First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Yay for everyone's bump pics! :D

Sarah, i'm glad it's not just me that's running out of clothes haha! I had to sort my wardrobe out last weekend and put some clothes "away for a while" as I have no hope of wearing them for the forseeable future :dohh:! (I refuse to get rid of them "just incase" :haha:)

I made a post in my journal yesterday with pictures of everything we have so far, we have only really bought the pram and some clothing. Everything else is either being passed through family or my sister never used :thumbup: - The link to my journal is in my signature if anyone wants a nosy :) x
Lindsey, I feel the same way you do about the baby not having anywhere to go. I'm also 5 ft tall and my torso is quite short. I sometimes panic a bit about my small size causing problems when it comes time to deliver the baby. But my mom is the same size I am and she was able to deliver both me and my sister vaginally so I'm probably worrying over nothing.

Today, I think I felt the baby move. It was such a brief flutter though so I'm not even sure if it was the baby. I didn't think I would feel anything when I'm only 14 weeks. Of course, maybe I'm just imagining things since we have been talking about feeling baby movements lately.
Laura oh my gosh you are so organised!!! I adore your swinging crib and cot...they are just the sort I want, but will probably forgo the swinging crib for just a Moses basket sadly. And your pram is pretty much the only 4 wheeler I have seen which I think is pretty!

Ladies, my mum is less than 5ft and she gave birth vaginally four times, don't worry! Your body was designed for this!

Brittany don't be skeptical, it WAS the baby moving! I mean, you'll never know for sure so why not just indulge?!

I bought some more cloth nappies...:blush: after promising I wouldn't. BUT got 10 little lambs brand new for half price so....
It's so exciting to hear about all the things everyone is getting for their LO's!! Laura, that's a good idea to have pictures of everything!

My shirts fit okay for now but if I'm not going anywhere, I live in yoga pants and athletic shorts. I now use my BellaBand on two pairs of jeans. Actually, I just hate wearing clothes right now. :lol:

And Brittany, I bet that was your baby!! Exciting! It won't be long until we're all feeling our babies move constantly.
Linzy and Britt cute bellies!!! :)

I am 5'7" but have a shorter torso than legs. Also feel like my insides have nowhere to go but out. :haha: I often can feel the pulling and stretching during tummy growth spurts. Lol

Had a miserable day yesterday. Long story but we live and run a restaurant on a farm, which some of was bought by a guy who holds huge events out here with 10s of thousands of drunks. There was a concert last night and the road was blocked with traffic all day and night. Our customer couldn't get here and we had drunk ppl confronting us wanting to use the bathrooms. Two of which we had to get police for. And then we had a wedding party who had to wait three hours to get to the restaurant. This poor bride!!! We ended up serving them at closing time. And they had to rush out to beat the traffic that would be leaving the concert. I am angry and going to see our attorney about this major disruption to us, our business, and our neighbors who live across the road. :( Sorry for ranting...

I haven't taken photos but I am excited we have a swinging bassinet, changing table, Pooh bedding set, swaddles, and a little sleeper that makes heartbeats. :)

Well time to go eat something so munchkin has some nourishment! Hehe
So I told my grandma today....her reaction wasn't quite what I expected! In fairness she is 85 so it does take her a while to process! She was just kind of like "oh, well that's nice." And then about 20 minutes later out of nowhere, mid-sentence she went "this is so exciting! What wonderful news for you!" She made me laugh. She is as mad as anything that one. Her next comment was "let's just hope I'm around to meet them. Please make it a girl." (We currently have 4 boys under 5 in the extended family!) oh old people!!

Telling two friends later on...must go and make dinner now for them coming round! Hope everyone is having a super weekend!
Sarah, I have yet to buy any cloth diapers but you talking about making more has made me determined to buy the neutral set I have picked out. Waiting until we know the gender to buy a large portion of our stuff is driving me nuts.

Your grandma's reaction also made me laugh. My grandma and grandpa have been saying for years that they want to have great grandchildren before they go. Kind of made me feel bad since when they started making those comments my cousin was the only one TTC and she has infertility issues.

Lindsey, I basically just sit around in pjs these days. I feel fat and just don't even want to bother with my clothes anymore. I did find some more maternity clothes that I would like to get though so maybe having some clothes actually made for pregnancy will make me feel better.

