First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I love the swing Jenny, my mum is giving me Reuben's swing which looks similar to that :)

I managed to get up for the midwife this morning, was sick too and had a banging headache ever since which paracetamol just isn't helping, I can't wait until I can take ibuprofen again!! But everything went well, bloods fine and down's came back as very low risk which is good.

I feel like all I have done today is sleep! Planning on having an early night too ��
Lauren glad the appointment went well, but yep get an early night and a good sleep and I really hope you feel better ASAP.

Jenny, i love that swing! And whoa you are super prepared already! That shopping time with your mum will be lovely, I'm looking forward to maternity clothes shopping with mine this weekend. It's so nice to be able to share that with her :) sorry to hear you are still feeling poorly as well. I can't believe this time next week we'll (:haha: you'll!) know what you're having!
This thread moves FAST!! :haha:

Amanda - Best wishes for your OH's mom. I hope she's doing better. How cool that you feel your baby moving so often! I bet that's very reassuring, and it's funny that Baby already keeps you awake at night. ;) Can you feel anything from the outside yet?

Hayley - Hope your appointment went well! Did they end up checking your BP and listening to the heartbeat? They've checked my BP at every appointment but have only used the Doppler once so far. Sorry that you're feeling down and that your mom is giving you such a hard time about your names. For what it's worth, I think they're beautiful names and I'm sure your mom will think so, too, when there's actually little baby attached to it!

Lauren - That's awesome news about your doctor's appointment! Get some rest and hope you start feeling better soon!

Jenny - I think our gender scans are on the same day - mine is on the 23rd! I think there is someone else here with the same date but not sure who. But WOW you are prepared! Nice swing! I'm still making a list of all the things I want to buy myself and then register for. I feel behind on the shopping but after next Tuesday, let fun the begin!!

I've been SUPER tired the last 2-3 days. I sleep well for 8 hours, wake up, eat breakfast, shower, and then feel like crawling back into bed. :roll: Everyone tells me to sleep whenever I feel like sleeping but I can't seem to justify taking a nap at 10 in the morning!!

I did go shopping with one of my girlfriends yesterday and ended up buying a summertime sleep sack and some Tommee Tippee pacifiers. Not sure I will need the pacifiers but it satisfied my itch to buy something. I feel better now lol!

Now just cleaning out the nursery, collecting paint samples, making lists, and waiting on our gender scan (7 more days)!! I'm kind of nervous that they'll find something wrong with Baby but I was nervous before my last ultrasound too and things were fine. Hopefully it's just nerves!
Sarah, of the people who have been pg before that I've talked to about my pregnancy, my mom is the only one that will openly admit that she does not know what all the guidelines are today for pregnant women because of how much things have changed. So she doesn't even attempt to give me advice.

My MIL hasn't tried giving me advice yet but she did tell my OH all these symptoms that I'm going to have in the first trimester. For example, she told my OH I was going to experience a lot fatigue in the first trimester. Wrong! I wasn't any more tired then I was before I got pg.

So in addition to people acting like I know nothing I have people trying to tell me how I'm going to feel. I'm starting to think that people forget how annoying dealing with all this stuff is in pregnancy.

Jenny your gender scan is so soon! I'm a little farther along then you and I still have about a month to wait. I'm so impatient. I want to know what the gender is so I can really start buying stuff.

The swing you posted reminds me of this bouncer type thing OH wants to get. I think instead of spending money on each other for Christmas OH wants us to purchase this which works for me.

MrsHippo, I'm sorry you're still suffering from MS. Mine has started to improve quite a bit the past few days. I hope yours starts to ease up soon.

