First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I am doing my normal amount of cleaning - it definitely helps me to feel "normal". Doing all my regular chores helps keep me same, weirdly, as I thought it would be the last thing on my mind. I try to do them when Isabelle is snoozing and Simon is watching her, or when they are having some cuddles, or if someone else is here and cuddling her instead. Just a little bit at a time to eat away at it all. With the dogs the floors get so hairy and mucky with paw prints!!

Lindsey, I think it is great that you went to the dr to discuss how you feel :hugs: I'm sorry you've been feeling so down, but definitely recognising it is the first step to starting to feel better. Not great news that Sarah didnt take well to the formula, but I read someone else saying it can take three days for them to adapt to a change in milk, so if it was just one bottle I can imagine it would be tough for her.
Sounds like you and Sarah are very busy together! Did you get the sling you ordered? Are you finding it useful? We have a carrier, but I think Isabelle is a bit little for it yet, even though it says suitable from 7lbs.

Afm: Isabelle peed and pooped on me this morning! I had just fed her and was changing her nappy. She has dry skin so I was giving her some naked time while I rubbed in some e45. (I should mention this was all happening on my lap, on my sofa! Luckily with a change mat down as I normally just put a muslin on my lap.) all of a sudden just this river of poop started flowing, and then the wee sprayed up, and hit me in the chest (which was bare, so all over my boobs!) I managed to stick a muslin over her to stem the flow, and carry her to the sink to shake it all off, before taking her to Simon, who was still asleep, and demanding he sort her out while I changed my pee soaked jammies! She ended up having a quick bath (and didnt scream!!!) and there we just poo everywhere!
She slept so well last night. Fussed until about midnight, then went down until 3am, fed, then down until 5.30am, and then she and I got up at 7.30am to let the dogs up - but I think she would have slept for longer. I'm hoping that's her first growth spurt over, as this morning she's been snoozing soundly in her bouncer.

We have no plans for today except to walk the dogs, which is great as we have been so busy lately I feel like we never just get to hang out. And when we do Simon is usually falling asleep, but last night Isabelle didnt cry at all as when she grizzled I fed her then changed her, so Simon slept pretty soundly all night!
Lindsey, sorry to hear you've been feeling down :( I hope you start feeling better soon. Formula does make them gassy, Beau wouldn't burp everytime either but last couple of days she seems to burp more often. Hopefully that will stop her trumping as much lol. Nice to hear Sarah is putting on weight nicely :) bless her.

Beau seems more awake at the moment too and I feel as though I need to do something with her but not sure exactly what.... I talk to her, walk her around ect but feel as though I need to do more :/

She was up every 2 hours last night, compared to her usual 3-4 and because Adam was up at 4:30 for work, I had to do all night feeds. He can do an extra one tonight :haha:

This morning was hectic, I had a viewing at 1 and another estate agent coming at half past (finally going on with someone else, yey!) and because I had a crap night I tried to stay in bed a little longer... Got up at 9ish. But as soon as we got up Beau started moaning.. And moaning...and moaning. She was awake for 3 hours, moaning for most of it. So I was getting stressed trying to tidy up and get myself ready for these people coming round. But eventually got there. Then I took her out on a walk while the agent was showing the viewer around, that was nice though. Bit of fresh air and excercise did us both good :) she has been asleep for around 4 hours now so will need feeding soon.

Sarah, sorry you got pooped and peed on this morning lol. Beau has trinkled a few times, normally just covers whatever she is lying on but the other day I had her on the sofa, on her changing mat, I was kneeling on the floor changing her and pee went everywhere!! All over me, the floor, her mat, her clothes... Don't help that this happened during a night feed (while we were up, I wasn't actually feeding her at the same time :haha:)

Adam just called me to say he is working away all next week :( I'm not looking forward to that at all.
On the subject of peeing and pooping, just in the middle of changing a poopy nappy and she trumped and spurted poo at me... Then pooped some more. Once I cleaned her up she then decided to wee everywhere!! So after going through loads of wipes I just decided to bath her. Which she rather enjoyed bless her. Got some cute photos of her in her towel though :)
Aw, sorry about the poop incidents!! Do they seem funny in hindsight at least? Yesterday Seth moved Sarah from our bed to her bassinet and when he pulled his hand away, it was covered in poop. I guess no one had heard her go or noticed that she was oozing out of her diaper. Sarah got a bath after that one! We were cracking up the whole time, though.

