First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Bless her. I was told by my health visitor that you should try and get them to eat often in the day as it normally results in better nights. Beau still feeds every 2 hours so we tend to feed her after her nap. But she mostly only drinks 2oz then does the occasional 4oz during the day. I'm not complaining about the regular feeding though, it keeps her happy.
Oh Isabelle has no trouble on the frequent feeding front! She wakes every hour and a half to two hours during the day to munch, then drops off again! Longest she'll go is three hours during the day, and that's only if she has been in the car or pram and is therefore distracted!

Lindsey, I'm so sorry you had such a shitty night. I can't believe Sarah is 11weeks already! Fingers crossed this is just another growth spurt. Remember, even at three months they are still so little, so a better sleep will come eventually. Not that that's much consolation at the minute :hugs:
Thanks, ladies. Sarah was only waking up to eat once during the night so I guess that's why I had such a hard time last night. I can only hope that tonight is different. I still expect her to wake 1-2 times to eat but 4 times in one night was certainly discouraging. Plus, I wish we'd never moved her into her own room. She does fine but I don't! I actually sleep in her room most of the time. I guess I have a little separation anxiety. :blush:
Lauren - Lol @ your dream! :haha: Weird though coz the day you posted that, I'd had an email from my friend inviting me to go and visit her in Nottingham! lol.

Wow Beau's stretch was incredible! And to only take 2 oz when she woke up after such a long time?!! You'd think she'd be starving!!!
Jon is the same with Tyne - he doesn't really play. He does sing songs to him and talk to him sometimes, but most of the time when he has hold of Tyne he literally just holds him and occasionally says "Hello Sunshine" and "Aren't you beautiful" - thats about it!!! lol.
I'm glad there was no party! Sounds like you scared them off!!! hehe!

Sarah - Go Izzy on her 7 hours 15 mins too! hehe!

I know what you mean about feeling like you need to be doing more stimulation wise - I feel the same way. We're doing the same things as everybody else - tummy time (he's not a fan, though....he gets bored after about 30 seconds!), lots of singing (he loves it!), watching TV on my lap (he's a big BGT and Top Gear fan lol), walking around, going out to look at the trees, sitting in his various chairs, chatting/coo-ing (he's started coo-ing back now which is cute!), looking at books, play gym, wrist/foot finders - but for some reason I still feel like he needs more stimulation.

I think its just because I'M bored - we do the same things over and over again, so because it feels repetitive to me I'm worried that he must be bored with it - but I'm sure they're fine and perfectly stimulated, there's really nothing more they can do just now!

Lindsey - We're still awake every 3 or 4 hours too. I really think its totally normal. I know 11 weeks old sounds old but they're still such tiny, brand new little babies when you think about it. They haven't had much time to get used to the world yet and it just takes some babies longer than others to settle into a routine.
I know what you mean about sleep being your big worry with having a baby, it was one of mine too - but even though the sleep thing is hard, there's bound to be some things that Sarah is "easy" with that other babies will be more difficult with - its all swings & roundabouts.

I'm not obsessing any more about sleeping and wondering when Tyne will start to sleep through or sleep for longer stretches - he's just going to do it when he does it, and no amount of obsessing from me is going to make it happen any sooner or make the wakeful nights any easier!!
TBH I have never been somebody who likes early nights anyway - I could never be somebody who goes to bed before midnight, its just not in me - even when I used to work at 6 am I would still never be in bed before 1 am! I just can't do it - so having Tyne be awake through the night isn't too much of a bother. I'd actually prefer that than have him be an early riser - my nieces are awake at 6 am sharp every day and THAT was my big fear - I like my lay-ins!!! But luckily Tyne seems to do his best sleeping from around 5-9 am - which suits me fine! :haha:

AFM - We went to Kiddicare yesterday and Jon bought Tyne a really cute new bouncer. Its all pale blue checks, and has a toy bar with cute little hearts that make noises and a little teddy bear - its very "bouncy" too which is what I wanted! (So many of them seem to be so rigid!) Tyne loves it as its much more upright than his rocker or his swing!

