First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I'm trying to catch up quickly so if I miss anything I apologise - who knew my sister had been right all these years about not having time to get online when you have children! lol!

Sarah - I am SO excited for your induction date, you have NO idea!!!!! lol. I am dying to know what colour your bundle is, I keep changing my mind every day on what I think it is! Sooooooo exciting that its almost here!

Brittany - CONGRATULATIONS! I saw some pics of Aiden on FB and he is beautiful!!! Soooo teeny! Funny how the boys are so small isn't it?!!!
Your labour sounds amazing!!! I cant wait to hear more and see more pics!

Lauren - The appetite thing is completely normal. My mw was asking me if I was eating coz it was dinnertime or eating coz I was hungry, and when I stopped and thought about it I realised I hadnt felt hungry at all since the section - I just knew everybody else was eating so it was dinnertime!!
She told me to just keep going through the motions and eating what I could at mealtimes and eventually your appetite will get back to normal.

I had a few days of just picking at salads and eating beans on toast for dinner, but I'd say my appetite is just starting to get back to normal now and so my energy levels feel a little better.

As for the crying - I think its natural, you've had major surgery and you weren't even expecting to have it. The sleepless nights/disturbed sleep definitely doesn't help - I get emotional when Tyne won't settle and I don't get much sleep too, its hard. But its bound to get easier over the next few weeks.

I agree that you should take one day where you just turn off your phone/lock the door and draw the curtains, park the car down the road and pretend nobodys home!!! You need a day for yourself. I know what you mean about feeling obliged to let people see the baby, but you need just one family day.

And you can always get Adam a belated birthday gift if it makes you feel better, though I'm sure he honestly doesnt mind as Sarah said - he has a beautiful new baby daughter, and that has to be the best birthday gift ever!

With the clothes - I find BIG knickers are the biggest help in the world! I got HUUUUUUGE ones from Matalan - if I try to wear my normal ones, they sit right on my scar and it really rubs. Get the massive granny pants that come right up over your tummy, that way it protects your scar without rubbing - I get the satiny feeling ones as they're more comfortable.
For the first few days all I wore was granny knickers and loose fitting maxi dresses, so that nothing rubbed the scar.
Now I'm back to wearing leggings again comfortably, but I wouldnt be able to wear jeans or anything like that.
If you had any maternity leggings, they work well as they also come up over your tummy.

And last tip from me - if you're still having painful gas, baked beans work so much better than any amount of Rennie or Peppermint tea! :haha:

AFM - I'm not too bad today, I've got a lot of backpain and period pain but thats all. I am SO OVER the lochia - I swear it is NEVER going to stop.

I still havent had chance to wash my hair since having Tyne and I feel like such a scummy mummy - I NEED to do it tonight.

I'm looking forward to this coming week as my parents are going to Devon on Sunday for a week, and Jon is back to work - so its my first taste of being back to normality, and spending the days alone just me and Tyne - I'm looking forward to seeing how I cope!

I'm also looking forward to winning loads of money on the Grand National today - Tyne's bet on number 26 for his birthday and is obviously going to win us loads of holiday pennies :D
Some quick updates on things.

I have second degree tearing around my labia so I'm a bit sore from that but not anything unmanageable.

For the most part breastfeeding is going well. Aiden seems to be a natural. He doesn't want to nurse every 2-3 hours though so I've been a bit overwhelmed with all the unsuccessful attempts, especially when he acts like he is hungry but just cries and cries when I try to feed him. After talking to a lactation consultant last night, I learned that at this point he may just want to be near my breast/chest rather then nurse since that is soothing for him. I think DH and I only got sleep last night because I would let Aiden sleep with me.

DH has been great though. I don't think I could have done this without him. He's been doing the burping and diaper changes and he's been so supportive.
For anyone that hasnt been on Facebook - Alex has had her LO, he is very cute AND slightly bigger than Beau so now I don't feel a though I had a giant baby compared to everyone else with your tiny babies lol. But huge congratulations Alex :)

Hayley, I have giant pants lol. When I was at hospital the midwife sent Adam out to buy me big knickers hehe. I for dressed properly today and my over the bump jeans worked well, so I'll be living in them when I go out for a while. Thanks for the tips though girls. Oh and good luck with the horses :)

I have just started expressing so Beau can have a bottle or two of bm. She isn't a fan of forumula and doesn't drink much. I find that she enjoys bm more. She doesn't like bedtime either.... The first couple of hours are annoying, she just won't settle. I don't think she likes the quiet. I might have to start having quiet time during the day.

