First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

RosemaryJayne - I'm glad your MIL is getting better and I hope your OH is feeling better soon. I'm sorry about your dogs :hugs:

I think the way the sonographer treat you is absolutely disgusting - you should definitely make a complaint!

My sonographer person pushed on quite hard at times but I think it's because i've got a bigger tum than I should have so may be harder to see baby :shrug: Saying that though, she didn't press on hard enough to leave a bruise! :hugs:

I'm glad you've booked a private scan, but you shouldn't have to. I hope you have a fantastic appointment. Also, maybe tell them about your experience with the hospital and they might even give you a little longer or go into more detail than normal, worth a try?

LiverpoolLass - Glad you had a lovely time and got some great presents by the sounds of it!

Yep, so far we've decided on Eva Nicole (although Nicole will just be the middle name) :)

Strangely, since my scan i've felt the baby move a lot more :shrug: So strange! And i'm almost positive that you can feel it from the outside - although as soon as either me or OH put our hand there to feel she shy's away :haha: x
Congratulations Laura! Glad to hear your scan went well!

Amanda, I'm glad to hear your OH's mom has made a full recovery. I am sorry to hear about Marco getting the flu, your dogs passing away, and the 20 week scan not going very well. As for the sonographer, I definitely think you should complain. I imagine you're not the only person she has treated that way and something so joyful really shouldn't be ruined because the sonographer has a crappy attitude. Hopefully your scan on Thursday goes better and the sex can be confirmed.

Hayley, I'm so glad your baby's gender was confirmed. I bet that is a relief considering all the boy items you received.

AFM, my scan is today at 5:00. I feel like time is dragging by so I've been trying to do things to keep me busy. I'm planning to go grocery shopping today to help waste time and I've been spending a lot of time cross-stitching on one of the baby bibs I'm making. My thumb is very much opposed to this though since it's starting to get sore. :lol:

I'm also feeling like it's a girl. I had a dream again this morning about the ultrasound and being told it's a girl. I still keep trying to tell myself it's a boy to prepare myself for that too but it still feels like I'm trying to convince myself of something false. I think I'll feel silly if I'm wrong about what the sex is though so hopefully I'm right. :lol:
Brittany don't make us wait too long to find out what gender you're having! Have a wonderful scan!

Laura congrats on :pink:! Great news! Looked at some of the bits you got, and they are great, and so cute! As always you are so organised!! And so lovely to be able to feel her moving more.

Amanda I am so sorry to hear about your awful scan :hugs: definitely complain, and I would make a point of saying there are signs up saying to ask abut gender and even though you did you got no answer. I'm glad oh has booked a private scan - I wonder if you'll still be :blue: at it! Awful to hear he's been so unwell though, make sure you both take it easy over the next while.

Lindsey I hope you aren't getting too sick!

Lauren exciting about your new car - what sort did you get? I know what you mean, i wrote off my car last winter and dh had to get a new one at the same time, and we both made sure we got ones with isofix points for the future car seat bases! And don't even say about posting pictures of LO when they arrive! That just seems insane to me!

Hayley, I've never heard of the quickening (sounds like a horror movie! :haha:) but I'm glad to hear that your symptoms are something normal. Glad the scan and appointment went well, and hopefully you won't be waiting too long until your appointment about your c-section. Love the baby shower pictures! That little outfit is adorable!!!!

Nothing new with me today. I'm 19 weeks and its a week and a day until my 20 weeks scan :) can't believe I've made it to almost half way! My belly looks HUGE today!

Oh, and a kid at school asked me if I was pregnant today! I finally got to be really cruel and look puzzled and say "um, no I'm not pregnant." Her face just dropped!!! I burst out laughing, and she said "oh my gosh I felt so bad for a second there! Because everyone is saying you are pregnant, and someone said on Facebook it's a boy!" That's pretty impressive that the kids at school know the gender of my baby when I don't :haha: so yes, I am cruel, but I've been waiting to do that for ages! I take my small pleasures where I can!
Sarah - its a 1 series. I already have one but will be getting the newer version. Basically, we went in to look at the 3 series as we wanted a bigger car but they were asking for a big deposit and with Xmas and stuff we didn't want to do that. So just enquired about a 1 series and we dont need to put down a deposit (as our car covers it) and we will be paying £20 less a month than we currently do - road tax and insurance is the same. SO we are getting a brand new car for less a month! (we lease them). Couldn't say no really :) the new ones have more space inside too so we have plenty of space for chair ect.