I looked at the Bumbos while I was there but I decided to hold off - it probably sounds daft but I want to keep him as my little newborn for as long as possible, I don't think I'm ready to see him sitting up yet! lol! So I'm gonna give it a month or so before I buy one of those. I also saw a really cute doorway bouncer in the form of a little blue car - it was for age 4 months + so I'm gonna get one as soon as he's old enough! They're so cute!

being in there looking at all the toys made me so excited for christmas!!!! :happydance:
Christmas already!!! Haha. I am looking forward to our first Christmas actually, so is Adam which is crazy. He is a right scruge when it comes to the festive season, think its because his werent very good when he was growing up as his single mother had to work most years so he'd go to his grandparents or something. They didn't always have an Xmas tree at his house! How sad is that :( so think now he can have that family Christmas he has obviously always craved.

How strange about you being invited to Nottingham!! Will you be going to see your friend?

Lindsey, hope Sarah has a better night tonight. Maybe you should move her back to your room? It's no good for you if your not happy with it. Be careful not to stay in her room too much as you don't want it to become a habit you'll never getting out of! Beau only sleeps in her room for naps but I like her in our room, think I'd too be waking up all night if she wasn't.

Well she slept 11 hours again last night which I was surprised at with her not napping properly in the day. This morning she drank 6oz though! Which is good. She must have been hungry :)

I can't be bothered to do anything. We have Adam's mum coming round soon and I need to get ready and tidy up a smidge... I would really much prefer to just stay on the sofa in my pjs :O)
Lindsey I know it isn't actually any help, but Isabelle is the same way. Some nights she is up once to feed, some nights twice, some(horrific) nights its five times. So you aren't alone.
Why don't you bring Sarah back into your room? You any be getting much sleep in her room, and if you aren't happy, just move her back for a while, then try it again.

Lauren that's so sad about Adam's Christmases when he was little :( but I bet it makes him work extra hard to make sure Beau always has a great time. And another 11hrs? I'm so jealous!!

Hayley I saw Tyne's bouncer on fb - he looked so comfy! I am so jealous of your kiddicare trip. I imagine its just floor to ceiling baby heaven!! Did you get anything else?

I already know what I want to get Isabelle for Christmas- a rocking horse. I saw a gorgeous one on the debenhams (or maybe next..) website a while ago which I loved and almost bought at the time, but it was before she was born so it felt a bit silly!

The last two nights Isabelle hasn't gone to sleep well. Both nights she's self settled, but only stayed asleep for 30/45mins then woken up and been awake, then I put her to sleep for 10 mins, then awake again...that lasts another 30/45mins. So last night she wasnt asleep properly until 11! Ridiculously late for her. And she only slept til 2.30, then til 5am. She was properly up at 6.30 and althought that isn't so bad, I just feel exhausted today. And in a grump with Simon for no real reason....
Sarah, I want to buy a rocking horse too. But an old fashioned vintage this

Not that exact one, I have seen much prettier ones out there. Just wanted to show you which type I meant.

So, I have just been on the baby club page and someone was asking about gift ideas for their babies first birthday. They wanted some type of keep-safe item. Then people started talking about a charm bracelet and I sooo want to steal that idea. So I have been looking online and come accross this lovely one

I'm not a fan of Pandora though, I prefer the look of Swarovski bracelets.
Lauren my cousins had a rocking horse like that when we were little, and I used to love going to their house (like once a year!) to play on it! I would be getting a less traditional one, more than likely one of these (not the pink one though!)

Well, she just went down asleep, and ten mins later woke up again. Simon went to her for a change and she is now screaming her head off. Brilliant start to the night.
Lauren - awww bless Adam! :/ It will be lovely for him to have a nice proper family Christmas at last!!

Yeah I am def going to go to Nottingham. Its actually for a Bloggers & Babies meet up hehe! While I was pregnant I got talking to two other pregnant bloggers (A bit like this, we just used to talk all through the pregnancy about our symptoms etc!) , and they both live near Nottingham - so we decided to meet up now that we've all had the babies! :D

Wow, go Beau with 11 hours again!!!

