First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Sarah, congratulations on your baby girl! What a sweet surprise! The low iron and transfusion sound scary but I'm glad you're okay and recovering and enjoying your new little family. I saw the pictures you posted on Facebook and Isabelle's absolutely gorgeous! I love her name, too! :)

Brittany, I feel you on the cluster feeding. We've been through it a few times. She was seriously eating every 15 minutes for hours on end and when she wasn't on my boob, she fussed. I felt glued to the couch and was getting very depressed and wishing I could just get away. BUT it means your baby is normal and healthy, and the whole process is stimulating your body to make more milk. It will pass. Aiden will return to his normal routine and maybe even sleep longer afterwards. Hang in there! :hugs:

I've only been using one breast per feeding so I pump the other one when she's done. I read that your supply is highest between 1-5am so I tried it out this morning. I fed her at 1am and then pumped the other side. I did the same at 4:30am. I got about 7oz total (she usually eats 3oz at a time).
Brittany, as Lindsey said, your milk is at its highest during the night - apparently that's why most babies are awake more then too as they know somehow :s I also read that pumping is good once you've fed baby too. I don't express much, tends to be an ounce/and a half... I'll only pump once or twice a day though and the rest of the time she is on formula. Giving her that bit of milk makes me feel better. Tell you what though, cleaning and sterilising the pump and all it's bit everytime is annoying. Can't imagine how much of a pain it would be if I expressed more. And don't worry about feeling the way you have done, it's totally normal. Breast feeding is much harder than bottle as its more demanding. You should be proud of yourself for doing what you have so far. You will find expressing much easier though as you can share feeds and you know exactly what they have taken in too. When they are suckling it's so hard to know whether they have drank enough. Think a lot of babies like comfort sucking too so they will be latched on, suck a little but not actually feed that much and before you know it they want more.

I love seeing everyone's photos on Facebook, I can sit and look at them for ages (sounds weird hahaha) but knowing that we all went through it together and had these little babies is amazing and seeing how happy everyone is puts a smile on my face :)
Thanks for the advice about pumping. May give it a try tonight depending on how things go. I was reading that typically growth spurts last about 2 to 3 days so I will hopefully not have much longer of this. Well until the next growth spurt that is.
Hi everyone :)

So we got our hospital appointment through today for Beau's hips, it's on Tuesday afternoon. We are having her registered Tuesday morning too. I'm hoping her hips are sorting themselves out, she has been stretching them out quite a bit recently... I'd hate for her to have to wear a harness :(

She was really good last night too, went to bed at 10, took about half an hour to fall asleep, didn't wake up until about 3:15 then again at 5:30. Once she went to bed after that last feed we had to wake her up about 8 as we needed to tidy up for a viewing and had to get her fed and changed ect. Today we have been out to visit a couple of family members and went to pizza express for some food :) tomorrow I think we are just going to chill out, although saying that, I need to pop to a shop... I hate not being able to drive!! I don't know what I'm going to do next week, I can walk around but not far as I get really sore. I'm going to end up catching buses!!
Congratulations Sarah!! I guess my theory about the overdue babies being boys was wrong. Glad Isabelle arrived safely and that you're doing okay. My iron ended up a bit low after delivery too but not low enough to need a transfusion. I remember the nurses taking me to use the bathroom after I was all stitched up and I was feeling so nauseated then I got really dizzy and almost passed out. When I recovered the nurses were telling me how calm I was which I was glad to hear for DH's sake. After I got the epi I was shaking uncontrollably, I guess the shaking is a side effect, but that really freaked DH out. I can only imagine how worried he would be if I actually passed out.

I have been shaking a lot, both when I was in labour and still now, and its horrid. Sounds like we ended up in similar situations post birth, and its definitely taking its toll on me now.
Sorry to hear you're having some trouble with Aiden's feeding :hugs: I'm definitely struggling with the pain. My milk has just come in today and I am so sore with that and the battering my nipples are getting is not great. My midwife helped me with my latch but it still isn't perfect.

