First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

just wanted to pop in and sai im 16wks today whoohoo time is flying
Yay Cherry, happy avocado day to us!! :dance:

Sarah, good that u found some good clothes and enjoyed shopping! Travel systems are one thing I am carefully researching now too. So many choices and so many things to consider about them. I want the most lightweight jogging system that has the best features and quality...maybe does not exist. :haha:
Jenny, I think you can definitely find what you're looking for...but yeah lots of research is the way to go! I knew we needed a three wheeler, and something that is car seat compatible, but other than that it was just all my own personal preference. Some things out there I look at the and see a spaceship, not a buggy. That's if I don't faint when I see the price tag!

Luckily, in N.I. It's tradition for the girl's parents to buy the first pram, and so my parents will be all over this one!! But at the same time still want to get something reasonably priced! Some things a&e ridiculously expensive!
I already have mines. It went on offer so i just had to snap it up but my mum paid for it as a gift to me as she bought my sisters. Can't wait to start using it lol..

Thanks Jenny can't believe its 16weeks already lol xx
I'm hoping to start buying things in January - sales preferably :)

I'm going to try and concentrate on Xmas first, I have LOTS of people to buy for!!

Brought some maternity clothes from NEXT this evening for work so they should be here tomorrow :O)
Happy 16 weeks, Cherry, Lauren and Jenny! :happydance:

Jenny, I saw this travel system at Babies R Us the other day. I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for but I thought I'd throw that out there!

Sarah, you probably felt the baby moving! Yay!!

My skin hasn't been as bad but my HAIR is just awful. I had really fine hair to begin with but now it's gone 100% limp. It literally won't do anything!! Trying to look for a new shampoo and conditioner or something that will help give it some body.

We got the crib and dresser all set up and are now shopping around for a glider. I started a thread in the Baby Club asking moms if they recommended a glider or a rocker/recliner and the general consensus seemed to be rocker/recliner... but we can't find one that will fit within our current budget OR through the nursery doorway. :lol: So glider it is!

Here's the 18 week bump:


  • 18.JPG
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Whoa Lindsey your bump is so neat! I already think mine is massive...although it definitely fluctuates from day to day, and even during the day.

Felt the same sort of "popping" again about half an hour ago, in the same place as last time, and in the same area over and over for about ten minutes. That seems like a long time so now I'm wondering if it really is just gas?! I think I'll wait it out until Tuesday (16 weeks) and see how much more I feel before calling it either way!

Lauren, let me know how your Next clothes are - I could do with some trousers for work. I will also wait until after Xmas to get most big stuff as well. Like you say with Christmas coming up money will be going on other things. Mainly presents for little ones in our family as I told my brother and sister (and their husband/wife) we aren't getting them anything this year so don't get us!! Just the wee ones this year definitely.
Thanks, Sarah! I cheated, though... I've been taking all of my progression pics at the same time in the morning after I use the bathroom and before I eat breakfast. The bump definitely grows throughout the day.

I was reading in one of the parenting magazines the doctor gave me and it said that around 16-18 weeks you may be able to feel the baby's whole-body movements, like as it squirms and does flips and stuff. So maybe that's what you're feeling? Mine felt pretty similar to that when I first started feeling things.
Jenny & Sarah - I'm with you on the breakouts! I read on The Bumps weekly updates that skin is supposed to be lovely and clear from here on in - Ummm?!?!?! lol.

Brittany - No gagging for me when I sneeze but I AM sneezing a lot more usual than usual! My gagging happens when I cough.

Linzi - My hair is horrible too :( Is yours getting greasy really quickly? I have really long hair that reaches the top of my butt, so it takes AGES to dry it - usually it lasts up to 3 or 4 days between washes, but now I wash it and literally the next day it looks lank and greasy again. Its cracking me up, Im considering having it all cut off into a bob!!
Such a cute bump, btw! :) I feel embarrased to post mine as it seems much huger than all of yours lol.

Lauren - I'm with you on waiting until after xmas to really start with the buying. We're all kind of lucky our babies are due when the are - a nice time not too close to Christmas or any major holidays, well...except Easter but thats not too pricey usually! :)
I love the hammock, so cute! I've actually never seen those before. I haven't decided what kind of bed we want yet, I need to look at a few more

Has anybody had anyone comment that they're "showing" yet? This week I'm back home visiting my parents, and my dad and my aunt both commented on my "bump"! lol, it feels weird to me coz - other than all the heaving - I still don't FEEL pregnant! I keep expecting to feel different but I really don't yet?? When I feel well, I could easily forget that there's a little human inside me! hehe.