We went out for the first time today too, popped to a small retail park and went to NEXT to pick up some smaller outfits. She now has a couple of cute little tops and dresses. Being out felt really nice, although I am a little sore now so going to relax on the sofa for a bit. Adam wanted to go and see a friend, he wants him to meet Beau but I just didnt want to see anyone... I feel bad but Adam understands. I can't even let him take her himself, I get really upset at the thought of not being around her. I might be better next week... Hopefully lol.

Brittany, sorry to hear you have a tear. Hopefully it should heal up nicely within the next few days. If you struggle with breast feeding I do strongly suggest trying to express. I find it so much easier than bf as she struggled to latch on sometimes then got frustrated which caused me to get upset. I can also see how much she is getting.
Lauren I'm happy to hear that you've had a hood day today, even if you are a little sore now, which isn't surprising at all. Did Beau not fit into her small/tiny baby/newborn clothes? Even though she was a good size she must be all brains, and nice and tiny in stature! And don't worry, my brat is going to definitely make her seem tiny I'm sure!

Brittany, that's wonderful that dh has been so helpful and useful - I can imagine its so hard for them to know what to do, so it sounds like he has sorted out a role for himself which is wonderful. Not great news about your tear, but as long as its manageable and not agony, then that is as much as you can ask for! And well done Aiden for being such a natural breastfeeder! I hope my LO is as good as he is!

Hayley: sounds like you need a nice long bath to soak in, and then a chance to wash your hair! I've heard that after pains can be pretty bad, are you taking anything to ease them?
This next week will be wonderful! All that time on your own with Tyne will be just magical, especially as I know you haven't been able to do some bits and bobs while you've been feeling unwell. You'll have him all to yourself, for endless hours of cuddles! I'm so jealous!

Congratulations Alex! Joshua is just gorgeous!

Nothing new with me today at all. Still waiting!!
We didn't buy many new born/tiny baby clothes. We have lots of sleep suits and vests but no actual outfits apart from the odd thing. She has LOADS of 3-6 month outfits so I'm sure we won't be short on stuff to wear in summer :)

I can't wait for a bath. Apparently I can go in the bath but won't be able to use bubbles and as long as I'm able to get in and out properly. At the moment I think I'd struggle and I hate baths without bubbles and they have to be really hot :) so until I'm healed I think I'll stick to showers. I have managed to wash my hair a couple of times but drying is another story...
Aww congrats Alex - I saw Joshua on Facebook, soooo cute!

Brittany I'm sorry to hear about the tearing but you're looking so well on the photos on Facebook! Very yummy mummy! :) Aiden is soooooo cute!

Sarah - I'm still on the meds that the hospital gave to me, they sent me away with a massive bag full so they'll last me forever lol. I just take them as and when I need them now though, rather than regularly. And I stopped the iron tablets as I was worried they were making the constipation worse - must re-introduce them at some point as I was apparently quite anemic!

Lauren - I find baths absolutely fine! Infact, I think they're more soothing than showers on the scar. Its annoying not using bubbles, but I always have my baths piping hot and I've been absolutely fine. No problems getting in or out, etc.

We went out to a retail park today too and had a look around Next and H & M, etc - I didn't buy anything though as I know a friend has bought us a Next voucher so I thought I'd wait.

In a way I'm excited for Tyne to fit into his Newborn clothes as he has TONS of them ready to wear, but they are all miles too big so they've all been put away until they fit. It feels like it'll be forever until he's in his 3-6 month box lol.

We've bought probably about 10 Tiny Baby outfits, but even those are still a bit too big for him - he mostly wears sleepsuits as the Petit Newborn ones from Mamas & Papas are the only thing that fit him properly!