Ladies reading about how you and yr babies are getting on is making me so sad :( I know this is our first full day home from the hospital but Isabelle refuses to sleep in her Moses basket or crib. We went to bed last night at 9.30 and I fed her for half an 1.30 we were still to-ing and fro-ing between her crib and our arms (and my boobs!) trying to settle her. It made me feel so awful listening to her cry when she was in her crib, so I could only leave her for less than a minute, and at one point I just burst into tears :cry:
So Simon took her downstairs after I fed her and she slept on his chest and in her bouncer for a bit, then he brought her back up to be fed, and the whole dance started again, so by 3.30am I came downstairs, and she slept on my chest until 7(in between feeds).
We've had so many visitors today (family, who have been sooo helpful too) and she is getting so many cuddles and I know she is only little and cuddles are what babies are for! But I want her to get some time to 'be alone' in her crib etc so she gets used to it. She will go for a stretch now, but certainly no more than half a hour
Please tell me it gets better and this is normal?! I feel so useless and helpless :cry:

Currently, our family left at 9pm, I fed her for half an hour, and she's now been in her Moses basket for a whole 10 minutes without huge incident! So I'm gonna grab a cat nap now!
Simon refuses to do the same though, so he isn't getting any sleep and is just zonked....

So sorry for the one sided post. I'm sitting here, top half naked, massaging my boob with one hand to relieve the engorgement, with the dog next to me. Motherhood = glamour, no?!
Aww Sarah you poor thing :( when I was in hospital breast feeding and beau just wouldn't settle, she'd go to sleep for 20-30 minutes then wake up moaning and crying wanting feeding. It was then I gave in to formula because I was just so exhausted and physically couldn't cope, was by myself too so couldn't even get support from Adam as it was out of visiting times. I was in tears 1. Because I was exhausted and 2. I felt as though I had failed by giving her formula. She slept after having a little bottle though and I could sleep. Even now I feel guilty about giving her formula but at the same time I feel proud of myself for giving her colostrum/breast milk for the first couple of days and expressing a bottle or two a day for her. It works well for us, she sleeps well and overall is happy and healthy and most importantly, I feel happy. I think it's important to think about yourself as well as your baby. As I said in a previous post, breast feeding is so demanding and so many women struggle but please don't struggle to a point where you are unhappy. I know I keep going on about expressing but definitely give it ago, you might find it so much better. Especially because you know exactly how much bubs is taking in.

Another option is to feed Isabelle formula at night, as many parents do, then breast feed in the day?

Also, our first night was hard... Well it was for Adam as he dealt with her. But she was up every half an hour to an hour. You have to remember that it is all new for them too but they do settle. Of course we will all have bad nights but we will also have some good ones.

They do say babies don't sleep well in baskets or cribs also, if she continues to not sleep in it you could always look at purchasing a hammock? Beau sleeps really well in hers once she is settled. She doesn't like being flat or her back for long periods of time unless she is in her pushchair so I think she'd struggle to sleep in her moses basket.

And you should tell family/friends that you want a few days without visitors. We did and people respected that we needed that time to ourselves. Don't think you have to let them visit, they won't mind waiting!!

I hope things become easier for you xx
Lauren, :happydance: for a good night!! It sounds like you've had a nice day as well. When will you be able to drive again? Is it because of the C-section? Fingers crossed that Beau won't need a harness. You'll have to keep us updated. And I totally agree - it's so cool that we've all been chatting for this long and now have our babies.

Sarah, sending tons of hugs your way!!! My first few days home were a real struggle as I was exhausted from labor and the baby wouldn't sleep in her crib or pack n' play (or any large, flat surface). She ended up either in bed with us or in her bouncer next to the couch. I eventually bought a rock n' play sleeper, which is snug and slightly elevated. She does well in that most of the time but still sleeps with me for at least one stretch of the night. Sarah also tends to sleep longer when swaddled (arms in). I think what you're going through is normal as the babies are not used to being away from us and have a lot of adjusting to do!

Ah, engorgement... I remember sitting upstairs, topless, crying because I couldn't get the baby to latch. I was frantically googling tips and tricks while Sarah screamed the house down because she was so hungry. Best advice I read was to express just enough to soften the areola so that it's easier for baby to latch. It really helped me.