Sarah, I finally got my sling! Took 3 weeks. I've only tried it once so far and she screamed the whole time but it's easier to put on than the Moby. We'll keep trying because I'd really like to use it!

Lauren, what a crazy day! It sounds like you handled it well. I'm sorry Adam will be away next week. :( I've been dreading the day that Seth goes back to the office but at the same time I really enjoy spending time alone with Sarah. I'll miss the adult companionship for sure, though.

Well, Sarah must have heard me complaining because last night she only woke up twice between 9pm and 7:30am. It was amazing! I'm not expecting it to be like this every night but at least I know it can happen! I feel great today. It's been 2.5 hours since I fed her last and she just fell asleep... I'm in shock. Maybe it was just a phase? Keeping my fingers crossed!

I'm watching an episode of A Baby Story right now. This lady has three sets of twins - six kids under the age of four! :wacko:
Speaking of poop, what color is your baby's? Sarah had the yellow, seedy breast milk poo until I introduced a bottle of formula. Then it looked like peanut butter the day after and she was super gassy/fussy. I've been EBF for over 24 hours now and this morning it was dark army green!! Never seen that color before! Her pedi said not to worry unless it was red, black or white but still. I'm just wondering when the yellow poo will come back.
Lindsey:Isabelle's first few poos after the meconium were a weird greeny colour. I've heard that that is to do with them getting more fore milk than hind milk, but no idea if its true. I'm so pleased Sarah gave you a good night! Even one will make you feel more human and set you up to face anything she throws your way tonight! Fingers crossed its a repeat of last night though! Definitely preserver with the sling, once she is used to it she will love being so cosy next to her mommy! 3 weeks is a long time to wait though. I ordered some nipple soothers last Friday as I was sooo sore before we were able to amend our latch...they haven't arrived yet, and I'm not even half as sore anymore lol!

Lauren: how did the viewing go? Are you keeping your apartment on with both estate agents, or getting rid of the current one? I remember you saying before you weren't really impressed with how they have been handling things?
That sucks about Adam having to be away all next week :hugs: make sure you line up lots of things to do to keep you and Beay busy until he gets home again. I'm also all about getting the fresh air. Because we have the dogs we have been out with her walking every day this week (bar yesterday as it pissed it down!) and I love getting exercise and getting her out in the fresh air. We are definitely fresh air, mucky play type of parents! Which makes me worry about all the beautiful clothes people bought her and how quickly we'll ruin them!!!

Simon is back at work next week and, like you Lindsey, I am both dreading it as I wish he could stay with us for longer, but also kind of looking forward to getting our little routine going. At the minute I really feel like I am just a feeding, bum changing, clothes washing person as everyone else seems to be getting all the good cuddles, but every time Isabelle comes to me, she looks to be fed, which I am happy to do and I love that time, but I'm looking forward to getting her alone so we can have our time together properly. I don't like cuddling her when she's asleep as I want her to be used to sleeping alone, so with all our visitors I am getting very little time with her!! Funnily, I don't see any of our visitors at 3am though....:haha:

We have to order our thank you cards soon so I can get them written and sent off ASAP. We have been absolutely inundated with gifts! It's insane, and amazing. Everyone from our nearest and dearest to a neighbour we speak to maybe once every three months have sent us things. It's totally overwhelming to think how many people in our lives are happy our little lady is here! Now all I need is for one of them to buy us another cupboard for all Isabelle's clothes she's received!
Thrush - Eva's currently on medicine for this. Its just a little bottle of medicine with a dropper which she has to have 4 times a day. She's back at the doctors on Thursday for a follow up to see if its cleared up - it is hard to tell if it's thrush of just a milky tongue though, I agree!

Baths - We generally bath her every night around 6:30pm - 7pm to get her settled. If she had any dry patches, we out baby oil or baby lotion on her as advised by the midwife

Periods - I think as long as you have 3/4 days with no lochia and then the bleeding/period, you can use a tampon - I think! Maybe give your doctors a call?

Babyfree - We went out for a meal last night and left Eva with my parents. We were only gone for 3 hours but it felt sooo strange! I feel totally ccomfortable leaving her with my parents but unfortunately I cannot say the same about OHs parents.

Eva seems to have a little routine with herself so our days/nights are getting easier:
8am - wakes up, feeds and stays awake and alert for around 1hr
12pm - feed
4pm - feed
6:30 - 7pm - bath and then feed
10pm - feed
2am - feed
5am - feed
8am - we start all over again!