He's in Pampers Micro nappies, and they are miles too big - we can't even use his Snuza alarm because its supposed to attach to the nappy and constantly touch him tummy, but he's so skinny that his nappy is inches away from his tummy so it doesn't connect to the skin!!! :wacko:

He's still not doing well with night time either - he sleeps great in the day, but he hates night time. He takes his bottles well now, he's on about 60 mls every 3 hours pretty much like clockwork - but he just doesn't settle well of a night, especially when we first come up to bed.
He loves laying in between us but obviously I can't fall asleep with him there as its dangerous - makes me wish I had a co-sleeper though, as he seems to just love us being close by! (Although his moses basket is right next to me, so its not like he's far away....I just don't think he can see/feel me when he's in it)
Congratulations, Alex! Joshua is a handsome little guy.

Brittany, I'm loving the pictures from your hospital photo shoot. Makes me wish I'd signed up for that (we had the option but it was really expensive). It sounds like Aiden is well on his way to becoming a champion breast feeder! A good latch definitely makes things easier...and less painful. :wacko: Sorry to hear about the tear and I wish you a speedy recovery!

Lauren, I've only left Sarah for about 20 minutes. She was sound asleep and didn't even know I was gone but I felt guilty the entire time. As much as I'm looking forward to a date night, I don't know how or when I'll be comfortable leaving her!! I'm more confident taking her out on my own now, which is good because I start to get cabin fever after a few days at home.

Hayley, I can't believe Tyne is almost 2 weeks old already!! Hopefully he figures out his nights from days soon. :) Sarah sleeps so much better in our bed but I don't! Although, the other night I was so exhausted that I kept falling asleep feeding her. I woke up 2 hours later (it felt like 5 minutes) and luckily no one had moved. She sleeps okay in her rock n' play and her swing (both are slightly inclined) but doesn't like her crib or her bassinet.

It depends on the brand but Sarah has outgrown a lot of her newborn clothes yet is still too small for her 3 month outfits. It's trial and error finding things that fit so right now it feels like we're living in the same 10 onesies and a small handful of outfits. Her newborn diapers (Pampers Swaddlers) are kinda tight but I've experienced three diaper blow-outs from using the next size up.

Sarah, it's almost your turn (if it doesn't happen sooner)!! Like Hayley, I can't wait to see if your bean is pink or blue! Right now I'm going to guess blue!

As for me, Sarah's been going through a massive growth spurt. Less sleeping, more fussing, and eating around the clock. It's exhausting and makes it impossible to get anything done. Supposedly, babies sleep longer between feeds once the growth spurt is over with...really hoping that's true!! She hasn't slept more than 2 hours at a time in the last 3 days. :wacko:

Seth is with the guys tonight and won't be doing his usual night shift. He deserves to get out but part of me is a tad resentful just because Sarah is super fussy and I haven't slept since 3am. I plan on having a movie marathon and cuddling her! Hopefully tonight goes well!!
Congratulations Alex!! So glad Joshua has finally arrived! Will be interesting to see if Sarah also has a boy since my theory has been that us ladies went overdue because we were pregnant with boys. :) Looking forward to hearing your birth story!

Lauren, you're still recovering from your surgery. I think it's normal not want to go out and see a bunch of people right now. One of mine and DH's friends was going to come to the hospital to meet Aiden but I had to say no because I just don't have a lot of energy right now. Give yourself some time, I'm sure once you get into more of a routine with Beau you'll feel better about seeing people.

Thanks for mentioning the expressing as well. The lactation consultant that I spoke to wanted me to try and wait at least 3 weeks before introducing a bottle but if I start struggling a lot with the latching then I might just introduce a bottle earlier. I figure it'll be better in the long run if what we're doing allows us both to relax rather then continuing to struggle and get upset and overwhelmed.

Sarah, they have a channel here in the hospital that is all about various newborn baby things. One of the little segments was about how new daddy's can help in the beginning and it mentioned doing the burping, diaper changes, and baths. So maybe you could just talk to your DH about him taking care of those things for the first few weeks so that he has an idea of what is needed from him. Not to mention, I find that I just don't have the energy to stand for long periods of times since my ab muscles feel so weak (even though I did ab exercises during my pregnancy to help strengthen them) so I've been very thankful that DH has took on those jobs while he can.

