First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Hi wannabewatkins! Welcome to the 'club' and congrats!

Hayley OH MY GOSH!!!! That is wonderful news!! Congratulations! Now you have me so excited that it might be me soon! You'll have to let us know when you feel it again and what it feels likes. Big move from Devon to l'pool, but I assume from your username you are originally from l'pool?
Aww you felt movements!! I think I felt something a couple of days ago but I'm not 100% ... I guess it will become more noticeable soon :) Have you been living in Devon long? The party will be nice for you :)

I think the showers are slowly coming over to the uk from America... A couple of my friends are expecting (they are all further along than me) but none of them have had showers. I think they're a lovely idea :)

But yes I will be asking for a week off at least, I work full time but only managed to stay at work for about 2 hours today, it just became too much. I found that I'm making mistakes at work and I work alongside cancer patients and some of them are so poorly, I feel awful that I'm looking so miserable at work when they are going through that. I think I'm best just not being there!! Roll on when I feel better!!
Lauren I know what you mean - when I feel like I'm having a crap day at work I slam into the staff room and see the pupil who has a been battling lung and brain tumours for years, and has now received a terminal diagnosis. She is in school as much as possible and is completing her GCSEs. Makes me feel like a total ass for even thinking about complaining...and I'm not anywhere near as sick as you! So now I feel bad saying that when you are suffering so much more! :blush:

I think a girl I know who is pregnant may want to have a shower, but I think that would be more for the "look at me!" Factor rather than the celebrating the baby factor. They always look like so much fun on TV, I must say!!
Hayley OH MY GOSH!!!! That is wonderful news!! Congratulations! Now you have me so excited that it might be me soon! You'll have to let us know when you feel it again and what it feels likes. Big move from Devon to l'pool, but I assume from your username you are originally from l'pool?

:happydance: I'm sure it will be you soon! Its almost easy to miss though! It was subtle - I think if I hadn't been laying down in bed I wouldn't have noticed it!
Have you ever experienced heart palpitations? It felt exactly like that, but in my tummy :)

Yeah, I'm from Liverpool - I moved to Devon 5 years ago. My OH is from Newcastle. It probably sounds odd, but we both just didn't like the idea of our baby not being born in the North like us - plus my healthcare here has been abysmal so far (I have Graves disease so I'm a high risk pregnancy, and its scary how lax the medical attention has been! :cry:) - Liverpool has a dedicated Womens hospital which is where myself, my sister and my sisters children were all born and they just seem much more capable to me.
I didn't want to take any risks.

The plan is for us to move back home, in with my parents (They have a big house and they're away a lot luckily lol!) until just after the baby comes - then move back to Devon.

Stressful - but hopefully the right thing.
Aww you felt movements!! I think I felt something a couple of days ago but I'm not 100% ... I guess it will become more noticeable soon :) Have you been living in Devon long? The party will be nice for you :)

I think the showers are slowly coming over to the uk from America... A couple of my friends are expecting (they are all further along than me) but none of them have had showers. I think they're a lovely idea :)

But yes I will be asking for a week off at least, I work full time but only managed to stay at work for about 2 hours today, it just became too much. I found that I'm making mistakes at work and I work alongside cancer patients and some of them are so poorly, I feel awful that I'm looking so miserable at work when they are going through that. I think I'm best just not being there!! Roll on when I feel better!!

Aww what did yours feel like? It was really subtle! I can't wait to feel it again! :)

I've lived in Devon for just over 5 years :) I still can't think of it as home lol.

I agree, showers are slowly getting more popular! I run a party planning business and we do Baby Showers - they're not THAT popular but people do have them. They can be so much fun! The games and such are great! :)

I don't like the idea of expecting gifts from them admittedly, I think in this country we still lean more towards getting gifts after the birth - but its a fun way to celebrate the baby news with friends :)
You have a busy few months then! If you are high risk though you want the best care possible so I guess your doing the right thing by moving :)

It's hard to explain what I felt, it happened twice. The first time I thought it was my belly as its been making all sorts of noises and movement haha but it definitely grabbed my attention. The second happened while I was in the bath, it was that same feeling and again caught my attention so feeling it the second time made me think it was baby :) It was similar to a tummy spasm but lighter...