A charm bracelet is a lovely idea for 1st birthday! I know what you mean though - I'm not a fan of Pandora myself. I think its waaaay too adored by everyone atm, you should go for something thats going to be timeless and still have its "name" when Beau is older - for the price of Pandora you could get her something from Tiffany & Co and you know thats going to stand the test of time and be worth a lot when she's older!!

I <3 Tiffany - I'm still considering using Tyne's Christening money to buy him a silver rattle from there as a keepsake!

Sarah - Kiddicare really is baby heaven! Its only just opened in Liverpool, is there not one near you yet? If not they do seem to be opening up branches all over atm!!!
We also got a couple of outfits (BAD Hayley! He now he 36 outfits that currently fit him - its ridiculous. Its like a disease...I literally cannot stop myself.), and a digital thermometer.
But we're def going back next month for the car bouncer I saw - and maybe the plane rocker I want for Christmas. And maybe a Bumbo, I'm not sure yet lol.

Aww I LOVE Rocking horses!!! SO cute! I would maybe have got one for Tyne but I just fell in love with the airplane rocker and its too similar - a rocking horse can wait until another occasion hehe.

Hey you should get Simon to email Little Bird Told Me about reviewing it on his blog!! That company contacted me last week and sent me this to review - the unisex one, obv!:

I hope Izzy settles tonight.

AFM - Tyne has been in SUCH a bad mood for most of today! He was fine this morning but since then he keeps going to sleep but then waking up in a really bad mood. Just crying for nothing.
He takes ages to drop off to sleep too and seems so unsettled - when hes awake he seems shattered, but when he eventually stops fighting sleep and drops off he only lasts 20 minutes and then hes awake and grumpy again! :/

Last night was fun - Tyne slept from about 11 until 4, then he refused point blank to go back to sleep!! lol. I even brought him into our bed and he still just laid there, eyes wide open, chattering away until I forced Jon out of bed at 6.30 am to entertain him while I slept until 11. Lol.

I'd say fingers crossed for a better night tonight but I can tell he's going to be exactly the same :D Fun!!!
Oh hayley I will tell him that! That'd be amazing if they sent him something lol!

What you described about Tyne today was Isabelle on Tuesday. The good news is she got much better as the week went on, so hopefully Tyne will not put you through it again later this week! Although a bad night followed by a bad day :nope: exhaustion. :hugs:

Well I am very....ARGGHHH right now. The last three days I have had no time to myself at all. Usually because she sleeps in the evening I have a few hours to myself, but the last three nights she just HASN'T. She went to bed two hours ago and she is still crying. I am up and down all evening to her, and I haven't even been able to sit down and do anything for more than ten minutes.

I just feel like bursting into tears. Is it so much to want an hour to myself? I mean, she does this every so often, maybe once a week, but three nights in a row is too much. I don't mind so much getting up three times during the night for twenty mins to feed her, but having no time to myself at all is just getting too much. And it's ok for Simon, when I'm feeding her at night he leaves the mess in her room of her clothes etc and toddles off downstairs to sit down and watch whatever he fancies on TV. Which means once I finish feeding her I also have to tidy up, and then by the time I'm now done with that she is awake and crying again, meanwhile he can do whatever he fancies.
Sarah, Adam is like that too sometimes (leaving mess everywhere), it drives me mad. I'll be doing something - whether that be looking after Beau or cleaning up, then I'm picking up after him too. What really really gets on my nerves, this morning as an example... He got up for work (working away all week again) and instead of sorting out the pots in the sink (like I used to do before going to work if it needed doing) , he doesn't, just leaves it. Then leaves his coffee cup lying around. He obviously thinks sitting on his iPad is much more important. Grr men!

But I do feel for you, it must be hard when she is unsettled all the time and feel as though you have to do everything. Maybe you should tell Simon to look after Isabelle for a bit while you go out and leave him a list of things to do! Or take Isabelle out with you ... And leave him with a bigger list! That way he has no excuse not to do it. I have to tell Adam to do stuff, which annoys me... But it's the only way he'll ever bloody do anything.

I love that little rocking horse :) I have seen a really cute hedgehog one in mamas and papas I like so I am quite tempted to get it.