3 more days!! Really looking forward to your baby arriving!

Hayley, I'm sorry Tyne still isn't doing too well at night. If it makes you feel any better my first night with Aiden was rather rough since he did not want to settle. I'm really hoping we have a better night tonight but I'm not sure. Especially since today he started out wanting to do nothing but sleep until late morning again today.

Lindsey, I hope everything goes well. I was reading in my breastfeeding book that the hospital gave me that babies usually experience a growth spurt at 7 to 10 days. I'm really nervous about going through the constant feeding, especially with DH being back to work and my mom being gone so I'll be alone. I just feel so nervous about trying to take care of Aiden by myself, granted I think a large part of it is due to the pain I have so I just don't feel capable of taking care of all his needs. But I can understand how your upset about Seth leaving since I'm feeling similarly about DH returning to work Wednesday.

I really hope you have a nice night tonight. :hugs:

AFM, not too much to update on. I swear Aiden had the longest feed ever earlier today. He nursed on my left breast from 4:20-4:55. DH burped him and I went to the bathroom and then I nursed him from 5:07 to 6:00 on my right breast. I thought I was supposed to only let him go about 30 minutes max on each breast but when I asked a nurse about it they said at this point just let him feed as much as he wants. I wasn't expecting to have a baby on my boob that long though. Thankfully, I was able to lay down since we've been doing the side lying position but the cramping in my uterus from the hormones or whatever gets pretty intense when I'm nursing that long at a time.

They weighed Aiden just a little while ago, he is now 6 lbs, 1 oz so he's lost some of his birth weight. DH put him in one of his newborn onesies and it was practically swallowing him.

Will be getting to head home tomorrow so looking forward to that. Really miss my fur babies. I tear up a bit every time my mom comes to the hospital and tells me about how my dog keeps looking for me whenever DH goes to pick my mom up/drop her off at the house.
Oh ladies I am so so jealous of you all with your beautiful babies!!
I actually thought I was in labour during the night as a very painful...well I don't know what it was, but it was sore! Woke me up, lasted about 40 seconds then eased. But must have just been LO protesting about something as haven't felt anymore :( never in my life have I wished to be in agony!! But not long to go now, i hope!

Brittany, the pics of you and Aiden on fb are just beautiful :kiss: they are stunning, what a wonderful thing to have done in the first few days! Sounds like he is going to regain his birth weight in no time if he keeps eating that way, what a little champ! And you are just right to stick to no visitors at the hospital, once you let one come, you've opened the floodgates I think! Thank you for the suggestions for dh, I will definitely get on to him about the bits he can do. I know he'll want to help out loads, but he may feel awkward and as if I'm hovering and always watching(which i will be!) but I know it's important for him to have a role.

Lyndsey: that's great news about Sarah's growth spurt in a way, as it means you have a wonderfully healthy baby! But I'm sure it doesn't seem that way when she won't settle and is constantly feeding. Just remind yourself it will only last a few days max, then as you said, hopefully she will sleep better and you will be able to get some time to yourself back.

Hayley: I haven't been taking my iron tablets much either, and apparently I also had very low haemoglobin numbers, oops. I always forget to take them though and, like you said, the side effects are less than favourable!

Well, I must say, I've been worried about my baby not fitting in to any of the little clothes we have (we don't even have that many) but it seems like all the babies so far have been too tiny for most of their clothes, so that gives me hope that my big bruiser might fit into some!!

Lots of love to all, and kisses and cuddles to those gorgeous babies of yours! Well done mummies, you have managed to get from 0-9 months, and although it wasnt an easy journey for some, now the beautiful little ones are here! Can you believe it?!
Brittany, I just had a nose at your photos and they are really nice. I kind of wish I did something like that. I have a big camera which I want to use to take some photos of Beau before she grows out of her newborn look :)

My mum was saying to me today that I should note every little milestone down with plenty of photos. She said at the time you tell yourself you will always remember that moment but in reality, you don't. Said you do forget those special moments :( I thought that was quite sad so I'm determined to get everything written down. I have a clay print of her hand and foot already and I'm going to go out tomorrow and buy a baby book - one if those baby's first year type things.

