First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Oh well, way to jinx myself :haha: the brat woke up minutes are I typed that and has been dropping off, waking up and crying and needing settled on and off for half an hour! That's the last time I think we've done a good job at the initial bedtime!
Lauren - Yeah I'm gonna go back next week. I've tried all four doctors at the surgery now and none of them are any use, but I'm just gonna have to see the one who seems the most helpful. I'm gonna get my Mum to go with me and back me up if they try to fob me off again.

I'm sorry to hear Beau had a bad night. How has she been today?

They told me today that Tyne could be off colour for up to 48 hours after the needles

Sarah - Eeek Isabelle's night last night sounded very hard going!!! I'm glad shes been better today - hope she settles tonight!
In what way do you think she seems off colour? Bless her, I hope shes ok!

Brittany - I'm gonna try another Dr next week I think. *fingers crossed*

I'm glad you're feeling better today!

AFM - Tyne had his injections today. It wasn't AS bad as I expected - he did scream the place down, and looked at me afterwards and I SWEAR his eyes were saying "Why did you let them do that to me?!" - I felt very guilty!
But he's been fine since - he was just very sleepy when we came home and slept about 4 hours, but he's been taking his bottles fine and ever since he's been really happy & smiley - he actually has started giggling for the first time today!!
He's made the laughing face for ages but no sound has come out - but today he's actually started making little giggle sounds! Its SO cute!!!

The Dr checked him over too and said his umbilical hernia is only a very slight one, and that it looks clean & dry so I shouldn't worry about it - which is a releif!!
Awwww Tyne is giggling!!!?? I can't wait to hear Beau's first laugh! She doesn't smile much, it takes a lot for her to do it.

Sorry to hear Isabelle woke up after you thought she'd settle. Glad your day has been better though!

Beau seems ok, slightly moany.. But better than yesterday. She is in bed at the moment, flat out. Last night she was making noise all the time, tonight I haven't heard a peep. Hopefully it will stay that way. Either way, Adam is home and he said he'd deal with her tonight as I had a difficult night last night. So I get to stay in bed. Yey!

Hayley, I was also told she'd be 'off' for a couple of days and may have a temperature. Was told that I could give her calpol if needed. Glad you didn't find them as bad as thought though. I still get upset thinking about it now!!! I am so emotional at the moment. I even welled up watching BGT earlier lol.
Yeah, its so cute! He only started doing it properly today :)

Annoyingly he mainly does it when Jon sings inappropriate songs at him! lol!

I tried to film it but typically he stops as soon as the camera comes out!!!!!

He's really starting to respond to things now though, today he's been laughing and smiling at tickles and me doing the "spider hand" thing where I crawl my hand towards him saying "I'm gonna get you!" - its so cute, like hes properly starting to play!

Lol - awww dont worry, I welled up at BGT too! Especially when the kids were dancing. Kids make me cry lately, its weird - I feel like my nan!!!

I had a very quick little silent cry in the car on the way home after the needles but I managed to refrain in the surgery lol. I did cry last night when Jon clipped Tyne's fingernails though - it was terrifying to watch!!!! Baby fingernails are just TOO small! :/

Oh btw - I meant to say ages ago - did you girls see my bitchy blog post about crappy friends clearly aimed at Dori?! :D

She text me within TWO minutes of that post going up asking how me and Tyne are! FIRST TIME SINCE HE WAS BORN!!!! Stupid cow...I've ignored her! lol.
Haha I'm the same with children!! It was that act I welled up to as well. It's so weird as I've never been like that before. Lol at crying at his nails being cut though, do you have baby nail clippers?? I did Beau's a couple of days ago and the baby ones only let you go down so far.

And yes I did see your blog about friends. I was supposed to ask you if Dori said anything, good for you ignoring her! What a cow. I totally agree with what you said though. I have a friend who I've not actually seen for a couple of years now (we were really close during infant, primary and comp school but stopped talking to me when I met Adam.... Then occasionally said hello on fb over last few years), well I have spoken to her more on fb than I have any of my other friends. She is a party every weekend type of girl too. Very odd.

I was quite proud of Beau last night, she went to bed at 8, woke at 3:30 for feed then slept again until 9!!! Longest morning stretch so far!

Oh and Hayley, I had a dream about you last night lol!! You and Tyne came to visit us but Tyne was walking around already ... Beau wasn't even sitting up! I was like 'he's so advanced' :haha:
:rofl: at your dream Lauren!!

Hayley I'm so jealous of Tyne's giggles! Sometimes I think Isabelle has kind of giggled a little...but I think it's wishing thinking on my part! I did see your blog post- I'm glad she recognised it was about her, but good for you ignoring her. If you have to put up a great big flashing sign saying "you are a crappy friend!" For someone to realise...they deserve nothing in return!

We had an amazing stretch of sleep last night...7hrs 15mins which took us to 5am!! After her silly half hour when she went to bed she just slept soundly the whole time. Then when she woke my boobs were rock hard lol, and she only ate off one so I got up (at 5.10am :wacko:) to pump from the other.

