First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I'd love to visit California! Well there are loads of places I'd like to go.

I haven't been to many places in Europe either, been to Paris once but was quite young at the time, keep on meaning to go for a weekend!! Went to Zante last year on a ''lads holiday'' that I got dragged too haha but it was the worst place I have ever been too! I'm only 22 so you'd think I'd enjoy all that partying and getting drunk everyday but no I HATED it!! I think Greece is such a pretty place but Zante ruins it for definite. Oh and we went snowboarding in Andorra a couple of years ago which was fun :) but that's it for Europe. Tend to go further out towards the Caribbean... I guess when we go on holiday it's nice to be as far away as possible from home to get away from it all :/
Can't wait to take my LO on holiday!! One place we will definitely be visiting - when they're big enough is disneyland Florida :D always wanted to go there!! Ooo and Lapland to see Santa at Xmas haha. My list could go on and on!! X
im on my mobile so i skip few comments.. guys dont forget you can get free changing bag from boots. sign up to there parenting club and the shall send vouchers out for it lol. i got my second bounty pack last week love freebies lol
I'm still waiting for the vouchers for my free change bag! No idea why I want it so much as I have another change bag picked, I think it's just because its free! I'm such a tramp (hobo)
hell no lady told me it was worth 25pound lol im cheap scape to lol she said if you aint heard nothing by 5weeks then come into store let a member of staff know and they shall ring up and track it for you lol i want mines lol
Ooooo I didn't know that!! I'll definitely be signing up for one! Did you know about the asda thing at the moment? Sign up to their baby and toddler club and you get free pack of huggies new born nappies, wipes and cotton wool :) you have to go in store though to pick them up after printing out the voucher. Every little helps though ay!! X
I love radley bags and I just found this :) in the sale too!! Might have to treat myself :p
We definitely plan to stop in Arizona, Lindsey. OH used to live out there with a roommate and he really wants to go back out there to visit him before getting out to California.

Thanks for the link MrsHippo. I think I'm going to order one for myself and then maybe get some kind of frame for the gender scan.

The diaper bag you have picked is cute. I have one that MIL made me. I can't wait to use it.
Ooooo I didn't know that!! I'll definitely be signing up for one! Did you know about the asda thing at the moment? Sign up to their baby and toddler club and you get free pack of huggies new born nappies, wipes and cotton wool :) you have to go in store though to pick them up after printing out the voucher. Every little helps though ay!! X

dO you have a linke for the voucher? or is the part of the vouchers you get sent out lol
Here is the asda link

You sign up and they email you the voucher. I think they regularly send vouchers out too so if you shop at asda it's definitely worth it! X
Yep I signed up for asda too, just actually have to get round to getting the thing!!
lol i sign up for it already but i cant remember if they send the voucher out or was it sent in email to be printed off cause i knew i had something to be printed but i cant find it now
Is OH's mom doing better, Amanda? I was wondering where you went but I just figured you were busy with real life stuff. :)

That's exciting that you're noticing more regular movements. I'm starting to notice more frequent flutters but then there are times I'm not 100% sure if it's the baby or not.
Amanda glad to have you back, I was thinking about you over the weekend. Hope oh's mum is doing better.

That's so exciting about the movements! Your active little baby will soon be give you a right old dig in the ribs!!

I still have no movement..I'm hoping it comes soon. I did wonder today if the little bubble pop I felt was baby, then I realised it was so far over it was almost on my hip bone, so there is no way it could be. But I'm paying close attention and willing it to happen!
Sarah, I first noticed movement when I was laying on my side. When I was talking to my ob/gyn she was telling me that a lot of people notice movement for the first time while laying down. Hopefully you'll start to feel something soon.
Oh thanks for that tip! She says pushing the cat out of the way to lie down... :)

I read lots of people don't feel anything until 18+ weeks. I wouldn't have expected anything this early because of that. Maybe you ladies are the very lucky ones!
Hope OH's Mum is doing ok Amanda.

yay for your active little Bean! :)

I haven't felt any movement since that one time last week, but you're right Sarah - a lot of websites say between 18-20 weeks particularly with a first baby coz we don't exactly what to be looking out for.