I had a drink for the first time last night, just a small glass of wine then a glass of champagne at my mums today :) meant I haven't been able to express for Beau though as I'm worried about it transferring to her through my milk. So just expressed a bit and washed it away. When I spoke to my gp the other day she said medication would have left my body within 24 hours so I assume it's the same with alcohol. I haven't had much though so I am leaving it over night... Should be ok by tomorrow morning, I hope :/

Sarah, not long now. I am so excited, as is everyone else by the sounds of it :D I also think LO is a boy...

I think Beau is starting her growth spurt... She has drank loads more today!! We went to my mums with three bottles expecting her to feed every three hours or so but instead it turned in to every hour and a half to 2 hours. I really hope that isn't going to carry on throughout the night.

I stopped my iron tablets too... I think they caused a change in the toilet department. I've only been twice since last week though. I've got to start eating more bran or buy something to help as I'm starting to get rather uncomfortable and have awful belly ache which spreads to my bum!! Damn body lol!!

I've been much more mobile today and felt better overall :) I'm tired now though... Oh and does anyone else feel like your constantly cleaning and sterilising bottles?

I also think it's amazing that we have all done so well to get to the point that we have. It doesn't feel two minutes ago I saw my little baby on that screen at our first scan... Then I introduced myself to you lovely ladies :) awww I'm getting all emotional now :cry:
Lindsey - How did the night without Seth go? I hope it was ok! The thought of a night totally alone with Tyne terrifies me for some reason!
Jon's just nipped out to pick up a takeaway and its the first time I've been properly alone with Tyne - I felt uneasy for some reason?!

How is Sarah doing with her feeding/growth spurt now?

Sarah - aww not long left for you now!!

It is crazy to think how far we've all come and that these babies are almost all here now! :) A couple of weeks ago when it was the end of the pregnancy, it felt like FOREVER that we'd all been pregnant and chatting - now I can barely believe its all done and the babies are all here! I'm excited for your babies arrival but also a little emotional as its the last one we're waiting on!!!

Lauren - I definitely think your mum is right about noting things down!

It is quite sad to think about though :/ How was the clay print to do?

I almost bought one but ended up buying one of the canvas pictures with the paint to do his hand and foot prints instead.

I keep meaning to sit down and fill in his baby record books - I bought two for myself when I was pregnant, and I ended up being bought FOUR as gifts!!! lol! Everytime I opened a present it seemed to be another yet another babys first year book!!! I can't possibly fill in 6 for him, but some of them are soooo cute its tempting lol.

As for the belly ache that spreads to your bum - thats what I was getting last week, it got soooooo painful it had me in tears!!!

I found dulcolax helped, and eating baked beans on toast!

AFM I'm just sooooo tired at the moment! I'm not sure why as Jon is being a fab help but I'm just always shattered - god knows how I'll cope on my own from tomorrow when Jon goes back to work!

My appetite is annoying me - I thought it was back to normal but its not. I feel a bit hungry but I don't fancy anything, and feel a bit sick when I try to eat. Very annoying :(

I really need to try and get on with planning the christening, as its 3 weeks away this weekend and we don't even have an after party venue booked, let alone an outfit for the baby or a cake ordered!

Baby routine - Girls who's babies are already here - what is your night time routine like? How often are your babies feeding and how much do they take?

Tyne only tends to take between 40mls-60mls (maximum!) every 3 hours, in the daytime he sleeps well in between feeds but of a night (from about 11 pm onwards) he's wide awake in between feeds and nothing seems to settle him.

I'm wondering if he needs to be fed more often - he's obviously only really small so I suppose its normal for him not to drink much, but I'm wondering if every 2 hours might be better?

