First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Me and Ryan aint together and hopefully next year i'll get another flat and so we wont be living in the same house no more. (this is currently my house but it's one bedroom i need a 2 bedroom now. so it's better if he keeps this one)
Anyways i was going to put his last name for my baby last name to but im having second thoughts. Since we wont be together i dont see the point no more but its still his baby to so i feel like i should. Plus his last name goes alot better with the first name we have chosen. And i think it would mean alot to his family also. I think giving it few more months and seeing baby again (Wednesday to lol) might put my mind at rest.

The cinema was packed and because we didnt booked tickets we were in second row right at the front lol so there heads looked huge. I'm not going to spoil anything for you but i do thing the other ones where so much better this coming from a big fan lol.

Ive had my flu jag to. was sick 2 days after and then i got sore arm lol but nothing huge. Ive got a cold now which i which they had a jag for that to lol cause i always get the cold lol.

Does anything else surfer from cramps in there legs yet. I get it when i sleep and it bloody hurts like hell only last like a minute and the other day on the couch, i couldnt stretch my leg out of the cramp so i had to jump up and walk around still didnt help so i had sat on the floor pushing my foot off the couch which finally gave me relief lol but it hurts like afterwards to :(
I have had leg cramps too....i usually put heating pad on them. I'm going to ask doc about it tomorrow after my scan.
Good luck for the scans tomorrow ladies! Can't wait to find out what team you are on! And I hope it all goes smoothly.
I've joined team :pink: ahhhhhhh I'm so excited!! I can't stop smiling! I can't believe I'm at work now though, I should be out shopping lol xx
Woops, lots of catching up to do..

MrsHippo: Firstly, good luck today! My MW hasn't mentioned the flu shot to me but I can't have it anyway, as a child my doctor thought I was allergic to eggs (I wasn't but they couldn't prove otherwise) so they won't risk it.

LiverpoolLass - It hasn't popped out 'yet' it's more coming to the surface :sick:

We've not looked into holidays properly yet, but we're thinking of maybe doing our first holiday with baby somewhere in this country to see how things go :)

DoggyLover - I love Isabelle - very pretty - and lovely boy names too :) So funny you have such similar surnames! I know a couple that both have the same last name so people always assume they're married :haha:

So strange about your friend, I want to know as much as possible to see what can/will be offered! I know some people get scared by knowing too much but surely the same can be said from knowing too little?!

Isn't it amazing when OH can feel it too! I felt like saying, "see I wasn't lying about the kicks" :haha:!

CherryBump - Sorry about you and FOB, but glad you are okay with each other and it's not awkward. I've had a couple of leg cramps during the night in the last couple of weeks, OH slept through me jumping around the bed :haha:

LinzyLou - Congratulations on tying the knot!

How strange that she would be 'against' you having a natural birth if that's what she had?! Maybe she didn't cope as well as she makes out :haha: I don't understand how people can tell us how we'll cope when in labour as they don't know how they themselves would cope in labour, as someone else said - every labour is different!

Wannabwatkins - Such a cute bump! Good luck today :D

As for me - Friday night, I got home from work and my mum has wallpapered baby's bedroom - looks great (i'll attach a pic) and my dad had put the blind up so saved us from doing it! Sorry the picture and the lighting is so bad - OH took the picture :dohh: The second picture is what her main wall will (hopefully) look like once we've finished. We're going to get some wooden letters and frame each one with a picture frame with coloured backing x


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Lauren congratulations on :pink:!! That's great news, and I'm so happy for you!

Laura, I definitely agree - I'd be more scared by NOT knowing what was going to happen during labour. At least if I am expecting the worst it can (hopefully) only be better than I imagine! Plus I wouldn't know anything about the after bits (like the bleeding, or the after pains) if I didn't read as nobody tells you about those things! And I absolutely LOVE the wallpaper you have chosen for Eva's room. It is so colourful and gorgeous. And how amazing of your family to have done that for you - I'm hoping mine are similar!!

Afm, nothing new. According to my ticker I'm now officially half way...but I'll wait until tomorrow to say that! Then scan on Wednesday.
Lauren, congrats on your :pink: bundle!!! So exciting! Time to go shopping lol! :happydance:

Laura, your nursery looks amazing! Love the colors. That was nice of your parents to help out.

