knows I've been TTC, so a little earlier on (when I didn't think it would take this long), she talked about trying for her 3rd, and we joked about how fun it would be to be PG at the same time. She wasn't totally certain that she wanted a 3rd, so it was mostly just silly joking around, and then she started having thyroid issues and had to start some meds which aren't safe during PG so she decided even if she did want a 3rd, it would have to wait until she could figure out her meds situation. Well... she told me yesterday that they accidentally got PG, and she literally found out right after my IVF failed, so she's been super nervous to tell me. She doesn't even seem happy because she's really nervous about the meds and has to get a quick plan in place with the Dr. I acted like I was still happy for her (and I am). It just kills me these girls who are as old as me, can get PG not only w/ thyroid issues, but also on complete accident, while trying to AVOID it.

Anyway, my main point of that was that she had some bleeding/cramping right when AF was supposed to come. She said the bleeding wasn't real heavy, but the cramping felt totally like AF, but she got a hunch because the bleeding was a little lighter than her normal period, so she freaked out and tested. She's about 8 weeks along now. I was just thinking, that's def a perfect example of how some bleeding/cramping isn't uncommon when getting a BFP.
I have def heard that about the bleeding/cramping. I am sorry you have the frustration of seeing such easy accidental pregnancies. I know you are happy for her but at the same time slightly bummed & a littled peeved you have to go through so much. But I am sure your FET will be successful.

On that same note, I said to my husband last night how do you feel about the fact that by the time this is all over we would have spent about $20K to have a baby. He said well I am pretty sure that when our baby comes, we won't even think about the money. I know that is true, but also so much easier for him to say...I am the one who pays the bills! But I know I will feel the same. But I am dedicated to getting my baby paid off BEFORE it gets here...or very close.

I got a copy of the final bill I was looking for to complete my list for the grant. Now I am patiently waiting to hear back from my dr about my letter. I copied my tax returns, pay stubs, W2s...I think I am all set. I still have not heard back from the foundation on the announcement date.
ERose-I see your temps are still up...I think you have a really good shot at being PG with your coworker. At least she didn't tell you when you found out that your IVF failed, so she does get a gold star for that. Every time I hear those stories, I am just aggravated to no end (on the inside). Why does life have to be so unfair??! Yes, I am also happy for your friend, but that is just crazy. I seriously think a lot of times that once you have one kid your body is just prepared for more. Since most of us haven't had one, our bodies are just out of sorts, and don't know what to do. *sigh*

beaglemom-You'll get it paid off! If that's your goal I know it will happen.

Oh, I have to paste today's funny on this thread..I have to go get it from the >35 side.

My hubs has taken to calling the embryos, 'the 'bros.' I ate two eggs this morning and was REALLY full and he said 'Well, the bros probably don't like egg yolks, just like their pops.' He's silly. I told him, 'When I asked them, they said they liked eggs.' I also told him that they are going to be girls, so he can stop calling them 'the 'bros.'My hubs has taken to calling the embryos, 'the bros.' I ate two eggs this morning and was REALLY full and he said 'Well, the bros probably don't like egg yolks, just like their pops.' He's silly. I told him, 'When I asked them, they said they liked eggs.' HA!!HA!!
ERose-I see your temps are still up...I think you have a really good shot at being PG with your coworker. At least she didn't tell you when you found out that your IVF failed, so she does get a gold star for that. Every time I hear those stories, I am just aggravated to no end (on the inside). Why does life have to be so unfair??! Yes, I am also happy for your friend, but that is just crazy. I seriously think a lot of times that once you have one kid your body is just prepared for more. Since most of us haven't had one, our bodies are just out of sorts, and don't know what to do. *sigh*

beaglemom-You'll get it paid off! If that's your goal I know it will happen.

Oh, I have to paste today's funny on this thread..I have to go get it from the >35 side.

