Lindsey, 11 weeks already!!! Time has flown by hasn't it.
Every baby is different, people think its the norm for them to sleep through, but they don't. My baby brother who turned 2 the other day STILL wakes in the night. Not for feeds, he just struggles to stay asleep and got in to a habit of climbing out of his cot and walked in to my mums room so he can sleep with her. They got annoyed eventually so took the side of his cot down and popped a gate on his door. That way they don't need to worry about him hurting himself but stays in his own room.
Then there is our friend whose LO is 6 months nearly, he still wakes at 4/5am for a feed. He was a nightmare baby for a long time. Very ratty and they were up during the night for a long time. I guess you never get used to but learn to deal with it in those situations.
I hope Isabelle does start sleeping longer stretches soon, she will! But it's the whole not knowing when it will happen isn't it. Does she have plenty of naps during the day? Beau is awful when she doesn't. I am expecting her up tonight as she hasn't had one proper nap today with us being at my mums, it's been very noisy there. As I type this, she has been in bed for over 20 minutes but is still wide awake but know she is tired. Whenever she is like this she doesn't have good nights.
Well, we have been out all day at my mums. With it being Reuben's birthday we had a little party/BBQ for him. On the way home I was dreading it, it was 7:45 and I didn't know what I was going to arrive back to (with the whole party thing going off). As we got close we saw that their windows weren't open (they are always hanging out there smoking ect).... So drove in, parked up, walked inside .... No music. And it's now 8:30 and still nothing. Can't hear them or anything. So I assume my little moan yesterday actually did something and they have buggered off somewhere else. Thank god!!
Now I am feeling rather tired so I'm going to relax, watch some tv then have an early night