First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Thanks for the reassurance, ladies!! I'm feeling better about the whole thing now even though I do agree that it was kind of weird/inappropriate for my MIL to share a story like that about my husband's ex. And I actually do own a few pairs of booty shorts myself (I wear them to work out) but they don't fit at the moment... I seriously LOL when I think of how I'd look doing housework in them now! :lol:

Sarah & Brittany, I know what you mean. Before I got pregnant, I'd see preggo's everywhere and think to myself how beautiful pregnancy is and how I can't wait to look like that. Now all I see are skinny people! I swear my FIL is a genius - he tells me that I'm "looking good" whereas my MIL and my mom and pretty much all the women in the family tell me I'm "huge." FIL is a smart man!!

Laura, cute bump! I don't think you look huge at all. The clothes you wear in your pictures are all very flattering, too. You make a cute preggo!

Hayley, I feel the same. There are so many books/articles about the different parenting styles that it's kind of overwhelming. I never knew there were such things as attachment parenting and baby-led vs parent-led routines and which will be better for us. I'll probably borrow bits and pieces from all those styles! I've tried to make a few decisions ahead of time (DH and I talk about things like whether or not we'd like to breastfeed, co-sleep, try CIO later on, etc.) but even then I think we should stay flexible in case things don't go according to plan because we've never done this before!! I think I'll probably be like Brittany and try to mostly just go with my instincts.

I have no idea if I'll be early or late or right on time. I just say late so that I don't get my hopes up but my gut says she'll be a week or a few days early. Who knows!

EDIT: Lauren, :hugs: about work!! Sorry it's been tough. Glad you got to hear the HB though!! I haven't looked after too many little babies so it's reassuring to hear you say that it will come naturally. I like to think it will!

26 weeks:


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Brittany - Have you read a lot of pregnancy books? I havn't really - I have the pregnancy bible but I've only read up to the second tri, as I knew I wouldn't remember it all if I read further! And my sister gave me the Yummy Mummy handbook which was a run read, but I didn't read past the pregnancy section.

Lauren - I'm sorry about work :/ When do you go onto maternity leave?
Good news about measuring right! :) I can't believe you've only just got to hear the heartbeat!! That seems soooo late for them to have only just done it!

I really shouldn't be concerned with the baby thing, as I'm actually NNEB qualified and have worked as a private nanny and nursery nurse for the past 10 years, but it somehow seems different when its your own child you'll be raising :/
I know I'm going to be the one responsible for how he turns out so it concerns me a lot. I want to be more of a go-with-the-flow type of parent, but I'm concerned that can easily lead in to being TOO laid-back - and I absolutely don't want to be one of these people who let their babies take over their lives and rule the roost!

Ooh the hair and nails will def help! I had my hair and tan done a few weeks ago and it REALLY perked me up! I'm going to have it done again this week so it'll be nice over Christmas.

Linzy - such a cute bump :)
Hayley, I'll be going on mat leave around the 2nd week of march :) I'm using annual leave then officially start mat leave on 1st April. I can't wait. I'm hoping time will fly once Xmas and new year is over. When is everyone else planning on going?

I agree with the hb thing, I feel like its been way overdue. I've seen it on the scans and obviously felt her move around so it's something I haven't been concerned about but it was really nice to finally be able to hear it :)

Last night I had my first 'OMG I'm going to be giving birth' thought. Up until now I've not really thought too much about it and had the attitude of 'well it's going to happen and there is no way of stopping it now' but since that thought popped in to my head last night I have been slightly worried... I blame my hormones. I blame them for everything at the moment!!

I love your bump too Lindsey. I keep saying I'll post one but I'm never on the computer to do it!! I noticed that you are now in double figures on your ticker!!!

I've edited this twice now!! Just thought I'd also mention, while I was at my mw she asked me where I thought LO was lying .... I said I didn't know. Then she asked if there was a side that felt particularly heavy... I said no again. Are we supposed to know this?? I don't have a clue where she is as movements tend to move around so quickly. Also, she told me I should be monitoring her movements too but they are so irregular I dont think I'll be able to do that yet :/ mw said I should eat some chocolate (as that's when she becomes active) to wake her up every day. I'm really confused by all this lol.
brittany it's a good thing you have so many diapers, then if one brand doesn't work for you, you have plenty more to choose from. I really hedged my bets just getting two brands, but they are just to start us out. And I've read that fitteds fit most babies ok...fingers crossed!! Most of mine at preloved too, I think if I bought all new I would definitely do what you've done. And I have worked out latest they will let me go to is the 11th April, but like you I want my baby to come sooner!

hayley I hope I am one of the first to give birth! Once we get to mid march I will just want baby to be here, I am not a patient person so it's going to be horrendous being around me during those last few weeks! Funny I was thinking the other day after my friend told me her baby is a girl did I wish I'd found out at my 20 week scan, but I'm so excited out our surprise, and I'm glad other people are impatient to find out what we are having as well! And an 11lb baby?! :cry: I don't believe that she did that without pain relief...she must be superwoman! :haha:

In terms of reading I have a great book about being a first time parent. It's really informative, but quite light hearted. I think it will be my main reference if I find I haven't a bloody clue what I'm doing! But another book my SIL leant me... :shock: it literally sets out a timetable of what your baby should be doing at each time of the day. And it's not just as general as 7-8am, it's more along the lines for 7.15am you do this for this long. Totally ridiculous, because how can this book know how long it takes my baby and I to do something?!

lauren sorry to hear about your crappy day at work :hugs: not long now until the holidays, and then you can get a good break from it all. I definitely love showing off my bump too :) and some of the maternity clothes I have I think look great! (Even if I do say s myself!) someone said to me today they can't believe how big my bump is getting, and I was so proud of my LO for growing so well! I just have my moments when I look at people and think "I will never look like that" even at my own wedding photos! glad to hear your pains aren't seeming to be anything too serious. Definitely taking it easy it easier said than done, but treating yourself is a good start! Especially after a rough week at work. What your midwife said about eating chocolate to wake her up sounds weird. not something I have ever heard anyone say before. I also have no idea where my baby is...well I know the general area of the bump :haha: but I always thought s/he was really low on my left as that's where most of my movement is, but at my scan baby was perfectly centred. no idea! Plus I didn't think we had to monitor movement until 28 weeks? Mine are too erratic atm to truly monitor.

Lindsey I love your bump pic! Your bump just looks perfect! You are making me jealous though, because I feel like I'm just spreading everywhere and yours just seems to be a perfect baby bump!

In terms of maternity leave, I finish on 8th march, so three weeks before my due date. I wanted to work another week, but dh said he wasn't happy with that, as I have an hours drive to work, and an hour back, and he thinks it'll be too much. So I compromised. I'm worried ill be really bored during that time though. Although I will leave all the washing of baby clothes etc until then I think. Plus I better get used to not being at work since that'll be my last day of work until I can find another job (if I ever can!)!
Sorry, I probably didn't word it right when I was talking about the movement. I was telling my mw that she becomes very active when I eat chocolate then when she asked me if I had noticed any patterns, and said no, she then said I should eat chocolate to wake her up (as that is what she obviously likes) lol.

I will probably get bored being off for a couple of weeks too but at the same time we won't have that time to ourselves again for a long time so we really should make the most of just lounging around the house and like you said, get all baby clothes washed ect. I have a feeling that mine will come early....don't ask me why, I just have a feeling. I think I am wishing for a small baby haha :baby:

Here is an up to date photo anyway :o) you'll have to excuse the pjs - just got out the bath hehe


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Oh apologies, I understand what you meant now! I also haven't noticed any patterns...even when I do eat sugary stuff. My LO has a total mind of its own already!

I hope yours is early - but not too early of course. Tiny babies are so cute! That said my mums friend had her baby 4 weeks early and he was 7lb 12!! I think there may have been a discrepancy with her dates...or I hope so!

LOVE the bump pics!! I should really try and get some of mine as well at some point...
Oh yes, we don't want any of ours being here too early :)

Thank you, don't you think I look massive though?? I feel as though I look really big!!
Not at all! I'd say you look exactly the same size as I am (that said my mum keeps implying I am big for how many weeks I am! And some woman yesterday asked when I was due then was shocked it was so far away!!!)

I think you look perfectly pregnant- big enough to definitely know you are pregnant, but not so big you look like you're about to drop (excuse the phrase!)

I love looking at other people's bumps :blush: not in a creepy way, but I only get to see mine front on in the mirror, or from above, so I like imaging that I look like you do. But I've definitely spread more than you ladies...I'm 'chunky' where I used to have a lovely waist!
Thanks for the kind words about my bump! I looked back at all the pictures I've taken and it's crazy how much it's changed.

Sarah, I've noticed my waistline disappearing as well. I didn't used to look pregnant from behind but now I think my whole body looks a little wider, if that makes sense? And worst of all, my butt has gone flat! :lol: I'm sure you have a beautiful bump! Have you taken any pictures?

Lauren, your bump is gorgeous! I don't think you look any bigger than I do. The only pattern I've noticed with my baby is that she seems to prefer my upper right side. She creates this really hard lump right under my ribs that I can see/feel from the outside while the left side of my stomach looks flat. I feel a lot of pressure (like she's pushing out with her whole body) and my muscles hurt so bad from the stretching. I think that's my worst pregnancy symptom these days - the constant soreness on my upper right side. Sometimes if I put my hand there, she'll move back down by my belly button but only for a while...she always comes back. Other than that, she moves a lot but I don't notice any particular pattern.