My hubs has taken to calling the embryos, 'the 'bros.' I ate two eggs this morning and was REALLY full and he said 'Well, the bros probably don't like egg yolks, just like their pops.' He's silly. I told him, 'When I asked them, they said they liked eggs.' I also told him that they are going to be girls, so he can stop calling them 'the 'bros.'My hubs has taken to calling the embryos, 'the bros.' I ate two eggs this morning and was REALLY full and he said 'Well, the bros probably don't like egg yolks, just like their pops.' He's silly. I told him, 'When I asked them, they said they liked eggs.' HA!!HA!!

Ha ha! You sound like me & my husband!
Yes, thanks girls... and it will especially be tough if my FET doesnt work, and I have to watch her belly growing every day at work for the next nine months. She is two offices down the hall from me. As much as I love her, and i'm happy for her, it will be really hard. But the FET is gonna work, so never mind all that!

terri, that's great that you guys are talking like that. Positive vibes will bring positive news!!! :thumbup: DH and I did that too... we'd get home from work and he'd ask me if I made sure not to stress the babies out with my job. ha! I think talking like that is healthy.

So I went to the restroom to use one of those FRERs, and sure enough, there was the brown spotting, back, just like i thought it would be, hehe. If I go by the last cycle that I took Lupron, AF arrived the day after 15dpo. Today I am 14dpo, so it could come tomorrow, but maybe not even until Fri. I got a call back from my RE's office, and she said I could still come in for my appt if I want to, but if AF hasn't arrived, then my lining is probably still thick and my E would be high. So she said we could reschedule it if I dont want to come in twice. Well duh... Why would I want to come in and be probed twice if not needed? So anyway, we concluded that I'll just call in the morning if AF hasn't arrived, and I can reschedule for Fri or Mon. So we'll see what happens overnight.
Ugh!! I was hoping the spotting would stay away!! Yes, I would wait until day 3 or whenever you're supposed to go in. Why would anyone go in twice? I guess for personal attention. Hee hee.

I think it's good that hubs is talking about his bros a little. He said he can't REALLY get excited until the baby is here, so I'm happy he's a little excited.

I'm just feeling bored with waiting already. I know most don't feel anything this early, but I kind of wish I had a little something to get my hopes up even if it just a smidge of hope (aside from great temps that I think are a trick). I'm not feeling out yet, just bored. That's really the only way to describe it.

Hope the rest of you are having a great day!
Totally understand what you're saying Terri. After my ET, when the bloating and discomfort went away and it was just a waiting game at that point, I got bored too. Luckily, my family came to visit about a week after the transfer though, so that kept me distracted and my mind stayed busy for the next week after. When did you say you're going to test? I know you mentioned you're not waiting until the blood test, but I couldn't remember when you're going to go for it.
I'll probably test on Sunday or Monday. As of today, I don't even know why I'm thinking about testing because I had another temp drop. So my boring wait is now just a wait for the end. I did volunteer to be in a focus group this evening for Shady Grove. They offered a gift, and I wonder what it is. Probably a tshirt, a pen with a flower on the top of it (all of their pens have big flowers on top. They are kind of fun.), or something dumb. I'm just not feeling it today. :growlmad:
Terri, don't you start worrying about your temps! Do not start losing hope. What do you want to bet those temps go back up tomorrow? And even if they don't, it doesn't mean anything negative. I'm sure your RE would agree with me. Maybe this is why girls don't temp during IVF cycles. Stay optimistic!! There's no reason for you to be thinking otherwise!
Terri - stop that!! Its not over...stay positive!
Hi ladies!

Terri - Ditto to what Erin and Moni said - try not to read into your temps right now! You are still way above your coverline anyway. :thumbup: I'm interested to see what your gift is from the focus group. Hopefully something useful and not anything too chintzy.

Moni - How are you doing?? Any updates before your transfer tomorrow?

