First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Laura congrats on team :pink:!!!

Brittany congrats on team :blue:!!!

Seems like the score is much more staggered in here than compared to another thread I'm on. Everyone except me and another girl are team blue. :)

AFM...had family visitors for last week or so...slacking on my thread watching!!

Tried to browse updates.

One thing...Stretch marks...Don't wait until you see them to start putting on your lotion and bio-oil!! I have been applying everyday since 3 months. No signs of anything yet, but they say once you seem them it's too late already. Just make it a habit! :)

Gonna post my progressive belly pics. Definitely POPPING now!


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Oh Jenny the bump has popped! It looks great!

Funny, another thread I am in is majority girls and very few boys! Funny how it all groups together!
The November testing thread in second tri has a lot of team blue members in it. It'll be cool to see how many team blues and team pinks we end up with once everyone has had there scans.

Jenny, your bump looks great!!
Brittany - SUCH cute scan photos!!!! :) I'm glad it went so well. Try not to let them get to you about the weight thing - you look tiny to me too apart from a perfect little bump!!

Sarah - How weird you came across the quickening thing today! It IS lovely now that I'm feeling my little bean do his somersaults all the time ( and I mean ALL the time lol) but that first day before it happened and I had the faintness/weakness that apparently comes before it was HORRIBLE :/

Hehe good for you staying Team Yellow! Its going to kill me to wait until the end to know what colour your bean is though! :P

Sarah & Laura - Yeah I'm trying to get OH to do as much as possible with the move, but truth be told he can be rather useless at times and with my family being in Liverpool and my friends all working and being generally rather crap, there is nobody else to help :/
If it were me and my pregnant friend was moving to the other end of the country, I would offer to help with stuff - but noooooooo, not my friends! :D

Jenny - cute bump photos! :)

As for me...I have nothing much new to report - my sole concern right now is names. We've been torn between Tyne and Noah since the beginning - Tyne we love coz it has meaning to us because of OHs hometown but everybody else seems to hate it, and Noah we love but I don't like common names and the fact that it was Number 16 on last years UK Top 100 list worries me a matter how much I browse around I can't find any other boys names I like, I'm so picky - I'm just worried that we're going to end up calling him "Bean" forever!!!

I'm including my 20 week bump pic


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We're debating names too, Hayley. DH had suggested Raiden, Rhidon, and Aiden. The only name I liked out of those was Aiden so I thought that was what we were going to go with. Then when we were at our U/S the tech asked what names I had liked since I mentioned how DH vetoed all my names and I said Ashton and Jayden. DH then commented on how Jayden was a girl name and the U/S tech asked why because she didn't think it was one. Then DH said he thinks of Jade for short when he hears it whereas the U/S tech and I both just think of Jay for short. I don't know if it was hearing someone else say they didn't consider it a girl name or what but when we walked out of there DH was telling me would could name him Jayden as long as we spell it the way I have typed. But I don't feel strongly about the name anymore since DH was so against it before so I think we'll go with Aiden but I'm just not sure. Finding the right name is HARD!

We have chosen not to reveal the name until the baby is here though so this name dilemma is probably a bit of a blessing since it's not likely that I'll let the name slip since he doesn't have one yet.

You also have a lovely 20 week bump. :)
ILoveLucy - I wanted to prove my MIL wrong too :haha: Everyone thought I was having a boy so I managed to prove literally everyone wrong! I don't think there is a way of definitely knowing the sex until you have your scan. At the end of the day, you have 50% chance of being right ;)

Glad you had a great scan and those pictures are great - especially the one rubbing his eye! Maybe you had just woken him up? :)

I love your nursery set! I've never seen any like that near me, they're all really boring or covered in loads of different colours and silly characters :( My mum's going to make mine for me so I can have exactly what I want :)

Don't worry about the weight thing, i'm bigger than I should be but my midwife says it's absolutely fine - plus you don't even look to have any fat on you :haha: It's all just 'guidelines' for a perfect pregnancy but she says probably only 1% of people are in that category. I always wondered why they weighed you with a full bladder and shoes on too! Bit silly really.

DoggyLover - Well done for staying team yellow! I wish my boss would just bloody come in so I can go through my maternity stuff with him, i've had it all sorted for a couple of weeks now but he never comes into the office!

Jenny - Wow you definitely have popped!

LiverpoolLass - Don't worry about the name thing, even though we've picked Eva out I still feel a bit :wacko: about it.. I think it's cause she's not here yet and it feels weird saying it when you can't put a face to the name.. I love both names you have picked out and near me, I only know of 1 Noah - no Tynes ;) Lovely bump photo too!
Good luck at your private scan tonight Amanda. I hope you're able to find out the gender. :)

Your bump picture looks great as well! I still don't feel like I look all that pg. Especially when I have my clothes on.
Ladies does anyone else feel like a WHALE at the minute? I feel huge this week. And not in a good "bumpy" kind of way. Just...HUGE. I LOVE my bump, but i hate feeling so cumbersome already. I'm not even half way, what will I be like in 20 weeks time?!!?!? I'm not enjoying week 19 at all. I just feel like I'm lunbering around all the time. An enormous, lumbering whale.

