First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I really disliked SIL's name for her second child. It was just such a weird name to me (Penelope) but now I really love it and couldn't imagine her being named anything else. She is such a sweetie.

I have been feeling a bit better with the MS. But a side effect of my nausea meds is constipation and that is pretty bad right now. I have a lot of cramping in my lower back and stomach thanks to that. So I basically just traded one horrible symptom for another. I really need to get a stool softener because this sucks.
Ugh that's not good at all. My constipation last week had me in tears, so I now how you feel. Hope you feel better soon.

Penelope is an unusual name, but as you say you get so used to the name you never even think about it!
That is such a cool story!! I love the teasing behind your middle names, it makes it so special, and I'm sure it was nice for all the older sisters to have a little bit of them in the youngest!

My middle name is Louise but it actually comes from my parents first baby, Sharon Louise, who died of spina bifida unfortunately. My mum likes having her name in mine to remember her by. But it does just seem like Sarah Louise, how original, to most people!
Aww some lovely name choices, girls :)

I know what you mean about the name becoming the child and ending up loving it - one of my nieces is Lottie and I really didn't like the name at all when my sister was pregnant, I kept trying to suggest other names - but now she just IS Lottie, she could never be anything else - it suits her so much and its grown on me a lot now.

I'm hoping it will be the same with the name I choose - I have always liked more unusual names best, as I hate the idea of their being other children in my childs class at school with the same name. But my family aren't the same and prefer more traditional names.

My choices are changing pretty much everyday, but right now we like Mackenzie or Kylan for a boy, and we like Daisy (very mainstream for me!), Autumn or Seraphina Rose for a girl (Sephi-Rose for short).

My OHs surname is a difficult one (Glass), I think it needs quite a long first name to go with it.

Aww Amanda, thats such a cool story about your name - It must be nice having so many names you can use too!

Oooh your scan date is getting close, yours too Brittany - are you excited?

My MS has trailed off quite a bit the past few days - typically I want it back coz the lack of it is worrying me! How ridiculous after I've been praying for weeks for it to go away?!!!
Hayley i am the same! One day I have ms and I'm going "leave me alone!" the next day when I feel fine I'm saying to dh "it needs to come back so I know it's ok!!!!"

Daisy and seraphina rose are such pretty names!!!!! I love them! And sephi-rose is the cutest nickname ever! Love them!

Ugh I feel horrible this morning!
That is such a cool story behind your name, Amanda.

Hayley, I really like your name choices. Especially the name Autumn. It just sounds so pretty.

I'm thrilled for my next appointment. I've already started my countdown (6 days). OH thought the appointment was this week and was telling his boss all about it last week. :haha: I think he's a bit impatient himself.

As for the MS, no breaks here. I keep reading we're getting close to the time where it will start to go away but I haven't been so lucky yet. Of course, I'm sure when it does go away I'll panic thinking something is wrong.
Brittany 6 days?! That's so soon! Very exciting Plus it means mine is only 8 days :haha:

I am so bloated today it's unreal. I feel like a hot air balloon. I'm genuinely baffled as to how people at work haven't noticed I have this massive bulge sticking out! I'm trying to wear cover up clothes but I still think its so obvious!
Hi everyone I'm a little late in joining this forum but hopefully there's still room for me and my bump... I'm expecting my 1st on April 4th, 2013 so far I've had pretty terrible MS, sore bbs, and food aversions... I've also had a couple spotting scares but all seems to be good! So far we've had two ultrasounds, the 1st was at 8 weeks 5 days, and the baby waved!!! Then due to something scary got to hear the heartbeat it was at 145 bpm. Definitely need to meet some people that are in the same boat, all my friends that are not pregnant are probably sick of hearing me talk about all my symptoms lol :haha:
Whoo for appointments coming up. This one is my first genetic testing appointment so I'll have more blood drawn so they can test for stuff and then I'll also have an ultrasound so they can measure the thickness of the neck I think. I'm pretty excited to see the baby again. What will be happening at your next appointment?

Welcome Dixie, we've been doing a lot of talking about symptoms here so you'll fit right in. Your symptoms sound very similar to mine. My MS has been the all day kind only it's more so the nausea then actually throwing up. I wish I would throw up more though because then I would at least get some relief from the nausea for a bit. I also have the sore bbs and food aversions. Sore bbs were actually one of my earliest symptoms. What food aversions are you having? My biggest one has been tomatoes, most things involving tomatoes grosses me out. I've also been disgusted by eggs.
Hi Dixie! So glad to have another person to share the journey with! I'm Sarah, due April 9th! Sorry to hear you are suffering with ms. Mine hasn't been too bad, but my sense of smell has me gagging at everything, and I couldn't even think about tuna right now. Glad you got to hear your heartbeat, I've seen mine but not heard...maybe next scan?