ERose - I'm sure you've already made up your mind but I would reschedule my appointment. I hear you on the pregnant coworker front. Luckily, most of the ladies in my office are past their babymaking time so we don't have anyone currently pregnant or trying, at least as far as I know. But one of my old friends just posted something on Facebook about being pregnant again - on accident, with her 4th child. Her husband was rambling about how sometimes you can't plan everything and they'll just have to roll with the punches. I'm happy for her but it does frustrate me that, like you said, some people seem to have no problem getting pregnant even when they are purposely NOT TRYING.

Beagle - Did you get the letter from your doctor so that you could submit your application? It is hard not to think about how much IVF costs in the end. I'm just hoping that we get enough eggs and embryos the first time around that we won't have to go through the whole stimming process more than once. It really does suck that it's so expensive.I know that once we have our babies, we won't be thinking about the cost and that it will be worth it in the end. That doesn't mean that it still doesn't suck. I just feel very fortunate that DH and I are able to make it work (well, hopefully!). I read about so many people who just can't financially swing it and therefore hit the end of the road. :nope:

I received a little more information from my REs office yesterday in regards to why we may not have been able to get pregnant on our own. It appears that my ovarian reserve testing turned out normal (phew, because my initial numbers (not run in his lab) were borderline). It looks like it may be a problem on DHs end of things after all. His SA came back a little subpar, not terrible, but not great either. I think his numbers are mostly OK since we are doing IVF, but could have been the issue with natural conception.
Terri...not much longer to wait...maybe try to do something to get your spirits up. A night out or dinner out or something. While you are waiting for testing, I am waiting for feels like the time is so slow!

I was talking to my friend & she is saying I need to transfer 2 so I can be done having kids. I think the idea of twins is cute but the reality is going to be tough...still trying to figure out which way to go. I am leaning towards the PGD but also thinking about saving money. Oh well...a few months to keep thinking. Maybe I will have a miracle pregnancy while we wait. I am actually looking forward to having fun sex again, you thinking about it. I will still use opks & monitor my O signs. letter yet...I am trying not to think too much about it. I have over a month to send in my application, so I am trying to be patient & give the office some time. What were your husband's numbers? That is where our problem is. I am hoping since I have a great reserve & I have responded so well on follistim, that I will have success with the egg retrieval process.

I do feel bad for people who just have to stop trying because of money. We will not be starving or anything by doing IVF so I feel very fortunate. But years ago when we first started trying, I knew IVF was out of the question because of money.
What were your husband's numbers? That is where our problem is.

This is from the e-mail my nurse coordinator sent me:

"Plenty of sperm to work with IVF. His initial numbers are good, but when we process it out the numbers drop a bit. We like to see total progressive count of at least 10 million and Dhs was 5 million (still tons of sperm :D) and the morphology we like to see above 5% and his was 3%. So it was just under our “normal” parameters."

So, not terrible but it does make more sense as to why we have been having trouble if his progessive motility is low.

I also wonder if they they might have just had a hard time making their way through my cervix. When my Dr. tried to measure it using a cathereter during our consult he had a hard time and said something about it having a sharp angle in it - that's the reason I have to do the mock transfer since he said it won't be an easy one. :shrug:
Booger, sorry about the sperm issue, but like you said, at least you have a possible explanation for not getting PG on your own. Sometimes it just feels good to get a reason, ya know? Ours is completely unexplained. DH and I both tested well. I may have had a minor blockage in one tube during the first 14 months that we were trying, because during my HSG, the Dr had a hard time getting the dye to go through and had to apply tons more pressure to get through. But my RE won't commit to that, since she said it could've just been a spasm. So maybe, maybe not. I actually got PG once prior to my HSG, but it was on the left side. Its possible I should've just given it more time and we would've gotten PG again, but I didn't want to keep rolling the dice every month. I was so over it!