Sarah, my LO punches and kicks constantly too (just not right now when I'm talking about it, of course). Last night she was having a party in there and it was hard to go to sleep. That's great your OH finally felt your baby kick! OH feels my stomach a lot... I can tell he's not as into it as I am, but he does play music for her every day. It's cute. :haha:

I'm not sure why our friend said what she did. In a way, she was almost bragging about her natural birth - saying it was super hard and not everyone could handle it like she did. :shrug: I'd at least like to give my body a shot at doing what it was made to do, but I'm not gonna beat myself up if I get an epidural.

Afm, my bump has totally changed shape! There's no denying it now lol. The first pic is 19 weeks and the second is 22 weeks. The challenge now is finding the right clothes!


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Lindsey your bump seems to have moved upwards! But you are still so neat! I was looking at your pic on the second tri bump pic thread last night, and after looking at a lot of pics with dh we have come to the conclusion that I am a whale. I am as big as most people's 26/27 week photos!!! And my mum keeps commenting on how big and "sturdy" the baby must be!

I'm scared I'm going to give birth to a monster!

Hopefully you will get the natural birth you want and then report back to her with how hardcore you are :) and how she isn't the only one!
Sarah - awww how exciting that DH felt the baby!!! :D

Aww yeah, Freddie is such a cute name. I really do think it works so well at every age :)
I'd recommend cruising to anybody! It is just bliss! I hate flying so I only cruise from Southampton, and its perfect as your holiday starts straight soon as you step on board and are handed your glass of champagne! :)
All cruise lines are different but the Independence Of The Seas is GINORMOUS - if you didn't look outside, you would never know you were at sea! - its just too big for you to feel any movement at all :)

Yeah def true about the free under 2 thing! Cruises don't usually even offer a discount for children, they are still full I will definitely be taking advantage of going with baby while he's still free!

It is such a pain with the divorce. It costs hundreds to even get proceedings started :/

Lauren - awww yay! Congratulations on team pink! :) How was the scan?

LauraAwwww the nursery is looking sooooooo pretty! :)

Linzy Such a cute neat little bump!

As for me.... we got back to Liverpool yesterday so the move is now at least out of the way! That was SUCH a stressful week, I highly recommend AVOIDING moving house while pregnant at all costs!
We're at my parents place now, which is relaxing at least, but really hoping a suitable place to live comes on the market soon as I really hate the idea of spending all our money to keep our furniture in storage :/

Bean has been a little less active since the move but I am still feeling the occasional kick - My MS was back with a vengeance today too but I'm thinking that may just be a delayed reaction to all the travelling we did and the stress over the weekend! *fingers crossed*
I'm definitely going to try and talk DH into a cruise before we end up with a whole troop of kids then :) I think if I could get him on a short one, then he would like it and we could move to longer ones.
I'm glad the move went well - and hopefully that's all your MS is. I'm sure you're exhausted so take it easy for a few days before beginning too much house hunting.

Afm...I am half way today! :happydance: Oh my goodness when I got my BFP I NEVER thought I would get to this point!!!
Lauren, the holidays next year are definitely something I'm thinking about. Mainly Christmas Eve/Christmas since that is the one that we will really have to change plans for. Normally DH and I drive the 3 hours to Indiana to have Christmas Eve with my family and then we usually stay the night there and drive back to Illinois first thing in the morning for Christmas with the in-laws back in Illinois. With the exception of every other year with the in-laws are all out in Indiana then we spend Christmas day with the in-laws too. My issue is with the current arrangement, DH and I would never be home to just have some private time for us as a family which is not something I'm interested in not having. I loved getting up with my sister at 3 AM and then impatiently watching the clock until the time our parents said we could wake them to open the gifts from Santa and I really want Aiden to be able to have those kind of memories too. The short amount of time DH and I talked about it we kind of thought we could drive back home after Christmas Eve celebrations get finished so we're home and then maybe renting a cabin on the years his family is in Indiana so we can still have private time. Anyone else have issues like this?

Sarah, I'm so excited your DH was able to feel your baby kick. DH and I were trying yesterday to see if he could feel anything but we didn't have any luck. Go figure, Aiden chooses to save his karate moves until DH is no where near him.