Jenny, I'm so sorry about the people that live around you. I would be so furious if their events interfered so much with your life and business. Hopefully something can be done so you don't have to deal with that anymore. Especially when the baby arrives. Also, happy 14 weeks!
Hi girls, i'd like to introduce myself .... My name is Lauren, I'm 22 and 14 weeks today. I live in Nottingham, uk with my partner of 7 years.
My due date is April 7th (it was originally the 5th on my OH's birthday haha).
So far though I have hated being pregnant :'( I wish I could enjoy it but just can't. I've had horrible ms for about 5 weeks now and occasionally I'll have a day where im sick once or twice then can carry on with my day but all other days just feel like hell. Not only am I being sick constantly but I feel sooo poorly and have reached breaking point a couple of times :(
My doctor put me on some tablets for the sickness which helped at first but now it just comes whether I have the tablets or not.

I felt good enough yesterday to go out with my friend and I brought my first item of baby clothing :) which felt nice but today I've done nothing but been sick and slept because I feel so bad. I'm typing this now just wanting to cry!! Sorry to dampen the mood for everyone... I really hope it eventually starts to ease down so I can feel more like myself!! :cry:
Hi girls, i'd like to introduce myself .... My name is Lauren, I'm 22 and 14 weeks today. I live in Nottingham, uk with my partner of 7 years.
My due date is April 7th (it was originally the 5th on my OH's birthday haha).
So far though I have hated being pregnant :'( I wish I could enjoy it but just can't. I've had horrible ms for about 5 weeks now and occasionally I'll have a day where im sick once or twice then can carry on with my day but all other days just feel like hell. Not only am I being sick constantly but I feel sooo poorly and have reached breaking point a couple of times :(
My doctor put me on some tablets for the sickness which helped at first but now it just comes whether I have the tablets or not.

I felt good enough yesterday to go out with my friend and I brought my first item of baby clothing :) which felt nice but today I've done nothing but been sick and slept because I feel so bad. I'm typing this now just wanting to cry!! Sorry to dampen the mood for everyone... I really hope it eventually starts to ease down so I can feel more like myself!! :cry:

Hi Lauren, welcome!

I know exactly how you feel :( A few of us in here have had real problems with MS, it can be so difficult to enjoy the pregnancy while you're going through it *hugs*

I have had it almost constantly from about 5 weeks - it started off as being sick once a day and feeling constantly nauseous.
It seemed to trail off for about a week at the 12 week point which was AMAZING, but it came back with a vengeance. I ended up in A & E twice with dehydration because of it, but my Dr has never given me any medication for it (though I do have Graves Disease which I take meds for, so perhaps thats why).
This last week has been awful - I've had 3 days of not being able to keep ANYTHING down whatsoever, and have been being VIOLENTLY sick about 6 times a day.

I know what you mean - I am excited about having a baby and looking forward to it, but I have hated the experience of pregnancy so far and cannot stand the thought of ever going through it again.
I feel guilty for thinking that way because I know I'm lucky to be able to have a baby, but its so hard to feel happy when you are constantly so ill.

I'm due April 6th.

Fingers crossed that it starts to get better as we all get further in to the second trimester and we can finally start to enjoy our pregnancies :hugs:
Hi Lauren and welcome. I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering so badly, and not enjoying pregnancy. I'm hoping that now you are moving further into the second tri that your sickness eases and you can start to enjoy your growing baby. But yay for buying baby things!! I hope that made you feel a little better.

Brittany, definitely go for the cloth diapers! Dh and I decided today we a going to start buying a little every month to spread the cost, not just diapers but other bits as well. We need to make a list of everything we need so that we don't go overboard!

Jenny sorry to hear about your shitty night at work - sounds like the people neighbouring your work are horrific. And of course it's your business that suffers.

So apparently today my grandma was very excited about the baby when talking to my mum - I think it just took a while for her to process!! Also told our closest friends last night and they were thrilled, which was super. Not that we thought they'd be anything but, but they were so excited! Steven spent at least 10/15 minutes looking at every detail on the scan pics and asking all about it! I'm due 5 days after their wedding, and they joked they would postpone their honeymoon to be around when baby arrives! It was so great to have someone to be really excited with!

Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. Monday AGAIN tomorrow. Urgh.
Thanks for the sympathy. I am still upset. Going to get legal advice tomorrow.

:wave:Hey Lauren! We have the same due date!! As for feeling awful all the time....I can relate! And lately I get headaches for days on end at a time. Wanted to be the super glowy pregnant lady but...feeling terrible constantly makes it hard! And I have been really cranky because it is wearing me down.