She has for the last 2 nights dropped either the 2am feed or the 5am feed. And we've had 2 nights in the last fortnight where she's slept from probably midnight till 7-8am :)

She seems to be having more periods in the day where she's awake for a good half an hour to an hour. When shes awake we tend to talk to her or sing to her, OH jiggles her around or is just plain silly to her!

She has started to hold her head up lately which is so strange to see! Because of this, we started doing tummy time with her tonight. We put a small rolled up pillow under her armpits, arms and head over and tried to get her attention - it worked for 5 minutes then she got bored of that game!

Can't think of anything else at the minute. . I'll have a think and come back :haha: xx
Oh one more thing!

Does anyone have a preferred nappy brand already? We started off using Huggies but have had to move onto Pampers.

Because she's long and skinny, the Huggies didn't fit her bum right and we would end up with leaks.. and not just wee :sick:

Pampers fit her so much better and seem to be a little higher on her belly too.

I thought it was just because of her weight so when she put the 8oz on we tried Huggies again (we have a couple of packs left) but the same thing happened!

Definitely a Pampers baby, which I suppose is a good thing seen as though you can't buy Huggies anymore :shrug:
Hayley Glad you had a nice time out and was able to find a Christening outfit.

As for tampons, I would call your doctor to ask and just use pads in the meantime. Hopefully my lochia stops soon. I'm tired of feeling like I'm wearing a diaper.

Lauren The eye thing with Beau sounds like a blocked tear duct. Aiden has one so we have been massaging in between his eye and nose in an upward motion at every diaper change which is what his pediatrician told us to do for it.

I also hate my home being dirty so there have been quite a few times where I've stayed up to clean rather then getting a nap while Aiden is sleeping.

I'm sorry Adam will be away next week. I know how upset I was when DH went back to work since it was only a couple days after we got home from the hospital.

Sarah hope you're doing okay with the cluster feeding. I know when Aiden went through his first growth spurt that was one of the most difficult times for me since bringing him home.

How are you doing balancing taking care of Isabelle and your animals? I've been trying to give my animals a lot of attention so that they don't start to feel jealous of Aiden but I have days where I just feel like I'm not able to give as much of my time as I would like. They don't seem to be having any issues at all adjusting so I seem to be the one with the problem in thinking I need to do more with them. Just wondering how you're handling things.

Lindsey so glad to hear how well Sarah is doing!

Aiden has yellow poo. I imagine Sarah will be back to having yellow poo soon if you continue EBF.

AFM since we're sharing stories of being pooped on. Aiden made a mess on Friday night. I had just changed his diaper and got him all cleaned up and was in the process of putting a clean one on when all of a sudden he starts pooping. It went all over the onesie he had on so I was trying to wipe that off as good as I could before pulling that off over his head. Thankfully I was able to do a good enough job that I didn't need to put him in the bath. He also decided to spit up all over me later that evening.

In other news, DH and I went to MIL and FIL's Saturday so DH's grandparents could meet Aiden. I wasn't sure if we were going to because I woke up Thursday feeling like I had another one of those upper respiratory infections. Thankfully that only seemed to stick around for that day which actually worked out since DH wasn't able to go to work due to flooding from storms so he was home to help. So now everyone has met Aiden and we don't have to go out anymore which I'm thrilled about.

I feel like I've been going out far more then anyone should be after giving birth. Then to make things worse I thought I had healed enough that I could wipe like a normal person again. Apparently not because I really irritated my tears so walking, getting out of my car, basically doing anything had me in a ridiculous amount of pain yesterday and today. I am so ready for my body to be back to how it was. At least as far as my vagina is concerned.
I also forgot to mention that JennyNBaby messaged me. She had her baby girl April 14th. Her LO was 7 lbs, 14 oz and 20 inches long.
Lindsey, Beau's is like peanut butter too... It's been the same for a while now. Stinks real bad too :haha:

Sarah, you reminded me to get some thank you cards sent out. I'm thinking about getting some made with a photo of Beau on. Think it will be nice for family, they can keep them if they wish.

We are keeping the apartment on with both agents. Yes the current ones are pants BUT we are still getting viewings... Just want to get this place gone ASAP so more viewings the better. Although its a pain in the backside with getting it tidy and ready.

