Jenny my skin is sooooo bad at the minute, every time one set of spots disappears more spring up! I get hormonal spots all the time normally, but I guess the hormones right now are just not too much for my face to handle! It's not bothering me as much as usual though because I know it's for a good cause!
Brittany, sorry no gagging here with sneezing, but that sounds awful
Lauren I have looked at a couple of th hammocks, as they look great! I will use a Moses basket though as I want something I can move from upstairs to down, and the hammocks a&e less portable. But I've heard great things about them as well.
Shopping yesterday wasn't as horrific as anticipated

I got a few good things which can be work/normal wear, and saw a travel system I really liked! I was al set to go for the quinny buzz 3, but then saw the mychoice3 in mothercare which apparently is made by quinny but a better deal! So just researching that at the minute.
In other news, I'm keeping a close 'eye' on the left hand side of my abdomen.have felt.....something there 3 times. No idea what I could describe it as, but am waiting to see if it happens more!