For about a week, my LO's movements have been more...defined?? Like, sometimes I think I feel an actual limb (not sure if it's an arm or leg) rather than just a big random lump. If I leave my hand on my stomach for a while, I can feel parts of her moving all the way across. Has anyone noticed this?
LiverpoolLass - I really am hoping for a small baby [-o< but whatever she is, she is!
I haven't read any specific pregnancy or baby books, if there's anything me or OH want to know or wonder about then i'll look it up on the Google :D
We're planning on just seeing how things go. I don't want to have a set schedule that cannot be broken as I know this is sometimes unavoidable.
The only 'routine' we have sorted so far is bath around 6:30pm, bottle after, half hour of cuddles and then sleep - but this could all change once LO is here :shrug:

ILoveLucy - I think no matter what brand you look at there are split views/opinions. You'll just have to wait and see how they work for you :) I've got 2 different brands of nappies so far (huggies and pampers) because everyone I speak to has such mixed views. But then again, my nan has also bought me some cheaper brands so we'll see which we like best

MrsHippo - Lovely bump! Great to hear you're measuring on target :thumbup:
Sorry work is rough at the minute :hugs: Lately, I just feel like I don't want to be here anymore.. The minute I step in the office I wish I was back at home :( Only 2 and a half months to go :coffee:
I was on the bus home from work last night and LO was bouncing around on my bladder and I had a "what if my waters went whilst I was on the bus" thought :shock: Would I just stay on until it went past the hospital? Or would I get off and ring an ambulance? :rofl:
These thoughts were seriously going through my head!
I think LO is laid horizontally across the bottom of my belly.. I think!

LinzyLou - Great bump!
Thank you :blush: I tend to wear the same type of thing all the time.. Either leggings and a long vest top and cardy or similar but with an over-top thing on :haha: My 25 week picture, I was still in jamas!
I've noticed that if I put something on my belly (hand, phone etc.) she kicks it as if to say "hey! there's not a lot of room in here to start with you know!" :haha:

Re: Maternity Leave..
My last working day will be Friday 1st March :dance: (36w)
'Ordinary Maternity Leave' until the end of August
'Additional Maternity Leave' until the end of November (when SMP stops)
Accrued holidays takes me to end of December
Then 5 days unpaid takes me to Monday 6th January 2014 :D

As for me.. had a terrible night's sleep last night :sad2:
For the last 3/4 nights, i've been waking up every couple of hours because my throat is so dry and so sore - i'm also full of cold so can't breath out of my nose, hense the dry mouth :dohh:
I get a drink and try and go back to sleep for it all to happen again a couple of hours later.
Last week I thought I was starting with tonsilitus but nothing has appeared.. :shrug:
I can't cope with it much longer. I bought some Halls Soothers this morning but I feel so rough it's unreal :( I just don't want to ring the doctors and be like "i've got a sore throat, what can you do?"
Today has been the worst so far. Because i'm full of cold i'm constantly sniffing. Then every now and again when I sniff/cough (TMI) I get horrible crap at the back of my throat that makes me gip :sick:
I wanna go home! :brat:
Oh Laura! :hugs: I'm sorry you are feeling so awful. You should pop to your local pharmacy and ask them if there is anything you can take to alleviate your symptoms - I don't know if lemsip and things like that are safe, but if they are...dose yourself up. And feel better soon. Leggings are my best bud at the minute, too :) so comfy! are complaining your butt has gone flat?! I'll swap you for mine! It's gotten HUGE! I have always had a generously proportioned backside (my dad once described it as a shelf!) and it seems to be growing as fast as my bump :cry: I think in the states it's seen as an OK thing, even a good thing, to have a big butt, but in the UK it's not as desirable at ALL. I haven't noticed more defined movement yet :( but I have noticed them getting stronger so maybe it's just a matter of time.
Ah, didn't think of that! There's a Weldricks pharmacy thing near work, i'll nip in there at lunch and see what I can get - thank you! x
You're more than welcome. Take it easy as well, otherwise you'll be too run down to enjoy Christmas! :hugs:
:happydance: That sounds so soon!

Just checked mine, and that's me tomorrow!

When did we all get so pregnant?! :haha:
I'm loving everyones bump pictures!!

Hayley, I've read 3 pregnancy books. The first one was called Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth About Pregnancy and Childbirth by Jenny McCarthy. It was basically just her experience with pregnancy and birth. SIL and I both loved it, very funny. I read Pregnancy: Your Ultimate Week-by-Week Pregnancy Guide by Laura Riley. This one had a lot of information about what was happening with the baby each week, what symptoms you might be having each week, etc. The last one was Pregnancy and Birth: Your Questions Answered by Christoph Lees. I like the Q&A format of this book because then I could read the parts that pertained to me and skip over the parts that I didn't need to read about. It also went into the baby's first six weeks of life. I would recommend this one as it was probably my favorite informative book regarding pregnancy.

