First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Cherry your pic is amazing!!! So much better than mine (which I still have to post!) It's so clear!
Hayley I am so sorry to hear about your uncle :hugs: it's an awful thing to happen especially with such young children. We lost Freya's dad when he was in his late 30s (Freya is my 4 year old sister) when she was really young and I still think about it all the time. At least Freya was too young to know what happened. It must be awful for your cousins. My thoughts are with them :'(

It is also horrible what your friend said! Some peoe just don't think do they ... Either that or she was purposely just being nasty. End of the day every child is different and their behaviour is normall down to how they are brought up. My dads three (well two out the three) in my eyes are badly behaved, they are loud and have no manors but that's down to how they have been brought up. If I had a boy I wouldn't be worrying about him turning out like them!

Cherry, great piccy. I should post one of mine :)

For the last few days I have started to feel more and more uncomfortable. I feel as though I struggle to walk around as freely as I did before, my back aches when I stay in one position for too long, I constantly feel like I've eaten my body weight in food (even though I haven't), every night this week I have been waking up in the night because I have belly ache and feel really gassy but my body doesn't seem to want to get 'rid' of those gasses (a bit embarrasing I know :p).... And I just had a thought - its only going to get worse!!! Oh and to top off all that, I've had horrible tooth ache for the last two days because my wisdom tooth has decided to cause me a problem as well as a newly developed hole hurting. Need to go to the dentist but I keep putting it off ..
Lauren I feel EXACTLY the same :( I feel so "full" at the minute, I don't understand how I am supposed to continue for another 20 weeks?! Today I was walking next to another teacher and I felt like I was lumbering along like an elephant! It's not a good week for me in the gas respect either :haha:

And it's only going to get worse? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I dunno if I can stand it!!

I also totally agree with it'show boys (all kids actually) are brought up. My nephew is a DOTE, so sweet natured and gentle, and my 3 male cousins have zero respect, they constantly tell you things like "I'm going to slice your face with a knife" (the oldest if 5 btw) and they kick and punch ALL the time. Down to a total lack of discipline from their parents. At my wedding they almost destroyed my cake, and everyone was talking about these badly behaved kids...and the parents just do nothing about it. They are horrific!!! But luckily the oldest is now at school, so getting some discipline there, and he has mellowed considerably. Just the next two to go then......!!!
Hayley, I'm so sorry about your uncle. My thoughts are with you and his family. :hugs: I'm also sorry about the things your cousin said! Could she have been trying to bait you into giving away the baby's gender? Whatever the reason, it was pretty mean and I agree with what everyone else has said about a child's behavior coming down to how they were raised. I've known some very sweet, well-mannered boys and some very not-so-sweet ones (same with girls).

Lauren & Sarah, I'm totally in the same boat. I feel super uncomfortable these days and whenever I look to my DH for comfort, he just reminds me that I still have 4 months to go. Thanks for the encouragement!! The most annoying thing is constantly feeling unsatisfied... I'm still thirsty even when I'm drinking, I'm hungry again an hour after dinner, I'm tired but I can't sleep, etc! It's also hard to shave in the shower, bend over, get out of bed, get in the truck, drive (baby kicks like crazy whenever I do), and go an hour without peeing. My back doesn't hurt yet but my knees do. Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful to be pregnant but all of this is new to me and can be overwhelming!

Lauren, I'm sorry about your toothache. That's the worst. What worked best for me until I could get to the dentist, was putting something ice cold against my face. I hope you feel better soon!