Well change of plan with Adam, he is now working local in the week so will be home every night - unless they change their minds again. Beau has her follow up hospital appointment on Tuesday. I really really hope the double nappies have made a slight difference so she doesn't have to wear a harness.

Oh her eye has become better after using drops the GP gave us.

Does anyone else's spud have milk spots? Beau has a couple of little white ones but has recently come up in lots of red ones on her forehead. It almost looks like a rash.

What is everyone's tummy looking like now? I still have a pouch, Adam says it looks like I've eaten too much lol. It's slowly going down. My biggest problem is my hips though, I've not put on much weight around them but feel as though they have widened? I guess it can happen during labour? But non of my jeans fit around the hips even though I wore them throughout most my pregnancy, the only reason I stopped wearing them was because my bump became too big.

So as you all know, I wanted to do something while Adam was on that stag due in June. Well I am going down to Cornwall with my sister and Beau :) I'm really looking forward to going, not the 6 and a half hour drive though!! And I still hate the thought of Adam being out the country but there is nothing I can do to change that (apart from physically tell him not to go, but don't want to do that) so got to make the most of it.

It's my birthday on may 3rd so I think either the closest weekend or the bank holiday (that's a few days after I think) I will leave Adam at home with beau so I can go out and enjoy myself. Haven't done it in what feels like forever and won't be doing it again for a while.

Uggh I've got a right headache and want to go to bed. I do miss sleeping a whole night without being woken. She is worth it though :) isn't it amazing, the amount of love you have for them. I've heard other people say it but the feeling itself is so hard to explain. Beau means the absolute world to me. I love my little family :) all I need now is for Adam to propose :haha: I don't like having a different surname to Beau!!
MrsHippo - yep, Eva has one milk spot that she's had for a couple of weeks now

My tummy.. kind of feel like I have a bumbag on :haha: No, it's not that bad. I had a it of a belly before so I xant reallt complain. Still a bit doughy feeling, im hoping it settles down soon. MW said im not to do any tummy exercises until after the 6wk check :coffee:

Glad you're doing something whilst yiur OH is away, it will take your mind off it and give you, your sister and Beau some nice bonding time.

As for tour birthday, mines the day after! Looks like we'll both be letting our hair down a little!

Ooh, snap on the proposal and name thing too! I want to be matching too :haha: x
Looks like we posted together!!

Laura, Eva has a right good little routine there doesn't she :) Beau's routine (on most days) is up around 7:30/8am, feed 11ish, feed 2, feed 5, feed 8/8:30 then after that feed she gets swaddled and put to bed. Then normally she wakes around midnight and again at 4ish. She is still having the odd night where she is really unsettled and routine can be out slightly, like last night she was last fed about 8:30 then woke at 1:30 and again at 4:30.

I have grown to like pampers too, same reason as you. They are bigger. Huggies are a tad too small and they are quite bulky aren't they? As pampers are nice and light.

Brittany, sorry to hear you irritated your tear. I can imagine it to be quite uncomfortable.
I use Pampers Swaddlers. The only time we have blow-outs is when Mommy doesn't put the diaper on tight enough...usually in the middle of the night when I'm still half-asleep.

My stomach looks flat but feels doughy. Luckily, the space between my abs is getting smaller (there was a good two fingers between them at first!). I have my 6 week checkup on May 3rd and I'm anxious to start exercising. I still have some shorts I can't fit into. I have about 8 lbs till my pre-pregnancy weight.

I hope Sarah is starting to work out her routine. She eats and goes down between 8-9. Wakes up midnight-1am and 4-5am to eat, then eats again around 8am and usually stays up after that. Yesterday she hardly napped at all and then today she's napped a lot. Some nights she's harder to get back to sleep than others. I've always been a bit of an insomniac so it takes me forever to fall asleep after each feed but that's my problem! Also, I downloaded this sleep machine app and she loves falling asleep to the playlist of wind and ocean waves that I made for her.

We're leaving her with my parents next weekend to have dinner. I'm excited to go out on our own since it's been what, 5 weeks? A little sad, though, too.

She's started making a lot more noises and actually smiles at us now. It's so fun.
Lindsey - so sweet that Sarah is smiling at you now!! I can't wait for that!

Lauren - Hope Beau's hip appointment goes well. Cornwall sounds like fun!

Brittany - sorry to hear about the tear being irritated, that sounds SO painful!

Laura - Eva's routine sounds amazing! I can't believe she's in such a good routine already and is only a day younger than Tyne!