Lauren, I'm surprised your MW asked you the questions she did. I don't think we're even supposed to start kick counts until around 28 weeks like Sarah said because anytime before that the movements aren't very regular. I know the majority of Aiden's movements tend to be right above my pubic region in the center but if I'm asked anything else I'm going to be clueless.

Sarah, I forgot in my list that I had ordered 3 Grovia Newborn diapers. There was a sale buy two get one free. I knew I had 25 diapers that were in the newborn size range so I was driving myself nuts yesterday trying to figure out where the other 3 diapers went too. :haha:

Laura, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I always think sore throats are the worst sick symptom ever. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

AFM, I have my last doctors appointment for the year today. My last appointment was rather upsetting because my ob/gyn made comments about me weighing too much so I've been nervous about this appointment for that reason. I've been monitoring my weight though and I've been at 17 lbs gained for weeks now. I'm thinking Aiden went through a growth spurt and that's why my weight jumped up so much. I've been feeling much more confident about my weight being within the recommended range though so I'm really hoping that my doctor doesn't criticize my weight again since I'm finally feeling okay with it rather then obsessing over it. Obviously I'm going to weigh more in the evening after I've been drinking water all day plus they're weighing me in jeans and boots on! So fingers crossed that goes well. Then I'm scheduling the rest of my appointments at this appointment too. Realizing that makes me wonder where all the time went. I feel like it was only last week that the MS went away.

In other news, DH and I purchased paint for the nursery last night. It doesn't seem like DH is going to be getting off work in time to make it to this appointment and since it's a rather basic one I see no reason for him to try to get off work early so I think the plan is for him to come home and start working on getting some painting done. I can't wait to see this color on the wall. I'll definitely share some pictures once we're done.
I apologize for posting again but I just remembered the rest of the stuff I wanted to tell you guys.

The first thing is my belly button is definitely start to change. It's still an innie but it definitely as much of an innie as what it was and it definitely looks different. I can't help but look at it every time I get out of the shower since it seems like it's someone elses belly button on my body. Basically I've established that belly buttons are gross. I hope mine returns to normal after Aiden has arrived.

Also, is anyone else having problems sleeping at night? Most of the time I'm tired enough that I want to sleep but I just can't get comfortable. It seems I roll from one side to the next because if I stay in one position too long it starts to hurt. I also find that I get the worst low back pain at night. I imagine it's only get worse in third trimester when I'm even bigger.
Sorry to hear your poorly Laura, I had a cold the other day... Last week... I think... Haha time is just flying by at the moment. But fortunately it only lasted 3 days which is great as normally when I get a cold they take ages to go away. I strongly recommend having some paracetamol when you jump in to bed. It works wonders for a sore throat during the night. I drank loads of water in the day and used soothers lozenges. Sore throats are awful!

I'm also sorry to hear about what your mw said Brittany, try not to let it get to you too much. My mum has always put weight on during pregnancy - I was worrying it would happe to me too but it hasn't. But she has always lost it after, it took a bit of time but she got there :)
How exciting about the nursery! I am so jealous of everyone getting their nurseries done :(

I have noticed my bum has dissapeared :( I THINK it's just looking small because my bump is getting bigger as my jeans still fit ok. I have always loved my bum, I just hope it goes back to normal after!

As for sleeping - I have had trouble. I'll feel really tired, go to bed then I feel wide awake again! Then I'll struggle to get comfortable, if it's not my belly aching it's my legs and if it's not my legs I have pins and needles. I have always slept on my side too but now I struggle to do that. I am always more comfortable on my back - but then they tell us we can't do that :( I also wake up multiple times in the night too. Doesn't help that Adam comes in from work at 3 either. He came in last night actually, got in to bed and put his hand on my belly as he does every night and she woke up and started kicking him :) which was sweet but kept me up for ages!!!

But what worries me is that the sleepless nights is going to get worse :( THEN our babies will be here lol!! My mum reckons the sleepless nights now prepares us for when they are here. Makes sense really!
Brittany I hope your drs appointment goes well, and definitely without any rude/unhelpful comments about your weight. I don't understand what the obsession is....unless the mom has gained CLEARLY too much weight why does it matter? :shrug: and like you said Brittany, you gained some and then have stayed the same for ages. Surely it matters more right at the end when everything has kind of evened out?
Can't wait to see the pictures of your painted nursery! Well done to your dh for coming home from work and painting too. Mine is way too lazy :haha:

In terms of sleeping, last night was bad for me. My sciatica pains haven't been too bad at all, but for some reason in the middle of the night it was agony every time I tried to turn over. And yep, I wake up because my arm goes to sleep after sleeping on my right hand side, then I wake to flip to my left...back and forth all night.

Lauren I wish my bum had disappeared!! I'll send you some of mine if you like?!

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