First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I was just thankful my OH wasn't here, because I'm sure he wouldn't have been able to stomach seeing me vomit all over the hallway and would have only added to the mess.

I can't believe I'm still suffering at almost 15 weeks pg. And here I was thinking I would feel great between 12-14 weeks, instead that's when my MS was at it's worst.

I really hope we start to get some relief soon.
I was just thankful my OH wasn't here, because I'm sure he wouldn't have been able to stomach seeing me vomit all over the hallway and would have only added to the mess.

I can't believe I'm still suffering at almost 15 weeks pg. And here I was thinking I would feel great between 12-14 weeks, instead that's when my MS was at it's worst.

I really hope we start to get some relief soon.

Well - it HAS to go away eventually. I just hope it happens BEFORE the baby gets here - I'm worried about being one of those pregnant ladies who has it the WHOLE way through.

My OH cleaned my mess all up after my bathroom incident the other day, lol. I wanted to do it myself coz it was SO disgusting, but he wouldn't let me - bless him, I don't think I could EVER clean up his puke. Must be love! :haha:

Hey - changing to a slightly more fun topic - have you guys all seen the thread on the main boards about the eye gender prediction?! Its SO interesting!
I'm definitely worried about being someone who has it all the way through. I recently talked to my cousin about MS and she had it until about 18 weeks. So I guess I'm just hoping that by 18 weeks I'll feel better too.

I haven't seen the eye gender prediction thread but I'm curious. I'm going to try and find it.
I'm definitely worried about being someone who has it all the way through. I recently talked to my cousin about MS and she had it until about 18 weeks. So I guess I'm just hoping that by 18 weeks I'll feel better too.

I haven't seen the eye gender prediction thread but I'm curious. I'm going to try and find it.

Fingers crossed! :thumbup:

The eye thing is basically: You get someone to check your eye, you look upward and under the iris there should be two blood vessels that look like fish hooks - at approx 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock positions - If they appear in the right eye, you're having a girl. If its left eye, its a boy. If its in both, its a girl.

People have been posting their results and it seems to be correct for about 90% of posters based on people who have already had their gender scans :)

Its interesting!

Mine is in my right eye - gender scan is two weeks today, so we'll soon find out :)
I missed a lot of posts this weekend!! I feel out of the loop now lol! Welcome and congrats Lauren, BStar, wannabewatkins! :)

We went to the casino this weekend to celebrate my parents' birthdays and their anniversary. I drank iced tea instead of beer, was fast asleep by 10 every night, and spent more time in the gift shop looking at baby clothes than I did gambling. :lol:

I'm 99.9% sure I felt the baby move for a second time. I was in the car again (2 hours of driving) and I felt it for a good 10 minutes! It felt like flutters and tumbling. And I'm pretty sure I've popped a little bit more. There is definitely a part of my stomach that I can't suck in! It's soo crazy to see/notice all these changes - the stomach is something I have to get used to. I see other people with pregnant bellies all the time but it's just so different to see one on me!! Things are getting more real every day! Fun and scary all at once lol.

I don't feel that great tonight so I'm gonna take a bath and get to bed and then tomorrow get caught up on all these new posts! :happydance:
I have had two good far. I am due to go to grand designs live on Friday so I really really hope I am well enough to go :(
I haven't missed the toilet yet when I am sick but I have noticed it literally flying out my mouth and its been splashing me back in the face!!! A few weeks ago I knew when it was coming and I could prepare myself, now if it happens I am literally running to the toilet and I get there just in time....I do live in an apartment though so I don't have to run very far, I'd hate to live in a house where the only toilet was upstairs! I'd have no chance then.

As for the eye thing, mine is in my right eye! I don't believe in all these gender guess predictions though but it will be nice to see what happens at the scan :)
I missed a lot of posts this weekend!! I feel out of the loop now lol! Welcome and congrats Lauren, BStar, wannabewatkins! :)

We went to the casino this weekend to celebrate my parents' birthdays and their anniversary. I drank iced tea instead of beer, was fast asleep by 10 every night, and spent more time in the gift shop looking at baby clothes than I did gambling. :lol:

I'm 99.9% sure I felt the baby move for a second time. I was in the car again (2 hours of driving) and I felt it for a good 10 minutes! It felt like flutters and tumbling. And I'm pretty sure I've popped a little bit more. There is definitely a part of my stomach that I can't suck in! It's soo crazy to see/notice all these changes - the stomach is something I have to get used to. I see other people with pregnant bellies all the time but it's just so different to see one on me!! Things are getting more real every day! Fun and scary all at once lol.