AFM, I ordered my nursery bedding for Aiden's room and it's supposed to arrive today. DH and I are so excited since once we have our bedding we can easily start pick out paint colors for our little guy. It's going to be so fun setting up the nursery. Anyone else started working on theirs?

Lastly, I love all the bump pictures and congratulations on being team pink, Lauren. Who is having the next gender scan?
Brittany my baby has only let dh feel a kick that once - I think just to let him know s/he really is in there! Hasn't happened since! Eat loads of candy (that's what I had done before the mega-kickathon!) I totally understand what you mean about Christmas. Before now we've been the kids, but now we are going to be the parents so its right that we start to do Christmas our own way. But at the same's hard to let go of those other traditions (I find it really hard! This is my first Christmas I will be away from my family, with dh's family in England...:cry:)

Technically my gender scan is next......but unless the sonographer slips and tells us (I've heard this happen before!) there will be no news from me for a while :haha:

I know what colour we are having in the nursery (a pale duck egg blue) and all the furniture etc, but I don't think we'll start until mid-late January. We'll get It all painted and then when my in laws come in February they will bring the curtains and 'soft furnishings' that my SIL is making, and they'll build our furniture :) still feels like ages away though!
The girl doing my scan asked right at the beginning if we wanted to know or not. If yours doesn't ask make sure you tell them you don't want to know so the gender can remain a surprise.

I'm looking forward to seeing your scan pictures.
Sarah - Hehe! You should! It would depend on the cruise line you went with, if he's put off coz he thinks cruising is for old fogies you should get him on a Royal Caribbean cruise! I defy anybody to love them lol. The street parties every night and the ice skating, body boarding, rock climbing etc are just the beginning of it!...they do 2 night taster cruises to France or Ireland and back. :)

Congrats at reaching halfway point!

I LOVE duck egg blue btw, that will be so cute for a nursery!

Brittany - Awww working on the nursery will be fun! Did the bedding arrive?

We obviously can't get started on ours yet as we don't have a house yet lol. So we'll be hopefully starting in the new year, once we've got the right house. We're trying to hold out and not settle for anything less than perfect, as moving was SO awful and I'm sick of doing it...that was my third house move in 2 years! I want the next place to be somewhere we will stay for years. And if we want another child, that needs to be 3 bedrooms with a garden...easier said that done to find that in Devon at a reasonable price! Its the most expensive to live in the UK aside from central London :/

We have decided on a Peter Rabbit theme for the nursery though - all pale blue and Peter rabbit things everywhere :)
Hi girls, had quite a bit to catch up on here :)

The scan went well for me, the sonographer was a little weird... By weird I mean she was nice but I think the niceness is put on a little. But she wasn't horrible or rude so I can't really complain. Everything was how it should be, she has 10 little toes and 10 little fingers, brain, heart and other organs are doing fine. The sonographer pointed out that the bladder was black which meant her kidneys are working and it made me think aww she is producing urine already :) I thought it was cute, strange i know but it made me realise she is a proper little person!!

As for nurserys - we won't be doing anything until we move which is after LO will be born but they don't need a nursery straight away do they as we are advised to keep them in our rooms for 6 months. It will be nice to do when we move out anyway, start making the new house our own :)

With Xmas, I am a real family person when it comes to Christmas and love being at my mums. I think when LO is here we will still go to my mums but we always wake up at home then travel to my mums (she only lives half an hour drive away). You will probably find that you still carry on the same routine or might change it slightly and have everyone over at yours instead? I've always been around a lot of family at Christmas for as long as I can remember, it just wouldn't be the same otherwise.

Is anyone planning on having a 4d scan? I wasn't going to but I have a sneaky feeling my mum has got us one for Christmas as she keeps telling us that we must go for one... Then told us we have a joint present this year!! Will be nice though if she has, the reason I wasn't going to have one is because of the price. I think they're definitely over priced for what they are!!
Lauren - aww glad the scan went well! :) I know what you mean about the kidneys thing, our sonographer was telling us about him drinking which I thought was cute :)

Yeah, I keep telling myself the same thing about not needing the nursery for 6 months anyway. I still wish we could do it now though, I think its really true about pregnant women wanting to nest....I really do have such an urge to make a nice home and nice room for the baby NOW!!! Impossible without a house to do it in, of course!!!!