He also tends to only fall into a deep sleep around 7 am, and that can last for four hours without him waking up - I'm never sure whether to wake him to feed him, but its always too tempting not to as thats the only time I have to get some sleep!
Hayley: sounds like Tyne has been keeping you very busy! My gut instinct would be to never wake a baby unless they have gone for a very long time without a feed. If he is consistently sleeping for four hours at that time of day then I wouldn't worry too much. Also, if he is taking a maximum amount of milk, and doesn't want anymore, I don't think you would need to increase the frequency, but you could try it and see how he gets on. If it doesn't work, nothing has been lost (apart from a few hours of your life!!)
I know it's the oldest cliche in the book for newborns, but it sounds like he has his day and night mixed up if he isn't sleeping well during the night. I would maybe start a "bedtime" routine around one of his evening feeds, and then hopefully he'll start to get the idea that when those things happen, it's all quiet and dull every time he wakes up after that, so he may as well stay asleep!
Now, that is all well and good but a) it could be a load of crap and never work! And b) I am the least qualified person to give any advice considering I still have no baby!! :haha: so sorry if its all a pile of rubbish!

Lauren: I'm so glad you are starting to feel much better! You'll be back to your full strength ASAP I hope.
In terms of alcohol and breastmilk, my SIL used to wait 3 hours and then 1 hour extra for every unit she drank, kind of similar to how you would work it out if you wanted to know if you were safe to drive (if that makes sense?) she never would have waited a full 24 hrs from her last drink to first feed. If she drank a glass or two at night, she would have started feeding again in the morning. I hope that helps, but your mw/hv is probably better placed to advise.
Lots of photos are a must I think. I once heard that you take a million photos of the first born, and after that the rest of your kids have photos only on special occasions! So you may as well live up to it and snap everything, from her cutest outfits, to her first time doing...well anything really! And definitely get a baby book. Simons mum had a cool one for him which was a calendar style, and it came with stickers which said things like "first slept through the night" "first bath" "first time I smiled" which is great as she was able to just pull it out anytime a milestone was hit and pop a sticker on, rather than have to worry about anything too fancy or time consuming. Not sure where you'd find one...probably amazon!

Afm: hopefully the wait is almost over! We head in for induction at 8.30am tomorrow, so I'm hoping that by mid Wednesday I will have this little one out! Hopefully before then, but I'm being realistic based on their lack of desire to leave my uterus so far!
Simon is very nervous, he's having a calming bath as we speak (!) but I'm feeling fine for now. Got the house all cleaned today, and packed, then repacked, all my bits and bobs for the hospital, so we are good to go. I imagine it is going to be a loooooong day though!
Wish me luck, and I'll update when I can!

Lots of kisses to all the babies!
Aww Sarah I can't wait!! I'll be checking online constantly waiting for updates!! I wish you the biggest amount of luck, although don't think you need it! Will be thinking about you.
I like the idea of that little calendar type thing. We brought a birth announcement poster, should be here tomorrow :) just need to buy a frame for it.

Hayley, we have no routine whatsoever at the moment, we try and do the same thing every night but just isn't going well. Tonight we have done something different, we gave her some milk about 15 minutes ago and put her to bed. What we have been doing is leaving it until really late, 11/12ish and going to bed at the same time. She would be so unsettled for ages though. Last night was the worst, she was in bed at 11:30, slept until 12:30 and that was it until 5am!!! 5am!!! I had no sleep whatsoever. I dealt with her for the majority of the night as Adam was getting frustrated and didn't want him getting angry with her. But Beau's feeds are so irregular, one minute she will have 3 ounce then the next, half an ounce (obviously Beau is bigger so will take in more). But at the moment she is feeding loads. I hope that by putting her to bed early will settle her better for the night. I am assuming she will wake up quite a bit over the next few hours but hopefully *fingers crossed* she will be ok by the time we go to bed. I think she has been getting a lot of belly ache as she has been curling up and doing a lot of trumping. So think that is disturbing her. We have introduced a dummy today so hoping that helps too.
As for waking up for feeds, only do it if he has slept for 5 hours. There is nothing wrong with waking them, I've done it a couple of times. They soon settle back down. The midwife who came the other day told us that we shouldn't worry if they drink little and often. Said she is getting plenty but just isn't convenient for us. As long as they have regular wet nappies and have a couple of soiled nappies everyday they will be fine.
But by the sounds of it, our two both have trouble knowing the difference between day and night. Beau sleeps all day but we can't keep her awake for any longer than maybe an hour but that only happens a couple of times. I think it's just one of those things we have to deal with until they are old enough to get in to a routine.