I don't feel that great tonight so I'm gonna take a bath and get to bed and then tomorrow get caught up on all these new posts! :happydance:

Hi Lindsey :wave:

I have a bit of my stomach that just wont budge when I suck in, at my belly button and just below! I have however, noticed that I have lost weight everywhere else :( I'm not surprised though because haven't been eating a huge amount and being sick most days. I'm sure it will all come back on though when I start eating again!!

I'm not able to do much at the moment, I booked the rest of this week off work and went out to a shop to get some bits for the home earlier and I was only out for about 45 minutes and it drained me of all energy I have!! I'm surprised I'm actually on here and not alseep! There is no way I'd be able to go out at night haha
Well down to just some tension pain in headache since massage. Gonna have to go back. She said I have so many knots that if she kept working it would overwork the muscle and make the problem even worse. Kinda looking forward to going again! It is so relaxing!
And yes....Tylenol doesn't help at all. Acetimophen is the main ingredient and it is useless for bad headaches.

As for the tummy bulges, I have noticed the same! It is a lot harder now too.

And as for vomiting...I was brushing my teeth and WHAM! Vomited in the sink. Gross. :haha:

We have been in terrible arguments about names. :( Only boy name we both like is the same name as one of my cousins....and we didn't want to copy anyone but I have like 50+ cousins! I think we're just gonna do it (if it is a boy) just to avoid anymore arguing.

The eye prediction huh? Never heard of that one. Curious to try it.

Well ladies...hang in there!

Mrs Hippo yay for the tickers! :)
I don't have the fish hooks...but have vessels in both eyes near the iris....
Lindsey, I'm not a gambler so I would have probably spent a lot of my time in the gift shop as well. That's really exciting you felt more movements. It won't be long before you're feeling them pretty regularly. :)

MrsHippo, just about every time I throw up it ends up splashing me back in the face. :sick: It especially makes me mad if I had just showered or something since I usually have to shower again since it tends to get in my hair and I just smell like vomit.

I think my issue yesterday with the projectile vomiting is I pulled out all the Halloween decorations which were buried behind the Christmas ones so I just piled all that stuff in the hallway instead of putting it back in the closet so that really slowed me down with getting to the bathroom. I'm really thankful that we have a bathroom upstairs and one downstairs so I'm never too far away from one.

MrsHippo, I also had a few good days when I was about as far along as you. I was still nauseated but pretty minor, similar to what I had when I first started getting MS. But yesterday and today it has came back pretty bad. But since we're starting to get some good days hopefully that is a sign that it'll be heading out soon. Fingers crossed!
I have two vessels in the right eye and one in the that girl?!?!

Jenny go with the name of your cousin! I know what you mean though, I have always LOVED the name Noah. My dh is only just coming round to it and its actually in our final four list. BUT a girl at school just had a son and called him Noah. I also don't want to seem like I'm copying. Sounds like you are stressed and knotted, make sure you are getting lots of massages from oh as well!

Hayley and Lindsey, I definitely have a bump! No doubt about it, no hiding it anymore. Going shopping for maternity wear this weekend!

Lindsey, exciting about feeling baby move!!! You are so lucky!

Afm, I was sick today as well. I am not suffering half as much as you ladies for sure, as that was only the second time I was sick. All dh's fault. He bought tomatoes to make chutney FOUR WEEKS AGO. I've been on at him to sort it out and wham- home today and into the house...straight out the back and sick over the fence!
According to the eye prediction test, I'm having a boy. I'll tell you in 13 days if that's true or not! :happydance:

Jenny - I agree with Sarah. OH has a million cousins and every name we like, has already been used at least once. He really likes Sydney for a girl (he spent 3 months in Australia so it's kind of sentimental for him, I guess) but doesn't want to use it because his cousin named his daughter Sydney like, 7 years ago. I don't see the harm in using that name (they live on the other side of the country) but OH isn't sure.

Sarah - You'll feel your baby move very soon, I'm sure of it!!

I'm sorry that everyone is feeling so sick! I didn't throw up last night but I was seriously hurting. OH convinced me to help him eat the rest of the pickles (can't say no to pickles!) so I had 3 of those, and then a bowl of cereal before bed. Sounded good at the time but was definitely a bad combination. :dohh:

I hope everyone starts feeling better soon!
As for the eye thing, mine is in my right eye! I don't believe in all these gender guess predictions though but it will be nice to see what happens at the scan :)

Hehe, I've tried them ALL so far - the baking soda test, the chinese
gender predictor, tarot cards, the ring test - I love it lol!

Well down to just some tension pain in headache since massage. Gonna have to go back. She said I have so many knots that if she kept working it would overwork the muscle and make the problem even worse. Kinda looking forward to going again! It is so relaxing!

We have been in terrible arguments about names. :( Only boy name we both like is the same name as one of my cousins....and we didn't want to copy anyone but I have like 50+ cousins! I think we're just gonna do it (if it is a boy) just to avoid anymore arguing.

