First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

ERose-you are cracking me up, but yeah, AF really needs to get here for you, and fast!! What's the freaking hold up??!!

I didn't realize you and beagle met. That's awesome. I have met MOST of my best moto. friends from the internet. It's cool because I can go all over the country and have people to visit or call if I'm in trouble.

I'm hanging in. I am really excited for the party tomorrow and I am a little afraid that will be my happiness for the month of August. For some reason I really don't think this worked. I know I'm supposed to stay positive, but I just don't know. The good news if it doesn't work is that out fantasy draft party is next week so at least I can drink a few beers while I'm there! Small consolation at this point, but I think I'll take it. I also do want to go running. I am turning into a blob. Maybe I just need to start walking as a minimum.

Ok. I'm rambling. Have a good night everyone.
The verdict is in and I got a BFN. :cry: My temperature was 98.0 this morning, so I kind of expected it. Last night at the party, I was just cramping, cramping. I think AF is trying to show up, but my meds aren't letting her so I will just feel crampy for the next couple days.

I'm going on a motorcycle ride in a few, so it'll be good to focus on something else other than my stupid body. I guess we'll just have to try this again and see what happens next time.

The party was really great. My best friend was so happy. Her husband had tshirts made with a caricature of her on them and it said "Oh Lordy..look who's forty!" That's really all she wanted but with the cost of dinner, she decided that shirts were too expensive, so she didn't get them, and he surprised her. The menu said 'happy birthday, BESTIE' on it, and on the back of the menu, it also had her picture. She was just crying and crying and felt very overwhelmed. There were 12 of us there and it was just really really fun. You'd think we were all still in high school the way we act when we're all together. Just laughing so loudly and joking. Last night I thought 'It is really great to be an adult.' And so ends my journal entry. :haha:
Oh Terri I was counting down to today to get an update from you! Not out yet though I suppose! My mom always yells at me every month and says "you always get so negative but when I was pregnant with you I had period cramps and a headache and there you were!" I guess I was her "surprise it's not your period". Lucky me... Glad you had a good time at the party! I love how you're making in case it's negative plans. I do that too.

My weekend turned out to be so great. DH apologized and we had a great time together. Lots of happy hours and even some new giant diamond earrings! I'm loving them. I have my scan tomorrow to check on the cysts. They switched me to the first appt of the day so I can have extra talk time with my RE. I just want to talk to him about my testosterone level. It was originally on the low end and I think it's gotten a lot lower with all of these bcps. I'm staying on a good workout routine though so hopefully that's helping with boosting things naturally. Also, eating more protein than carbs. I just love bread so much! I may have said this already but last cycle on bcps was about 42 days. Got my period on cd45. Tomorrow is cd31. Might end up on another week of these things if I'm progressing the same as last time. So, I'm prepared but it doesn't mean I won't fall apart and cry in his office. Haha god help him tomorrow. My husband said he's glad he's an orthopedic surgeon and not an RE. He said can you imagine all of the women he makes cry? Seriously. I could never have his job. Speaking of jobs...I've decided to get my phd in psychology. I thought that might be cool. Plus, I can sign things Dr whenever I want! Haha

Moni, sorry about the unexpected news. Hopefully like Erin said, that little guy wants to snuggle and grow into your uterus and not some dish!!! (I think I just determined the sex of your baby right there) ; )

Welcome! How cool that you and Terri are close to each other. Nobody is ever in arizona!
Thanks guys. Terri sorry for the BFN. I was so hoping for good news for you this month..someone needs it...
Thanks..yeah, good news would be nice. I guess you're next in line for the bfp!!
*sulking to the dugout*
Good morning ladies!

ERose - I remember you, yes! Glad I was able to catch up with you, excited to see how you are coming along. Plus you were always encouraging and funny.
Good morning, ladies!