Here's hoping that Isabelle stayed in her Moses basket! If not, she will eventually. Don't worry! :)

If it makes you feel better, it's 2:30 and my little lady is taking her first nap of the day. She's just such an active baby and as of a week ago, doesn't like to sleep during the day. We do tummy time, activity mat, sitting up, talking, walking around the house, quiet time in her bouncer or swing, and whatever else I can think of. Then I do the whole diaper change, feed, burp, rock to sleep but 10 mins after I put her down, her eyes pop open. She doesn't exactly fuss but she just will not sleep! And she still doesn't go more than 3 hours at night!! I should have known it would be this way when she was kicking me 24/7 in utero... :lol:

As for me, I slept from about 10pm-1am last night and that's about it. Sarah was grunting and straining so loud in her sleep that I couldn't get any rest between feeds. I seriously contemplated moving her bassinet into the hallway. We had two diapers blow out before 7am (hence the grunting and straining), plus I leaked milk all over myself and the bed and she spit up on me 4 times (my fault). I guess I was due for a night like this as things have been going great.

She's also not giving me the opportunity to "sleep when she sleeps" today as she wants to be awake and involved in everything that goes on. Which is great because she's started smiling spontaneously and seems a little more responsive to the things we do! I just wish it also meant she would sleep longer at night. Maybe soon. She'll be 1 month old tomorrow and she visits the pedi on Wednesday. I'm excited to see how much she weighs as she definitely feels heavy!
Aww Sarah I think its perfectly normal.

Even now, Tyne doesn't sleep well of a night at all and he's 18 days old! - he's had one or two not too bad nights, but most of the time we're up and down with him constantly throughout the night - he won't settle in his crib for longer than half an hour or so, he just always wants to be either in our arms or in our bed! (Yet of a day he sleeps perfectly happily in his moses basket, his pram, his bean bag, his rocker...anywhere! So I don't necessarily think its about the bed as such...)

It is definitely hard going. Jon is like a walking zombie today coz he dealt with Tyne all of last night, and for some reason last night was particularly bad...he didn't sleep at ALL!

I would say obviously do what feels right for you with regard to feeding, but don't assume that switching to formula will be the answer to getting Isabelle to sleep better because Tyne is and always has been formula fed and he's not a good sleeper at all!

Nor is he a particularly good feeder - he doesn't take very much at all, he doesn't seem to stick to a routine when it comes to feeding etc either - sometimes he'll take 70 ml in one go and want nothing for four hours, other times he wants 10ml every half an hour!

I think some babies just genuinely have a hard time settling of a night. I keep talking to the midwife about it and she keeps telling me its perfectly normal for a newborn to have their day and night mixed up, and he will settle we're just waiting for that day to come! :shrug:

What does Isabelle wear clothes/blanket wise of a night? One thing I do find is that Tyne really likes to be kept warm and swaddled, he seems to really feel the cold easily and that disturbs him.
One of the things I said I wouldn't do is swaddle the baby (coz its against the SIDS guidelines in the UK) but he won't settle any other way! :shrug:

I'm sure you'll have some easier nights soon, hang in there :hugs:
Lauren I hope Beau's appointment goes well and she doesn't need a harness!
You'll probably find you're much more able to walk around in a few days time. I was absolutely fine for the first 5 or 6 days, then I had a period of barely being able to move for about a week - for the past five days or so (so 13 days post partum) I've been absolutely fine, totally mobile, no pain whatsoever! So fingers crossed you'll be starting to feel better!

Lindsey - Eeek I hope you're able to get more sleep tonight!! It must be exciting that Sarah is so much more alert and doing more, but equally exhausting as it means you're not able to grab a nap while she sleeps in the day!
I spoke too soon. Her nap lasted 30 mins before she woke up screaming for food. After 3 hours, she finally fell back to sleep after I bounced on my exercise ball with her in my arms.

...just kidding. She's screaming again. I love my little turtle but I may very well lose my mind tonight!
Not that I wish sleeplessness and the heartbreak of listening to our babies cry on anyone, but it is so good to know that this is normal! I felt like such a failure on Friday night for not being able to get her to sleep, which I know is silly, but its good to know I'm not necessarily doing something wrong.

That said, I'm so sorry to hear that both Tyne and Sarah aren't sleeping well.