Sarah yay for sharing ur news! :)

Do cloth diapers work out cheaper in the long run??
Welcome Lauren, I'm so sorry you're dealing with the MS. If it makes you feel better I've struggled a lot with MS myself. I will say that yesterday and today it has improved. The nausea I have been experiencing seems to be more like the nausea I had at the start of MS so it's more manageable and not interfering so much in my life like it had been before (I haven't seen family and friends in months now because I just feel so bad). I hope you start to feel better soon, MS is so draining both mentally and physically.

I did find that my prenatal vitamins made my MS much worse. No matter when I took those vitamins I would be throwing up within 2 hours of taking them. I now take children's Flintstone's vitamins. That may be something you could talk to your doctor about trying.

Sarah, I think my problem with not buying stuff is most of the cloth diapers I have picked out our colors for a specific gender. I'll start buying more after Nov 13th when we find out what we're having. I think knowing I'll have a baby shower does make buying things more difficult because I don't know what stuff I'll get from that and I don't want to have to deal with the hassle of having to return a bunch of stuff. I am determined to buy some cloth diapers this week though so I can at least have my stash started.

Jenny, cloth diapers definitely work out much cheaper in the long run. I've figured that the start up costs will be around $500 but since majority of the diapers I am buying are BPO (birth to potty) I won't have to really buy more for this baby. And I could possibly reuse them for my next baby depending on how good of a shape they're in. Cloth diapers also have a decent resale value so you could get a lot of your money back if you choose to sell them. :)
Hi Ladies,

I hope it's not too late to join your group. I have just spent the last few days reading through all the posts so far, to try to get to know everyone :)

I'm 27 and my hubby is 31 and this is our first child. We were trying for almost 2 years before we finally fell with our little one. I am due the 30th March 2013. And we Live in Perth Australia.

We are team yellow and are hoping for surprise on bday. Although my hubby, myself and almost everyone we have spoken to think I'm having a girl.

We told our close friends and alot of my family when we first got out BFP. I told my bosses at work last week and after I told work I made it facebook official :laugh2:
Linzy, to be honest.. I sort of cheated and found all those pictures on google :blush:!

Hi Lauren & BStar and congratulations! x
Thank you for your messages. It is nice to know I'm not the only one feeling so miserable at the moment. I am really struggling at work though, my gp has offered to sign me off twice now but I've refused. Tomorrow I am due to go back and I'm now at a point where I want to be signed off :(

Buying something for LO was nice though :) even though I've felt so bad for over 5 weeks now I do tend to forget that I am having a baby so seeing the little clothes is a nice reminder :o)

Hi Bstar xx
When is everyone planning on having their shower? I have thought about having mine after Christmas... One with family and friends and then the girls at work have said we will have our own little one on my last day of work :)
Welcome BStar!

Lauren, I'm thinking of doing my shower sometime in early-mid January. My mom is the one who is throwing it for me so I would need to travel 3 hours to get to her since we live in different states and January is the latest I will be willing to travel. Plus, I'd like to have a few months after the shower to buy other things that I need that I didn't receive as gifts.
We don't do baby showers over here. It would be useful I guess to get all that stuff, but here we buy presents after the birth.

Hi bstar, welcome and congrats! Never too late to join us! And yay team yellow!

Lauren get signed off. You need your rest and I'm sure you are miserable at work. You don't have to stay off long, even a week or so just to help you get your energy back up somewhat, and be able to feel horrific without having to worry about dragging yourself to work. :hugs:

My newest (and last stash!) of cloth nappies arrived today. Soooo soft. I want to wear them :haha: just need some more wraps, but have to wait until baby is here to get cute gender specific ones!
Welcome Bstar! Congratulations! :) Another team yellow, how exciting!!

Lauren - I agree with Sarah, get yourself signed off. You've done so well to resist until now, but you must need the chance to relax and get your energy back.

As for baby showers - I'm going to have one as a part leaving-party, as I'm going to be moving away from Devon and back to Liverpool for a few months as we want to have the baby there.

So my sister is throwing a shower/goodbye gathering for me probably in about a months time (We're moving in about 6 weeks) - I'm excited about it :)

I have some news! I felt baby move last night! YAY!

I was laying in bed, and I just felt like there were palpitations/fluttering movements in my tummy - it lasted about a minute or so. Then a few minutes later, it happened again!

I assume it was baby! So exciting :)

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