First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hey guys...sorry for the late update...not feeling so great today.

So after my husband gave his sample, we waited about an hour...during that time I started cramping & felt slightly sick to my stomach. So we go back for the IUI & the dr came in. There are 3 drs there...this one was not my dr. So when he came in, I knew there was a problem. Problem was the post wash count was 1/2 million. Very devastating. As we sat there I knew at least we had 2 eggs dropping at least because of how I was feeling. We did the IUI after talking with him. He was basically in there to find out if I wanted to do another IUI next time or IVF. I was kind of annoyed because I would have rather been talking to my dr. But he was nice & this IUI was the least painful of all...I barely felt it. Afterwards I dropped my husband at work & shopped some in his store. But I felt horrible. I could barely walk. So I got the few things I needed, headed home & have basically been on the couch ever since. I just went out to take my kitty in for a check up & felt better. So now my only hope is that all 4 follies dropped. But the way I am feeling, I am sure at least 2 did...& I felt most of it on the right side which had 3 if I remember correctly. So now I am finally eating lunch...haven't felt like getting up until now.

So now I start my TWW process & hope we can get a fertilization. And I guess I need to think about what to do if we are not successful. I think I will still do 1 more. I will only need the trigger because I have enough meds left over & pay for my visits. Another $1,000 in the bucket at this point is nothing...especially if the next step is IVF.
Was all of this today, beagle mom? Sorry you're feeling so down/bloated/lazy. Did the doctor say that there was anything they could do about DH's count? I know for mine, they were just like stop drinking/smoking. The end. I don't know if I totally buy it, but hubs has definitely cut back, so we'll find out if things have changed come mid August.
I hope all four follies dropped and at least one of those 1/2 million are headed their way! If you have all the meds minus the trigger, I would probably do one more as well.
Why not, right?

Thanks for updating and I'm HOH for this miracle to happen!
No suggestions for the count. My husband doesn't drink or smoke. We are casual drinkers. He stopped using the laptop on his lap and takes supplements. But in the 12 months of trying, no count this low. And with each iui the post wash kept increasing. Last time it was 9 out of 11 total which is amazing. No idea what happened this time. Maybe it was a cold he had.
Sorry again Beagle.

Erin- wow 14 embies!!! So excited for you!
Hi ladies,

I'm not quite at the IUI/IVF point just yet (although, almost there) but I'm an eRose stalker so I was popping in to see how she was doing. (eRose - see below.) But I just wanted to mention something to beagle and terri since my DH also has a low count (as you know terri from the other thread). My RE insisted that he see a urologist for further testing. You may have done that already but I just wanted to mention it as a possibility to you since, as Terri said, there could be other fixable issues going on. Anyway, good luck to you. I'll shut up now. :)

eRose - I'm am soooooooooooooooooooooo freakin' excited for you I can't take it. I can't believe you have 14 fertilized eggs. So amazing! I hope you're feeling OK today. I'll keep stalking you on this thread to see how you're doing. :)
Hi ladies,

I'm not quite at the IUI/IVF point just yet (although, almost there) but I'm an eRose stalker so I was popping in to see how she was doing. (eRose - see below.) But I just wanted to mention something to beagle and terri since my DH also has a low count (as you know terri from the other thread). My RE insisted that he see a urologist for further testing. You may have done that already but I just wanted to mention it as a possibility to you since, as Terri said, there could be other fixable issues going on. Anyway, good luck to you. I'll shut up now. :)

eRose - I'm am soooooooooooooooooooooo freakin' excited for you I can't take it. I can't believe you have 14 fertilized eggs. So amazing! I hope you're feeling OK today. I'll keep stalking you on this thread to see how you're doing. :)

Thanks...he has been to the physical reason for the low count. No blocks or anything like that. Testosterone checked.
Hey kfs1-Thanks...I think if this IVF doesn't work, perhaps we will send him to another doctor. In the meantime, I'm feeling positive, and hoping I don't have to suggest treatment for him. He's really trying, so I can't fault him for that and don't want to bug him too much.