The last two mornings when Simon has brought her downstairs she has screamed :( today it was so bad that I got up and came down, and basically just nabbed her off him. She stopped crying straight away and I felt AWFUL for Simon. He said to me "I'm sorry I couldn't get her to be quiet so you could sleep" poor guy. She's being tough on him this week!!

She seems to be back to her normal self today, much more content than she was the last two days. I can't even say what was different about her...just something wasnt quite right. But much better today so I think maybe just a leap, or a growth spurt or something. (I like being able to blame her bad moods on something!)

Just had my friend and her baby over which was great. It's nice for us to see each other without our other friends and be able to indulge ourselves in talking only about babies for hours! Poo was high on the agenda of course :haha:
Sarah - woohoo for the great sleep :D poor Simon though. Must be hard for them sometimes.

I am SO pissed off!!! The shit heads upstairs recently told Adam as they passed on the stairs, that they are having a party tomorrow night!!!! If they aren't loud enough!!! I am fuming!! I rang our management company and told them I wasn't happy about it and I don't know where I stand. They said they'd speak to the property manager... Whoever that is. They are so incredibly inconsiderate it's unreal. We are 10 minutes away from the centre of Nottingham - WHY they don't go out I do not know!!! But saying that, the girl looks very young. Even still - they need to fuck off (sorry about language) arghhh
Oh Lauren that isn't good at all. Just what you want with a newborn in the house as well :wacko: and I bet you anything they thought they were being super considerate by telling you. Better to be super considerate and not have the party...

So, next week we are going to stay with Simons parents for four days. I am panicking about Isabelle and her routine (loose as it is!) and how she is going to react to all the kerfuffle.
For some reason we decided to get a flight at 9.30pm so we won't be in the house until after midnight as they live 2hrs away from stansted. So that's that nights sleep fucked! I am just praying it doesn't have an awful knock on effect for the rest of the stay. Last thing I want is all his friends and relatives in Norfolk thinking she's a squealy, horrific baby!!!
Oh no :( Simon came home and Isabelle woke up so he lifted her out and she started squealing, and I mean SQUEALING. She was properly sobbing afterwards. He is devastated. Pretty much every time he has held her in the last two days she has screamed. So I took her and fed her, and she was comatose, so I gave her to him to burp...she cried again.

He's very upset. Especially since he put her into her bouncer and she stopped almost immediately :cry: poor daddy
Awww poor Simon, she must be going through her clingy phase.... hopefully that will pass soon. I am sure your trip to your inlaws will be fine, what bed are you taking with you?

I am so stressed out at the moment...All I have done for the last couple of hours is cry. I have felt a little down for about 3 weeks now but my mood dips and rises.. the whole news about this party started it off today, then a bunch of their friends turned up. Well...the music was blaring, they were being loud, Beau is being really ratty and I just flipped. I went up there and knocked on their door. Nothing. So banged on their door. Still nothing. So I had to go outside and press their buzzer - someone then poked their head out the window. I said 'I've just been knocking on your door and you didn't answer, can you turn your music down' her reply was ''yeah'' and that was it. She only looked about 16, if that. She lives there with two guys. But they purposely ignored my knocking because everytime I knocked they shouted louder, then went quiet again, so knocked and they became loud again. Adam said he heard me knocking on their door from down here. They did turn it down thankfully, still being loud but no shitty music blaring out anymore.

I feel so stressed out, I have a banging headache because of it and all I want to do is cry. I can't believe I still have to wait 5 weeks before I can move :cry: :cry: Doesn't help that Beau is being super ratty today aswell. And you know what makes my blood boil is that when Adam bumped in to one of the lads he told him we had an 8 week old baby - all he said to that was 'oh have you' yet they STILL blare their music out like an hour after being told that!!!!

Tomorrow night, if they play music that loud I will be calling the police. I'm not having it.

arrrghhghghghghghgkdjfhgdf.jh I shouldn't have to put up with this :cry: :cry: :cry:
:hugs: is the music upsetting Beau even more? I definitely feel your pain after a crappy few days over here as well. When they are ratty it makes things 100times worse, and just makes you feel awful.

If you've been feeling down for a while do you think it's a bit of the baby blues? People never think they feel down enough for anyone to help, but sometimes just talking to someone about how you feel can really help.

After my mc last January I was just in a terrible place for months, and it got to the point where I made an appointment with my GP to see about getting some antidepressants. I burst into tears in the appointment and told her EXACTLY what I was feeling - no holds barred. And that was that. After months of feeling horrific, I started to feel better that same day. I didn't think just talking could help that much, but it did. So maybe worth thinking about?
Yes I think it could be a bit of baby blues.... But after letting off some steam to you guys and my mum (even if it is over phone) I feel better - oh and the three glasses of wine (whoops). But I know what you mean, sometimes we just need to talk. I am one of these people that feel a bit of a burden opening up to people so I tend to keep it in. Which isn't always the best thing to do.

I've had depression in the past and my mum suffers from it too so I was worrying about post natal depression. I don't think I have that, but definitely don't feel 100%. Hopefully things will become much better once we are out of here.