Brittany to be honest I have no idea what my next appointment entails. I was told to allow 2-3 hours....? I've had bloods done and general medical check, so I really do not know what to expect. Definitely another scan, and they said a more detailed scan. I think it'll still be too early for my nuchal test scan, but I'm hoping to get a more official edd. Everything else is just a mystery until next Wednesday!
Whoo for appointments coming up. This one is my first genetic testing appointment so I'll have more blood drawn so they can test for stuff and then I'll also have an ultrasound so they can measure the thickness of the neck I think. I'm pretty excited to see the baby again. What will be happening at your next appointment?

Welcome Dixie, we've been doing a lot of talking about symptoms here so you'll fit right in. Your symptoms sound very similar to mine. My MS has been the all day kind only it's more so the nausea then actually throwing up. I wish I would throw up more though because then I would at least get some relief from the nausea for a bit. I also have the sore bbs and food aversions. Sore bbs were actually one of my earliest symptoms. What food aversions are you having? My biggest one has been tomatoes, most things involving tomatoes grosses me out. I've also been disgusted by eggs.

Thank you!!! I've been puking since about 5 weeks and it can get pretty violent but they prescribed me Zofran which has been helping unless I forget it.... Otherwise I'm constantly nauseous, which is so much worse then just having the relief of getting it out sometimes (I'm sorry you're not getting the relief)... I'm averted to meat and I have a problem with eating eggs as well they are grossing me out lol ( I tend to over think things that I'm eating anyways and have had this problem before pregnancy)... But I love milk and avocados haha.
Hi Dixie! So glad to have another person to share the journey with! I'm Sarah, due April 9th! Sorry to hear you are suffering with ms. Mine hasn't been too bad, but my sense of smell has me gagging at everything, and I couldn't even think about tuna right now. Glad you got to hear your heartbeat, I've seen mine but not heard...maybe next scan?

Brittany to be honest I have no idea what my next appointment entails. I was told to allow 2-3 hours....? I've had bloods done and general medical check, so I really do not know what to expect. Definitely another scan, and they said a more detailed scan. I think it'll still be too early for my nuchal test scan, but I'm hoping to get a more official edd. Everything else is just a mystery until next Wednesday!

Hi Sarah! Congrats on your pregnancy! MS is a double edged sword for me if its not happening I'm worrying... So although its not comfortable it is reassuring lol I can't stand most meat and mostly everything unless I really like it I have to force it down... The heartbeat was so low when we heard it I honestly couldn't tell that that was what I was listening too... But he told me it will get louder as it goes, I can't wait to hear it a little more clearly... I bet you will get to hear yours at your next appointment, its so exciting!!! Good luck can't wait to hear how it goes!
Welcome Dixie! :) I'm sorry to hear about your ms :( Mine had been awful too, although in the last 3 or 4 days its tailed off quite a bit - which of course leaves me worried, but at least the releif is nice! I was at the point of throwing up every day and not being able to keep anything down!

Have you had any name ideas yet? :)

Aww thanks Sarah & Brittany, I'm pleased you like my names as I'm so used to family and friends hating them! lol.

Sarah is your next appointment your scan or a second midwife appointment?

I had an initial midwife appointment last week where they just gave me some forms and asked a few things, but at my second midwife appointment on 11th September (my birthday!) the midwife will be going through alllll the forms with me, discussing birthing plan, doing more tests etc....that appointment is a home visit.

At the scan (mine is 24th Sept, feels like years away!) they will show us around the hospital, do more blood tests etc, do the dating, and offer the genetic testing. We've decided against having the testing as we feel like it won't really acheive anything - we're 100% sure we don't want to risk the amnio if we show as high risk so we figured theres no point in knowing if we're high or low risk if we won't have the amnio anyway.

Have any of you used a doppler yet? I've been considering buying one since they're able to detect a heartbeat from 9 weeks, but I'm not sure if it might just panic me more if I can't find it!
Welcome Dixie! :) I'm sorry to hear about your ms :( Mine had been awful too, although in the last 3 or 4 days its tailed off quite a bit - which of course leaves me worried, but at least the releif is nice! I was at the point of throwing up every day and not being able to keep anything down!

Have you had any name ideas yet? :)

Aww thanks Sarah & Brittany, I'm pleased you like my names as I'm so used to family and friends hating them! lol.