The weirdest thing just happened!!! I am lying in the bath (as I always am when I'm on here haha) I was typing this message and felt quite strong movements but carried on typing then it happened again, this time I glanced down and my actual stomach was moving!!!!! It didn't just happen once either. I shouted Adam in and he saw it too so started wiggling my belly and it kept happening. The first two were on the left side of my belly button (as though I'm looking down) then the rest happened on the right! I thought it was too early to be seeing it??? I text my mum straight away like OMG I have an alien in my stomach!! Haha! I've been feeling movement but the strong ones haven't been so regular so I am really really shocked that this just happened!! I really thought it was too early!

That's amazing!!! I saw a little movement at the weekend but certainly nothing as immense as you are describing!! And so nice for OH to be able to see it as well! Your going to have a super active LO then!

I'm now sitting with my top pulled up, and my trousers pushed down and keeping an eye on my bump!

It's funny the way car finance works out sometimes, a friend of mine just got a new car for cheaper than the same type second hand!!
It was amazing!! Stopped now though. You should jump in a hot bath and see if that sets it off :)

We were looking at the second hand ones but they were charging more APR than the new ones!!

With all these scans happening and everyone feeling more movement it's all becoming more real :D x
40 minutes until my scan!! I feel like I'm going to burst with excitement. I wish I just had DH take the day off so we could do an early appointment. Waiting all day until he's done with work is TORTURE!!

Mrs.Hippo, that was so cool you were able to see the baby move. I think I've been starting to feel the movements on the outside but I'm not quite sure.
Morning Ladies, i'm terrible as I haven't written on here in ages. But I have been keeping up with all the exciting and some not so good things that have been going on.

Congrats to everyone who has had their gender scans already, so exciting!! I have my 20 week scan in 8 hours and even though I'm team yellow i can't believe that if we wanted to know if it was a girl or a boy we could by this afternoon. the more I think about it the more I want to know, but then I still really want the surprise at the end.

I know what you ladies mean about the gender guessing, I have a fairly close friend who is determined i am having a boy even though everyone else seems to think it's a girl. the only reason she thinks it's a boy is she can't see me with a little girl (which i don't quite understand...) and because none of our close circle of friends has a girl yet and she just seems to think another of our friends will have the first girl. I'm not sure if i'm just taking it wrong because it's from her or if she is generally being kind of cow-ish:shrug:

Congrats on the girl laura91! :pink:

Sorry to hear about the horrible scan you had rosemaryjayne and the run of bad luck you have been having *fingers crossed its over now*. I have heard some not very nice stories about some sonographers:growlmad:. It's just terrible because you would think that they would understand how exciting and nerve wracking this is, especially when it's your first child. But it's very exciting you have a private scan booked, that's very thoughtful that your OH did that (I know mine would never think of it).

On another thread I frequent one of the girls and her partner decided that they wanted to stay team yellow and when they went for their scan they told the sonographer this. the lady then purposefully made the look at the screen when the "potty shot" was visible and apparently it was quite clear what they were having. I just can't believe that some people could be so plain cruel!!

LiverpoolLass how exciting that you got team blue confirmed:blue:!! And your baby shower sounds fab! Baby showers are a big thing here is Australia. My mum is organising mine for me, which is exciting. We are thinking of having it sometime at the end of January/start of February.

I haven't felt any kicks really yet, I have felt movements of a sort and frequently have been getting internal type pain which I have put down to the baby leaning on something it shouldn't be cos it only lasts a few seconds and then eases after a while. I can't wait to feel proper kicks and my hubby is so excited to feel his first kick. He talks and sings to my belly constantly and sometimes refers to it as a girl. I have also had a lil blood when I blow my nose but no full on blood noses as yet, thank goodness.

Oh and I have my first midwife appt/booking in appt tomorrow afternoon, but have just found out that hubby can't come as he has a tattoo booked (he is a tattoo artist) and can't cancel it. So i'm hoping it isn't important for him to be there as otherwise I will have to reschedule and hopefully my mum is free to come with me tomorrow so I don't have to go and try and remember all the info myself. Hahah I have a brain like a sieve at the moment and am constantly forgetting things, its ridiculous!!

anyways orry for the ridiculously long post and sorry to the girsl that i didn't congratualte separately on their gender scans, there have been so many and with my sieve for a brain it's hard to remember them all, sorry :blush:
oh and i forgot to post these.....

My 14 week and 20 week pics. i'm not sure if i can see much difference between the two. Excuse the dirty mark on the mirror in the second pic i didn't notice it until later :dohh: I have only put on about 2-3kgs so far, so i'm thinking the baby must be taking advantage of the extra nutrition i had going on before i was preggers :haha: hehe.