Brittany, i think we won't reveal the name either until baby is here. Well, we won't know which gender it is firstly, but I don't think we'll reveal either of our choices, just let them find out on the day. My mum KEEPS asking though, and it's getting hard to put her off!! I like the name Aiden a lot! And glad oh is coming round to Jayden...they are a funny breed men. They won't believe their wives, but they'll believe a stranger. My dh does that too. Drives me nuts!

Amanda, have fun at your private scan! Find out what team you are on and let us know asap!

Hayley, see now you mentioned this quickening, I think I have it! :haha: I've been feeling baby move so much more than normal, and at all times of day rather than the few I felt before!! Also, I LOVE the name Noah. It's pretty rare here, but of course another teacher at my school just called her baby that! I know that shouldn't matter, and if I was giving advice to someone about it I'd say name the baby Noah anyway if it was a boy, but I'm just not comfortable doing it so close to hers! And if you like Tyne...go with Tyne! I think it's cute, and quirky!
Amanda & Hayley...bumps are looking good!! :)

Amanda, I also haven't gained anything...1kg at max. But baby is definitely growing and healthy, so I guess that's all that matters!! What's weird is to think about all the extra blood, fluids, boobs, baby, etc. that is making more weight and to have it not make a difference in your weight! Guess we lost weight being sick all those months. Less to lose later if we stay at this rate! :) I wasn't as skinny as I would have liked to have been before the BFP, but I'm happy overall with my PG size.

My mom gained 40lb when she had me and lost ALL of it once she had me. Then, she lost even more from breastfeeding to the point she was so thin the doc told her to stop breastfeeding! I hope that happens to me. ;)

Severe 2 day headache just seeing its way out. SO GLAD. Man, I hate these stinking headaches!! :(

Haven't felt baby much since last week when she was hammering away on my belly while I was getting ready to fall asleep. I can't wait until I can feel her more regularly. I've started putting headphones on my belly while I play piano...just in case she can hear it and benefit. Last night, it was mostly Christmas carols as I've been brushing up before we go play/sing for senior citizens in a couple of weeks. :)
DoggyLover - I feel like a whale too! Infact OH said last night "I wonder how big you'll get? Cause you're only half way now.." and he didn't dare finish his sentence :growlmad: To be fair though, I am quite worried :haha:

Jenny - That's so sweet about the piano thing, i'm sure they can hear things now but I can't remember where I read it.. :shrug:

As for weight I started at 95kg when I first found out, at my 12w scan i'd gone down to 88kg and at my 20w scan I was up to 90kg so all in all i'm still 5kg down :dance: x
Oh Jenny I love that idea of the piano! Pity I can't play...

Weight wise I was 9st 12 when I started, and I'm about 10st 7 now, so just over half a stone (or around 4kg) I dunno if that's normal or what. And that's weighing at home. I haven't been weighed "professionally" since my 8 week appointment.
I'm loving all the photos everyone is posting, I'll have to post a photo later if I can be bothered to jump on the laptop :)

I feel quite big at the moment, I walk past a mirror and think OMG is that me!! Haha. As for weight, I don't have a clue what I weighed before getting pg and don't have a clue now. I lost a lot of weight due to sickness but Ive been able to eat as normal over the last few weeks and I've noticed that I've started to put the weight back on which I'm happy about as I felt too skinny before.

As for names we have had a girls name for years now but we keep dithering whether or not to use it as a first or middle name as we like a couple of other names. As for boys we are stuck, I really like the name Noah but Adam doesnt :( that is THE only one I like though, I hate everything else Adam suggests or I read in books. We will be keeping our chosen name a secret though as I don't want to listen to people telling me they don't like it.

I like the idea of the piano being played to baby :) very sweet. Apparently they can hear us from about 17 weeks or something... They suggest singing to your bump and reading stories, they say sometimes the baby will recognise certain songs or music when born :)

I'm so glad it's Friday tomorrow, get to chill out over the weekend then it's my scan on Monday morning!! :D
Lol we could end up with a whole lot of Noahs then!

And yay for Friday! I'll be at work til 10 tomorrow though as the school play is on- so a late one but chose to help out on Friday so I benefit from the lie in on Saturday!
Here are my most recent photos - :) I think I look bigger with my top up rather than down.