Hayley: its so great that Jon is able to take care of Tyne the whole night, at least when he is zonked today you will be brighter and he can get some sleep then. It sounds like he is eating like a breastfeed baby - however much he likes and whenever he likes it! Are you able to keep the formula you've made up if he doesn't eat it, or does it have to get thrown out? I heard there is some manic panic buying of formula at the minute and supermarkets are limiting how much you can buy? Something to do with china?
That is so weird that Tyne will sleep anywhere during the day. It's great, but so strange that at night he won't. He must know that's when you need your sleep!!!
Isabelle wears a vest and sleepsuit at night (all day in fact- the poor child has piles of clothes but if they aren't dirty (I.e. pooed on!) then we don't change her much!) and I wrap a blanket round her. She is a massive wriggler, and likes having her arms free. They swaddled her in the hospital, and she wriggled free so quickly! But that was just with a blanket so maybe I should get a actual swaddle to try out. Like you, I said I wouldn't because of SIDS guidelines, but so many people DO swaddle so it can't be all bad.

Lindsey: I know exactly what you mean about the noises at night - Isabelle is the same. I never knew a baby could make so much noise! And because I'm constantly waiting for the groans and grunts to turn into cries, I can't sleep when she is making them either.
Does the engorgement eventually settle down? As you mentioned, she had some trouble latching last night because I fed twice off one breast as it was much more engorged, and so by the time she got to the other it was rock hard, and she definitely had trouble latching. Thanks for the tip about expressing first :thumbup: how long did you do it for before she was able to latch more easily?
It sounds like she is turning into a "proper" baby! Getting more involved in things and wanting to be a bit more active with play. And oh I'm sure her smiles are just gorgeous :kiss: in a way I can't wait to get to that stage, but it sounds like its more all consuming of your time as she is awake so much more, so it's a toss up!

Afm: we got much more sleep last night :happydance: the first two hours were the same dance as the night before - her in her crib crying with us trying to settle her, or me feeding her. Gave in at about 1.30 and she came into bed for two hours on my chest. But once she fed after that we popped her back into her crib and she SLEPT!! From just after 4.30 to 6 am! All on her own! I was so proud :kiss: and then I fed her again, and we both slept on until 8 :) and she's now asleep in her Moses basket downstairs! :shock: I think my milk coming in means she is a little more full and settled for now. Don't know how long it will last...
I'm panicking today however, (this is far tmi) as I passed a big clot this morning, the size of my baby finger. I phoned my brother to ask if that's ok, and he said keep an eye on it and if there are anymore like that I'll need to go back for a scan to see if there is any retained placenta. So now I am terrified, and convinced I will end up back in hospital and separated from Isabelle. I'm also now convinced I can feel pain in my lower abdomen- which I haven't at all before now so I don't know if its all in my mind or not.
My midwife said she would phone me later to check how we are as she won't come to me today unless I need her, so I will mention it to her then and see what she says.
Sarah, I passed a few rather large clots last week... And tmi but sometimes it wouldnt just come out, you'd have to physically pull it out ewww it was horrible. I also had pain in my lower stomach but wasn't sure if it was due to my op. I haven't had anything since last week/early this week. Think your brother is right and just keep your eye on it. I assumed mine was lochia...

And yes Lindsey, can't drive for 6 weeks due to the section :( I hate being driven around by Adam so can't wait until I'm allowed to again. The midwife suggest 4-6 weeks but car insurance usually says 6 weeks. Some accept a doctors note though if your fit enough before so I'll see how I feel at 4 weeks and look in to it.

We swaddle Beau, she hates her arms being wrapped up though so she is swaddled from under her armpits. She was also swaddled in hospital. We tried a sleepbag but it's too big for her hammock. We have a swaddle blanket from mamas and papas and she has a gro-swaddle which we brought a couple of days ago. It doesn't go up near her face so I'm happy with using them. We wrap her up before her last bottle as she usually falls asleep straight after the night feeds, wouldn't want to wake her by wrapping her up after.