Lindsey, I take a nap around 11-12 just about every day. It's not a long nap usually an hour or two but it does help get me through the day. I think pregnancy is enough of a reason to justify a nap. :)

I also get nervous before every appointment. Even though I have no reason to believe anything is wrong I do find myself thinking they're not going to find the heartbeat or that there will be nothing on the scan. I think maybe once I reach viability day that fear will go away.
Lauren - I'm glad you're appointment well, good news! :) Hope you're feeling better

Brittany - Yeah I kept reading about your babys BPM at your appointments, thats what made me wonder why nobody had checked mine yet. Maybe its normal for here though since Sarah hasn't had hers checked either. Who knows! Nobody here seems to tell us pg ladies what exactly to expect, not from my experiences anyway!

Jenny & LinzyLou - My gender scan is the 23rd too :) HOW EXCITING!!!! Less than 7 days to wait, yaaaay! :)

Linzy - Aww thank you, we love the names ourselves - I hope you're right and my mum comes around eventually!

I had my 16 week appointment with my midwife today (a little early since she can't see me next week!) - she FINALLY checked my BP and listened to babys heartbeat!
Everything is all good. Babys heartbeat is really strong - I even got to record it on my Blackberry so I keep listening to it all the time lol.
She also checked all my blood results from the scan etc, and everything is fine - and my thyroid levels are perfect right now which means my Graves disease medication is working perfectly right now, so thats a real relief! :)

I have an appointment with the maternity consultant on Tuesday (I have to see her coz of being a high risk pregnancy) and so this is when I'll be able to discuss the possibility of a c-section, I'm hoping they agree to that.
And then later that day its our gender scan! :)
Hayley, I knew there was someone else with a gender scan next Tuesday! Can't wait to hear what you're having! :) Glad your appointment went well and that you finally got to hear the HB. That's a good idea to record it. I wish I had done that, especially since I didn't buy a Doppler or anything.

Sarah, sorry I didn't notice earlier but happy 15 weeks!! :happydance:

Brittany, I should take a nap whenever I feel like it but I'm so scarred by those few weeks of insomnia and I think that's why I'm scared to sleep during the day now! But when I don't (like today), I can barely make it past 8-9. I've left OH to watch at least three of our shows by himself this week because I couldn't keep my eyes open. :lol:
Lindsey sorry you've been feeling so tired - but by the sounds of it you have been so busy getting ready its no wonder! And I am nervous before appointments as well, I think it's natural to worry before the big event. I'm so excited that your gender scan is so soon! And don't worry about sleeping and leaving oh, I do the same. I go to bed at maybe 9.30 and leave him to it! Because of the insomnia you should take any chance to sleep that you can.

Brittany I'm the same, people saying "oh you'll feel like this and this" and I just think "how the hell do you know?!"

Haley so glad to hear your appointment went well! And your gender scan is going to come so quickly! Can't wait to find out what you're havin!

I also had my 15/16 week appointment today. It was very short, basic blood pressure and quick chat, but I finally got to hear the heartbeat :cloud9: I wish I'd thought to record it now. But my SIL just told me today she has a home Doppler which she will lend me. We see her at least twice a week, so I'm a little annoyed she hasn't offered before now, but I'm excited to get it!
Hayley, with my first two appointments I had scans so while they were doing the scan they would let us listen to the heartbeat. Then at my last appointment they brought a doppler in to check and I was told that, checking the heartbeat was pretty standard. I'm glad you got to hear your babies heartbeat at your most recent appointment though. I teared up the first time I heard mine.

Anyways, so many people have their gender scans soon. Mine isn't until November 13th. I feel like I have forever to wait. I wish it was less then a week. But I'm really excited to find out what y'all are having.
Hi ladies, just checking in. Not been on for almost a week so got a lot to catch up on :haha:

Hope everyone's ok! xx
My midwife never checked the heartbeat :( I really wanted to listen to it as didn't get the chance to at my first ultrasound (saw it on the screen but that's it). She said because baby is so small there is a possibility we won't find it and thought it would make me anxious if we couldn't.

On a plus though, I've felt ok now for two days. On Tuesday I was sick but only once in the morning... My migraine was quite bad that day too so I just slept for most of the day. This morning though I woke up without feeling that horrible feeling like I have done for the last couple of months. Preying this means it might be settling down!!