I had my flu jab today - I have felt so poorly since, I've slept pretty much all day and just feel weak and horrid. I didn't think it would be related to the jab since the Nurse told me there were no side effects, but now I'm wondering if maybe she was wrong :wacko:

I have my 16 week appointment a little early tomorrow, so I'll be finding out the results of my blood tests etc - I'm really hoping the midwife will listen with the doppler since nobody has yet, and I'm hoping she'll take my blood pressure since nobody has checked that yet either :/

I've been really down the last few days, I don't know if its just hormones but my Mum is really upsetting me - everytime I speak to her and the babys name comes up in conversation she ends up actually LAUGHING her head off at my choices and telling me they're ridiculous. Its really upsetting me as I have unusual taste sure, but I put a LOT of thought and research into the names we've chosen and we LOVE them - I was up crying until 5.30 this morning coz I find it so upsetting :/

I don't understand why so many people that I know seem to think they have the right to get involved in naming OUR child :cry:
Aw Hayley :hugs:

I have had a few episodes of feeling really down mainly because of how poorly I have felt but it's not nice :(
I am really sorry to hear about your mum laughing at your names too, I'm not telling anyone names purely for that reason - I hate how people react sometimes, end of the day if you like a name they (especially family) should respect that!! I say I wasn't telling anyone, I actually told my mum today... And she told me she really liked it (girls name anyway) :) but my mum being my mum I think she'd say that anyway!! But I won't be telling anyone else.

I have my midwife appointment tomorrow AT 9AM!! I am not good in the mornings and absolutely dreading getting up that early! Just hope I'm well enough to go... Xx
Yes, I've read 18-20 weeks for regular movement. I'm actually surprised I noticed something as early as I did since I read it's harder to notice during a first pregnancy since you don't know exactly what you're supposed to be feeling.

Basically I just assume if it's a fluttery type feeling where the baby is located then it's the baby.

Sorry you're not feeling very well after the flu shot, Hayley. I never had any issues except my arm hurting where I had the shot.

I'm surprised no body has checked your blood pressure or used a doppler on you either. That's supposed to happen at every one of my appointments as like a standard thing. Though the nurse forgot about my blood pressure for the first appointment. And I was so excited/nervous about the scan and overwhelmed with all the questions to really remember it until after we had already left.

Sorry your mom wasn't being supportive about your name choices. OH and I are keeping our name ideas to ourselves (and you ladies) but no one in real life. I do not want family or friends making fun of the names OH and I are thinking about and making me second guess ourselves. I've basically realized everyone is going to have an opinion and think they know what is best for you and your baby. I think this is even more so the case since we're all pg for the first time and all of this stuff is new so people seem to think we know nothing. Even though I'm sure some of you, like me, have read a ton of pg books prior to getting pg and when you found out. I actually think I know more then some of my family that like to tell me about my pregnancy. Okay, sorry for going off on a rant there. I'm going to go get dinner started.
Hayley sorry that you have been feeling sick, and sorry your mum is acting like a bitch as well.

Name wise we haven't chosen yet (we had and now we've backtracked lol!) and last week my SIL asked what the names were and I said we haven't chosen to which she replied "I don't know why some people make such a big deal of keeping it all a secret..." I was like "ts not a secret we just don't know yet. It's still ages away" so you can do no right as far as other people and YOUR baby are concerned!

I also haven't had Doppler yet, fingers crossed Hayley we both get it at our appointments this week.

Lauren good luck getting up for your midwife! It's an early morning for a good cause!

Brittany that's so true that people assume we know nothing. My aunt and uncle drive us mad, but I know for definite that I know more about child rearing than they did at my age (or at times seem to now, even with their 3 kids...fed their 10 week old baby pure orange juice last week?!?!)
Phew, just got done reading the last few days' news! :wacko:

Love that little scan picture frame, going to have to order something like that for baby's room! We also have the strip of photos on the fridge right now. :)

Baby bag! Another thing I can shop for! :happydance:

I must say I think we have a lot of stuff now: bassinet, changing table, neutral Pooh bedding, 2 swaddles, receiving blankets, fleece blanket, sleep positioner with heartbeat, travel swing (given to us), and a really nice swing on the way....called the snugabunny. Just ignore the price, because we won one on an eBay auction for like half the retail price!! :) Anyway! Going shopping next month with my mom for Black Friday (that is the day after Thanksgiving sales) and can't wait because we are going to hit all the shops together. She lives in Florida about 7-8 hours away, so I am really looking forward to spending that time together.

Brittany, yay for feeling baby! I have felt a few things, but nothing on a regular basis. Can't wait to feel those little feet everyday!

Hubby is starting to have baby dreams. So cute. :)

Headache came back on Sunday, think because of working too long of a day. Spent yesterday just bumming around & feeling sorry for myself. My grandpa is here, which is nice. We just sat around and visited quite a bit yesterday. Still feel kinda lousy. Been throwing up some too in the last 2 days. :(

Amanda, glad you're feeling better and hope MIL is also better. I fell a bit behind in here too. Life is just a whirlwind. :winkwink: I thought of you yesterday....decided to look up some owl hats on ebay for fun. :haha:

Well....7 sleeps until it is time to see baby on the ultrasound and determine whether we have a son or daughter!! Soooo excited!!!!!

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