Do you know when you'll be moving? have you already got a place?

Aww that'd be lovely if your mum got you a 4D scan! :)

I don't plan on having one, we already had an "extra" scan by having the private gender scan at 16 weeks and they did a 4d preview at that so I a)feel like we've already had one and b)don't really think its worth paying for ANOTHER private much as I like having them!

I've been sooooo irked with a friend of mine tonight - basicaly she is also pregnant but lives abroad, and she is having a girl. I emailed her a while back telling her about this outfit I had seen, and told her I LOVED it and was tempted to buy it incase I ever have a girl and that then I'd thought I would buy it for her baby. I described it to her and really emphasised how much I loved it and wanted it for a girl myself.
She replied to me today and told me not to get it for her coz it "sounds too OTT for her"....I thought that was SO rude!!!
What happened to never looking a gift horse in the mouth?!!

I spoke to one of our mutual friends about it and she told me that this girl has always been ungrateful with gifts, but seriously...its like shes saying I have naff taste after I told her how much I loved it! I am thinking I just won't bother buying anything for her baby now.....

Is anyone planning on having a 4d scan? I wasn't going to but I have a sneaky feeling my mum has got us one for Christmas as she keeps telling us that we must go for one... Then told us we have a joint present this year!! Will be nice though if she has, the reason I wasn't going to have one is because of the price. I think they're definitely over priced for what they are!!

That would be so cool! But this totally reminded me of my mum - subtle as a brick :haha: I'm so glad all went well with your scan. And now I know to look out for a black bladder today!

Hayley I'm surprised that Liverpool is the second most expensive place to live after London. I would have assumed somewhere down south, or maybe Birmingham, so that sucks. But it will be worth it to get the perfect house! Will you be renting or buying? And your overseas friend sounds like a treat! Nice and grateful... I'm sure she didn't mean to be rude about the outfit, but she could have been a LOT more considerate and gracious.

Teresa congratulations on your little man!!!
DoggyLover - I think i'm a whale too compared to others so we can be whales together :haha: Also, my OH keeps joking that we're gonna have a 10lber :growlmad:

I'm not sure what we're gonna do about Christmas once baby is here :shrug: I've always gone to my mums for dinner and then all my family goes to my nanas from tea time onwards and we all have a drink, she does a buffet etc.
For the last two years, me and OH have woken up at home and then split to go to parents for dinner and OH comes to my nanas at tea time.
This year he wants to go to my mums for dinner then stay at his mums for the rest of the day..
God knows what we're gonna do next year :shrug:

MrsHippo - Glad you had a lovely scan :)

LiverpoolLass - That's so rude of your friend! Whether she liked the outfit or not, she should have just been polite - you could have already bought it for her! I'd just get her nothing for her rudeness :haha:

Wannabwatkins - Congratulations on your :blue: bundle! xx
Rosemaryjayne - My nephews were 8lb13oz and 9lbs.. not exactly small but I couldn't imagine a 12lber! Please tell me she had a c-sec?!

I'm feeling your pain with the 'no sleep' today :( I didn't sleep very well last night due to not being able to get comfortable and then this morning, OH's alarm was going off every ten minutes from 6:30 - 7:20 :growlmad: At one point I actually told him to "f*** off downstairs" :haha:

And I know about the nose thing too - OH broke his nose a few years back, had the surgery to fix it but it didn't properly work and can now only breath through one side and that's at a push. Oh, and he can only smell certain things - great op!

I hope things ease off for you soon and you manage to get a few weeks peace :hugs: xx
Amanda that story about your sister has SCARED ME! That is a huge baby!!! I want a small one for 2 reasons - easier birth (supposedly!) and nice small, newborn look! I'm terrified now. One of the teachers at school actually looked at me earlier and said "when are you due?" I replied April, and he went "Oh. Whoa!...I mean..." It was clear he meant "that far you WHALE?"

Sorry you haven't been feeling great Amanda - maybe speak to your midwife at your next appointment and see if there is anything you can get, or any exercises you could do, that would help with your pain.

So leaving work for my scan very soon. It's not til two, but I'm glad to get out a little early!!!

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