First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

ERose-Good thing you didn't tell me that story this morning or I really would have jumped off the ledge. I'm in much better spirits now (socializing and laughing with coworkers totally picks me up). No more cramping, unfortunately, but I feel better overall. The focus group was changed to an individual interview and it's now at 4:30 instead of 5:45. It's near my work so I was just going to sit around/read until 5:30, but now I can get out of here an hour sooner. Yay! Anyway, happy/sad to hear about your friend. Yeah, at this point I wish I was accidentally pregnant as well.

Booger-I think IVF is the way to go for you too. At most you'd need like 25-50 sperm, and there are MILLIONS so not to worry at all..And yes, they do take the best ones for ICSI, sedate them, and then wake them up when it's time to go..hee hee. Pretty much what happens to us for retrieval.

Jen-Sorry you're so miserable on BCPs but hopefully you only have to take them for one more week. That would be a blessing. Today was just a debbie downer day for a lot of us. :hugs: Where do you live?

Moni-Good luck tomorrow! You'll do great! Hope you have some movies/shows to watch in your downtime. I taped a ton of tv shows too, and talked on the phone a lot after my transfer.

In the end, we are all very fortunate that we can afford this either through insurance/savings/whatever the case may be. I don't know what I would do if I had to pay it all out of pocket. Well, I know..I'd take a home equity loan, and pay it back gradually. I actually did get a line of credit just in case I needed it, but so far, I haven't needed it. I may end up using that for adoption though, so I'm not in the clear just yet.

Ok's almost time for me to roll out. Have a good night. <3
Terri, I'm glad you are feeling better. :) Have fun at your interview tonight and let us know what your free gift is, hehe!

Jen, sorry you're having one of those negative days, I totally understand. I've managed to keep a pretty decent attitude about all of this, for the most part... but when I have a bad day, it's usually really bad. Like, REALLY bad. I've had some days over the last 21 months, where I'm just downright depressed. Feel better, hun! I feel confident that your cysts will be gone and you'll be able to get started on your IVF!

Moni, GL tomorrow!! We'll be thinking about you! How exciting that the big day is just about here. Check in when you can.:thumbup:

Hi beagle and booger!!!
I'm back from my interview. It was great. The interviewer was actually laughing as I was telling her some of the stories (like about my horrid anesthesiologist). She wasn't supposed to laugh, but I think she was relieved. She said most people are crying, which is also understandable. We had a good time. My gift was a Mastercard $50 gift card. They also had sandwiches, cookies, pickles, and chips from Panera, so I thought that was really nice and I'm glad I did it.

I'm feeling more relaxed about everything now. Whatever is meant to be, is meant to be. I'm either going to get two lines in the near future or we'll just try again. :shrug: I'll just have to say my prayers and hope it's finally my turn. One thing is that they said no caffeine or alcohol during this TWW. This morning, I broke down and got a 1/2 cup of coffee from the coffee station. I fixed it up with cream and Splenda and carried it back to my desk, but I didn't drink it. I am eager to have one cup next Thursday, good or bad news. :fool:
Hey Terri, I live in arizona. I wasn't allowed alcohol or caffeine the whole month of the iui. It was annoying because I wasn't actually pregnant and all I wanted was an iced tea! Then when I found out the test was negative, I drank a lot of tequila. So it evened out. Lol
I'm so ready to get off this emotional roller coaster. My husband is being a complete ass today on top of everything else. One day I want him to have the feelings. Just one day in my body. I bet he would be nicer.
My acupuncture guy made me feel a bit better. He usually does. His receptionist is super nice to talk to also. I think I'll take a nice bath with lavender. School lunches are made and dinner is almost done. Stepkids and husband should just go away for a little while and leave me alone! : ) I will drink a glass of wine for you, Terri!
Moni - good luck today! I can't remember how many you are transferring ???

Okay, so I am finding myself very restless these past few days. Is it possible I have become addicted to fertility treatment & don't know how to take a break? Last night I was saying to my husband that a tiny part of me wants to do one more IUI while we wait. But I think it is NUTS! But in the back of my head I say well 1 IUI we had only 1 egg...the other IUI we had a horrible count. So I rationalize it & think to myself I only had 1 really well timed IUI with good eggs & okay sperm count. But I think it is crazy. But then I think well I stil have some follistim at home left over. And it will probably go to wait.

Do you guys think it would be nuts to try again while I wait on the IVF grant? I know I have to do what is right for me...but I am just wondering if anyone else thinks I am completely nuts.
Hey All...

baby dust to all....

I'm not sure if this is the right thread bcoz I'm bumpin in with my question.. As u ladies have been through IVF u wud have a fair knowledge abt many of these things...
Wud be of gr8 help if someone can help me with some answers...