With the showers I wouldn't expect things from people. Obviously they are going to buy me some things but I certainly won't be asking for specific items!! I want balloons, cake and baby related things :) I will know what I'm having by the time I have one so I can have a colour scheme! It's quite exciting :O)

What is Graves disease if you dont mind me asking? I haven't heard of it before. X
Lauren yay for your baby movements too! I'm going to be drinking piles of coke to make my LO beta wiggle on (literally!)

Hayley that sounds like a good plan to move north for the birth, especially since you feel your care hasn't been great. Sorry to hear that, because you rely on your health care provider so much to keep you right when it's your first (or so I'm finding) and especially if you are high risk.
I am in the USA but don't know about having a shower for the fact that we are not from this town and do not have a large circle of friends or family here. Kind of on our own! Maybe we'll have one at work...not sure. I am the boss lady so it would be thrown by all our employees. I'm not worried about it either way! Just too happy about baby!

Welcome to the two new ladies! :)

So I have had a headache for a week now. Going to massage place tomorrow because my neck and shoulders hurt so bad. My left eye keeps fluttering too and I think it is from a nerve getting pressured. Can't wait to hopefully get some relief!!!

Yay for baby moving!! That is exciting! Sometimes I think I feel him/her particularly on the left when lying in the bath. Feel little moves and pressure. Fun to visualize baby in there moving around.
So I have had a headache for a week now. Going to massage place tomorrow because my neck and shoulders hurt so bad. My left eye keeps fluttering too and I think it is from a nerve getting pressured. Can't wait to hopefully get some relief!!!

Yay for baby moving!! That is exciting! Sometimes I think I feel him/her particularly on the left when lying in the bath. Feel little moves and pressure. Fun to visualize baby in there moving around.

Aww I had a headache for about a week last week - it is horrible, especially with trying not to take painkillers =/
I'm sure your massage will help! Enjoy!

Hayley that sounds like a good plan to move north for the birth, especially since you feel your care hasn't been great. Sorry to hear that, because you rely on your health care provider so much to keep you right when it's your first (or so I'm finding) and especially if you are high risk.

Yeah, it is quite worrying :/ Its just things like my midwife seems to ALWAYS be on holiday, and is never available for appointments. And when I do see her, its very apparent that she doesn't have a clue what my condition even is!
Plus I've had several messed up appointments with my specialist where they either don't notify me of the appointment, or I arrive and it turns out that they made a mistake on the letter and the appointment is the following week etc...
And I've had this mystery rash for about 8 weeks, NOBODY seems to know or care what it is :/ Its all too worrying and stressful.

You have a busy few months then! If you are high risk though you want the best care possible so I guess your doing the right thing by moving :)

It's hard to explain what I felt, it happened twice. The first time I thought it was my belly as its been making all sorts of noises and movement haha but it definitely grabbed my attention. The second happened while I was in the bath, it was that same feeling and again caught my attention so feeling it the second time made me think it was baby :) It was similar to a tummy spasm but lighter...

With the showers I wouldn't expect things from people. Obviously they are going to buy me some things but I certainly won't be asking for specific items!! I want balloons, cake and baby related things :) I will know what I'm having by the time I have one so I can have a colour scheme! It's quite exciting :O)

What is Graves disease if you dont mind me asking? I haven't heard of it before. X

Aww it definitely sounds like baby moving :)

No I don't mind - Graves Disease is an autoimmune disease. It affects pretty much everything and the symptoms are as long as my arm, but the main thing is that it effects the thyroid gland.
It makes it so that my thyroid fluctuates between producing too much thyroxine and not enough - so I have to have blood tests every month, and my medication has to be changed often to keep the balance of hormones right.
I WAS due to have an operation to remove my thyroid gland completely, but I fell pregnant - so I'll have to wait now until after baby is born.

They don't like Graves patients to get pregnant (And its VERY hard to actually get pregnant and stay pregnant with the illness, it comes with an increased risk of miscarriage and stillbirth :cry:) as the baby relies on the mother for the production of thyroxine until their own thyroid gland is formed.

But they've changed my meds to a kind that doesn't cross the placenta, and so...hopefully it will be ok. *fingers crossed*

My main concern right now is that I read that Graves patients are at risk of suffering a thyroid storm during labour - which is usually fatal for the mother.
So I'm wondering why nobody has bothered to discuss this with me, as with this in mind - I'd quite like to discuss the option of a c-section if it means I'm less likely to die! :wacko:
Aww bless you :( it must be a constant worry!! I'm not surprised you want to move for better care, I would do exactly the same. All you can do is keep your chin up and tell yourself you will get through it with no problems and both you and baby will come out perfectly healthy at the end - positive thinking gets people through anything :) and don't read too much on the Internet!! I know we all do but we read bad stories and they are the ones that stick with us.