Hayley, I saw that plane which is really cute :) I am terrible for picking stuff up for Beau too. However, I'm not a fan of kiddicare. I went in there for the first time when pregnant and though OMG but now i just don't like it. If you want a pushchair or carseat then yes, it's great... But I personally prefer mothercare. Especially for clothes.

Oh, we have that elephant from mamas and papas which I brought the other week. I'd definitely recommend it if you want something to entertain babies with. Beau really likes it. It has crinkly ears, vibrates when you pull a bird, jingly legs, tags and string off its trunk, a mirror, bright colours and black and white, different textures and .... I think that's it? But it's great.

I want to post some photos :) but will do that later when I'm on the laptop
Sarah - definitely worth a go!! :thumbup:

I'm hoping Tyne settles soon. Do you think its growth spurts that they're having?! Is Izzy in a "leap" at the moment? Tyne is - it says 7 days to go but I think he started it early so I'm hoping for an early finish lol.

Aww it is awful when you feel you don't get anytime to yourself. Do you tell Simon how you feel?
If I were you I'd just have a bloody massive go at him and tell him exactly what you want him to do. I don't believe in pussyfooting around men - they need to just sodding well be told! hehe! :haha:

I had murder with Jon this morning coz I was up all night with Tyne and I asked him at 6.30 am to get up and take a turn while I got some sleep - he'd been asleep all night but OMG you'd have thought I'd asked him to run a marathon or something. The bitching and moaning!!! He was like a spoiled little girl. But he did it and I got my sleep!

Lauren -Oh nooo, I don't think Kiddicare is anything like Mothercare. I like Mothercare for clothes (Well...sometimes, I can't stand that Baby K range they do - god I hate Mylene Klaas an unhealthy amount! That woman is a walking annoyance and I have no idea who decided that standing in a white bikini under a waterfall made her a good candidate to design baby clothes - they are hideous!) but I think they're SUCH a rip off for everything else and they don't sell much in the way of toys and gifty stuff.

I think for clothes Mamas & Papas and Next are my favourite. Mamas & Papas are pricey but the quality makes them worth it, and I think Next are so cheap for how nice their clothes are!
I sometimes like TK Maxx too but it depends - some weeks there is literally nothing in (Though they do have gorgeous Ralph Lauren baby shoes in atm!)

I love Kiddicare coz they have such a humungous range of toys! Its like Toys R Us but for Babies (Which you'd think Babies R Us would be - but I find their collection to be really small and boring! Mostly all cots & highchairs, etc!).
I don't know if all the Kiddicare branches are the same coz I've only been to one - but ours has a massive section in the middle where they have all the big toys (play houses, kitchens, bikes, scooters, hop-alongs, etc) out for the kids to play with - I think its so cute as you just see all the Dads and the kiddies playing there while the Mums are shopping! has a starbucks inside!! In my opinion nothing beats browsing baby things while sipping on a frappucino! :haha: Its my idea of heaven!

AFM - another unsettled night with Tyne. He fell asleep at around 9pm and slept until 2 am - but then instead of waking for his bottle, he was WIDE AWAKE!!! Admittedly I'm my own worst enemy coz he was being cute and chatting away, so I played with him for a while!
But then he wouldnt sleep. He finally dropped off around 4.30 am but only cuddled in next to me - so then I couldnt sleep properly.

Oh well! Today he's been a nice smiley, chatty mood which is fun. We're just about to go out somewhere - can't beleive how nice the weather is after last week!!!

I'm still feeling really unwell so I do need to make a Drs appointment but I want to try and enjoy the day while the weather is nice and Jon's off for the day.

I'm thinking of putting Tyne onto extra extra diluted baby juice, I'm gonna have a look at some while we're out....he currently has milk and water but I feel like with the weather being so hot, he could do with having more to drink and I think something more interesting might encourage him to take more. He's hardly touched his milk today but I can't blame him - I don't think I'd be keen on drinking claggy warm milk in this heat :wacko:
Kiddo are has a Starbucks? Simon and I need to get on this! We love Starbucks! I agree that next are amazing for baby clothes- beautiful stuff, well made, and not too expensive! Isabelle has the entire Next range from all the gifts we got!