She was a little madam last night, kept up awake for most of it. She'd only sleep for about 2 hours. She drank loads last night too, we thought she might sleep longer because of it but ended up being opposite. When I was up at 5 she wouldn't go back to sleep so popped her in bed next to me... She was being SO noisy!! She was asleep but making all sorts of noises. I think she is constipated though :/ day before last she pooed loads but since then she hasn't been, so didn't do one yesterday... I think she is trying but not having much luck. Not sure how long to leave it before speaking to someone :/
Lauren is your midwife still coming or have you been handed over to your health visitor? Either way, if you're concerned and she still hasn't pooed by later on today just give them a quick call- that's what they are there for remember! And worst case she will say "that's normal." And think you are a neurotic mother! But better neurotic than the alternative!
Maybe she is starting her growth spurt now? That could explain why she is eating more? (That said I blame everything on growth spurts as its pretty much the only thing I know about!!)
Thanks for the info about your clots as well. It's so good to have you lot to sound things off- I'm lucky I was pretty much the last to pop so I can steal all your knowledge! :haha:
It must suck having to be driven everywhere. 6 weeks seems like a long time as well. What is it about driving in particular that is bad? I guess maybe turning the wheel too vigorously could really wrench your area around your incision, which would be horrific.
Well since posting my last thread she decided to go... And it kept coming :haha: changed her nappy twice in about 10 minutes!! Poor thing. We were discharged from the midwife on Friday but said we are still under their care for 28 days or something like that? But I think the health visitor is main point of contact. She came round on Thursday and is really nice, said she was a nurse, went on to be a midwife then went back to uni to become a health visitor. So hopefully she is quite knowledgable lol.

Apparently it's the leg movement when driving. You have to be capable of an emergency stop or reacting quickly. If I was given the option of driving today id say no, it hurts just to walk up a flight of stairs, so can imagine using pedals in a car quite painful. But if I was to drive too early and ended up in an accident my car insurance wouldn't cover it.

I'm glad we can all speak to each other too, nice to know we aren't going through everything alone :)

I signed up to that sure start, anyone else done it in UK? My health visitor said you go to classes for baby massages and stuff like that.
Sarah Aww I'm glad you and Isabelle had a much better night! Those sleep slots sound like bliss! hehe!

Yeah I was reading in my Bounty book last night (the one that came in the pack I got at the hospital, has anybody else read theirs!? i actually found it pretty informative/helpful!) that apparently they now recommend for bottle-fed babies to be fed in the same way as breast fed babies - as in, baby led feeding or "feeding on demand".
It was warning against trying to get them to stick to a "feeding by the clock" routine - I'm not sure I like the idea of it as feeding by the clock would be MUCH easier when it comes to sleeping! But at least it shows me that how Tyne is isn't unusual - I guess he's just made his little mind up that we're doing baby-led feeding lol.

Do you know, I keep getting emails from Cow & Gate and Aptamil with subject lines like "Baby formula availability" and I haven't read one of them! I had no idea there was a shortage of formula until you just mentioned it! I really should start reading my emails :/

Tyne is on SMA - we just buy one tub at a time and it lasts for almost 2 weeks at the moment, and we buy multipacks of the ready made bottles to use at night time - so we haven't had any issue with getting hold of any yet *fingers crossed*

Tyne wears the same thing of a night - he also likes his arms to be free. I mentioned it to my midwife and she said swaddling isn't recommended but if I'm going to do it then just do it loosely so that he can throw the blankets off himself if he wants to. So thats what we've been doing, using a cellular blanket - but I swear sometimes I think he's not settling coz he's too cold.
He just loves being really warm :wacko:

I bought one of the swaddle bags but he wouldnt entertain it at all! I think the material was too light for him. We have gro bags but my midwife told me not to use them until he's a couple of months old - all the information is so conflicting, as on the bags themselves it says suitable from birth! :shrug:

As for the clots, I passed a few big ones too! I had the same fear of ending back in the hospital! They told me not to worry about them unless they were bigger than a 50 pence piece - and if they were, to keep them and show them to the midwife. (Gross!)

Lauren - I bought some of those swaddle blankets from Mamas & Papas but Tyne hates them! Mine are really light fabric though, I think thats why. I'm gonna try and take them back.
I can't wait to start using the sleepbags, I think they'll be much easier!