Well since moaning earlier, they are surprisingly quiet. I think they may have gone out... Hopefully it's made them think twice about their party tomorrow... Because I WILL go mad if its OTT!
I am so amazed I have to share!!! Beau slept nearly 11 hours!!! Wow! I had to get up at 7:30 to make sure she was ok. She woke shortly after then. I can't believe it. When she did get up she only drank 2oz of milk. She never drinks much on her first feed but I thought she'd do a little more than that.
And here I came along ready to boast about another night of 7hrs 15mins (on the nose...she must have a weird in built timer) but WHOA!! 11 hours?! That's insane! I hope you enjoyed the full night of sleep! I tend to wake up several times anyway :wacko: but then again I always have.

So we were talking last night and think Isabelle might need more stimulation when she's awake. At the minute if she is having a long stretch of awake she goes on her playmat. Sometimes when I am changing her nappy I let her kick about with a nakey bum which she loves, or else she is usually in her bouncer. But we think she is getting bored of her bouncer.

What does everyone else do with LO during awake time? We also chat with her, sing, sometimes read a book (but I try to only do stories at bedtime).
Your stretch is really good also! I can't believe how much Beau did. She still went for a nap an hour after waking up lol.

I struggle to know what to do with her in the day.. I still want to buy her something to sit in and play. She likes being carried faced forward then have a walk around, it's the only time she is silent!! She will sit on my knee while I watch telly or sit on the laptop but she gets bored. I'll lay her on the bed or the rug in her bedroom and talk to her and play with her legs and arms (pull them out and towards her ect). She likes looking at her elephant that I brought the other week i but have to move it around. Adam doesn't play with her or anything though.... Not sure why? He'll just hold her.
Up every 3 hours here! It's 2:30 am. She had a few good nights but now it's back to her old ways. I wanna rip out my hair. I wonder if she'll ever be a good sleeper. I'm so jealous of you ladies.

We do lots of talking, singing, listen to music, funny faces, use the play gym, sit up in the bumbo or boppy, be carried around, go outside and look at the trees, visit friends and family, go to the store, sit in front of the mirror, tummy time.
When izzy can hold her head up I guess I can do more, eg more tummy time as I hate how she just face plants atm, and sitting up in a bumbo etc. but more or less sounds like I am doing the same as you ladies. Phew! I was starting to think we were ignoring her and leaving her developmentally stunted :haha:

Lindsey sorry to hear last night wasnt good. I know Izzys good stretch the last two nights won't last forever either, but hopefully as we all move forward we will see more and more good nights, and fewer bad ones.
4:30 and we're up again. I feel so hopeless about sleep sometimes. This was my biggest fear having a baby - no sleep. I just thought it would be better by her age.

I'm hoping it's just the start of her 12 week growth spurt (she's 11 weeks tomorrow) because she used to be a great self-soother and tonight she has not been content until she eats.

Sarah, I think our babies get a lot of stimulation just watching us! I put the bouncer in the kitchen while I'm doing dishes and making dinner, or sit her up on the bed next to me while I fold clothes, and she seems to enjoy just watching and being talked to.
Lindsey, 11 weeks already!!! Time has flown by hasn't it.

Every baby is different, people think its the norm for them to sleep through, but they don't. My baby brother who turned 2 the other day STILL wakes in the night. Not for feeds, he just struggles to stay asleep and got in to a habit of climbing out of his cot and walked in to my mums room so he can sleep with her. They got annoyed eventually so took the side of his cot down and popped a gate on his door. That way they don't need to worry about him hurting himself but stays in his own room.
Then there is our friend whose LO is 6 months nearly, he still wakes at 4/5am for a feed. He was a nightmare baby for a long time. Very ratty and they were up during the night for a long time. I guess you never get used to but learn to deal with it in those situations.

I hope Isabelle does start sleeping longer stretches soon, she will! But it's the whole not knowing when it will happen isn't it. Does she have plenty of naps during the day? Beau is awful when she doesn't. I am expecting her up tonight as she hasn't had one proper nap today with us being at my mums, it's been very noisy there. As I type this, she has been in bed for over 20 minutes but is still wide awake but know she is tired. Whenever she is like this she doesn't have good nights.

Well, we have been out all day at my mums. With it being Reuben's birthday we had a little party/BBQ for him. On the way home I was dreading it, it was 7:45 and I didn't know what I was going to arrive back to (with the whole party thing going off). As we got close we saw that their windows weren't open (they are always hanging out there smoking ect).... So drove in, parked up, walked inside .... No music. And it's now 8:30 and still nothing. Can't hear them or anything. So I assume my little moan yesterday actually did something and they have buggered off somewhere else. Thank god!!

Now I am feeling rather tired so I'm going to relax, watch some tv then have an early night :)
:happydance: for no party! As long as it doesn't start at midnight or something!!!

Isabelle sleeps plenty during the day, she has a big sleep about an hour after getting up, and actually sleeps most of the afternoon. I think she's just, like you said, being a baby. She's tiny, and can't always make it too long woot her food. Which will probably be tonight as her bedtime feed wasnt great, she kept pulling off and wriggling and generally being a bit silly!

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