Sarah Aww I'm glad you and Isabelle had a much better night! Those sleep slots sound like bliss! hehe!
Yeah I was reading in my Bounty book last night (the one that came in the pack I got at the hospital, has anybody else read theirs!? i actually found it pretty informative/helpful!) that apparently they now recommend for bottle-fed babies to be fed in the same way as breast fed babies - as in, baby led feeding or "feeding on demand".
It was warning against trying to get them to stick to a "feeding by the clock" routine - I'm not sure I like the idea of it as feeding by the clock would be MUCH easier when it comes to sleeping! But at least it shows me that how Tyne is isn't unusual - I guess he's just made his little mind up that we're doing baby-led feeding lol.
Do you know, I keep getting emails from Cow & Gate and Aptamil with subject lines like "Baby formula availability" and I haven't read one of them! I had no idea there was a shortage of formula until you just mentioned it! I really should start reading my emails :/
Tyne is on SMA - we just buy one tub at a time and it lasts for almost 2 weeks at the moment, and we buy multipacks of the ready made bottles to use at night time - so we haven't had any issue with getting hold of any yet *fingers crossed*
Tyne wears the same thing of a night - he also likes his arms to be free. I mentioned it to my midwife and she said swaddling isn't recommended but if I'm going to do it then just do it loosely so that he can throw the blankets off himself if he wants to. So thats what we've been doing, using a cellular blanket - but I swear sometimes I think he's not settling coz he's too cold.
He just loves being really warm
I bought one of the swaddle bags but he wouldnt entertain it at all! I think the material was too light for him. We have gro bags but my midwife told me not to use them until he's a couple of months old - all the information is so conflicting, as on the bags themselves it says suitable from birth!
As for the clots, I passed a few big ones too! I had the same fear of ending back in the hospital! They told me not to worry about them unless they were bigger than a 50 pence piece - and if they were, to keep them and show them to the midwife. (Gross!)
Lauren - I bought some of those swaddle blankets from Mamas & Papas but Tyne hates them! Mine are really light fabric though, I think thats why. I'm gonna try and take them back.
I can't wait to start using the sleepbags, I think they'll be much easier!
Tyne doesn't always have a poo every day, I mentioned it to my midwife and she said its normal for them to go up to 48 hours. Anything over that and we should let them know apparently.
Tyne is the same way though - he doesn't have a dirty nappy for what seems like ages, then he fills 3 nappies in a row!!!
Has Beau's cord fallen off? My midwife won't discharge us yet coz Tyne's cord hadn't come off when she was last here, but it came off last night so I'm hoping she'll discharge us on Tuesday.
The health visitor is coming to us on Tuesday too, I hope she's nicer than the midwife!
I haven't signed up to Sure Start but only because our nearest centre to my parents house is in a really scummy area and there's no way I want to go to any classes there! Once we're back in Devon I'll probably sign up then.
Lindsey - Aww I hope Sarah slept more for you in the end last night!!
AFM - another nightmare night with Tyny Tot!! He point blank refused to sleep last night all!!! He was feeding fine, but wanting it every hour again - but still refusing to drop off to sleep after a feed. Just laying there all wide eyed!
I eventually gave in around 6 am and put him next to me in bed, he zonked out and woke up at NOON!!! Honestly...he is the oddest baby!!!
I'm so fed up at the moment. I went to try on outfits yesterday for Tyne's christening as its two weeks from today! And omg, what a nightmare - I thought that, because my pre-pregnancy clothes seem to fit me ok, I'd be fine to try on dresses in my normal size - err NO!!!!
So depressing, none of them would zip up. My chest was the main problem - I thought my boobs had gone back to normal size but apparently not!
I wanted to start a diet today but I can't go shopping because my sodding car failed its MOT and its going to cost me about £250 to get it sorted and back on the road. So me and Tyne are stuck in the house all day on our own where there's nothing for me to eat except easter eggs!!!