Ok girls...leaving in a bit, so have a great 4th everyone and I'll be in touch. On the road again....I can't wait to get on the road again...:serenade: :flower:
Erin, 14?!? That's fantastic! I'm so excited for you and you husband!
Hi Kfs and vjean!! How sweet of you to pop over to check on me! You girls are so sweet. Thanks for the support and encouragement. I know I need to get over and update on the Oldies thread, I've been lazy about that! Love you girls.:flower:

My RE called this morning and said the embies are still looking strong and growing really well, so they want us to let them go the full five days to blastocyst stage. So the transfer will be Sun morning. :)

Have I mentioned how much I hate the P injections? My ass is already so sore.

Terri, I hope you have a great trip! Everyone have a great 4th of July!
Hope all goes well in the morning ERose. My update is on the other thread but I'm in TX!! Rode through Pensacola today and checked FL off the list of states yet to ride in. Yay!! Talk to you in a week. Get your living room set up so it's comfy! <3
Erin 14 embies! Woooot!!! FX's for you hun!! AFM, I am peeing on the good old OPK sticks hoping for that surge but not too soon...I'm on Day 9. Hopefully flashing smiley won't be till Wed or so and solid on Thurs. That will bring me to O on day 14ish....DTD every other day till surge. Fun times!! Not telling DH much about it unless he asks...All i said is be preapred to :sex: alot this coming week. He's all in. LOL Terri, have a great trip and enjoy!! Check in when you get back or from the road...i like taking a break from the boards sometimes so i don't get over obsessed w ttc. :dust: to us all!!!
Erin - thinking of you today!!!
Erin I hope you are feeling ok after the transfer. It is very exciting!

I am curious how many days you are taking off for the transfer & how many you took off for the retrieval. I noticed you had a lot of appointments with scans & bloodwork. I am trying to determine if it is something I will still be able to do this year considering my time I have left available.

Good luck! Looks like you & me will be testing around the same time...although I am sure your dr is having you do blood work rather than a hpt.
Hi girls, thanks for all the well wishes. :flower: Kelly, did you get your flashing smiley yet? Terri, hope you're enjoying your trip and remembering to take your BCP!:thumbup:

Moni, I'm so sorry AF hasn't shown up yet! I thought for sure it would've been here by now. How long ago did you do the hcg shot?

beagle, for the ER, I took the day of and the day after. A lot of girls can go about their life the day after, and I probably technically could've, but I woke up in the middle of the night so uncomfortable that I ended up taking one of the pain pills they gave me. By the time I fell back asleep and woke up, I was just super tired, and the discomfort wasn't completely gone, so I decided to stay home one more day. After the ET, I didn't feel nearly as bad (its WAY easier), but my clinic recommends 2-3 days of rest. So I had the ET on Sun, and took off work Mon and Tues. I have a corporate job, so I dont do any activity anyway, but I wanted to be sprawled on the couch taking it easy. And yes, lots of appts. The monitoring started about 8 days before my ER happened.... Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun, then ER Tues, and ET five days later. It definitely takes some dedicated time.

Yep, they do a blood test 14 days after ET, which is confusing to me, since the embryos are 5 days old and about to hatch by the time they put them in. So I won't wait that long to use an HPT. They grew in the lab at the same rate they would've in my body, so I will likely test 9 days after. So, 6 days from now. So we will probably be testing around the same time. :) I'm really, really nervous, but trying to think about other things as much as possible. GL to you!! I feel very hopeful for you this cycle!
Erin, great to hear from you! So glad things seemed to have gone smoothly. Looks like if I need IVF in the future, it will be a lot of early mornings for me. The good thing is when I go in first thing, I seem to only miss 1 hr of work which means skipping lunch. I assume most of your daily appts were just bloodwork & u/ pretty much in & out???