I'm getting soooooo nervous about the gender scan and consultant appointment on Tuesday!! I hate the last day before a major appointment...its always such a drag!

I have done some baby browsing since being home though, and I've bought two little baby outfits, a nappy disposal system, a set of bottles and a cute little baby gym/play mat :)

We've also picked our pram! Its waaaaay too expensive but my parents are paying and they insisted I don't let the price affect my choosing as its the same price they paid for my sisters first babies pram...they like everything to be equal! I'm really pleased, its totally my style! The store add pink or blue ribbons once I tell them the gender :) I can't wait to push the baby around in it :)
MrsHippo, I would be nervous about trying a hammock. For some reason I think it would be easy for a baby to suffocate in one. But then again, I had never even heard of the baby hammock until you posted one so I haven't actually done any sort of research on them.

I'm glad I'm not the only one dealing with all the spots. Silly me thought the hormonal acne I dealt with prior to AF before pg would go away with pregnancy. Definitely not the case. I now have acne on my chest and back. Yuck!! I've never had that problem before, not even when I was a teen.

Sarah, I'm glad the shopping day wasn't too bad. I'm also thrilled that you might be starting to feel some movement!

I'm so excited for the gender scans coming up. I can't wait to start updating the first post with what we're having. :)
Yes, my hair is greasy!! Since it's so fine, I usually wash it every day anyway but I used to be able to make it at least 24 hours. Now I wash it in the morning and then feel like I need to do it again before bed. I don't, but my hair definitely feels gross by the end of the day. :( BTW, I'm jealous of your long hair. I considered professional extensions at one time but I'm not sure my hair would be good for that.

No on except my mom has mentioned that I'm showing. I've had a few friends (and even strangers) stare at my stomach like they're not sure what to say lol. And I'm totally anxious for my ultrasound as well. Excited to see that everything is okay and find out the gender but still nervous!! What time is your appointment? Mine's 11 (Mountain Time). Tomorrow is definitely going to take forever.

Beautiful pram!! Does it come with the umbrella? I think it'll look perfect with the colored ribbons.
Yes, my hair is greasy!! Since it's so fine, I usually wash it every day anyway but I used to be able to make it at least 24 hours. Now I wash it in the morning and then feel like I need to do it again before bed. I don't, but my hair definitely feels gross by the end of the day. :( BTW, I'm jealous of your long hair. I considered professional extensions at one time but I'm not sure my hair would be good for that.

No on except my mom has mentioned that I'm showing. I've had a few friends (and even strangers) stare at my stomach like they're not sure what to say lol. And I'm totally anxious for my ultrasound as well. Excited to see that everything is okay and find out the gender but still nervous!! What time is your appointment? Mine's 11 (Mountain Time). Tomorrow is definitely going to take forever.

Beautiful pram!! Does it come with the umbrella? I think it'll look perfect with the colored ribbons.

It sucks, doesn't it :/ I've always had long hair since I was about 10 yrs old, I am def considering it having it cut short when the baby is born just for ease though - it will be soooo much quicker to wash and to style, plus it'll be nice not to have it dangling down when I'm changing the baby! lol.

Thanks! :) Yeah the pram comes with the umbrella/parasol and the changing bag that you can see in the picture - the picture doesn't show the detailing too well, the parasol and the lining of the basket are all grey-spotted patterns - it's really cute and very unisex so if I do have another baby I can use it again.
Iit also comes with the alternate seat for when the baby is older and sitting up:

My ultrasound is at 4pm GMT - so that's 10 am your time :) How exciting!!!
I'm hoping that babies are behaving and we both get to find out the sex!
Yay so today starts gender reveal week! Sooo anxious for all the big news!! My latest worry is that baby won't cooperate...

Funny enough I am considering that very Baby Trend jogger system! Read reviews that make me hesitant though. And not many joggers have a tray for LO. I don't know how useful that is but I imagine it must be nice. ?? If it is no tray, then I can probably find one easily. My parents are also buying the pram set.

Speaking of bumps....yeah....mine is huge. I think this is gonna be a big baby because it's not even half way and I feel huge! I need to upload when I am not on my phone. I will make any insecurities about whale factor disappear. :haha: Luckily not gaining weight anywhere else....cept the boobies! They're looking big! :haha:
Hayley oh my gosh that pram is absolutely gorgeous!!!! It reminds me of the old style silver cross models, but looks like its got the modern chassis etc. it's lovely!!

My hair has always been greasy - washed every morning and by bed time it's an oil slick. Now worse now, but just as bad as always!!