Oooh I sooooo want a massage now! Is it safe to have all kinds of massages? I only ask coz I have a massage seat and the instructions say NOT to use it during pregnancy so I've been avoiding it but I miss it...I wonder why I can't use the chair but massages from a person are ok?

Aww I get where you're coming from, I have about 60 cousins too so its hard to find names that haven't already been used - have you settled on girl names?

I'm on a forum called Nameberry which I'm LOVING - its all people talking about baby names and giving suggestions, I LOVE it! Its so much more friendly than the name forums on Baby and Bump!

I don't have the fish hooks...but have vessels in both eyes near the iris....

Are they in the 5 and 7 positions?

I have two vessels in the right eye and one in the that girl?!?!

Do they look like fish hooks? Its supposed to be two - in the 5 and 7 positions approx. So I'd say that counts as right eye - which should be girl :)

Afm, I'd had THREE wonderful days of NO vomiting! It was BLISS!!!!!! Two of those days I actually felt well too.
Sadly I started feeling nauseous again yesterday, and today I threw up again :(
But like Britney said - hopefully having a few days each of feeling better in between bad days is a good sign that maybe its fading off!
Only one in my right eye is hooked...the other and the one in my left eye are straight. It'll be a long 26 weeks until I find out if this is right!!!

Hoping that your good days become more frequent and your bad days tail off soon. I feel so bad for you ladies who are still so sick :( :hugs:
So I did the eye thing today and I have them in both so I guess that means a girl. With how bad this MS has been it better be a girl. I don't know if I'd want to get pg again if this is a boy since that old wives tale says MS is worse with a girl. :haha:

OH and I haven't picked out a boy name. I think we have decided to stop stressing so much about it until we know what we're having. Someone I know just had a daughter and named her Emily (they spelled it differently though) so if I have a daughter I hope she doesn't think I'm copying her. But at the end of the day, this name has been picked out for years and I'm sticking with it regardless of what anyone (other then my OH) says.

Sarah, I'm sorry you're sick. I'm assuming the tomatoes went bad if he had them for four weeks? OH and I got tomatoes from MIL awhile back and one of the ones we got must have been really ripe because it ended up going rotten over night after only having it in our house for a couple days. It was the most disgusting smelling thing ever. I've basically been pretty repulsed by tomatoes since then.

Anyways, I hope you start to feel better and feel some movement yourself soon. :)
Well I never actually looked inside the bag of tomatoes, but there was a weird smell in the fridge for a week, and it stopped when I moved them out. I put them in the utility room and told him to sort it out. That was a week ago. He is so lazy about some stuff! And they must have just turned overnight. He said they don't smell...but I was too scared to open the bag!!!

Emily is such a beautiful name. It makes me think of a little blonde girl with a big, beautiful smile!! I love it. Unfortunately my SIL has been very clear that is her name for a girl (my nephew was either Jacob or Emily - Jacob when he arrived!) so we have had to leave it alone.

I was thinking about you ladies with bad ms earlier wondering if you think it will put you off having more babies in the future? Maybe it's too early to say.
Right now, I swear up and down I am not ever getting pg again but I know I will because OH and I want 2 or 3 kids, I just think I might lean towards waiting longer before TTC again in between kids then what I may have done had I not had horrible MS. My SIL said the same thing when she was pg with her first but about a month after she gave birth she was telling BIL she wanted to have another. So I guess what I'm saying is that the MS sucks and it makes it hard to even think about wanting to deal with it all over again with another pg but I think once our LO's get here it makes all of it seem worth it.
I was thinking about you ladies with bad ms earlier wondering if you think it will put you off having more babies in the future? Maybe it's too early to say.

I tell Jon (My OH) every day that this is the ONLY baby I'm having. I just can't do this again! I can't even imagine begin to imagine how I would have been able to cope with this if I had another child to look after at the same time as going through the MS! It just would NOT have been do-able.

Before I experienced this, I wanted two or three kids. I just very much doubt that now :wacko:
Brittany I think you are right - when the baby gets here you'll forget how bad it was, and probably next time you think of ttc you'll be saying "oh it can't have been THAT bad? Surely I was exaggerating?!" As time will have faded the memories!!, hopefully for all of you your next pregnancy goes a lot more smoothly.

My SIL had a horrendous birth with my nephew, and ended up in theatre after he arrived. She was in hospital for almost a week and in agony for weeks...and she's ready to do it all again! (Brother has other ideas I think!) so I guess having the joy of the baby makes it all worthwhile?!
Hey ladies im just hunting out all the april 2013 threads/post.

Should have done this back in first tri lol

Im due on the 7th april

Congrats to everyone xxxxx

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