Hiya Ladies, wow I am am terrible at keeping up to date on this forum, it's ridiculous I tell ya. I always feel like I'm behind on the info I'm replying to and that i'm missing out on congratulating people. I promise I dont do it intentionally I just have a brain like a sieve at the moment and I can only reply when I'm at work hehe. So I shall try and remember everything i have read. But if i miss you sorry it was un-intentional. here goes...
congrats on your pink bundle
and that is such a cute scan pic!!
Liverpoollass sorry for your family's loss and sorry it took me so long to say so

and i think what you are going say to your friend once your son is born is brilliant!! Also I hope you can get someone to sort out about discussing your c-section option. It seems some people are a bit lax about things when they see and/or deal with pregnant women a lot, they seem to think they know everything, which is very frustrating when its your first child and you just want someone to listen to you. Goodluck and kick some butt
Linzylou, i have also noticed the cone shape, mine is just above my belly button though. i noticed it a few months back and was freaked out by it until i mentioned it to my mum and she said she had noticed she had it with me. then one of my mums friends said it's just my muscles or something so that put my mind at ease hehe. I think the name Sarah Lynn is very pretty and doesnt make me think of the dessert company
Doggylover i have no idea which position my baby is in or where my uterus starts or ends either. I was starting to get worried as i hadn't felt many definite movements but yesterday and today feels like my bubba has learnt to do flips, and I can tell it's definitely the baby because its much to low to be my stomach flipping over. Also I have been meaning to mention that Isabelle is the name that we have pretty much chosen if we have a girl and Alex was one of the names we had down for a boy

. I think we have settled on Max for a boy now though. But until we meet the lil bundle we can't know for sure, cos i believe that the name has to suit the baby. Only a few more months until we know now though
Laura91 your baby room is looking awesome!! we haven't started decorating ours but we have decided it is going to be a pale green paint on the walls and a jungle theme. i'm just having troule deciding what cot set to get and now i'm even debating about trying to make it myself

guess i'll see what i can find since I didnt find much yesterday when I went looking and how lazy i am hehe
Baby_nurse Hi and welcome and yay for another team yellow I think there is only the 3 of us in here
I know what you girls mean about the sex thing, i feel like i want it but once things start i get uncomfortable and cranky. i feel bad cos hubby always says how long it has been since we have but most of the time i just can't be bothered, i would much rather sleep or watch tv. I'm such a terrible wife aren't i?
I have been pretty lucky with receiving things from relatives, I was given a lot of girls stuff from my cousin and a bunch of boys stuff from my aunty. I also got a secondhand cot from a girl at work for $80 which is soooo much cheaper than alot of the new ones out there, I just need to buy a cot mattress. Baby furniture is so ridiculously expensive!!
I had a terrible cold for the past 2 weeks and have only finally started to feel almost normal again. I went to the chemist to find out what i could take for my sore throat as it felt like i was swallowing razor blades and i got told all i could have was panadol, non medicated throat lozenges and a nasal spray.... how a nasal spray was going to help my throat i have nooooo idea!!
It's been a while since I had my scan and I got some alright pics but the sonographer wasn't a very nice lady. i'm pretty much over it now and i found out i have a low lying placenta so i have to go back for another scan at 32 weeks, so i will make sure to ask for the nice lady i had at my 12 week scan

. It's a lil scary but it's a good excuse to get more pictures and another dvd. has anyone else had the opportunity to get a dvd? it's pretty cool coz you get the heartbeat on their as well so can play it and hear the heartbeat which is nice. I was almost tempted to find out the sex but as the lady was so horrible it made it easy to stick to the surprise idea, and Im very glad we have it makes it so exciting, kind of like Christmas morning. She also said that our lil one was sitting in my pelvis, which matches up with what I had been thinking, coz I get a lot of discomfort/movement down low.
As for sleeping I find I am most comfortable on my back, especially since I have had a cold. But I have been told that youre not supposed to sleep on your back because it can squash the vena carva vein (which is on your right side) and can increase the chances of stillbirth. So I sleep with my body/maternity pillow under my right hip/side of my body and then usually through the night I will move to my left side. I LOVE my maternity pillow it is such a sleep/life saver!!
Has anyone else started getting puffed out/out of breath a lot quicker than usual? I get it especially when I walk up the 12 or so stairs at work to the lunchroom hahah by the time I get to the top I huffing and puffing.
As for cravings I am loving kraft chicken flavoured easy mac and beef and cheese meat pies. Plus anything which is generally not healthy/good for me. Oh and iced mochas mmmmm Id love one right now.
Ok so I am very sorry about the novel I have just written, I promise to try to stay more up to date with reading and comments