Um...she just peed and pooped on the sofa :haha: she was having a bit if nakey bum time, I had a nappy underneath but whatever way my mum was sitting next to her, when she peed it streamed off her onto the sofa...twice! So I went to get a new vest as it was wet, come in just in time to see my mum holding her, still nudey bum, and she poops in my mums hand and it drips onto the sofa :rofl: my mum thought it was hilarious!me, not so much as the sofa covers now need washed!

It took 2.5hrs last night from initial put down to get her into a proper sleep :wacko: the only thing that will settle her is boob, so I think it's maybe a Growth spurt? I hope.

My health visitor came today at 11.30am. Shame I was expecting her last week and so was out! I was at my bf group where she was weighed at 11lb 1oz. Her weight and length are both 50th centile.......her head circumference is 90th!!! Massive headed fool! I blame her hair...
Hayley - So cute about Tyne giggling! Glad you have nothing to worry about with the umbilical hernia.

Hope he sleeps better for you tonight.

Lauren - I feel so bad about the crap you have to deal with, with your neighbors. I would definitely call the police if they keep being so loud since management doesn't seem to be doing anything.

11 hours of uninterrupted sleep?! I can't even imagine. I'm thrilled when I get 4 hours.

Sarah - I hope staying with Simon's parents doesn't mess Isabelle's routine up too much. Aiden sleeps so much the two times we've came back from Indiana. My mom and sister fuss over him so much that he basically doesn't get any sleep. I posted more about the Indiana trip below.

Is Isabelle still being hard on Simon? I can only imagine how awful he must feel.

7 hours of sleep is pretty impressive. I think the longest Aiden has ever had is 6 hours and I believe that has only happened once.

During the day I spend a lot of time talking to Aiden, sometimes he goes on his activity mat or his bouncer. He gets bored with that stuff though so I do a lot of sitting him up in various places and just letting him watch what is happening in different areas. He's very interested in what is going on around him.

Lindsey - Sorry Sarah hasn't been sleeping very well for you. Hopefully she is just going through a growth spurt like you said and will be sleeping more for you soon.

AFM - My cousin's graduation was great. I forgot my hair dryer at home though so I had to let my hair dry naturally which means I hate every picture I'm in from that day since I think I look awful. :(

This trip to Indiana was a lot more frustrating then the last one. My mom and sister really start to irritate me when we're in Indiana. They're constantly wanting to hold Aiden which I don't mind if they want to hold him because he does like to be held but it really makes me mad when they act like DH or I can't hold him. It seriously seemed like they wanted me to go feed him and then pass him right back to one of them after he was done eating and not have any cuddle time with him. I told my mom no one of the times she asked to take him and she had to pout about it and say "but I want to hold him". I just ignored her and continued holding my baby.

Then it seemed like my mom and sister were constantly making comments about how DH and I do things. You would think DH was killing Aiden with the way my mom acted every time he played with Aiden. It also felt like my mom kept acting like we're incapable of caring for our son. It seriously felt like she was watching me like a hawk when I was with him and it seemed like she was constantly trying to tell me what to do. Like she kept making comments about how Aiden must be cold even though everyone is wearing shorts and it's over 70 degrees out. Then when we all went to the store I had gotten Aiden asleep and at some point he moved his hand up so his bib was up by his face. It wasn't covering his mouth or nose or anything so I told my mom it was fine when she commented about it. Then as soon as I take my hands off the stroller to look at something, my mom seemed to think this gave her permission to take over pushing the stroller and sure enough the next time I look at Aiden his bib is all straightened, and shortly after that he's awake again which meant he was fussy all the way back to my parents house. She eventually got me so frustrated by doing stuff like that, that I yelled at her.

In other news, DH and I were successful at DTD. It still hurt but not so much that we had to stop. Hopefully it will stop hurting soon since I really didn't get any enjoyment out of it.
Hayley, your kiddicare sounds sooo much better than mine!! The toy section is pants and they have nothing you can play on on with :( like the little rocking things ect are all up on a shelf around head height. They have a really small selection of clothes too but a HUGE pushchair/car seat section. They have a cafe too but that's not particuarly great. The mothercare next door is much nicer to walk around and have the early learning section. Not seen those clothes though... I'll see what they look like next time I go. The retail park has a nice costa though - with a drive thru :)

Sarah, as I said on fb. Beau also popped everywhere!! Only just got to Mandy's, she picked her up and started doing a poo. I was just about to get her changing mat out ect when suddenly, what I thought was wee, squirted out the side of her nappy ALL over the place. I soon realised that it wasn't wee, it was poo!! The carpets were new aswell so I felt really embarrassed. It must have been the way she was being held or something, that may have left a slight gap in her nappy? But it's never happened before!!