I thought I had heard that technically your body is pregnant after IVF, so a hpt may not be accurate. I am totally not sure if that is true or not.

I am driving myself crazy, so maybe the 2 of us can help each other keep our minds off the wait.

I have a corporate job too...but it can be stressful...sometimes I am walking around a lot going from one office to another...& my banker relies on me it can cause a hectic environment. So I would rather be at home resting.

I hope this is the last cycle for us both...but I def have higher hopes for you!
Erin - glad it is going well. You are now pregnant until proven otherwise... here's to sticky embryos. Were they able to freeze the rest of them?

I took the HCG shot on June 23rd. But everytime I have taken the shot for the IUIs my period was a week later than it should have been - so I didn't really expect it until this week. HPT last night was negative. I have until next Tuesday to start the BCP and still be on track to start injections on 8/ we'll see.

I feel BFPs coming the way to both of you soon!!!
beagle, nah, the clinic wanting to wait 14 days to test doesn't have anything to do with already being PG. It's just like any other pregnancy in that hcg doesnt get into the mother's urine or blood stream until a few days after implantation occurs. When they put the embies in, they haven't hatched yet, so they don't implant for another 2-3 days, then the hcg needs another couple of days to be detected. I tested out the trigger, which was 12 days ago, and there isn't anything else that should give a false pos. I decided to do some research, and it seems there are a lot of clinics that do the blood test 9 days after a 5-day transfer, because that's 14 days after the eggs were retrieved and fertilized. It seemed most of the BFPs I saw while reading, were anywhere from 7-10 days after the transfer on HPTs. I'll be testing at home at 9 days, so five days left. Do you know when you will test?? Will it be around the same time? Yes, I agree, this is an excruciating wait!

Yes Moni, I love that saying "Pregnant until proven otherwise", hehe. It was a strange feeling when I knew I had two fertilized embryos sitting in my uterus waiting to hatch and implant! Conceiving is half the battle, after all, right? So they take that right out of the equation for you, haha! FXd that AF comes for you soon. I know you are ready!
beagle, nah, the clinic wanting to wait 14 days to test doesn't have anything to do with already being PG. It's just like any other pregnancy in that hcg doesnt get into the mother's urine or blood stream until a few days after implantation occurs. When they put the embies in, they haven't hatched yet, so they don't implant for another 2-3 days, then the hcg needs another couple of days to be detected. I tested out the trigger, which was 12 days ago, and there isn't anything else that should give a false pos. I decided to do some research, and it seems there are a lot of clinics that do the blood test 9 days after a 5-day transfer, because that's 14 days after the eggs were retrieved and fertilized. It seemed most of the BFPs I saw while reading, were anywhere from 7-10 days after the transfer on HPTs. I'll be testing at home at 9 days, so five days left. Do you know when you will test?? Will it be around the same time? Yes, I agree, this is an excruciating wait!

Yes Moni, I love that saying "Pregnant until proven otherwise", hehe. It was a strange feeling when I knew I had two fertilized embryos sitting in my uterus waiting to hatch and implant! Conceiving is half the battle, after all, right? So they take that right out of the equation for you, haha! FXd that AF comes for you soon. I know you are ready!

All this stuff is so scientific & confusing!

I am in another debate in my head on testing. I know my trigger is gone & haven't tested since. Took 6 days just like last time. So thinking about Sat since it will be 10 DPO...but still unsure. I would just be over the top anxious if I were you, Erin...your chances of success are pretty high.

Did I tell you guys my trip this months screws up the next IUI if needed? So I am also trying to figure out the best day to stop P if I have a negative in order to prolong my cycle just enough so I can do a baseline u/s before leaving & the next u/s when I get back. I do not want to take another month off. Especially since an IVF will add time on because I will have 3 weeks of birth control pills. This will be another 3 days weekend trip to PA & NY...COOPERSTOWN!!! So excited. My other Yankee love Joe Torre is being inducted in to the Hall of Fame.

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