Terri - I'm so sorry about the BFN. :cry: It does seem that there hasn't been much luck around lately. Maybe September will be the lucky month. Well, Moni still has a chance to close out the month on a good note.......In any case, I don't know what to say really other than it sucks and I know you must be disappointed. We are here for you, though. :hugs: In our weird little virtual way. :flower: I'm glad that you were able to get out and have a good time on Saturday. Your friends party sounds fun - how sweet of her husband to surprise her like that. I hope your motorcycle ride was a good release yesterday, as well. Sometimes fresh air and the open road are the best things around.

p.s. - Your new profile pic is super cute!

brighteyez73 - Welcome! How cool that you and Terri are so close to each other. I'm like JCM - I feel like I'm out in the middle of nowhere, which I guess I kinda am way out here in Montana. I kind of like it that way though. :winkwink: I, too, am a Yankees fan. Albeit, it took me a long time to come around - my husband loves them and finally after listening to and watching so many games, I have am a fan now too. Sad to see Jeter go after this year. :cry: My HSG also showed a right blocked tube, hence why we are moving onto IVF in Sept.

JCM - Nothing like a little bling to brighten up your day! Glad you and DH are all made up. Hoping you don't have to take the BCPs one more day than necessary - I'm going on two weeks now and I really had forgotten how horrid they are. Where are you in AZ? I lived in NM for a few years awhile back and my brother lived in Phoenix for a long time so I'm sort of familiar with the state. I loved going in the winter to visit my brother as it felt nice and warm. Summer, not so much. But I'm a heat wimp. :haha:

Beagle - Sounds like you have a plan in place. Did you get DH on board? Vacation is only about a week away! Hooray! I'm stoked for the long weekend coming up so I can only imagine how excited you must be! :happydance:

Moni - How are you doing? Hanging in there?

ERose - Hope you had a lovely weekend. Looks like AF finally made her arrival. Hooray!? (Seems weird to say). Let us know how your appointment goes today.
My husband is all on board with whatever I want. I just need to put a call in to my dr when I get back to get the trigger ordered. No more refills.

Me & my husband had a little annoyance over the weekend. Same old thing...apparently I have a higher sex drive...then I am always told I need to be more aggressive & sexy. Then I think of all the things I do & think I am so tired of being in charge of EVERYTHING. He should take charge somewhere. But basically we just went to sleep fight. The next day he was texting me asking about going out somewhere fancy & things like that. He is a great man but I seriously just need him to think more for himself without me getting angry to motivate him. I don't want to be that person. So real hard feelings...just ready for us to get away in a few days. But I really don't want to go through dr appts or anything else next cycle if he is not going to try to keep up his end in the bedroom.

BUT...having said all excited for vacation. I looked up all kinds of things to see on our 4 hour drive to the mountains. We love taking detours & seeing new things. It is exactly what we need!!! Especially if moving on to IVF soon.

I have not heard back from my dr on the letter for my grant. I will touch base with her this week.
Terri, I honestly can't even tell you how sorry I am that you got a BFN and are feeling like you're out. I'm hoping that isn't the case, and that maybe you've just got some late implanters in there (your temps are still hanging in there). There are tons of women who get early BFPs after IVF, but there also seemed to be a lot of late BFPs when I read as well. When is your official office test date? Oh, and btw, LOVE the profile pic! You look so pretty!!!

Jen, so glad you and DH made up and you guys had a great weekend. Let us know how your appt goes!!

beagle, ugh, so sorry about your issue with DH... i know you've had these issues for a while now, but you guys always bounce right back. I'm sure its exhausting for you to deal with over and over though. At least you guys didn't fight... that always makes for a really crummy day for me. That vacation will be SO good for you guys!!

Moni, how you feeling hun?

Hi booger and Brighteyez! Booger, remind me, where do you stand in your cycle right now? You already started BCP, right? Brighteyez, when did you say your appt is?