19 weeks 4 days front.jpg

19 weeks 4 days.jpg
I just realised than none of these photos I am uploading look very nice lol.... I thought it was just my head that wasn't very photogenic :p
Brittany Aww thanks :)
I've never heard of Raiden or Rhidon before - I do like unusual names though. Rhidon is cool! I was considering Rylan for a while, which is kind of similar. I must say, I agree with you though - I like Jayden best out of all your choices! I don't think of it as girly at all. Its just Aiden with a more modern twist really! I think its cute :)
It is REALLY hard to find the right name - I mean, the child is going to wear it forever.

Laura - Thank you :) I do love both names but I've always been funny about common names, and lately I seem to be hearing Noah called out everywhere! I love it but I really want my child to be the only one in his class with the name - that seems MUCH more of a safe bet with Tyne! But then, I don't like the reaction I get from people when we tell them the name. Nobody seems to like it apart from us and my 5 year old niece (who says she won't love the baby unless we call it Tyne! lol!)
I just kind of - can't imagine the baby being called Tyne though, but like you said with Eva - maybe its because we need to see them first before the names will feel like they belong to them?!

Amanda - Awww I'm SO pleased you had a nice scan experience! SUCH lovely clear pictures! And yay - welcome to Team :blue:!!!

Sarah - Aww I'm sure you don't look like a whale! I don't feel too bad as long as I avoid mirrors at all costs :haha:
Is anybody else starting to have trouble bending over to put shoes on though?! Its definitely starting to get noticably harder for me - and I swear I feel like the baby is going to burst out of my back when I do it!

Are you going to tell us your name choices or keep it quiet here too? I'm sooo nosey lol :haha:

Ooooh how exciting that you have "the quickening" too! hehe! My bean has been quieter today - or maybe I'm just not noticing it so much coz I've been packing up boxes all day?! But I'm glad yours has been active! :)

Thanks for your comments on the names :) I do just love both - I'm just SO worried about Noah being too common, like I said to Laura above :/
And Jon realllllly has his heart set on Tyne....

Jenny - thank you! :)

Such a cute idea with the piano!!!!

Lauren - I know how you feel, boys names are sooooo hard! If I was having a girl, I'd have the opposite problem and be spoiled for choice as I love tons of girls names! But boys....I see SO few I like, and even fewer that fit my "not well known" requirement!
Cute bump picture! :)

As for me.... I'm BEAT after a day of packing boxes :( One more day and then its D Day!!! Tomorrow will be filled with yet more packing, two house viewings, picking up a spare tyre, cleaning the flat and transporting boxes from here to our storage unit - fun fun fun :cry:

The only baby thing still on my mind is the name - I wish I could just decide on his name so I could start referring to him by it, but I just can't.

I'm now struggling to decide on the surname issue too - Jon and I aren't married, but I had just said that the baby would have his name (Glass).
But now that its a boy....well my family is ALL girls, so it would be kind of nice to have my name in there so it carries on our family name - but I don't want to NOT use Jon's name at all.
I would just double-barrel them but I REALLY don't think McLean-Glass works at all!!! :/
Morning girls, thought I'd just let you know that NEXT have a clerance online at the moment and they have some nice maternity wear - most reduced quite well :) x
Mrs Hippo - Ooh not long till your scan now! Cute bump too :)

DoggyLover - Ouch! They're long hours!

Rosemary - Congratulations on team blue :) Glad you had a better scan :hugs: Great photos too!

LiverpoolLass - Ugh I had trouble with my socks this morning but I thought it was just how I was sat :haha: Looks like this is the beginning of things to come :dohh: Me and my OH aren't married either but I will just be using OH's last name - his is long enough without adding mine into the mix :haha:! I love McLean-Glass! Maybe for the wrong reason though :haha:

Me - Nothing really exciting, had the worst nights sleep last night so i'm shattered today :( Also, as I got out of bed I noticed my stomach/bump felt weird.. I don't know how to explain it.. sort of uncomfortable, like i'd slept funny :wacko: Then I had the problem with my socks :haha: Then I noticed that my belly button is definitely on its way out now, there's no denying it :sick:
Other than this, nothing yet! I'm at a christening on Sunday so i'm not looking forward to all the size related remarks.. and i'm sure there'll be a few.. x
Mrs Hippo you have such a lovely bump coming along there. Nice and round.

rosemaryjayne I'm so happy your private scan wsa much better than the other one. Congrats on the baby boy :).

Feeling so much better with having less of this cold :). And Wednesday is getting closer and closer eeek!!

My milestone this week was to see Twilight as that came before my scan. So we're off to see it tonight :) eeek! Could use piece of Taylor Launder yum lol.

I'm defo feeling alot more flutters and pops now. I feel it when i sitting up right and i get this random little flutter, just brings a smile to my face :).

Ooo I want to go and watch twilight!!! Think I might go in a week or so once the buz has died down.

I haven't had any problems putting shoes or socks on... Yet. I struggled to get comfortable in bed last night, I normally sleep on my side but slightly on my stomach and found that quite difficult. My belly kind of got in the way.

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