Feeding - I've been really worried about Tynes feeding the past few days, he's all over the place with his routine - he NEVER goes for more than 2 hours between feeds and usually we're lucky if he goes that long. Its more often about an hour and a half.
Sometimes he only takes just over an ounce, and other times he takes just over 3 ounces - but no matter what he NEVER goes more than 2 hours between feeds, which makes sleeping for us difficult. He is also having a lot of gas and seems to get upset with wind a lot - I've been wondering if I should switch him onto a Hungry Baby formula in the hope that it might fill him for longer?!

All this talk of routines and how often Lauren and Laura's LOs are feeding is making me wonder this even more so - how much do Eva & Beau take when they feed on average?

I'm also wondering because of weight gain - he was last weighed last Tuesday and was 7lbs 2oz, which means he's only gained 3 oz since birth. I read that they should be gaining around 6oz a week?!

Milk Spots - Lauren I'm glad you mentioned the forehead spots that almost look like a rash, Tyne has them and I've been panicking a lot that he might have some horrid disease!! He does one or two milk spots, so its good to know he's not the only baby with the rashy spots too.

Nappies - We use Pampers Micro - I keep wondering when he'll grow out of those and move on to the Newborn size, but he's showing no signs yet! We haven't had any poo incidents so far, but he does leak wee out of the nappies a lot! I have no idea why!!!

Stomach - like Laura said, I've always had a tummy anyway so I don't think it looks too different but it feels doughy still.

Thank yous - I sent mine out this week. I basically sent out New Arrival cards with a photo of Tyne in, and wrote a thank you in them for people who had sent gifts - killed two birds with one stone lol. Although now I'm wondering if I'm supposed to send out MORE Thank Yous next week after people give us Christening gifts?! :wacko:

AFM - I keep getting on to read posts but I'm too tired to reply. I'm sick AGAIN.
I figured out that its all because of my Graves Disease - it was stupid of me not to realise sooner. They did warn me that it would be awful after the baby was born and the first thing it hits is my immune system, so I'm going to pick up EVERY bug thats around for the foreseeable future :wacko:
I'm SO tired of being ill all the time, and on top of not sleeping much of a night its really sapping all my energy.
Aww Hayley :hugs: so sorry your not feeling well. Must be awful. I felt a little under the weather yesterday afternoon and that was bad enough, I'd hate to be poorly and have Beau to look after!! You poor thing.
As for feeding, I wouldn't worry about it. Tyne is much smaller than Beau so he is bound to feed little and often. I know it's frustrating for you but he will be taking in what he needs. Hopefully he will start gradually taking in more as he grows. But Beau's feeding amounts can be really irregular at times. She mostly does 3oz but occasionally, like her 7:30 feed, she only did 1.5oz and now she is fast asleep.

How are all your OH's at night feeds? I get really frustrated sometimes, like last night for instance. Adam gets up at 1:30 (after me waking him up) he moans but gets up. Brings her back to bed but she is still unsettled. So keeps moaning. He thinks he can just swing her hammock and that will be enough for her to go to sleep.... Errr that's not how it works. She carried on moaning and crying so I got up to her - she was still hungry even though she had drank all her 3oz bottle. So I ended up for about 45/50 minutes with feeding and rocking her until she falls asleep. Then the second feed she just wouldn't settle after - which I was also up for. And I was starting to get really annoyed because I was soo tired. Adam woke up and again, starts rocking her... Which DOESN'T help!! Then he was moaning about how he has to be up for work soon blabla. He did just get up with her about 5:30 but I feel as though he doesn't try hard enough. He won't pick her up and find out if she is still hungry, or rock her in his arms... But he moans and says things like 'I'm going to put her in the other room in a minute' FFS that makes me really angry. I know he has work but he can't just expect me to do everything because I'm not at work, that's not fair. And he needs to understand that she is only 3 weeks old and she does need more than just swinging in her hammock. He is really good with her in the day time, just wish he'd be better at night. No one likes being kept awake but it's one of those things we just have to get on with. *sigh* there is my moan of the day.
How are you doing balancing taking care of Isabelle and your animals? I've been trying to give my animals a lot of attention so that they don't start to feel jealous of Aiden but I have days where I just feel like I'm not able to give as much of my time as I would like. They don't seem to be having any issues at all adjusting so I seem to be the one with the problem in thinking I need to do more with them. Just wondering how you're handling things.