Tyne doesn't always have a poo every day, I mentioned it to my midwife and she said its normal for them to go up to 48 hours. Anything over that and we should let them know apparently.
Tyne is the same way though - he doesn't have a dirty nappy for what seems like ages, then he fills 3 nappies in a row!!!

Has Beau's cord fallen off? My midwife won't discharge us yet coz Tyne's cord hadn't come off when she was last here, but it came off last night so I'm hoping she'll discharge us on Tuesday.
The health visitor is coming to us on Tuesday too, I hope she's nicer than the midwife!

I haven't signed up to Sure Start but only because our nearest centre to my parents house is in a really scummy area and there's no way I want to go to any classes there! Once we're back in Devon I'll probably sign up then.

Lindsey - Aww I hope Sarah slept more for you in the end last night!!

AFM - another nightmare night with Tyny Tot!! He point blank refused to sleep last night all!!! He was feeding fine, but wanting it every hour again - but still refusing to drop off to sleep after a feed. Just laying there all wide eyed!

I eventually gave in around 6 am and put him next to me in bed, he zonked out and woke up at NOON!!! Honestly...he is the oddest baby!!!

I'm so fed up at the moment. I went to try on outfits yesterday for Tyne's christening as its two weeks from today! And omg, what a nightmare - I thought that, because my pre-pregnancy clothes seem to fit me ok, I'd be fine to try on dresses in my normal size - err NO!!!!
So depressing, none of them would zip up. My chest was the main problem - I thought my boobs had gone back to normal size but apparently not!

I wanted to start a diet today but I can't go shopping because my sodding car failed its MOT and its going to cost me about £250 to get it sorted and back on the road. So me and Tyne are stuck in the house all day on our own where there's nothing for me to eat except easter eggs!!! :wacko:
Sorry to hear about your car Hayley, the bit about the Easter eggs made me laugh a little though :)

I didn't get a bounty pack :( the bounty lady kept coming to see me in hospital but everytime was a bad time...

Beau is on aptimil and we picked some more up today, didn't notice a problem with supply. We did read about people panic buying as the Chinese were buying loads and sending it to china due to ours being better than theirs or something. I personally haven't worried about it, the supply will always be there - if there is a shortage it will be us causing a problem by panic buying, not the Chinese. We go through about 1 a week at the moment, just upped her amount to 3 ounce from 2.

Her cord fell off on Wednesday, so glad as it started to look horrible. Hers was cut really short though so you couldn't really call it a cord lol. Hopefully you will be discharged soon now Tyne's has fallen off.

We feed Beau on demand, I only wake her if she has gone 4-5 hours without a feed or if I need to go out. I don't mind feeding her while we are out but it's difficult if we are driving.

Oh and thanks for the info on poop, I dont know what is usual and what isn't.
Hi ladies, sorry I've been a bit awol! I haveb been updating my journal when I can though and have now atarted a Parenting Journal - scary!

Eva is doing well, a lot better since she's been on her medicine.

We've now swithed to formula feeding (also Aptimil) as we were both getting overtired and upset at each feed time - I was also getting upset inbetween feeds, dreading the next one coming.

She switched over fine and has been doing a lot better since.

Im hoping she's put some weight on this week as all her clothes are too big for her. Itry and dress her in the smallesr ones we have but theres only about two outfits that actually fit her ok-ish!

We feed her on demand but she tends to feed every 4 hours, has done since day 1 and takes 4oz a time. I think shes going through a bit of a growth spurt though as the last couple of days she sometimes only goes 2.5 - 3 hours between?

We seem to have a nocturnal baby though and she prefers to be awake during the night :dohh: She wasnt too bad last night - feeds at 10pm, 2am and 5am but stayed awake till 6. OH gave me a lay in this morning and did her 8am feed and took her downstairs.

Even though im not breastfeeding, I still do the nightfeeds. When he goes back to work this week I'll have to do them on my own anyway!