AFM, I'm just relaxing after Thanksgiving. My MIL is here until tomorrow. My only complaint is that she drank my nice bottle of wine (meant for Thanksgiving dinner) the first night she was here. Then she drank a second bottle the day before. Now she's grumpy because there's no more wine and no one wants to take her to the store to get any. :shrug: My next doctor's appointment is on Wednesday and... that's about it, I guess!
I'm sure our complaints will become more regular! I am the same with food, drink, sleep ect. I have days where I feel really thirsty but no matter how much I drink I still feel as though I need more. As for peeing, I am always needing the toilet. I read somewhere that we regularly need to go in the 1st tri (due to things swelling and moving ect) then again in the 3rd because of baby squashing the bladder. Says nothing about 2nd!! Least I know I'm not the only one going all the time :)

Hope you had a nice thanksgiving. I don't know a huge amount about what you do to celebrate, I read that it's kind of like Christmas - with a turkey and stuff?
thanks ladies. i had the flash on when i took a pic of it to put on here lol but it is pretty clear to :) xx
Thanks, I did have a good Thanksgiving! It's pretty much a holiday (in our case, at least) for getting together with family and cooking. His mom brought a 22 lb turkey for the three of us (not sure why she did that???) so yeah... we will definitely be eating that for days. I'm trying to convince her to take a bunch of it home so I can have my fridge back.
Lots to catch up on in here so hopefully I don't miss anything.

Hayley the bedding set we ordered did arrive. I clicked standard shipping because it was free and it arrived the next day. So glad I didn't pay for one day shipping or something since it arrived so quickly. The set is called Arctic Babies and I found it on Amazon. It's lovely. Really glad we are having a boy since I saw the set I had picked out for a girl in Babies R Us, it was not cute in person at all.

Your friend was very rude. I think she should be grateful for whatever gift regardless of whether it's her style or not. I'm assuming I'll end up with clothes that I don't like so I figure those can be play clothes or something. It's the thought that counts in my opinion.

I'm also sorry about the loss of your uncle. :hugs: :hugs:

Your friends comments were terrible. I would be devastated if someone talked about Aiden that way regardless of the reason.

Lauren I've heard from multiple people that the 4D scans are worth the price. I think that would be a great Christmas gift for you guys though.

Teresa Congratulations on joining team :blue: Looks like the Chinese Gender Calendar was right for you. :)

Amanda I'm right there with you with all the aches and pains. I do a lot of tossing and turning all night because I can never find a comfortable position. I can only imagine how much worse it'll be when we're even larger! I'm definitely ready for this pregnancy to be over though.

Laura I'm sorry about your OH's friends gf. She would really irritate me. Next time maybe you should remind her that every woman and pregnancy is different so she should stop trying to compare her pregnancy with yours.

Sarah That's exciting news about your due date possibly being moved up. They're still going by what my due date would be based on my LMP (March 29th) but baby was 5 days behind that at the first scan so I've always been going by my due date being April 4th in my ticker and stuff even though that's not officially my due date.

That's so exciting that your family was able to feel the kicks. I have been trying to get DH's hand on my belly whenever Aiden starts kicking but he's just not strong enough for DH to feel him yet. Hopefully soon since I refuse to let anyone even try to touch my belly until DH has felt movement.

Cherrybump congratulations on joining team :pink:! Your scan picture is lovely.
Lindsey a 22lb turkey for three of you?!?! Oh my lord! That's what we get at Christmas for our whole family!

Brittany I've been doing the same with my due date - they actually told me april 10th at my last scan, but I had April 9th based on ovulation so I just stuck with that. Now I'll be pulling out the 10th as it is another day away from my potential new date, so hopefully means they may change. I don't fancy actually being overdue for almost two weeks before I reach my official due date! And keep going with dh and aiden! It took ages for me to get Simon over quickly enough to feel ours. And by the end he was getting very annoyed and not bothering to move quickly, to which I pointed out he would never feel the baby if he kept going so slowly!

Have any of you ladies thought about getting a sling/carrier? I don't know if we've talked about them before, but dh always wanted to get one and although I will mainly use the pram (I think) I think it might be nice to have. From what I see on the natural parenting forum, I should get an Ergo, but they are so expensive!!
I don't think I'm going to get a sling. I don't imagine I would use it all that often.
I am planning on getting a sling - well my mum has one which she never used because she has a bad back and it made it worse... So I'll be saving some pennies there :) even if I don't use it out I want it for around the house. I'll be able to hold her while I'm doing housework ect.
Brittany until about a week ago I honestly didn't think I would get one either, and tbh I'm not 100% sure when I will use it. I know dh really wants one though. Only problem is that the good ones are so expensive so I am kind of torn about whether its worth it or not. I wouldn't want to buy second hand from someone I don't know either as you don't know what the carrier has been through.