Our oldest dog has been just super. She basically ignores Isabelle, and isn't overly needy, so as long as she gets her walk which we make sure of, she has been just like normal. Our younger dog (who has just managed to get his head stuck under the Moses basket!) is another story. He is VERY needy, and he always has to be the centre of attention. He's been finding it tough, and he has been getting into trouble a lot because he is always pushing in and around us when we are holding Isabelle, or when she's in her bouncer, and he generally has just been more badly behaved. I hate shouting at him or smacking him because I know he's adjusting, but the last 2/3 days I'm particular it's been tough. The cat has kept himself to himself so no complaints there!
I started using my cloth nappies last night/this morning, and so far, not so good :( I'm hoping that its just that my bamboo hasn't been prewashed enough, but after just 2hrs in a fitted with a booster, Isabelle was totally sodden. I can't possibly justify her being as wet as that, so have to figure out what to do to sort it out. I feel like I've fallen at the first cloth hurdle, which sucks as I really want this to work. I have a feeling (from the stream of pee she directed at me the other day!) that Isabelle is a heavy wetter, but she's still so small I can't boost much more without making the nappy too bulky.

Lauren I'm so glad you mentioned your tummy. Mine has been really getting me down, which is stupid as I only gave birth 12 days ago, and I never cared about it before, but I also still have a little pouch. It reminds me of when you see people on TV who have lost loads of weight and have a really saggy belly.

Laura sounds like Eva is a dream! What a great routine she is in already!

Hayley sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well :hugs: I'm sure it's hard feeling crappy and having Tyne not be in a routine yet (Isabelle isn't either and I am definitely suffering, so can't imagine how hard it is for you)

Routine we have none :( well, Isabelle clusters usually between 5 and around 8/9 then falls asleep until maybe 11/11.30 when I feed her and put her to bed upstairs (and we go too!) then it's just whenever she wakes for a feed :shrug: she falls straight back to sleep afterwards, but she can go anywhere between an hour and 3 during the night, so nothing set yet. She's still super little though so I guess that might come.

Afm I've been feeling really down the last two or three days. I was really tired over the weekend, which probably has a lot to do with it, but I also just feel like I'm not doing a very good job. Isabelle is doing perfectly, she feeds well, lots of dirty and wet nappies, sleeps perfectly, but I just feel like I don't know how to look after her at all. She won't settle at all for me unless I feed her, and seeing her settle for Simon makes me feel like such a failure. Every time she cries (which is rare) I feel awful because I don't want her to be upset, but again the only way she will calm for me is if I feed her. So I feel like I don't actually know how to do anything BUT feed her. She won't even let me just cuddle her as anytime I try, she then thinks its time to be fed.
And today I feel like I've failed on using cloth nappies because when I changed her she was utterly soaked through, and her wee bum was soaked.
I just feel awful because I don't really know how to take care of her. Simon is so great with her, and in comparison I feel like I'm doing such a shitty job. :cry:
Aww don't feel like your doing a bad job!! It can be really overwhelming sometimes. Today Beau has been a little madem and for about 4 hours she just cried and I didn't know what do with her. I was crying myself and I text Adam at one point saying how stressed I felt and I hated doing it by myself. Doesn't help that I'm not feeling particuarly great either. But Adam has been back from work for about an hour now and she has been really good :(

I think we are all going to have days where we feel like we can't do it right. But like you said, your tired which is bound to make you feel worse. Xx
Eva was on 4oz every 4 hours but was draining 5 out of 6 bottles so our health visitor told me to uo her bottles to 5oz.

So now she drinks anything between 4 - 5oz per feed :thumbup:

I read somewhere that between 2-4 weeks an average baby should be on 4oz bottles, 6 times a day but every baby's different! X
Thanks :) I think this is just my baby blues catching up with me maybe. Doesn't help that my mum sent me a txt today saying she is going to take a few days off to 'help me' with Isabelle once Simon is back at work. She made a comment last night about how I feed her too, and I don't think those sorts of things are particularly helpful to a FTM.

Re: night times. Simon and I had kind of agreed he would do night nappy changes, but we stopped that after about three nights so I just do it all. I'm up anyway to feed her, so I just change her as well rather than waking him to do it (as he doesn't wake up naturally) Isabelle doesn't cry at night, she grizzles so I know she is ready for a feed and then feeds to sleep again. If she was fussing and unsettled/crying I would 100% expect Simon to be up and helping properly - same if she was formula fed instead of breastfed.

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