Hayley, are we able to give them water now?? I thought they had to be a few months old first due to too much liquid thinning their blood and causing tummy problems? I'll look online in a mo..

Beau was up at 3:30ish last night then again at 8. She usually settles well if its before 5, after 5 then it takes her ages to drop back to sleep.

Oh, she has a sticky eye again too :(

The weather has been lovely. Roll on when I get my garden so I can enjoy it more!! :D
Sarah - Ha! I love Starbucks too! LOL @ the massive headed fool comment! I love that you have that way of talking about Izzy - I do that too and my Mum always tells me how evil I am! lol.
I wonder what Tyne's head centile thingy is - I was fuming coz I'd bought him a super cute little baseball cap for the sunny weather. He wore it once about 2 weeks ago, today I tried to put it on him and his big fat head was too huge!! Grrrrr!!!

Brittany - Its so funny you said that about your hair coz I looked at your FB pics and thought how nice it looked!!! We're all our own worst critics though.
I'm glad DTD went better. I'm sure the pain will stop eventually.

As for your mum & sister, mine are exactly the same way. I think a lot of mothers just can't help being that way and thinking their way is the only way. My mother is FOREVER commenting on things - Tyne is either too hot or too cold no matter what way I dress him, no matter where you sit him there'll be something "dangerous" about it - oh and don't get me started on Jon! She makes out like he is obviously going to accidentally kill the baby because everything he does it SO stupid of course - he can't even walk down the stairs holding Tyne without her commenting that he "walks too fast down the stairs" and is going to trip! :dohh:
Mothers!!! - lets pray we don't end up just like them!!!! :wacko:

Lauren - Aww maybe our Kiddicare is a flagship one or something? I know its brand new, it only opened about 2 months ago. It is HUGE - it has a big section for pushchairs with a "test track" and a huge section for car seats, but also has aisles and aisles of toys, rockers, bouncers, bumbos, etc etc - and aisles and aisles of clothes and stuff too!
Plus cots, beds, etc - I actually saw the bed I want to get for Tyne...HA! How ridiculous - but I'm tempted to buy it incase it goes out of stock - even though it will be years before he uses it!!!

Oh no, you can definitely give them water now. They recommend it as it helps with their bowels. Our health visitor told us to start giving Tyne bottles of cool boiled water in between feeds from when he was 3 weeks old, coz he was a bit constipated. He's had it ever since then!

AFM - Tyne is SO unsettled today, I'm a bit worried. We went out for the day and he was fine, he just slept for most of it. But since we got home nothing will console him - he took 5 ounces when we first got in, but then he has just screamed since then - then he fell asleep leaning against my chest for about 20 minutes - now he's just woken up again and taken another 3 ounces (its only been an hour since he took the 5!) and is again, screaming.

He's getting so red and hot and worked up - I feel awful as he keeps looking into my eyes as it to say "Help me!" and I have no idea what can be wrong with him. I've winded him, fed him, changed him, cuddled him, gave him water, stripped him down to his nappy incase he's too hot - nothing works.

He's just taken a 5 minute breather and is now asleep next to Jon on the bed :wacko:

I hope he's ok. We were supposed to be going out tonight for a meal and the cinema tonight but I'd rather not if he's like this, though my mum insists she'll be fine with him!
Sorry Brittany, I missed your post when I posted mine! Sorry to hear about your family behaving that way. I too would be majorly pissed! Fortunately I don't have the problem of people taking over but I get annoyed about people doing things - for example, trying to force her to take more milk when she clearly doesn't want anymore! That makes me really angry! Then you tell them, but they ignore you!!! Or they try burping her too much (she doesn't always burp, or they lie her down when holding when she doesn't like it and if she cries i have to ask for her back!! And btw, it's Adam's family that do this, not mine as they let me do everything and can tell when I want her back. Really infuriates me.