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Well I got a surprise today when I found out I am team :blue:

I wasn't getting a boy vibe at all so this has been quite a shock. I'll update more when it's not so late.
Been awhile since been on here have worked 100 hours in last 2 weeks. Cant wait to have thanksgiving n black friday off to sleep....have gender scan monday
Well I got a surprise today when I found out I am team :blue:

I wasn't getting a boy vibe at all so this has been quite a shock. I'll update more when it's not so late.

congrats on being team blue I Love Lucy. How very exciting!! :thumbup:
Well I got a surprise today when I found out I am team :blue:

I wasn't getting a boy vibe at all so this has been quite a shock. I'll update more when it's not so late.

Congratulations :)

I guess there is no real way of ever knowing what we are having. People get 'feelings' right but if you think about it they have a 50/50 chance of getting it right!! At least you can go out and buy lots of little blue things now :p xx
Brittany congratulations on :blue:! Like the others said it's impossible to ever know, but once the shock wears off you will go blue crazy when shopping!!

Bstar - I can't believe that story about the sonographer purposefully making the couple look at the gender! THAT'S SO MEAN! And strange! I guess some people take their kicks where they can get them...
And I love the bump pics! I can see a definite difference! I've put on roughly the same amount of weight, so I guess that's pretty normal! I also thought it didn't seem like a lot...especially as my bump seems MASSIVE!!

Teresa goodness I'm sure you are EXHAUSTED working that much. I guess Thanksgiving is pretty soon (maybe next week?) so hopefully you get a good break then.

1 week until my scan :happydance:
Hey ladies. Ive been in and out threads i must get like 17 a day lol. And ive been watching all 4 season of true blood i know there is a 5th one but i need to download that lol. Currently sitting half way through the 4th one then ill be more glued back on here. Ive missed a few posts and skipped right the end lol.

I'm feeling a little better drinking alot of water to help clear it all out. Just got a cough and stiffle nose my voice is coming back thank god :).

Just got a letter from the council and man they are driving me insane. After FOB move in they keep asking for more info even if we have handed it in and now they asking for my maternity leave date and pay. I dont even know this my until i see midwife. I'm sure she said she had to go through paper work with me next time as i need to hand it into work also *sighs*

Sorry to hear about your scan hun. Sorry i can't rememeber you name. (baby brain) But i think you should put a complaint in as they is no way to talk to anyway if your working. If i spoke like that to a customer for sure they complain and i'd get in trouble. So next time your up there hun remember to put one in and tell them it left you upset and didnt know whether to say something or not.

I've got my scan a week today and it wont come fast enough. when lying down i can feel my belly getting harden :) just wish it look more like that when i stood up lol.
Sorry i'm still using usernames but i'm on a few threads and keep getting names muddled :dohh:

DoggyLover - I love it when people comment on my bump/pregnancy, I keep thinking people will just think i've put weight on :haha:

MrsHippo - I wanna see my baby moving :haha:! I can feel her moving quite a lot but not looked for her moving yet

BStar - Well done on staying team yellow (if you did!) it will make an even better surprise at the end :) That's so mean about the sonographer showing the potty shot! I'd definitely complain, maybe even try and get a bit of compo too ;)

ILoveLucy - Congratulations on your blue bump!

Cherry - I know the feeling about threads, I must have 25 subscriptions :blush: I'm too nosey for my own good :haha:

Hope everyone's ok!

Here's this weeks bump (a day early) against last weeks :)
Laura - Aww that's such a pretty name! :) I love it :)

Sarah - :haha: I was thinking the same thing about "the quickening" lol - sounds bizzaro! I mentioned it to my mum though and she said her mother told her about it when she was pregnant, apparently its an old fashioned phrase but its very much true! :) It certainly makes sense coz since that day my little Bean has been somersaulting left right and centre!

Oooh how exciting about the scan! Are you at all tempted to abandon Team Yellow?! hehe! I would be! I hope you manage to stay strong though, it will be a lovely surprise at the end!!!

Lauren - Oooh how exciting about the movements!!!! Lovely that OH was able to see it too!

BStar Wow! I can't beleive that story about the sonographer, how cruel?!?!

Aww yeah the baby shower was so much fun. Do you guys do anything different at showers in Australia?

I hope your first midwife appointment went well! Keep us informed! :)

Brittany - Congratulations on your little blue bundle! I hope everything was fine with baby at the scan? Did you get a nice picture?

Wannabewatkins - Aww thats a lot of hours! :( Can't wait to find out what you're having!!!

As for me.... - I had a HORRIBLE night, last night :( I ended up in hospital....AGAIN!

I had another panic attack (second one in 3 days, I hadnt one for MONTHS prior to that!) in the early evening which I think was brought on by the stress I'm under right now - we have the move to Liverpool this weekend, there is SO much still to do, and we have house viewings going on here too to try to find a property to move in to before Christmas preferably - After the panic attack, I calmed right down but then I suddenly got these excrutiating sharp stabbing pains in my stomach.