I've foraged the internet abt progesterone and everything abt it.. But is it actually possible to fall pregnant with less than 10 ng/ml of progesterone??.. I've got my CD21 serum progesterone tested for 2 cycles n its been constantly b/w 6-7ng/ml (my FE had not prescribed it, I got it done for curiosity sake). I believe it needs to be around 15 ng/ml for the implantation to happen. So my FE has prescribed me the prog. suppositories of 200mg per day. I'm just wondering if my prog issue is the one due to which I'm not able to fall pregnant all the while?.. I asked my FE but she says that it may not be "THE" reason.. thats it. But I'm still curious to know bcoz, though I took the suppositories this IUI cycle, AF arrived rite 14 days after the IUI. That means I got AF when I was still on the suppositories. Can this actually happen?.. I'm somewhat not getting to-the-point answers from my FE. Can anyone help me with ur answers?

Has anyone of you been through prog. issues before and found success through IVF?
Hi His Sweetheart. I think your question would be answered more completely if you started your own thread. I see you spammed everywhere else already too.

beaglemom-Don't get mad, but yeah, I think you're addicted. hee hee. This month is supposed to be relaxing, so you just have to let it go. I found that IUIs aren't really a perfect science, so the odds of getting everything JUST right are pretty slim. I personally wouldn't waste any more money on it if you know you are planning to do IVF in October. Just take it easy this month-step back from your books and your googling, and enjoy the month! Still check out the forums though! hee hee. We would miss you if you left.

Jen-I laughed about your tequila. Funny. I could drink during IUI, well, beforehand, but afterwards I did not. Thanks for drinking wine for me. I prefer red, unless it's a not too sweet Riesling. :) :flower:
Good Morning, ladies. :flower:

Moni - Good luck today. Sending positive vibes your way. :dust:

HisSweetheart - Sorry, I don't think I can offer too much help on your question. I have heard that lower progesterone levels can lead to problems with implantation but that's about all I know. I think Terri offered you some sound advice though. Starting your own thread will likely get some responses from ladies who have been in a situation similar to your own. Good luck and I hope you find an answer to your question!

Beagle - I agree with Terri - I think you should forget about doing another IUI. Not only will it save you some money but I also think it will offer you some peace of mind to NOT do it. You can focus on your plan moving forward and into IVF -whenever that may be. It really sounds like you guys have tried everything you could do up to this point. I know how easy it is to overanalyze everthing - I do it myself! I was just thinking last night about the last year and wondering if we really just didn't always have the best timing and that maybe we should just try a couple of more cycles on our own. Then the rational part of my brain switched on and said, "No, you have plan. Move forward with it. We have tried hard and did everything correctly and it didn't happen so quit rethinking it all" And I felt better after that. Your vacation is soooooo close - focus on that instead!!!:happydance:

JCM - Oh, how nice would it be to have our OHs step into our bodies and see what it is like for awhile. Kind of like a Freaky Friday type of deal - might be interesting for us to see what's it's like for them too. I think they would be shocked - especially when it comes to the emotional aspect of things. How much longer for the BCPs? They are evil little monsters.

Terri - Look, your temp jumped back up today! :happydance: I'm so hopeful for you it almost hurts! :dance:

ERose - Looks like your temp is holding steady. Feeling any different today? Hoping that is AF is going to show she does it soon - it's sounds frustrating to be in limbo.

I am so happy it's Friday. Here is a little cartoon to hopefully make you all smile:


  • everyday.jpg
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Don't worry...I will not get angry with anyone for giving me their opinion when I ask for long as you are not harsh about it :)

So someone on another thread totally jogged my memory on something. She said just take my meds but try naturally. Well here is the u/s are $250 each (needing 2 for each IUI)...but if I do not do the IUI...meaning natural insurance covers & I pay a copay. So if I buy the trigger, use the meds I already have, I can do a medicated cycle, no IUI, & it will cost me $160 vs $1000 for an IUI cycle. So I think I will do that for my Sept cycle. I don't see why my dr would object. No dangers involved & I am completely aware of my success rates (LOW). But at least I will be doing SOMETHING & my follistim won't go to waste. I think I only have about 45 - 60 days on it. So not like I can save it for the IVF. My husband likes this plan as well. So I think I will give it a shot naturally this month...probably using the conceive plus or the other lube I have (can't think of the name right now) but no other meds.
Hello ladies,

I would like to join this thread because, I am looking for support and encouragement, to offer encouragement and support when I can. My husband has low sperm count, morph, mot. In September of last near we conceived however lost our DS December at 14 weeks gestation. I had a HSG and it has been indicated that I have a right blocked tube. So IVF is in order, we have interviewed with several centers and have decided that we will go with SGFC (Shady Grove Fertility Center). Our first appointment is September 2nd, I am so nervous, scared and excited at the same time. I would like to know what to expect on my first visit and visits to come. Can one of you lovely ladies inform please?
H brighteyez! I go to Shady Grove! hee hee. Where are you located? I'm in Baltimore. They are very nice at that location, and will tell you everything you need to know. You've had all your other kids naturally? Their website is also really good. I had my interview about their services yesterday and I told the lady that the website really tells you everything you need to know. Going to see the doctor just makes it official.

beaglemom-Can you just order a trigger? Do you think the doctor will write a script for you without going to see them and be monitored? If you can do it, why not? Sounds like a good compromise.

booger-Thanks for the laugh. That is always me on Fridays. Luckily I only have 15 more minutes to play online before my day is over. hee hee.