Busy day tomorrow, Midwife in the morning and Healtj Visitor in the afternoon

Hope everyone else is ok :flower:

EDIT: Excuse the awful spelling - bloody phone!
Sarah slept 3 hours at a time last night, which is better, and is napping today. I pumped this morning so Seth and I could enjoy a champagne breakfast on the patio while she slept. It was nice, except I'm such a lightweight after 10 months!! Getting ready to go visit my parents now. Hope everyone is doing ok, and I'm enjoying the updates on everyone's babies!
Laura I'm so sorry to hear that breastfeeding was getting you so down. Definitely a great decision to change to formula so everyone is a happier bunny. And hopefully now you know she is getting a good amount she will start to chub out a little. That said, Isabelle isn't small (she's down to 7lb 6oz) but very few of her clothes fit well. All her vests are ok,mug the sleepsuits dangle off her legs, and her hands are constant missing in the arms! I'm not sure if she just has weird sized limbs though :haha:

Lauren ugh glad to hear Beau's cord fell off - they really gross me out, and I am terrified of catching Isabelle's and hurting her. Has Beau got an innie or an outie so far?!
From what I've heard, the supermarkets are restricting how much formula you can buy to two cans per customer. Which, as Simon said, is actually a LOT, and therefore surely not worth bothering about?!

Hayley crap news about your car and being stuck in. Cars are money pits, I hate when it gets to service time, or when you need new tyres. It pains me to pay that much for a car!!
I love the nickname Tyney tot!! Adorable!
I put a cellular blanket over Isabelle too, and tuck it in so tightly she probably may as well be swaddled!! I agree that there is so much differing info out there - my grobags say 0-6 months, then in the fine print one is suitable from 8lbs and the other suitable from 10lbs :shrugs: I won't use mine until she is around 10lb just to be safe.
Even my midwives give conflicting advice - one said use witch hazel on my pads for my stitches, and the next said never to do that. One said wake her after 4 hours to feed if I need to, the next said after 5-6. They need to get their information centralised and sorted lol! My SIL gave me the best advice which was "listen to it all, and then decide what is best for you and Isabelle and do that"
Also, I did ask Simon if I should keep the clot to show the midwife and I thought he was going to pass out at the very suggestion :haha:

Lindsey a champagne breakfast sounds amazing!!! Lucky lady! We cracked a bottle at dinner tonight, and I had two sips lol! Followed by three glasses of water and two of juice just to make sure! Sounds like Sarah slept really well last night :thumbup: long may it continue!

Afm: we ventured out today! I've always wondered why people take newborn babies to the supermarket. Now I know. It's because it's the only place your stitches will let you venture without putting too much strain on yourself, while still getting out of the house! We went for a short walk as well to get some fresh air and sunlight, as Isabelle has a nice little jaundice tan at the minute. We've been sunning her all day so hoping she is looking better ASAP.

We also gave her her first bath tonight.......I almost cried as much as she did! I felt like we were torturing her! It was awful! Then when she was finished I wrapped her up in her towel...and she pooped. So dunked her bum and wrapped her in a fresh towel...and she pooped. Just used some wipes to clean that one. New towel...and she pooped again! So we got through 4 towels before we managed to get her dry!!!! I was so upset by the whole experience that I didn't dry her off quickly enough and the poor baby was shivering, so I grabbed a big blanket and we went off for a feed to calm us both down! I don't know who was more traumatised by the whole event, Isabelle or me! Luckily Simon was calm while she screamed and washed her well, and his parents were there to take pictures lol!
Now off for my own bath, and then try to get an early night. Please lord let her sleep well in her crib tonight.
Sarah, sorry to hear about the traumatic bath but it didn't half make me laugh... So sorry!!! Beau hated her first two baths but she had one yesterday and was fine. I filled that one up more than the other two so her little legs were floating in it. I get scared of her slipping off my arm in to the water!! I'm sure it becomes easier! Nice to hear you got out the house too, my first proper outing was to the supermarket. Nice easy walk around isn't it.

Lindsey, your champagne breakfast sounds lovely :) I'm quite jealous! Glad Sarah slept well, bet you feel better after the longer stretches?

Laura, nice to hear from you :) Glad Eva is doing well and happy to hear feeding is better.

Does anyone else's LO trump a lot lol? Beau farts constantly!!! She is as bad as her dad lol. Sometimes you hear her moaning and has a quick cry then pfffft and all is better :haha:

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