It was so intense it made me cry out in pain, it just felt like something was really wrong. I called the hospital and they told me to take some paracetomol :/

I left it an hour or so but I noticed that the movements, which had been constant all day, had stopped and I had a really bad headache too.

I decided that I wasn't going to be fobbed off by the hospital - after all, if the baby was born and something was wrong I would insist on him being seen - so to me theres no difference just because he's inside me, if I think something wrong then its my job as a parent to ensure his wellbeing, right?!

So I called the hospital back and said I wasnt happy and I wanted someone to see me, listen to the baby and take my blood pressure. They agreed and we went in....the babys heartbeat was fine, but my blood pressure was really high. They think thats what the problem was :/

They let me go home but they said they'll send a midwife out to me at home in a day or so to check my blood pressure again.

I'm supposed to be on bed rest and staying calm - pretty hard to do that while in the midst of a major house move! :/
Awww no! Can you not delegate some of the jobs to others? Maybe give OH more to do or ask some friends for some favours? I know it's not practical but needs must :hugs: xx
Thanks for the congrats everyone! It was all rather overwhelming yesterday. I had a bit of a hard time accepting that I had no boy vibes at all. All my friends kept talking about how they just "knew" what they were having so I kind of felt like there was something wrong with me since I thought it was a girl and I was definitely wrong.

Not to mention, MIL has been saying it was a boy because of the heartbeat stuff (even though it's in the girl range) and I partially wanted her to be wrong just so she would quit acting like that old wives tale is fact which is how she has been acting. I'm sure she is going to have this "I told you so" attitude now and I'm not looking forward to dealing with it at all. DH told her the gender over the phone last night but I refused to talk to her when she asked. I feel like I need to adjust to it being a boy since that outcome was so unexpected to me before I deal with her.

We did have a great scan though and DH and I bought an outfit last night for our son. I had the same U/S tech that I did for my 12 week scan. I think she really enjoys taking measurements and stuff of my baby because he is just so cooperative. I'm already so proud of him and he's not even here yet. :cloud9: I did attach some photos from the scan, the first one is just a regular profile shot, the second one is the potty shot, the third one is a 4D picture of him rubbing his eye, and the fourth one is a 4D facial shot.

We also have our nursery set picked out which you can see here. I'm so excited about doing the nursery and buying more clothes. I was reminded last night that I actually prefer boy clothes to girl clothes since I like the "boy" colors and themes more.

My OB did upset me about my weight though when she said I have gained more then she would like. This always frustrates me so much because I always weigh more in the evening then what I do in the morning. I don't know what they expect considering they requested I drink 20 ozs of water an hour before the appointment and they're weighing me with clothes and boots on. That's obviously going to add some extra pounds. But, even if I am not exactly in the ideal weight range for how far along I am, I don't get why they need to make a big deal about it. The baby is healthy, my blood pressure is normal, this supposed extra weight hasn't caused any health problems for me or the baby. It just seems like all the weight comment did was make me feel like a crap mother because I don't fit in exactly with the ideal guidelines that they have. I'm trying not to dwell on it but this whole weight thing does nothing but cause me stress at every appointment. Anyways, I attached my 20 week bump picture. It's really cool to see us all getting bigger.


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Brittany those pics are great! The one where he is rubbing his eyes, oh my gosh so adorable!! And I wouldn't worry what your ob said - in your photo you look TINY! Really slender compared to what I see when I stand sideways (which is a lot more flubber :haha:) and remember this ideal pregnancy stuff is all crap anyway - there is no perfect pregnancy, so don't feel bad for not fitting in with the "rules". Your nursery set is so cute! And I must admit, I definitely prefer baby boy clothes to girls!!
Also, I initially had a feeling my baby is a girl, but now it's a feeling that its a I clearly have no instincts about this at all! Even dh said the other day "just give it up - you have no idea!"

Hayley, weirdly last night when I was reading my weekly info on babycentre it mentioned quickening!! Twice in one day, and never heard of it before! I want my baby to have/do it (not sure about the correct way to say it) soon. So sorry to hear about your panic attacks. My bf gets them and I know how horrible they can be. As laura said, delegate as much as is humanly possible over the next week with the move. And you were 100% right to get checked out at hospital. Once you get the move done, major bed rest. I wish I was told to do bed rest - I want an excuse to sleep all day!! And nope, I'm happy to stay team yellow!! I think dh would like to find out, but I'm the boss in this house :rofl:

Afm, my boss gave me some forms to fill in for maternity leave. It all seems so far away still! But makes it seem so real.

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