Have a great afternoon, friends!
Terri - Cool, I'm in Baltimore as well!! :happydance: It is cool to have someone close by and going to the same FC. Yes, we had all the other children natural. We were so much younger than now that we have aged some we are having issues conceiving. I will check out the website and get come information thanks for the tip. :dohh:
beaglemom-Can you just order a trigger? Do you think the doctor will write a script for you without going to see them and be monitored? If you can do it, why not? Sounds like a good compromise.

I still plan to be monitored. The difference being my u/s would be a copay instead of the full amount. So significantly cheaper. I would need a prescription for the trigger because I think my refills have run out. Their office does cycles like this because they offered me this option since insurance covers it...but I know my chances are so slim, so we went with IUI. But I think this is a good option for us while we wait for IVF. Not a lot out of pocket. But if I did not have follistim left over, I would not do this option.

By the way, my sister is in Baltimore. I hate you Orioles!!! <NY fan>
Beaglemom - LOL, I don't like the Orioles either, I love the Ravens and the Yankees. I am hoping I can start next month or October too!
beaglemom-hey now...I never commented on your love of the Yankees..oh ok about your copay versus paying for the entire thing. I do think that it's a good compromise for you and I know it'll make you happy.

Next time you get down here, the three of us should have a meet and greet! hee hee. I met a friend from the TWW when her husband was in town for business. We had a great time.
Hello ladies. Well I am PUPO but unfortunately not very optimistic Only one of the embryos wasleft for the transfer and it was developing slowly, still not at theblastocyst stage. So the odds are back down to twenty percent for me. Beta on 9-2 because of the holiday, I'll test at home on 9-1.

Welcome to the newbies. I'll bemoreup for chatting in a couple of days. Justwanted to give you allthe quick update.
Thanks for the update Moni. I have been so curious as to what happened today. It kind of sucks that they don't keep you updated along the way instead of just showing up and hearing bad news. BUT....that one could still do the positive and just see how things go..Oh you're lucky you have your test day so soon. Your clinic is on the fast track..:hugs: Chin up, babe. Are you taking bed rest for the next day or so?
They said the other 2 arrested today. Do there wouldn't havebeen news to tell me. I am going tothe in-laws to be pampered for the weekend. I'll try to catch up on the other blogs this weekend depending on reception.
Moni, so sorry about the sad news about your other embies today, Hun. I'm sure that felt like a punch in the gut. But the good news is, you are currently holding a fertilized embryo in your uterus as we speak! I read lots of success stories for women who had less than perfect embryos put in, and they ended up being "the one". Maybe your little embie just prefers your uterus over the lab, and will now grow like a weed since he/she has been put where it belongs. They can only tell so much under a microscope, so that little buggar could easily thrive now. I feel like all is going to be okay. :flower:

Hi brighteyez! You were on my TTC After a Loss thread back when I was still on it. I'm glad you came to join us here, as I'll be excited to get updates from you! How cool that you and Terri go to the same clinic, I was excited to read that! You could easily run into each other, and it really is nice knowing someone is close by that is going through something similar. Since this is your 1st time at a specialist, they may do IUI before IVF. But they will go over all your options w/ you first, and you can decide together what's best and what you prefer. I only did 2 IUIs, because I was impatient and ready to get on with it! LOL. Not sure if you caught up with the whole thread, but my fresh cycle of IVF didn't work out, so I'm getting ready to have 2 of my frozen embies transferred in a few weeks.

Terri, you hanging in there deary? Nice that you got a $50 gift card! To me, that's a great gift. I love gift cards!

The only girl on BnB that i have met in person is beagle. :) She was in Orlando for a very fast trip, and we met up for lunch and even did a little shopping at the outlet mall. And i have to say, it did feel good to actually meet and talk to someone on here in person.

Jen, I hope your DH is being nicer today! I hate when my DH is grumpy, it throws my whole day off. But then again, I can be moody more often than he is, so I don't hold it against him, LOL!

beagle, sure, if you have the meds and can get anything else you need without the monitoring and just try at home with intercourse, why not then? You wouldn't be spending near the amount of money. I say go for it then.

Hi booger! Thanks, I hope AF comes soon too. I took another HPT and it was still neg, so when I KNOW I'm not PG, I just want AF to get here! Limbo is so frustrating. And if it doesn't come, I know myself, and I know I will sit around wondering if that IVF screwed my dang body up, because I never had issues with late O, long cycles, and no AF ever in my life. So in order to keep me from obsessing over it, I really need it to get here, LOL.

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