Glad bedtime fun was easier this time round. My first few times were painful or uncomfortable... Think a lot of it was psychological though. But now, like over the weekend, we had amazing sex and it was the first time I actually really enjoyed myself :)

Hayley, our kiddicare opened while I was pregnant so it's not too old either. This one has a big section for beds ect too (I have also seen nice ones in there :) ). Maybe some are just different to others. Shame really.

Beau hasn't been her happy self either this afternoon :( all she has done is sleep and I put her to bed at 7:30 (15 minutes or so after a really long nap). Hope she isn't coming down with anything :(
Hayley Isabelle did a similar bit of nonsense earlier. Sometimes it's just impossible to know what these kids want, and its heartbreaking. Maybe he's growing, and was just super hungry? Isabelle ate for an hour almost without a break, it was insane. And she also only fell asleep on me. I hope that it isn't an indication of how either of our nights are going to be!
If you go out I hope you have a good time, though I understand why you wouldn't want to leave him when he's in that mood.
Did you buy a snuza go when you were pregnant? I know we talked about them, and I got mine....but have NEVER used it! £50 wasted methinks! I'm not sure whether to sell it on, or whether I may use it sometime...

Brittany you look great in those pics! I think your hair is amazing, but I know how if even one of my hair is sitting funny I hate it, even if nobody else would notice. I loved Aiden's little outfit for the graduation, adorable! He is just getting more and more handsome everyday, I love all the pics you out up of him.
How do you get on with cloth diapering when you go away? I'm in a bit of a panic about how we will manage when we are away this week. I'm only taking 21 with me, and plan to wash each night but just hope we have enough.
I so glad that dtd went better, I'm sure it will take a while for things to feel more normal in that area, but at least you know you can do it, and i hope that takes any worries away that you might have had.
Sounds like your mom was being a pain in the ass about Aiden. I'm sure she didn't mean to criticise, but I don't think people realise when they 'question' everything you do, it just sounds like they think you do everything wrong. My mum is also obsessed with Isabelle being cold, must be a grandma thing!

Lauren poop on the carpet?! Noooo!! At least I can wash the sofa cover easily, the carpet isn't good at all! That must have been some sight to see :haha: not long til you move which time the nice weather will probably be long gone!

Afm well Isabelle went down with no problem again tonight. Now I am just waiting for her to start her wake up, cry, settle, sleep for ten mins and repeat, like she has the last 3 nights. I'm prepared for it tonight though, and have talked myself into it being cluster feeding and a growth spurt issue (which means it will end) rather than a sleep issue (which may not)
Meanwhile I am trying to pack for our trip. I always pack for Simon as well, but told him this time he had to decide what clothes he was bringing himself as Isabelle's stuff is just so MUCH that I can't deal with choosing his stuff too! I hope we fit it all in...I have to pack her monitor and things, as well as all her cloth nappies. I see a 'sitting on the suitcase' moment in my near future!
How was Isabelle? Did she have a better night?

Well Beau had one of her 'off nights' and I feel like a zombie again. As I said last night, I had to put her to bed at 7:30 which is early for her, I slept shortly after 11. She woke at half 1 but was really stuffy, fed her anyway and gave her some saline drops (I finally brought some) then about 40 minutes after falling back to sleep, she woke up again but this time went back to sleep. Then up at 4, stuffy again but wanted feeding... Took her a while to go back to sleep but at least she could breath. Then I was up at 7:30... And still up. So made a coffee and will go in the shower once she goes for her nap at 9.

I brought her a couple of nice outfits from Asda yesterday :) so will dress her in one of them today. They have some nice clothes, just wish the quality was a little better as their baby grows ect didn't last very long due to them losing their shape.
Here are some photos to share of ones little munchkin :flower:

One with her Grandma...or Mamma..or Nanny....we still have no name lol. Then another with Freya (my little sister :)). Then one in her new sun hat which I think is soo cute and the other of her staring at herself in my wardrobe mirror. She will literally lie there for hours just looking at herself lol.


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