I also have no appetite still. I don't even think about food until my belly rumbles but even then I don't actually want anything. Today I had a couple of mouthfuls of Cheerios this morning, a couple of biscuits, about 5 strawberries and a small sausage roll. I've not actually eaten a meal but just don't want anything. I think I'm going to have to force myself to eat soon as I need the calories for expressing.
Oh Lauren I love that, it's gorgeous! Simon got us one of these for the nursery, with a mum, dad, baby, 2 dogs and a cat - so cute! I love all these little extra special bits and bobs you can get.

And you need to eat and keep up your strength mamma! It's horrible when you don't feel like anything, and forcing yourself to eat is never fun :(
I hope Beau sleeps better tonight - last night does not sound fun at all!
I love that :) i was thinking about getting it but once pup went I decided not to... I love things like that though. That website has so many to choose from as well :)
Sarah, it won't be long now before your LO is on his or her way! I'm so happy for you and will be anxiously checking this thread for updates! Best of luck! :)

It's hard to believe that these nine months of pregnancy are coming (or have come) to an end and that soon we will all have our babies in our arms versus our bellies. Now I see how much Sarah has grown just in the three weeks I've had her and it makes me even more sad. Time needs to slow down!!

Hayley, we survived our first night without Daddy! Sarah slept for the first 3 hours. She woke up fussy so we changed diapers, fed, burped, rocked, etc., and when that didn't work we went to the drive-thru for some ice cream. She fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep until 11:30. Seth came home at midnight. She woke up fussy again but this time she was screaming and looked super uncomfortable. Finally gave her a few drops of Colic Calm and she was fed and asleep within half an hour. I always worry that I'm giving her medicine she doesn't really need, but I'd literally tried everything else!

I'm scared to jinx myself by saying this but I think her growth spurt is over with for now. It lasted a good 4-5 days. Last night she slept for 3 hours at a time and wasn't too fussy yesterday or today.

I'm sorry Tyne isn't sleeping well at night! Everything I've read says this is normal and that he will get his days and nights figured out soon. We don't really have a routine yet except we turn the lights off and the TV down about 8pm and try not to make a lot of noise. I pretty much change her diaper, feed and burp her, swaddle her, and rock her (or do whatever it takes) until she's asleep and then put her in the rock n' play. I try to do this every time she wakes up but I'm not gonna lie, she usually ends up in bed with me or on my chest at least once during the night. Sometimes it's because I'm too tired or lazy! Unless she's cluster feeding, she usually goes back to sleep within the hour.

My pediatrician said that I can let her sleep up to 5 hours at night now that she's back at her birth weight. That's pretty much wishful thinking right now; she never sleeps that long. :lol: I'm not sure how much she eats because I mostly breastfeed but I know she hasn't taken more than 3 oz when I give it to her in a bottle.

Lauren, we have a bottle of champagne in the chilling in the fridge and I'm so tempted to have some. I think it would be okay to feed the baby, then have 1 drink, and then wait 2-3 hours to feed the baby again but Sarah was eating more often than that the last few days so I've been too paranoid. KellyMom has some good info on the subject.

I still don't have much of an appetite, either. Between taking care of a baby and not feeling hungry, I probably eat twice a day. And then I wake up starving in the middle of the night when I desperately want to be sleeping.

Brittany, are you home from the hospital yet? How's it going? I'm sure your furbabies are glad to have you back. How are they responding to Aiden?

As for me, not much is going on. I can't believe Sarah is 3 weeks old!! She looks bigger already, which makes me happy and sad at the same time. I'm not ready for her to grow up yet. :( She's been a happy baby yesterday and today, except sometimes she can't decide if she's hungry or tired so she keeps going back and forth.