Jenny - I've had a constant headache for.... As long as I can remember now. I suffered with headaches and migraines before getting pregnant and I did read that people who do get them tend to find it easier through pregnancy. The only thing I have found is that I haven't had a migraine yet *touch wood* but the headaches are there all the time!! Paracetamol doesn't really take the pain away either. My little problems just don't seem to end, if it's not one thing it's another!!
There's been a lot of updates :haha: So i'll just go through what I can...

Babyshowers - My mum will be doing me one mainly just for family members :) I agree that it is mainly an american thing but is slowly making its way over here :haha:

LiverpoolLass - Sounds like you're doing the right thing by moving back home for a while. You need to feel comfortable that you're getting the right care and by the sounds of it, that isn't happening where you are right now x

Baby movements - I think i've felt baby move a couple of times now, very weird to describe.. sort of like a vibrating in my lower tummy :shrug:

wannabwatkins - Congratulations!

Headaches - :growlmad: I've had one for the last 2 days now. I even left work early yesterday because of it. Woke up this morning and it's still here! I don't get it

Hope everyone's ok! xx
I've on the headache band wagon as well, unfortunately. Been having them on and off since i got pregnant, which is really unusual for me. I had one for about a week constantly, and yesterday was bad, but it seems to be easing off now. I hope.

Hayley, the care you are getting seems ridiculously poor. Especially considering the level of extra care you need given your Graves disease. The sooner you are up north the better!! Get everything sorted out so you can relax.

Afm, I'm proud to say I now officially consider myself in the 2nd tri! I wanted to wait until 14 weeks as that's the latest date I've heard, and now my little lemon and I are here!! I can't believe it! My boss asked my yesterday how many weeks I am, and I said 14, with 26 to go. That sounds like FOREVER!!!
Haha well welcome to the second trimester :D

Change of subject a little, I've tried getting one of those little timeline things for my signature but I just don't seem to be able to figure it out haha!! Can someone talk me through it please :)
Hayley, that is so exciting that you felt movements. I felt a very brief flutter Friday last week but I haven't felt anything again since then.

As for baby showers, I'm glad they're starting to get more popular in the UK. They tend to be very helpful for the new mother, especially if you're using disposable diapers since the cost of those add up quickly. The games are also really fun, I can't wait to see what games my mom has planned for my shower.

Jenny, I've been dealing with headaches for a couple weeks now. They're pretty horrendous. I actually woke up with one today so I had a headache and MS. Not a fun combination.

Make your ticker on there and then choose the BBcode option. Copy and paste it into your signature and that SHOULD work!

If you use countdown to pregnancy make sure you put in the date of your lmp or it gives you a stupid ticker!

Make your ticker on there and then choose the BBcode option. Copy and paste it into your signature and that SHOULD work!

If you use countdown to pregnancy make sure you put in the date of your lmp or it gives you a stupid ticker!

Thank you :D I finally have a ticker!! :happydance:
OH and I were supposed to go out and have a date night tonight and instead of feeling somewhat well like I had been the past few days I have a headache that refuses to leave and I just projectile vomited all over my hallway because I couldn't get to the bathroom fast enough. I'm so upset that today of all days I need to be sick. :cry: :cry:
Well I guess it doesn't matter if I was feeling well today or not. OH has to work late so who knows when he'll actually get off. I hate MS so much, I feel like I can't do anything anymore but sit in my bed. I wish I had my baby already because I'm so over being pregnant. I hate it.
Well I guess it doesn't matter if I was feeling well today or not. OH has to work late so who knows when he'll actually get off. I hate MS so much, I feel like I can't do anything anymore but sit in my bed. I wish I had my baby already because I'm so over being pregnant. I hate it.

I'm with you! I wish I had a fast forward button on my womb.

TMI but I projectile vomited all over my bathroom yesterday - and I mean, ALL OVER it - it was like a scene from The Exorcist.

I thought MS was supposed to ease in the 2nd Tri, where has projectile vomiting come from?!

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