I did go ahead and change my appt. AF still hasn't arrived, so I called this morning, and told them I'd prefer to just go in on Monday to give AF time to start, and be a few days in, so that I dont have to risk coming back a couple days later. She said even if I dont get AF though, they want to see me on Monday. If AF doesn't arrive, then they'll want to check for cysts. But honestly, I'm sure AF will probably come today or tomorrow. I just had a fully natural, unmedicated cycle, and I feel really good.
What were your husband's numbers? That is where our problem is.

This is from the e-mail my nurse coordinator sent me:

"Plenty of sperm to work with IVF. His initial numbers are good, but when we process it out the numbers drop a bit. We like to see total progressive count of at least 10 million and David’s was 5 million (still tons of sperm :D) and the morphology we like to see above 5% and his was 3%. So it was just under our “normal” parameters."

So, not terrible but it does make more sense as to why we have been having trouble if his progessive motility is low.

I also wonder if they they might have just had a hard time making their way through my cervix. When my Dr. tried to measure it using a cathereter during our consult he had a hard time and said something about it having a sharp angle in it - that's the reason I have to do the mock transfer since he said it won't be an easy one. :shrug:

Very similar to me...except I did get mine up to 40 million from 12 million. His post wash was 1 million, then 4 million, then 9 million. Then we had one at 500K (which I think was due to not enough abstinence), then our last was 5 million. With no issues on me, we still had a decent shot with IUI, but no luck. You def have a good count for IVF. At least with IVF, the sperm don't have to do much. I am sure you are using basically they take the good boys & inject them. So just like in real life, the men do practically NOTHING to get us pregnant...LOL! :D I think you have a great shot with IVF...& a completely reasonable explaination as to why no pregnancy. Have you ever watch the Great Sperm Race (I think that is the name)? You can see it on youtube. It offers a lot of insight to the process of getting pregnant & how hard scientifically it can be.
I still have a little brown spotting today, but no cramps whatsoever, and that full feeling I had yesterday is completely gone too. I would've sworn AF was going to arrive sometime today, but now it doesn't feel even remotely close. I wish my body wouldn't play such tricks on me.

BTW, right after I told you girls about my coworker yesterday, I get home from work and hear from one of my best friends who lives in Atlanta, and she too is accidentally pregnant. She has a 6-yr old, and didn't know if she wanted a second child for sure, so she was back on BCP. She got PG on the pill. She was on the pill the first time she got PG too. Someone kill me.
She got PG on the pill. She was on the pill the first time she got PG too. Someone kill me.

Oh, this made me laugh. Sorry! But I completely feel your sentiment there - it's utterly ridiculous. And totally unfair. If only they knew how hard some women have to try. :dohh:

How weird that AF still hasn't shown. It's funny how we get to the point where we actually WANT her to show up so we can move on with things. :haha:

I just ate a huge burrito at lunch and now I just want to take a nap. :sleep: Good thing it's really beautiful out today - maybe I'll be motivated to take a nice walk after work. I could certainly use some fresh air.
What the hell!? Ive been on the pill for what seems like forever!!! Why don't i "accidentally" get pregnant!? Ok let's be real, this pill makes me want NOTHING to do with sex. I swear I've been so depressed this last 6-8 months. Ugh. Just let me get pregnant!!!

Whew! Anyway! Hi all! Terri, you're sooooo close! I'm getting really anxious to see your bfp! Getting ready to go relax at 5 days off from being stepmom. I'm needing to be more positive for my Monday cyst appt so hopefully my mood will shift. Sorry about AF playing games, Erin! I was looking at my last cyst cycle and I had a 45 day cycle. Bcps until day 42. I might end up with another week of this crap. On a good note, I'm having lots of cramps on both sides. Maybe these things are bursting finally??
Booger, I agree with Beagle. The nice thing about ivf is, all you need are the best swimmers hand picked by the doctor. I hope this works out for all of us. I'm just having one of those negative days...
Moni, hope you're feeling good about the big transfer tomorrow!! Exciting stuff!

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