AFM, my appt was good this morning. My lining is thinned out to where they need it, and my ovaries and everything are nice and calm in there. They'll call me after they get my bloodwork and let me know when I should start applying my Estrogen patches. Probably tonight or in the a.m. I'm still not certain of the exact transfer date, but probably sometime between Sept 10-14.
My official test date is on Wednesday morning. I would be seriously amazed. My bloating went down on Sunday after I tested, and now I'm feeling back to normal, and I look back to normal so if anything is going on, it would surely surprise me. I'll take it though!

ERose-Glad this cycle is ready to begin. Woohoo...mid September sounds good to me. Thanks for the compliments. We only take pics when we're looking fab. HA!!HA!!

beagle-Sorry you're having such issues. Sometimes it sucks being the boss all the time, but apparently, that's how it goes once you get married. Everyone relies on you to do everything, remember everything, and just in general take charge of everything. My hubs said that he wanted to take his new tablet to the draft party on Sunday. I said "well, you better try some mock drafts to make sure it works because you're not using my computer on draft day (I'm also playing). His eyes lit up and he said 'That is a REALLY good idea.' I said 'Yeah, I know. That's why I'm the boss.' He just stared at me, and I started laughing. He'd get right to that party and not know how to use his tablet. Have a great vacation!

Hi to everyone else. Busy day at work, so I can't play. Boooo..
Good luck Erin...glad you had a good appt.

Thanks for the encouragement. No fighting. I am trying so hard to calm my temper...I have a bad one. But I get frustrated. I also have to put in perspective that even though I am mad at him, when I get angry, there is a lot of other things that come out that are not his he gets way more anger than is meant. And I woke up this morning & thought wow only 4 days of work!!! It will go by so fast I hope!

Oh & I also got my blood work back that I do for my insurance. Came back high cholesterol...ugh. I really think it is hereditary. I am not super healthy, but I don't think my diet is so bad that I should have high cholestrol. My dad has it as well. And he has a horrible diet. So I don't know. I want to change some things in my life & get another blood test in a few months. I told my sister to get tested since it could be in our genes. Told my mom & she was all no & exercise. However I doubt she has blood work done...she does not exercise & eats what she wants. She is just a opinionated worryer :)
Good morning, ladies!

Terri - I'm so sorry about the BFN. :cry: It does seem that there hasn't been much luck around lately. Maybe September will be the lucky month. Well, Moni still has a chance to close out the month on a good note.......In any case, I don't know what to say really other than it sucks and I know you must be disappointed. We are here for you, though. :hugs: In our weird little virtual way. :flower: I'm glad that you were able to get out and have a good time on Saturday. Your friends party sounds fun - how sweet of her husband to surprise her like that. I hope your motorcycle ride was a good release yesterday, as well. Sometimes fresh air and the open road are the best things around.

p.s. - Your new profile pic is super cute!

brighteyez73 - Welcome! How cool that you and Terri are so close to each other. I'm like JCM - I feel like I'm out in the middle of nowhere, which I guess I kinda am way out here in Montana. I kind of like it that way though. :winkwink: I, too, am a Yankees fan. Albeit, it took me a long time to come around - my husband loves them and finally after listening to and watching so many games, I have am a fan now too. Sad to see Jeter go after this year. :cry: My HSG also showed a right blocked tube, hence why we are moving onto IVF in Sept.

JCM - Nothing like a little bling to brighten up your day! Glad you and DH are all made up. Hoping you don't have to take the BCPs one more day than necessary - I'm going on two weeks now and I really had forgotten how horrid they are. Where are you in AZ? I lived in NM for a few years awhile back and my brother lived in Phoenix for a long time so I'm sort of familiar with the state. I loved going in the winter to visit my brother as it felt nice and warm. Summer, not so much. But I'm a heat wimp. :haha:

Beagle - Sounds like you have a plan in place. Did you get DH on board? Vacation is only about a week away! Hooray! I'm stoked for the long weekend coming up so I can only imagine how excited you must be! :happydance:

Moni - How are you doing? Hanging in there?