I dunno...I'm going to try and find a good, well respected, carrier which isn't going to break the bank either.
Thanks girls. The funeral was today :/

I'm still upset about Emma's comments about boys, I have purposefully not seen her since but I know she wants to hang out this Monday....I've decided I obviously can't say anything to her while I'm pregnant as letting her know how much it bothers me will also mean letting her know that I'm having a boy, which is exactly what she wants me to do!
So I've decided to hold on to all my rage until the baby is here - that way when she comes to visit us, I've decided I will get my revenge by talking to the baby in front of her and saying something along the lines of "This is your nasty Aunt Emma, the one you heard telling Mummy how disappointed she would be if you were a boy. Don't worry though, since she hates stinky boys so much we won't be having her as your godmother"...
I'll be doing it as a "joke" of course, but she'll know I secretly mean it and it will make me feel better :happydance:

I hope all you American mummies to be had a lovely Thanksgiving! :)

Brittany - aww I'm glad the bedding set is good! We haven't found one yet, we're looking for Peter Rabbit stuff but it seems quite hard to find!

Laura - ugh that woman would annoy the crap out of me! I get it from my sister a lot but hers is all from memory as shes not pregnant right must be even worse to have her pregnant at the same time as you and being that way!!

Sarah - We're not going to get a baby sling, for some reason they're something that has never appealed to me! I can't explain it, I just know I don't want one lol. But hopefully you'll be able to find one thats reasonably priced.

Question: Has anybody been experiencing PAINFUL kicks?!

This has been happening to me for the past few days now and its starting to worry me. I mean - I've never heard anybody say that kicks can actually hurt?! Is this normal???
Its not all the kicks - some of them are very light. But every now and then, I get a REALLY strong kick that really hurts me and makes me sort of gasp....It jolts me, like to the point where if I was holding something the sudden pain would make me drop it in shock.

I'm not sure if its totally normal and I'm just a whimp, or if its something I should see somebody about!
I googled it and there are a few women who are complaining of the same thing on various forums, and they all seem to be saying that its because their babies are breech and so their kicks are directed toward sensitive areas like the bladder - and my Bean was breech at my 20 week scan, but they told me he'd turn probably by the end of that day.
But these painful kicks do feel very low down, so it would make sense?!
Hayley that might explain it if he still hasn't turned properly, and is kicking around on sensitive bits. I was reading in one of my birth books about ways to turn a breech baby, before they are born. You should google that and try it out to see if it helps. (Basically the exercises seemed to me like you lie down with your butt up in the air!) if its still happening in a few days I'd ring your midwife to check it out, as you definitely shouldn't be in that much pain.

And lol at your comments you have ready for your friend when the baby arrives! I'd love to see that! And when she asks to hold him "oh well why would you want to hold a horrible baby boy?" :haha: don't give her the satisfaction before then of you letting her know she bothered you, you're just right!
I haven't has any painful kicks, had some really low ones though which are a little uncomfortable. Some have felt that low that I'm expecting to look down and see an arm hanging out hahaha
But I'd speak to your midwife if they are painful, can't be a nice experience. Also, if it is because he is breach what happens if he doesn't move and carries on kicking you as he gets bigger... The pain might become worse! So if it was me I'd have a chat with my mw.

I hope the funeral was ok? :( it came quick though didnt it, when barney died we waited over a month or so before we could have his. It wasn't very nice waiting that long. Then we had the inquest (because it was an accident he was in). Just felt as though we couldn't move on - sorry, there is me going on..

