Lauren - Lol @ your dream!

Weird though coz the day you posted that, I'd had an email from my friend inviting me to go and visit her in Nottingham! lol.
Wow Beau's stretch was incredible! And to only take 2 oz when she woke up after such a long time?!! You'd think she'd be starving!!!
Jon is the same with Tyne - he doesn't really play. He does sing songs to him and talk to him sometimes, but most of the time when he has hold of Tyne he literally just holds him and occasionally says "Hello Sunshine" and "Aren't you beautiful" - thats about it!!! lol.
I'm glad there was no party! Sounds like you scared them off!!! hehe!
Sarah - Go Izzy on her 7 hours 15 mins too! hehe!
I know what you mean about feeling like you need to be doing more stimulation wise - I feel the same way. We're doing the same things as everybody else - tummy time (he's not a fan, though....he gets bored after about 30 seconds!), lots of singing (he loves it!), watching TV on my lap (he's a big BGT and Top Gear fan lol), walking around, going out to look at the trees, sitting in his various chairs, chatting/coo-ing (he's started coo-ing back now which is cute!), looking at books, play gym, wrist/foot finders - but for some reason I still feel like he needs more stimulation.
I think its just because I'M bored - we do the same things over and over again, so because it feels repetitive to me I'm worried that he must be bored with it - but I'm sure they're fine and perfectly stimulated, there's really nothing more they can do just now!
Lindsey - We're still awake every 3 or 4 hours too. I really think its totally normal. I know 11 weeks old sounds old but they're still such tiny, brand new little babies when you think about it. They haven't had much time to get used to the world yet and it just takes some babies longer than others to settle into a routine.
I know what you mean about sleep being your big worry with having a baby, it was one of mine too - but even though the sleep thing is hard, there's bound to be some things that Sarah is "easy" with that other babies will be more difficult with - its all swings & roundabouts.
I'm not obsessing any more about sleeping and wondering when Tyne will start to sleep through or sleep for longer stretches - he's just going to do it when he does it, and no amount of obsessing from me is going to make it happen any sooner or make the wakeful nights any easier!!
TBH I have never been somebody who likes early nights anyway - I could never be somebody who goes to bed before midnight, its just not in me - even when I used to work at 6 am I would still never be in bed before 1 am! I just can't do it - so having Tyne be awake through the night isn't too much of a bother. I'd actually prefer that than have him be an early riser - my nieces are awake at 6 am sharp every day and THAT was my big fear - I like my lay-ins!!! But luckily Tyne seems to do his best sleeping from around 5-9 am - which suits me fine!
AFM - We went to Kiddicare yesterday and Jon bought Tyne a really cute new bouncer. Its all pale blue checks, and has a toy bar with cute little hearts that make noises and a little teddy bear - its very "bouncy" too which is what I wanted! (So many of them seem to be so rigid!) Tyne loves it as its much more upright than his rocker or his swing!
I looked at the Bumbos while I was there but I decided to hold off - it probably sounds daft but I want to keep him as my little newborn for as long as possible, I don't think I'm ready to see him sitting up yet! lol! So I'm gonna give it a month or so before I buy one of those. I also saw a really cute doorway bouncer in the form of a little blue car - it was for age 4 months + so I'm gonna get one as soon as he's old enough! They're so cute!
being in there looking at all the toys made me so excited for christmas!!!!