Gender week is here!! I am so so excited to find out what "flavour" all these little beans are! I can't believe its come so quickly! Good luck to everyone having their scan at any point this week, and update us as soon as you know!!!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Glad a few of you seem to be a bit better with your MS :thumbup:!

So jealous of everyone who gets to find out the gender this week! I still have 2 weeks on friday to go :sad1:

We ordered our pram about a month ago from Mothercare and we haven't had to pay a penny off of it thanks to our families :) My parents have paid £150, my grandparents have paid £150 and OH's grandparents have paid £150 so that's it all paid off! We went for the Silver Cross Linear Freeway I don't drive so would have to be nice and cosy for baby when I walk somewhere:

As for baby moving, I felt it a couple of weeks ago but just a few bubbly feelings but last night whilst laid watching telly I could feel it for a good 5 minutes or so :D Felt like lots of rumbles in my lower belly and I swear I felt a couple of nudges too but that could just be my imagination working overtime :haha:!

We finally got the wardrobe and drawers sanded and painted (we bought them both on eBay for £70 but they were pine and we wanted white) so they are now in the baby's room along with the cot and everything else we've gotten so far. It's getting pretty full in there now so god knows where i'm gonna put stuff soon!

With regards to people saying i'm "showing", we went to a family party on Saturday and we don't get to see them very often so a lot of poeple there were saying that they could definitely tell now :D

Linzy - have you looked on eBay for a glider/recliner? I looked the other week and there was lots, some even brand new that people have bought and then not used

LiverpoolLass - That pram is gorgeous!

Hope everyone's ok! x
Laura, I'm feeling a bit jealous too since so many people are having their gender scans. I have to wait until the 13th of November for mine. I can't believe my ob/gyn doesn't do the gender scan until 20 weeks.

Anyone having trouble sleeping at night? I'm not so much struggling with being uncomfortable due to my stomach as it's still not too big but I get so ridiculously hot at night. Seriously, I think I should just give up on wearing pjs and just sleep in the nude. :haha:
Lol Brittany I know how you feel! I bought some cheap pj bottoms in a big size from the supermarket, but I'm not sleeping well either. Last night was awful!

Laura that pram is really lovely! Honestly some prams I look at and thing 'why would someone buy that?!' But all the ones you ladies are buying are lovely!
I went shopping Thursday and luckily found long enough cargo and hard with me being tall n skinny
Laura - I'll definitely have a look at eBay, thanks for the suggestion! OH uses it for everything else so I'm not sure why we didn't think of this. :lol:

Brittany - I had a week or two of really bad insomnia where I couldn't fall asleep before 1-2am and even then I'd wake up 2-3 times to go pee. I felt like a zombie. Now I can fall asleep really easily (even after I go to the bathroom) so hopefully it's just a phase for you or better yet, a one-time thing! And I totally sleep nude! :lol: I did before pregnancy but now I can't imagine being restricted by clothes at night as my stomach gets uncomfortable and I get hot pretty easily.

Last night was actually the worst night's sleep I've had in a week. I had a fruit smoothie after dinner and woke up at 1:30am with horrible indigestion. I actually started sweating and ran to the bathroom thinking I might throw up. I finally fell asleep curled up in the fetal position. I think it's my new favorite way to sleep!

I'm sure everyone's gender scans will be here before we know it!! I remember making my appointment 3 weeks ago and I can't believe it's already here so I'm hoping the next 2-3 weeks fly by for you ladies as well.

Are we gonna have a group for after our babies are born, too?
Laura - I'll definitely have a look at eBay, thanks for the suggestion! OH uses it for everything else so I'm not sure why we didn't think of this. :lol:

Brittany - I had a week or two of really bad insomnia where I couldn't fall asleep before 1-2am and even then I'd wake up 2-3 times to go pee. I felt like a zombie. Now I can fall asleep really easily (even after I go to the bathroom) so hopefully it's just a phase for you or better yet, a one-time thing! And I totally sleep nude! :lol: I did before pregnancy but now I can't imagine being restricted by clothes at night as my stomach gets uncomfortable and I get hot pretty easily.

Last night was actually the worst night's sleep I've had in a week. I had a fruit smoothie after dinner and woke up at 1:30am with horrible indigestion. I actually started sweating and ran to the bathroom thinking I might throw up. I finally fell asleep curled up in the fetal position. I think it's my new favorite way to sleep!

I'm sure everyone's gender scans will be here before we know it!! I remember making my appointment 3 weeks ago and I can't believe it's already here so I'm hoping the next 2-3 weeks fly by for you ladies as well.

Are we gonna have a group for after our babies are born, too?
My scan is Wednesday....hoping there guess was right a month ago

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