I feel hungry... Definitely need to find food!! :p
MrsHippo - I didn't hear my baby's heartbeat until my 16w midwife appointment, I don't know why. I always thought they'd let you hear it at your 12w scan but clearly not :shrug: xx
My 15/16 week appointment was on Tuesday but still didn't listen to it. So unless I buy a doppler I won't hear it until either my scan in a few weeks or next mw appointment which is a week before Christmas :(
Seems strange you guys aint got to hear the heart beat. I was told when i first seen my m/w at 10wks it was to early to hear it so she wouldnt do it then. When i see her last week she said i wouldnt have let you leave unless we tried and im glad she did gave me little reassurance. I hope you get to hear next time. Seems to far off when you next seem them eh. I see mines next on the 27th on November its 6 weeks away and 5 weeks til my scan :( stil seems like forever away xxx
Lauren sorry to hear you didn't get a chance to hear the heartbeat. My midwife also said there was a chance of not finding it, I think they use that as an excuse just in case. But it seems strange that she didn't try. So glad to feel you are starting to feel better! Long may it last!

My SIL gave me a bag of her maternity clothes today which is great. A lot of it is just bigger size normal stuff which I'm fine with, and then some actual maternity wear. She's about 5inches shorter than me though, and probably a size smaller so hopefully some of it fits! Only 1 pair of trousers but I'm skeptical that they'll fit...!!
She told me that after 25 weeks the appointments will become closer together... I thought they all worked the same but obviously not. Like my gp said she would probably want to take more blood to test for anemia as my original bloods would have been too early to detect it but she didn't... We rely on them to do what is best for us but it's frustrating when we start having to tell them what to do! My mw isn't much older than me and has been qualified for 18 months or so, don't know whether that has anything to do with it :/

I don't really want to buy a doppler as I don't want to start becomming obsessed with listening to it (if that makes sense) and don't want to worry myself when I can't find it. Hmmm. I guess I just have to hope everything goes well and should be able to hear it soon, just a shame that I have to wait so long.
Lauren, I can't believe you have to wait so long to hear the HB. Are you allowed to ask/request to hear it? Or book a private scan? Not sure about over there, but here you can find some relatively inexpensive places.

Sarah, that's cool that she gave you some maternity clothes. I've considered looking for some but am still trying to hold out. I'm still comfortable in my clothes at first but by the end of the day (after eating, drinking, etc.) I just want to rip them all off!!

Does anyone know if it matters whether or not your prenatals contain iron? And if not, are you supposed to take an iron supplement? I just noticed that mine don't contain iron. :shrug:
I'm not sure Lindsey, I would imagine that if they don't have iron you should maybe ask at your next appointment. I need to go and check mine now! I never thought about iron.

Lauren, I know what you mean about the Doppler. That's why I didn't buy one of my own, and I hope I don't get obsessed with it. I know where my midwife found it the other day, so ill start there, but I will try not to panic if I don't get it....I say this...
I guess I could look at having one done privately... But part of me thinks I'll be feeling LO move around regularly and stuff soon so as long as I know he/she is developing properly that's all that matters... Hmm I'll have a think about it.

I'm not 100% about iron because I've read different things about it. I don't think you need to be taking supplements unless your iron levels are low, then depending on how low you are your doctor will tell you how much you should be taking/prescribe them to you. As you can get some tablets with a higher dose.... I'll look at my tablets and see if it's in them. If not, I guess it isn't essential that we take it.

If your worried at all about your iron levels you should try adding more to your diet. You can find a list of foods online :)
Oh and I now have a proper little bump!! :D I can't wait until it gets a little bigger!

I'll have to post a photo up, keep on meaning to but just haven't got around to it yet.
MrsHippo - I'm sure once you start feeling baby move around it will put your mind at ease :) Also if you're bump is coming along nicely, i'd say that's a good sign too :D xx

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