I finally got my ring sling in the mail and she cried the first time I tried it. Hopefully she changes her mind about it because it'll be so nice to have my hands free when she won't let me put her down.
Sarah - Lol! No I appreciate your advice. My instinct tells me not to wake him to feed, but I worry its because I'm being lazy and I just want him to sleep so that I can sleep!!! :wacko:

I was wondering about changing the frequency of his feed coz he starts SCREAMING for his feed after 3 hours, so I'm wondering if thats because I've let him go too long. :/

Ooooh sooooo excited to hear your news!!!! Best of luck and can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it! I am SO EXCITED!!!! Pink or blue!!! eeeeeeek!!! My guess for tonight is pink :D All your waiting is almost over - so so SO exciting!!!

Lauren - Aww that print is so cute :D I want to get something like that too.

I'm glad I'm not the only one failing at a routine - I have the best intentions. Everyday I say that tonight I'll take him up around 11, bath him, give him a baby massage, feed him and put him down.
And every night it never ever ever happens.

We've been going up to bed around 2 am (Tyne has his "wide awake" time from about 11pm, so we usually sit and talk to him or lay on the sofa with him while he watches Baby TV (Which he adores!)) - we feed him and put him down, he'll sleep for about half an hour - which is the time it takes us to get ready for bed. Then the minute we lay down to sleep, he starts stirring!

Its different every night - the night before last he was awake ALL night. Last night, he had a bottle at 3.30 and slept for 2 hours, then had another bottle and slept for two hours, then another bottle and slept for four hours.

Today has been all over the place - he's been awake more during the day, which makes me hopeful that he might sleep more tonight, but he's been really playing with his bottles. He keeps taking half, then falling asleep, then waking up an hour later screaming for the rest! :wacko:

Lindsey - Aww I know what you mean, I cannot BELIEVE Tyne is 2 weeks old tomorrow!! I hate time moving so quickly - people tell you to cherish the time but it feels like it moves too quickly to take it in and appreciate it!

I'm glad your first night without Daddy went well! :) It sounds like a nice night actually!

Did you buy the Colic medication over the counter? I bought some myself but I've been too scared to use it, incase he doesn't really need it - but I do worry sometimes when he's crying and looks like he's in pain, and he's not hungry and doesn't need to be changed :/

I'm also glad I'm not the only one who puts the baby next to me in bed sometimes! He loves it there and he falls straight off to sleep. It really makes me wish I'd bought a co-sleeper crib, I wonder if that would make any difference to his sleeping habits.
I wish I brought a co-sleeper too, Beau doesn't seem to like her hammock much but then she screams when we put her in the Moses basket. The only place she is truely settled is her beanbag! But obviously can't keep her in that over night. I had her in my bed this morning for a couple of hours. I pop her in the middle then wrap my v shape pillow around her, so the point is at her feet. I worry about her rolling or Adam rolling on to her (he has rolled on me more than once in the past lol) so the pillow makes me feel better. I wake up jumpy all the time though.

Lindsey, I think you should treat yourself to a glass of champagne :) are you expressing at all? If you are you could always express a feeds worth before having a drink to put your mind at rest.
I don't like how quick time is going either, I don't want Beau to grow up. I want her to stay how she is! I look forward to her sitting up, smiling and laughing though.

I am planning on having a lazy day today and catch up on some sleep :) I finished my injections yesterday thank god. I started to get feeling back in my stomach where I'd do them so it hurt.
Yeah, Tyne is most settled either in his bean bag or his new rock n play chair (A new blog freebie! lol). He sleeps for HOURS in those but put him in his moses basket and he doesn't want to know!!! An hour is the most he seems to sleep in it.
Yet right now, he's been asleep on his bean bag for 3 hours - he was due a feed half an hour ago and shows no signs of waking up!

I put Tyne in between us in bed most mornings, and he always settles right away and goes straight to sleep - I make sure the duvet isn't over him and I put my arm around him so that if Jon rolled over I'd feel it first and stop him - but like you, I can't relax and I wake all jumpy and panicked that something might have happened to him! :/

You can rent co sleeper cots from the NCT website for £100 for 6 months, I would SO do it except that my mum would go mental as she paid for the moses basket! :/

I hope Sarah is getting on ok. I wonder if theres any sign of Baby Jay yet :D

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