Sarah is your next appointment your scan or a second midwife appointment?

I had an initial midwife appointment last week where they just gave me some forms and asked a few things, but at my second midwife appointment on 11th September (my birthday!) the midwife will be going through alllll the forms with me, discussing birthing plan, doing more tests etc....that appointment is a home visit.

At the scan (mine is 24th Sept, feels like years away!) they will show us around the hospital, do more blood tests etc, do the dating, and offer the genetic testing. We've decided against having the testing as we feel like it won't really acheive anything - we're 100% sure we don't want to risk the amnio if we show as high risk so we figured theres no point in knowing if we're high or low risk if we won't have the amnio anyway.

Have any of you used a doppler yet? I've been considering buying one since they're able to detect a heartbeat from 9 weeks, but I'm not sure if it might just panic me more if I can't find it!

Hi LiverpoolLass thank you for the welcome! We have the same due date it looks like :thumbup: I definitely understand I have went certifiable trying to find information when my symptoms wane, now I'm starting to believe that it just comes and goes as it pleases lol

As far as names go we have either set, if its a girl she will be Violet Rhiannon Lynnaya, and if its a boy he will be Nile's Patrick Leo (<---Daddy wanted a name sake but I had to contribute a middle name so I chose Leo after my Father's middle name) We actually had them picked before we ever got prego as we had been ttc for almost two years...
Hi I love Lucy,

I am also 22 and due on 28th march with my first!
I'm so excited, I've just found this forum as I was lookin through wondering where I could find different bits of info.

My scan is on 20th September. Have you had yours yet?? X
2-3 hours for an appointment, Sarah?! That's around how long my first appointment was and I was told that, that will be the longest one. You'll have to let me know what all they do because I'm curious. Really hope you get the hear the heartbeat this time though. I swear it's the best sound in the world.

Dixie, I also have Zofran to help with my nausea so that I can actually eat during the times where I just feel miserable. Not much longer though before we're done with first tri so hopefully we'll be getting some relief soon.

Hayley, our second appointments are on the same day! I go into the office at 4 for my ultrasound and then I meet with my doctor afterwards.

I haven't used a doppler and I don't plan to. As much as I love the sound of my baby's heartbeat, I just feel like I would freak myself out if I couldn't find it right away. I just don't want to give myself anything else to stress about.

Victoriasbump, I had my first appointment August 22nd. The baby measured 7+6 so I was able to see him or her as well as hear the heartbeat which was 174 bpm. I'm getting another scan on the 11th of this month but this one is for genetic testing. I'm really hoping I'll get pictures to bring home.
Hayley, my next appointment is with a consultant, so getting a scan then. But my first was with midwives and they did a quick scan - I think just to check something was actually in there!!!

Hi victoriasbump! Welcome along and congrats on your BFP!

I. Am. Exhausted.
That owl hat is soooo cute!! I really wish I could make stuff like that. When I tried crochet/knitting I just couldn't get the hang of it. Guess I'll just have to stick to cross stitch.

Are you ladies getting bumps yet? I've got something going. I took a picture first thing this morning since my bloating is terrible in the evening so excuse the fact that I'm in undies still.


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2-3 hours for an appointment, Sarah?! That's around how long my first appointment was and I was told that, that will be the longest one. You'll have to let me know what all they do because I'm curious. Really hope you get the hear the heartbeat this time though. I swear it's the best sound in the world.

Well our first appointment was an hour and a half, so I am very interested to know what this one will entail! I do know I have to get my bloods done again. Got a letter yesterday about them, saying I need them all retested and immediately freaked out that I somehow have syphillis or something and never knew...but no, the midwife just didn't label my samples correctly. ANY of the 4. Good job! :thumbup:

And Brittany in relation to bumps I'm the same - I defiitely think I have SOMETHING there already! I feel like I have a MASSIVE one that is so obvious, but then actually when I look in the mirror it's just like yours i.e. tiny! I think mine is all bloat all the time though! My mum and sis tried to get me to buy maternity trousers yesterday lol!

And I am impressed with any knitting/crocheting/cross stitch that is happening! My mum got me a beginner knitting kit for Christmas. I honestly did try, but the instructions were so awful none of us could make them out! And I'm not best known for my patience...

Luckily my mother in law, and my brother's mother in law are BIG knitters. We'll have stuff coming out our ears! Nothing as cute as the owl hat though!!!
Hi, im new to this site so bare with me. I wanted to join in my due date is March 26 according to my 8 week ultrasound, and it was March 22 according to my lmp. Anyways I am almost 12 weeks and have had very few symptoms.

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