As most of you already know, my mum is giving me lots of Reuben's things (pushchair, some clothes... Plain coloured ones, rocker ect), well I had a dream last night that she announced she was having another baby! I was like 'oh no, I'm going to have to buy everything now' lol. I really hope that doesn't happen. I doubt it will... But I didn't think she'd have Reuben. I think I'll have to ring her to double check :p
Lol Lauren, I am planning on borrowing a lot from my brother and SIL and at one point my mum was convinced SIL was pregnant again, and I actually said out loud "that means we can't borrow their stuff!!" :rofl:
Sarah - ooh thanks! I will try googling that and see if I can get him to turn!
Lol, I know - I can't wait to say that to my friend!

Lauren - Yeah thats true :wacko: I can't really speak to my midwife at the moment as I don't really have one! I'm in the middle of having my healthcare changed over from Devon to Liverpool, so I havn't even got a Dr right now let alone a midwife :/
There is a maternity hospital here though that you can call with concerns, so maybe I'll give them a call just to ask if its normal!

Lol oh my, imagine if your mother was pregnant too! How old is Reuben? I'd collect the stuff you need now and then refuse to give it back if that happens lol. :haha:

Yeah, the funeral was REALLY quick - they do things much quicker in Ireland with regards to funerals usually. Plus because he'd seen a Dr on the day he died, there was no need for a post mortem etc. Its crazy though - it only happened 11pm on Wednesday night, and by 11 am saturday morning he'd been buried! :nope:
Rueben is only 18 months (my mum is 41... She isn't one of these old ladies that have loads of children lol). Yes I might take everything sooner rather than later just in case ;)

You can call NHS direct if you want some advice. I've used them a couple of times, the people on the phone ask you a bunch of questions (and frustratingly don't let you speak!) but they will get your local on-call midwife to ring you. So don't worry about not being with anyone yet. Hopefully they will be able to give you some advice. I'd rather do that than wait for ages in some clinic.

Yeah, the funeral was REALLY quick - they do things much quicker in Ireland with regards to funerals usually. Plus because he'd seen a Dr on the day he died, there was no need for a post mortem etc. Its crazy though - it only happened 11pm on Wednesday night, and by 11 am saturday morning he'd been buried! :nope:

I'm sure your uncles funeral was tough :( but yes, we are super quick here with the funerals. I couldn't believe how long it takes in England! It would be unthinkable here for someone to be waiting for longer than a week. All hell would break loose lol!

I keep wanting to say to my SIL "lets sort out all your baby stuff for me to steal" but she is quite protective over it all, so I think she'll find it hard to give any of it up (even though I'll give it back!)
Hayley, :hugs: about your uncle's funeral. They seem take place quickly here, as well - I think we had my dad's funeral within a week of his passing. I couldn't imagine waiting longer than that. :( I totally think you should make that comment to your friend after the baby arrives! I would love to see the look on her face.

Sarah, the 22 lb turkey was insane. MIL got the bird for just $25 after spending a certain amount at the grocery store so I guess it was a good deal. We've seriously been eating turkey for breakfast, lunch and dinner :sick: ... so ready for it to be gone!

I'll probably get a sling or a wrap. I had a friend who wore hers around the house and she loved it, so I want to give it a try.

Every once in a while, our little miss kicks hard enough that it actually startles me but so far it hasn't been painful. Her kicks are super low sometimes and it's really uncomfortable. I feel like she's falling out! Most of the time, she favors one side (usually the right) so half of my stomach gets really hard and the other half feels empty. So weird. It feels even weirder when she "slides" from one side to the other.

OMG - I leaned all the way back the other day (I think I was trying to lie down) and the middle of my bump, right below my belly button, totally formed a cone-shape. It was so freaky and alien-like!! According to Google, your abs seperate during pregnancy and allow the uterus to bulge like that when you move a certain way. Glad to know it's normal but it still grosses me out to look at.

I'm jealous of you ladies getting so many things from relatives! Both DH and I are the oldest so our siblings will benefit from us eventually. :haha:

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