ERose - Hope you had a lovely weekend. Looks like AF finally made her arrival. Hooray!? (Seems weird to say). Let us know how your appointment goes today.

Thank you, I am happy to be here. :happydance:Yes it is cool that we are in the same state and at the same FC. What are the odds? My stepfather is a Yankees fan, he's from New York. He has recruited me :haha:. Wow and you and I have the same tube blocked :hugs:. I have my first appointment in September the 2nd. I hope we can start the process sometime next month too. :winkwink:
This woman is CYST FREE!!!! Wooooohoooooo!!! I can't even tell you how happy I was at my appt. I was prepared to cry my eyes out in frustration. Instead I cured cause I was happy. (You really can't stop me these days). When I walked into the back my RE looked at me and said I see you blocked some time out for us the chat extra today? I'm like yeah, we need to talk. So I sat down in his office and he asked what we needed to talk about and I just said basically my attitude. He smiled and said ok, is it him (DH) or you? I laughed and said I really love that you are always prepared to take my side but I really think it's me. So I told him about my moods and my lack of sex drive and how it's constant and not just when I'm on the pill. He said there may be an issue with my human growth hormone and testosterone and that could be messing with my oxytocin receptors. Also, I've been waking up just dripping with sweat the last couple of months. DH secretly tested me over the weekend and turned the ac down to 65 and I was still sweating bullets. Insane right? So lots of bloodwork today and Thursday morning. I'm so glad he didn't make me feel like a crazy person. I love that man. So he said ok let's get you started on meds this Friday and we will order everything today. I looked at him and said whoa whoa slow down! Haha I can't believe it's actually my turn to do this stuff! Yay!

Booger, this time I was on bcps for 31 days. Last cycle before my iui I was on them for over 40 days. Awful little pills. I live in phoenix! Well, on the border of there and paradise valley! I love it here and have gotten used to our summers being here my whole life. Haha I can take 120 degree weather...just not when I'm hormonaly challenged at night apparently! So if you are nearing the end of bcps you might be on the same schedule as me? Cycle day 3 will be this Friday. They figure about 10 days of Stims plus trigger and possibly looking at egg retrieval sept 10th or so. So excited!
Looks like mid September is going to be busy :)

I am so happy your appt was cyst free. I was worried about that for you.

Oh & another thing about my sex drive...I find it increases near O which is the way it is supposed to be. Your body is supposed to want to mate & reproduce. They say women are also more attractive around O. So when my husband does not respond to me, I think we are missing an opportunity because I know my body & I know it is ready to O based on how I am feeling. Then sure enough a day or 2 later I start seeing cm.

I hope by the time I start IVF, you guys will all be pregnant!!! :D
I actually married a Yankee...I am a southern girl. But I love baseball & love the Yankees. Before I was with my husband I had no interest in sports. I told him if we had started dating during football season, things may have been different. But I hate all other sports. And don't even talk about DJ leaving. Makes me so depressed. I feel like there is no one on the team left for me to love. We went to Cooperstown in July to see Joe Torre get inducted. I love that man. They just retired his number. We actually have several names picked out that are Yankee/baseball themed. :)
I need your libido, beagle. DH always wants to do it and I'm never in the mood. I hope RE can fix me! I believe he can but we will see. I'm pumping myself up for this month. I kind of think I need to have that fake it til you make it attitude. It's tough when I feel so crappy. I considered taking a 30 day break but I couldn't risk the cysts coming back. I do NOT want anymore bcps!
I actually married a Yankee...I am a southern girl. But I love baseball & love the Yankees. Before I was with my husband I had no interest in sports. I told him if we had started dating during football season, things may have been different. But I hate all other sports. And don't even talk about DJ leaving. Makes me so depressed. I feel like there is no one on the team left for me to love. We went to Cooperstown in July to see Joe Torre get inducted. I love that man. They just retired his number. We actually have several names picked out that are Yankee/baseball themed. :)

Haha - this is so me. I hate almost all pro sports - except baseball. But I love, love, love me some college basketball and football. I joked with DH the other night that if we have a boy, we could pick a Yankee name. Heehee - I told him Mariano but he just rolled his eyes. :haha: I second JCMs need to have your libido.

