Lauren - Wow 8 siblings! Christmas must get expensive for you! lol! I'd love to have a big family like that though.
I know...I am AWFUL with clothes. I bought more today....and yesterday...

But like you said - he wears them all!!! So ... its fine!!!
Places like Alton Towers are SO overpriced, its crazy! My sister takes her kids all the time to Peppa Pig world and I can't BELIEVE how expensive it is! I'm dreading Tyne getting to the age where he's asking to go to these places all the time!! eeek!
Hope you have fun though! i've never been - I'm like your Mum, I do NOT do big rides! lol.
As for being home all the time - I kind of know what you mean. I do like being at home but it can get a bit boring sometimes - but then I do have a fair few hobbies so I am usually entertained most of the day!
You should definitely try to start up a hobby you enjoy that you can make a bit of money from. Thats exactly what I'm doing with the blogging - I absolutely love it!
Writing has always been my hobby ever since I was a child so blogging gives me the chance to write for an actual audience, and I get gazillions of freebies out of it - plus you get paid posts too, I've made £120 cash this week from blogging not including the free stuff I've had!
I'm really hoping to be able to make a part time wage from it so that I won't need to go back to work once my maternity allowance ends.
You could always give blogging a try if you like writing - I know you like a good freebie like I do! lol!
Otherwise I'm sure there are lots of other things you can do that you might be able to make a bit of money from on the side.
Jon does ebay selling - and a friend of mine paints and decorates wooden letters and sells them online, she basically makes kids names for their nurseries etc. She does pretty well out of that.
Fathers Day - Awww that poem is soooooo sweet!!! The card idea is lovely!
I've gone way overboard with Fathers Day but OMG I'm so excited, I can't wait to give Jon his goodies!!!
Admittedly most of them are free for me to review on the blog, but still - its the thought that counts, right?! lol.
He's got some socks, a braun wet & dry shaver, car cleaning stuff, some toiletries, a personalised mug with his favourite pictures of me & Tyne on, a keyring with his favourite picture of me & Tyne on, and the three things I'm including pics of which are my absolute favourites!!!!!

SO cute!!!
Brittany - sounds like you're really spoiling OH for fathers day! Yay how exciting!!!
Sarah - How is Isabelle settling now?! I hope it hasnt been too bad with her routine being messed up.
Tyne has been doing the exact same thing with the mega crying session at least once a day - is Izzy's usually around the same time every day? Tyne's is!
Its so horrible as there's just nothing I can do to soothe him - I just have to keep cuddling him and playing him his favourite song (I downloaded the Bloom FM app and he ADORES their lullaby channel - its like actual magic!!! I play it and he shuts up instantly!!!!! I recommend the app highly lol) and eventually he calms down and drops off.
Its like he gets SO tired but really struggles to be able to drop off to sleep.
I would be SO annoyed about the sister in law too :/ It must be hard not to say anything to her. Maybe Simon should casually drop a sly comment in to conversation some time?! I always think these people need to realise that their apparent lack of caring can be pretty hurtful.
Does she have any children? I wonder if maybe its some kind of jealousy?!
I'm experiencing that a lot from one of my supposed closest friends but thats a story for another time!
AFM - My mother is CRACKING ME UP!!!! I swear she thinks shes in some sort of competition with me where Tyne is concerned - she is forever trying to second guess me everytime I do anything for him, he'll be crying and I'll give him his dummy and she'll insist that he's hungry or something.
She's always usually wrong but today she said he needed some water, so I gave him some and he took it - instead of just leaving it at that she had to say "See! I told you I was right. That poor baby must be so thirsty..." and then spent ten minutes telling Tyne what a poor little baby he was....AAAAAARGH!!!!
She has also been on my case all day, telling me that she thinks I have post natal depression!!! This is all because I didn't fancy going out for a walk with her this evening - she insists I "Never go anywhere". Errrm...NO! I go out with Jon & Tyne on every one of Jons days off, I just don't want to go anywhere with HER....
Its also because I didnt go out to the cinema as planned last night because Tyne was too unsettled - she cannot accept that I don't want to leave my extremely unsettled baby with her or anybody else. I know she has looked after plenty of babies and she'd know what to do, but its not the point - the point is I just didn't want to leave him upset, I wouldnt have enjoyed myself having walked out on a screaming banshee of a child - it does NOT mean I have post natal depression?!!!
I swear - we NEED to move NOW-ISH!!! My sister is viewing a property in Devon for us tomorrow morning which looks promising. PLEASE keep your fingers crossed for us!!! I need to be out of here and back to our own space again! Its been WAY too long
Anyway - I'm leaving the pics of my favourite Fathers Day gifts for Jon!