JCM - Glad to see I'm not the only one who struggles with the low libido thing (Sorry, that sounds kind of weird to say - I'm not happy you have a low libido, it's just nice to know there are others of us out there). It's interesting what your doctor thinks could be causing it. I was always too embarrassed to bring it up to my doctor. While I'm not a dripping sweat kind of sleeper, I am always hot - my husband jokes and calls me "The Heater". I think he likes it during our Montana winters. Glad your cyst is gone - that's awesome!!! :thumbup: You'll be ahead of me with your cycle - I won't start stimming until around Sept. 14 or so. I still haven't gotten my calendar - so hoping I get it this week. It's driving me bonkers to wait - plus, since we will have to travel, I'd like to know how elaborate of a story I'm going to have to come up with to tell friends/coworkers as to why I'll be in Spokane, WA for a week.

Brighteyez - Yep, hopefully our schedules could be close together. I'll be interested to see how your appointment goes next week! :flower:

ERose - Wow! You're getting so close. Only a couple more weeks. How exciting!!!

I have to go get an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow to look at my liver! Yikes. My general practitioner has been monitoring some of my liver enzymes as they were a little elevated a few months ago. Her office called last week and said she wanted me to go in for an ultrasound to get a peek at things. I personally think it's my gallbladder - based on Dr. Google's diagnosis. I had what we thought was an ulcer a few years back but now that I think about it, based on my bloodwork and how my abdominal area feels after eating, I'm wondering if I don't have some gallstones. My mother had them and had to have her gallbladder removed so it seems possible.
Jen, thats GREAT! I was hoping that's how it would turn out, yay!! I'm so excited that you are getting started now. So if you have your ER on the 10th, you'll have your ET either the 13 or the 15th. So you and I will be very, very close! Looks like we'll be waiting out that horrid TWW together. :)

booger, i'm so sorry you have to get your liver checked! Yikes... right in the middle of this, huh? Well, GL, and I hope the results will come out fine! Give us an update when you can.

I got a call from the nurse... estrogen looks nice and low, so time to get started. I'll put on my 1st estrogen patch tomorrow, and DH and I both start antibiotics. I asked her why he has to, since they dont need anything from him this time. She said its to prevent either of us from coming down with anything between now and the transfer. DH is NEVER sick, so it seems like a total waste of meds to his immune system... And I KNOW those strong ones she gave will give me a yeast infection, so she also had to call in Diflucan for me, just in case. I really wish we didn't have to. But of course, if we don't, guarantee this would be the time one of us would get sick.:wacko: So whatev.

New estimated date of transfer, according to the nurse, is Sept 11th. That could still change by a day or so of course, but she said she expects it will be around then.
Oops Jen, I just remembered you might freeze all your embies and do FET, right? So I guess we won't be in the TWW after all, lol. So have you decided on FET for sure, or is that still TBD?
Booger, tell your RE! I seriously feel so much better! I was always a sexual beast! Good luck with your scan! Hoping all is good in there. So I will hopefully have my transfer when you start stims.

Erin, I think I'm just kind of waiting to see how I feel when it happens. If egg retrieval is tolerable, I'll give it a shot. I like the antibiotic idea. Sounds like they aren't messing around over there! Lol DH never ever gets sick either but he would during that situation, just because...I couldn't have a sicko around this touchy time. RE is putting me on human growth hormone injections too...suppose to have good success for IVF with it...I'm about to google the crap outta that. I got all of my meds for under 2k today. Insurances covers nothing fertility related so if anyone needs a good drug dealer (haha) try fastivf. Seems sketchy at first with doing a wire transfer but totally worth it!

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